Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 06, 1914, Image 4

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    o - SEMIAVEEKL7' ' '
Published Every Tuesday and, Friday bytthe Recorder
Kntered it the at Bandon OrJgo'n
Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates
made known on application; . "
Sixteen Nations Will Exhibit at the
San Francisco' Fair
. . .. .
n thmiuml tons ot
.,. vuillhrWcH in theconsmictmn
of the buildings at the Panama- i'aa
fie International Exposition, 550
tons having alreody been constract- j
ed for to be used on eight of the
main exhibit palaces. In the ma
chinery palace alone there are 28.
000 panes of glass in the facades
now installed and 65!ooo square leet
of glass in the skylights. When ic
is considered that 1,000 ton's of
glass in panes of the average thick
ness would cover an automobile
road, eight feet wide, from San
Francisco to Los Angeles, a dis
tance of five hundred uuies, and
leave quite a bit over, some idea of
the immensity, of these figures may
be cained,
Sixteen foreign nations, Russia,
England, Germany, France., Italy,
Belgium, Denmark. Holland, Spain,
Portugal. Norway, Sweden, Switzer
land, Austria Hungary and Aus
tralia, have tentatively accepted an
invitation to send troops to an in
ternational encampment at the Pana
ma Pacific International Exposition
in 1915. A military tour lament, in
which soldiers of these natious will
vie with the boys of Uncle. Sam, is
being arranged by the War Depart
ment, The long arm of the "Aeroscopc"
at the Panama-Pacific International
- Exposition will swing visitors 268
feet into the air four feet higher than
the world famed Ferris Wheel at thq
Chicago exposition. The arm will
pick up the sensation seeker from
the base as a linotvpc machire
clutches a bar of type-slug and twirl
him around a giant circle in the air.
One hundred and ninety-one con
ventions, which will be attended by
delegates from all parts of the world
haue voted to hold their sessions in
San Francisco in 1915. Tlie or
ganizations are varied in character
and include civic, religious, social
service, educational, fraternal, busi
ness, labor, commercial, agriculttir-.
al. livestock and scores of other
More than 25,000 cubic yards ril
rich soil was towed from Collinsville,
on the Sacremento River, to the
site of the Panama-Pacific Interna
tional Exnositton at San Francisco
to be used in the tropical garden
whi-h will form the setting, for the
great exhibit palaces. This loam
heaped up. would make a mountain
unci one half mile Inch and one
hundred feet square at top and base.
Fredric Thompson, producer of
the Toyland Grown Up concession
at the Panama-Pacific International
Exposition, tried scores of enguv ers
of world-wide fame in an enort to
find one who could work out a de
sign for a mechanical man, sixty
feet high. All failed. Thompson
in a whimsical mood, told ltts idea
to his twelve year old ofhee boy
and ordered the lad in jest, to go
home and make a working model
The boy, believing Thompson was
in earnest, got busy and his model
was so successful that the sixty-foot
man will be made from the lad's ori
ginal drawing.
A standard gauge railroad, with
all modern appointments, which has
been built by the Panama.Pactfic In
ternational Exposition tlyough its
grounds, will provide exhibitors ith
the quickest and most efleotioe traf
fic service ever given at an exj: )si
tion. The cars carry their lends
direct to the doors of Qthe various
exhibit palaces and in some ins-'
tahces into the buildings.
as Maif iaUer Vjl.c S0nd
miles of track is laid,,.4roachln,
1 . .n it. Si .
'air quarters o.
the expositor!
' Capam' John'Hance, known to
every visitor to the Grand canyon
of Arizona, will be seated on the
rim of the concession of that name
at the Panama-Pacilic Inte-national
Exposition 'every day du'iig
Captain fiance was the4 'first1 White
settler in the region oi the canyon
and has lived there continuously for
thirty 'years.'
He has acted as guide
Grand Duke Alexis, Colonel
Roosevelt, .and scores of'celebritlesl
IJv a special system of rotation''
originated by John McLaren, Super
intendent;of San Francisco's pares,
every.flo.wer'of'the'" million plants';; of
the tropical garden" at" the Panama
Pacific International Exposition will
be in hill bloom diking; the ten
months the exposition will be open
to tlie" public. A duplicate oi every
plant will be kept in tire nurseries,
green houses and lath houses and as
one in the oben ceases to 'bloomja
forced plant will be substituted for it.
Thousadds of ereat trees which-
are being brought from everj
country in the world to be trans
planted at the PanamajPacilic IntCT
national Exposition are snentirtcauy
treated by experts to prevent their
d ;ing. T" he1 sideroots are first cut
and side-boards placed down the
cuts. Six months later, when the
tree has become accustomed to re
ceivihg'nourisnme'nt' only fiom its
bottom roots', these are cut and a
bottom board attached to the side
ones, making a graat box. The
tree is tlfen hoisted bps defticki a'lTd
shipped by land or sea to ban rran
cisco where it is r planted in speci
al soil brought from theSacremento
river, seventy miles away.
Many of the great paintings of the
oid masters, which"-have rifever be
fore been loaned to any exposit on,
will be seen in the Palace of Fifle
Arts at the Pariarria-Paciflc Interna
tional Exposftion. These have been
secured through the efforts and en
thusiasm of John - E. D., Trask,
Chief of the Department- of Fine,
Arts, who has iust returned to the"
United States after a tour of ifurbpe, J
wnere ne eniistca me interest 01 an
the art centers in the exposition's
plan for a wonderful display of art
In all he secured promises of 350 of
the priceless masterpieces.
A reproduction of the Yel'ow-
stone National Park will be one of
the features of the concessions dis-;
trict at j the Panama Pacific Interna-!
tional Exposition. A standard1
gauge railroad will run through the
concession, taking visitors seeming-"1
ly through the enlre Park. In the
center of the concession reproduc
Hons of the geysers and springs
which have make th'e Yellowstone
the wonder of the world will be set
upon a great revolving table The
cost of the concession is' "estimated
at $550,000 and' it will' be one 7ol he.
most complete of its kind evar built,
' Mask Ball.
Mask ball at the Opera Houe
Saturday evening, January 10th,
everybody masl;. The will be foor
prizes, 'for tlie best dressed lady, for
the best sustained character, for the
be-it waltzers, and for the best two-
step. Everybody, assured ot a good
time. Admission for spectators 10c.
When so called watchmakers
"to moke your vwttch run light brino
it io H. E. Morton "expert watch
m'akerQvhb rievec docs fail.
door to Telephone Office.
(ill the" Circuit" CoUrt of the
IJ StalftrpfiQfegoa i
f ; for the Counjty of Coos.
. Arthur E. Mcrcen, ;t,,
f, , .v ,,
ft -nfr tY.i t''A"
K1ic.unknon liprv 01
:oi' W.' Nealfimlsn
kliown as 'Gnofrc
Wiitla&P Neai?
-4. '
4 '',
Sujt( in Kquity
fccased, William Hailey,
Iso known as Win..
tailey,.' J. C; KdVoii,
so known d,Jflna C'j
Silmiwiiis. 1
owati, and all other,
icrsons. or - parties un
nown claiming any
.fifilit, "title, estate, lien,
if interest in' the 'real
state 'described' in the
u mplain t, m1i ere 1 m
lJClonaeiits ; . I
Tn tli 'imlKnwn 'heirs of Geontc W.
cal, also known as George West'laiid Neal,
creased, WiUiaun IJailcy, also - known as
Win. Bailey, J. C. Rowan; '.also known,af
Jonas C. Rowan, 'inu all )eron or 'parties
inkhowii'fclaii(liig'"any' riglit, title, estate,
lien, or itfest"ln, tfie1 real estate herei'ri
described, Defenltants.'
In the nameof.tfic State of frcRoni you
aiid each of you are hereny notific"d"that the
plaintiff,' Arthdr E. Ivrcre'efi', !ut'i''comhiehced
a suit in1 the 'Circlilc" Court' o'tfie'Sttitc of
L.Oregon, for the"1' Couhtf of Cotfs", 'a(fii'nst
you, and that in pursuance pf an order made
and entered in sai'ii causeYaijd Court by
Honorable John-S. Coke, l?residiii; Judge
'oVsafd dourt, on the 4th day 'oj December,
1913, you and. each, of you arc hereby re-
'q'uircd to appear in said caiiSc and court and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed
.therein, on or before1' si Weeks from the
first publicati6n ol tlus'suAinbriJ,' winch)
c... ....i.t:.:.: ...:n w.
of December1, 19l'jJ aMl tfiaf fo'rf fint of
an'swir tfVeretb, on1 'of1 before' said 'tilile, the
p'lanVtTff- wili a'ppfy'to tne'couu' f&r tlie" re
lief demanded in .the Complaint, a succinct
statement of which is as follows 1' tnat ii be
declared-and-odjudgcd' that' the plaintiff is
the owner in fee simple of the following de
scribed real estate, situated in Coos County,
'Stake of Oregon, 'jb-yfiV: . 1
Lot Nine in Ulock Three in South llan-
dqri Addition to the Town of' Ilandon;
'CbSCodrity)" Qrcgon,f'a'ccdrUih'(;td the' plat
thereof on hie anil of record in tlie ottice ot
the County Clerk":ofI'said(CbUtity' ahd State,
'and that you, and each of you, have no es-
tale, right', title", Hen' or interest wlliltevcr
ih1 or 'o said premises'! or any part thereof,
and also' Wat you 'aiilT each and everyone
of you, be forever debarred from asserting
any claim whatever in or to said lai)d or
premises adverse to the plaintiff, and for
such other and further rcjicf as to the Couit
Vriay seem equitable.
L. A. Roberts,
1 m 1- 11 r::iu
.! r.y. . --r :.',.r """.
A.ttori)eys..(pr PlaintiO, residing at Myrtle
Point, Orcii;
Date of htst publication Dcrember
Jpth, 194..',-,..
Dec. 12-Jan. 25 F
Notice to Contractors.
. Notioe U hereby oiven: That sealed bids will
be received by jhe Common Council ot the City
of Bandon.'Coos County, Oregon, until hall
past seven... o'clock p. m. Wednesday . the "th
day of January 1914 for the construction of a
icWM along ihe center line of Wall Street from
I point where the eatt line of Lot 2, Block 2,
.Commercial Addition to Dandon intersect! with
the center line of Wall Streer to the center o(
Alabama Avenue:, thence along the center line
,of Second Street East to the tenia line of Chica
go Avenue, thence northerly' along the center
line of Chicago Avenue to low water, accord
hg to the' plant, profiles flnd, specifications on
file in the office of the City Recorder and there
open 16 tlie inspection oi all persons interest
ed therein.
Bids will to received for trie work as follows:
1. Excavating and back filling pec t cubic yard.
2. Vi'trifiecl sewer pipe k' inch la ul pet lineal
. 3. Vitrified sewer pipe 0" inch liid pelr
lineal foot. "
!' 4. ' Y, brariches 8 inch x fi inch,
5. Y, branches 20 inch x 6 inch.
' 6. Manholes-. '
7. Flushtank.
, 8. Concrete W cibic yard.
All bids must be in accordance with, the re
quirements accompanying the specifications for
said woifc and upon, blanks for that purpose
'wWK will be suppled upon request at the office
of the Cty Recorder.
A certified check of 'five' per cent' of the
amount ot the bid must accompany the bid to
be forfeited" Vo the City of Brndon'uT case the
contractor Jails to enter into a contract with
tKe said city wW five clays from the date con
tract is awarded. The Common Council re
serves the right to reject any and all bids,
j Dated at Bandon, Oregon this 16th day of
Decembar 1913. .
City Recorder
First Publ, Dec. 16, 191 3
2ndPuU Dec. 23.1913
3rd. Publ. Dec. 30, J913
'After'oveinber Mh 'mill
Wood Will 'be, $2.25 a loa
Pav the driver on delivery
ahtl get 25 cents discount.
Geo. B.'Mbr'fianrPorie 1173
been climbm? thechrejmsutance
tw 1--j.--.fc. u
it Islands abdve leVerv
.other fire
. 1
When youneed fire inttaAct
1 M. G. POHL
TKe'bis riotf too goodfor
your eye'A. Try rhe!
To Save Life First
and property afterwards is
the fireman's duty. Your
duty is to see that in case of
fire your loved ones are riot
made homeless and penniless.
Order a fire insurance policy
from us today. Every day's
delay means the risk of see-.
ing your family without a
lmme or the means of getting
Donald Mac Kin tosh
Benjamin Ostlind
Consulting Engineer and
OHlcU In thrift Dldg.
Miss Simpson
Phone 934
Mrs. Guy Dipple
Spirella's Cofseteire
P4 A N O .
Sam Says:
The volume of business
we are doing, attests
ike excellence of G. W.
M: brands and methods
; Large Two Brrlh'Outside State Rooms with Running Water
' Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River' and
' San Francisco
' FirsttGlass! Passengjer Fare, $7.50:
; , Freight Ratds, $3l oh Up Freight
Reservations: Fuhrman'a Pharmacy, Coquille;' Perkins', Myrtle" Point
' E. & E. T. Kruse, owners and jianigeis, 24 California St., San Francisco.
J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon.
Strauhal k Dippel
Real Estate and Investments
Choice farms, stock ranches, city property and
business investments.
We ate agents for some of the best fire insur
ance companies in America.
We also- furnish abstracts of title on short notice.
We can save you time and money. Give us
your business and keep your money at home.
Before purchasing else'vlicre' see us. Office in Old
Bank Building. Phone 3.3.
It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have toll
stations ih Coos and Ctirry counties and connect with
the Bell system at Roseburg.
Equipped with Wireless
om Portland Every Tuesday at 8 P. M
From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Ser
vice of the Tide.
Confirm; SailingathVough M. F. SHOEMAKER, Agent Bandon
Phone" 142
means abiljty to take advan
tage of offered opportunities
That s wliy a 'savings account
here may mean at any time a
chance for a big profit. Why
not open one now. Your
money will not be idle. It
will be earning something tor
you every minute it is here.
and Dippel
. I'M'' .r f i