Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 06, 1914, Image 2

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    v o
a-W-k!y IUnA Raster, Sjaawft , 19M
Brown & Gibson
The Leading Contractors
and Builders
We furnish plans and speci
fications and it you are go
ing to build anything, no
matter how large or how
small, we can save you
money. Let us figure on
your building
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the Ilth day of October,
1913 there was entered in the Docket o
citv liens of the city of Bsndon, Coos coun
ty, Oregon, delinquent assessments as assess
ed liv ordinance no. 306 of the ordinances
nf thr ritv of Bandon for the extension o
nr..irfin Avenue (formerly Abernathy street
into Wall street (formerly extension of first
street) as assessed with lienelits in iront o
the following described property to-witt
A Parcel of land beginning at a point in
the Township line 79 one third feet north of
the Miutliwest corner of the tract of lan
conveyed by the deed recorded at page 194
of book 47 of deeds of said Com county
Oregon; thence cast 3 chains and 17 links:
ilirnri! north 79 one third fecti thence west
i M.rim .mil 17 links to the Township line:
south 39 one third feet to the
liernnninir. in the sum ot $14.63 anil
ns5.-s il to Oscar Hendrickson. Said assess
ment Iims never been tiaid nor the lien dis
charged nor satisfied. Now therefore notice
; lipn-liv ii'cn that bv virtue o section 122
of the charter of the city of Bandon, Coos
county, Oregon, directing me to collect the
said unpaid assessment ny saie oi me saiu
property to satisfy the said lien of 14.63
with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per
mini. in from the Nth day of. October 1913
mil nemltv tcL'ether with costs of advertis
ing and sale thereof, I will on Wednesday
the 4th day of February A. D. 1914, 'at the
nour of 2 o'clbck P. M. of said day at the
fmnt ilnor of the citv hall in the city of
ii-.... ir... fnn mum v. Orcfon. sell at nub
lie auction to the bidder offering the least
amount of penalty and interest all the right
tUU mtprrst ami estate which the said Oscar
Hendrickson and all persons clamiing under
or through him may have in the said descrid-
pil nrnnertv iiienuoiicu. wiutii is unmuiu
no fnllmvs tn-wit :
A parcel of land beginning at a point in
the Township line 79 one third feet north of
the southwest corner of the tract of land
conveyed by deed recorded at page 194 of
book 47 of deeds of said Coos county! thence
East 3 chains and 17 links: thence north 79
one third feet : thence west 3 chains 17 links
n tW Tnwiishin line: and thence south 39
nnr third feet to the tilarc of beginning, ac
cording to the plat thereof on file and of re
rnril in the office of the county clerk of the
mM Pimm county. Oretron.
Said sale being made subject to redemp
tinn in the manner provided by the charter
ill the city of Handon.
Dated this 30th day of December 1913
C. Y. Lowe
Treasurer of the city of Handon
1st Publ, Dec. 30th 1913
2nd Publ. Jan. 6th 1914
3rd Publ. Jan. 13th "
4th Publ. Jan 20th "
5th Publ. Jan 27th "
Sato of Real Property for
Unpaid Street Assessment
Whereas on the Ilth day of October 1913
iU w.i entered in the Docket ot lity Liens
r.t tlw. r;i of Bandon. Coos county, Oregon
Mlnnuent assessments as assessed by Ordinance
N! IOC, nf the Ordinances of the City of Ban
,!' (or kl.i. piipiiaon of Oregon avenue (form
erly Abcrnelhy street) into Walt sheet (former.
I of First street) as atsessed with ben.
efits in front of the following described properly
A nari-rt nf land bemnnina at an iron n
driven in the ground, 100 feet south 73 degrees
45 minutes east and 100 feet south 16 degrees
11 ntmiiin r,t nf the northeast corner ol bloc
11 in in inwn nf Bandon: runnina thence south
73 degrees 45 minutes east on a line parallel to
Fourth street, to the east boundary ol that cer
tain parcel of land deeded to David E. Stitt and
M. F Kiln hit wife bv Georce M. Dyer
and Fanny E. Dyer his wife: thence southerly
along said eait boundary to the southeast corner
of the said land: thence westerly along ((the
southern boundary of said land to a point south
16 degrees 15 minutes west of the place of be.
ginning: thence north 16 degrees 15 minutes east
parallel to the eastern boundary of block 22 to
the place of beginning, in the sum ol ? 1 0.35
and assessed to Chris Beyerle. Said assessment
has never been paid nor the lien discharged nor
satisfied. Now therefore, notice is hereby
mum ihni hv viituc of Section 122 ol the chai
ter ol the city of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon,
rKro-im,, m- in rnllret the said unpaid assess
ment by sale of the said propert) to satisfy said
t:. t tim; w.'il. intern! thereon at the rate
nl t nrt rent iier annum from the I llh day of
October, 19 1 3, and penalty together with costs
ol advertising and sale thereoi. i win on wcu
..,).., il jil, ,!,v nf February A. D. 1914,
.. .1.. !...,.,( 9.00 n'rlnrL n. m of said day
I tm (rnnl flnn, nf the citv ha 11 in the city ol
Bandon. Coos county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the bidder offering the least amount ol
pmalty and internsl all ol the right title, interest
hich the said Chris Beyerle and all
persons claiming under oi through him may
have in the said described property mentioned
which is described as follows lo-wit: A Pr'
of land beginning at an iron rod driven m ihe
ground. 100 feet south 73 degrees 45 minuses
cast and 100 Iter south 16 degrees 15 minutes
..! nl iU nnnVait comer of bock 22 in the
Town ol Bandon: running thence south 73 de.
nm minutes oast on a line (parallel to
Fourth sireet. to the East boundary of that cer
tain parcel of land deeded to David E. Stitt and
Maiy E. Stitt his wife by George M. Dyer and
Fanny E, Dyer his wife: thence Southerly along
said East boundary to the Southeast corner of
the said land: thence Westerly along the
Southern boundary of said land to a point
South 16 degrees 15 minutes West of the place
of beginning: thrice north 16 degrees 15 minutes
East, parallel to the Eastern boundary of block
22 to the place of beginning, according to the
plat thereof on file and of record in the office ol
the County Clerk ot the said Coos county.
Sij'iAle being made subject to redemption
in ihc manner provided by the Charter of the
City of Bandon.
Dated this 30th day ol Dec. IVU.
Tteasurer of the City of Bandon
Fist publ Dcc.30ih. 1913
2nd nuhl Ian. 6th. 1914 1
3rd publ Jan 13th "
4th publ Jan. ZUth
5th pub! Jan. 27lh "
Sale of Real Property for un
paid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the Ilth day ol October. 1913
there was entered in the docket of City Liens ol
l,- Civ n( n.n.lnn Pnm rountv. Oreson. de-
...w . J- ,.
mnnent arsi-ssmeets as assessed Dy wroini.c
No. 306 of the Oidinances ol the City of Ban-
,L- mim. m nl OtMrnn avenue llorm-
Cll, iunu"inj i -
Ai..ii, .,mi nin w tMreett formerly
extensron of First street) as assessed with benefits
in front of thn following described property to
A parcel of land beginning at the INorinwess
corner ol Ihe Southwest quaner
. . n i - r .1 w ik
. I.r r. S-llnn VI. I nwnlhID iO OOUUl,
of Range 14 West, of the Willamette Mendian:
lunnino thence, north 13 teel: thence easi j.ii
chains: thence Sourh 15 leet: thence wesi j.u
chain li the place of beginning, in the sum ot
55-,95 imd ses.ed to Sarah Uslello. Oaw
assessment has never been paid nor the lien dis
charged nor satisfied. '
Now therefore, notice is aeby given that by
virtue of section 122 of the Charter of the City
of Bandon. Coos County, Oregon, directing me
to colli-ct the said unpaid assessment by sale of
the said property to satisfy said lien ot
with interest thereon at the rate ol 6 pet cent
per annum from the 11th day of October, 1913,
. I . .1 .l -I - J......n
and penalty irgetner wnn cosu oi u,ciii
and sale thereof, 1 will on Wednesday Ihe ,?lh
day ol February A. D. 1914, at the hour of I
o clock P. ivl. ol said day at me noni, oooi ui
the City Hall in the City ol Bandon, toos
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the bid
der offering the least amount of penalty and inter
est all the right title. Interest and estate Vfhich the
said Sarah Costella and all persons claiming under
ortorough her may have in the said described
property mentioned which is described as ioiiows
to-wit: A parcel of land begianing at the North
west corner of the Southwest quarter of lheJoulh-
wist quarter of Section 30, Township 28 South
of Range 14 West, of the Willamette Meridsn:
running thence North 157feet; rhence Easr,3.17
chains: thence South 157 feet: thince West 3. 17
chains to ilu olsce ofbesinmns. according to the
plat thereof on file ar.d of record in the offiae of
the County Clerk.of the said Coos county, Oregoas
Said sale being made subject to redemption in
the manner provided by the Charter. of the City of
Bandon. '
Dated this 30th day of December, 1V13.
Treasurer oftheCily of Bandon
First publ. Dec. 30.1913
2nd publ, Jan. 6th, 1914
3rd publ. Jan. 13th. 1914
4th publ. lan. 20th, 1914 -
5th publ. Jan. th, 114
Sale of Real Property for Un
paid Street Assessment.
Whi.ri.tnn die Ilth dav of October.. 1913.
there was entered in the docket of city liens of the
crty of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, delinquent
assessment as assessed by Ordinance No. 306 of
the Ordinances of the City of Bandon for the ex
tension ol Oregon Avenue yormaly Abet
nathy street) into Wallatreer (formeriy extension of
r-. . . ., . . i ... . i ...:.L i .-fi
rst streell in saia city as assessca wun gcocnu
frnntnf lot 2. Mock 1. Rhodes & HoDSon Ad
dition to Bandon. Oreson. in th sum ot 516.10 and
assessentoC W, y&shton. Said assessment baa
never been paid nor the Iein discharged or satisfied.
Now therefore, notice ia 'hereby giVen thai by vir
tue and in pursuance ofsection 122 of the Charier
of the City ol Bandon, "Coos county, Oregon, dj-
reeling me to collect the said unpaid assessmcni
hv m e nf the said nrobeitv to satisfy said lien of
16 10 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from the Ilth day ol yet. IVIi. and
penalty together with costs of advertising and sale
theraof, I will on Wednesday the 4th day of
February A. D. 1914. at 2:00 o'clock p. m at,
Citv Hall in the Citv of Bandon. Coos couniy. Or
tell at public auction to the bidder offering the'
. . . r I 1. 1 . . .11 .L-iCl.a
least amount ol penally ana iniercsi an inn ngm
title, interest and estate which the said C. W,
Ashton and all persons claiming under or through
him may have in the said described property- men
tioned which is described as follows to-wit: Lot
2, block 1, Rholes fic Hopson Addition to Bandon
Oregon, according to the' plat thereof on file in the
omcent tnet-ounty uieiK oi jma couuiy
Ore. Said sale beina made subiect to redemption
in the manner provided by the Charter, ol the City
of Handon
Dated this 30th day of December, 1913.
Treasurer of the City of Bandon
First publ. Dec. 30. 1913
2nd publ. Jan. 6. 1914
3rd publ. Jan. 13 -4th
publ. Jan. 20 "
5th publ. Jan. 27 "
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the 11th day of October 113
there was entered in the Docket of City
Lwns of the city of Handon, Coos county,
Oreitoti. delinquent assessments as assessed
by Ordinance No. 306, of the ordinance of
the City of Handon for the extension of
Oregon Avenue, (formerly Abernathy
Street.) into Wall Street, (formerly exten
lion of First Street) assessed with benefits
in front of Lot 2, Block 7, Csrthwright add
ition to lundon, Loos county, Oregon, in
the sum of $27.90, and assessed to Flora
S. Martin. Said assessment lias never been
naid nor the lien discharged nor satisfied
Nov therefore, notice is hereby given" that
by virtue and in pursuanoe of section 122
of tlie Charter of the City of Bandon, Coos
County, Oregon, directing me to collect the
said unnaid assessment by sale of the said
property to satisfy said lien of $27.90 with
interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum from the Ilth day ot October, 1913
and penalty together with costs of sdvertis-
inir and lafe thereof, I will on Wednesday,
the 4th dav of February. A. D. 1914 at the
hour of 2 o'clock V. M. of said day at the
fiont door of the City Hall, in the City of
Handon, Coos County, Oregon, sell at pub
lie auction to the bidder offering the least
amount of penalty and interest all of the
right title, interest and estate which the said
Flora S. Martin and all persons claiming tin.
der her may have in the said described prop
erty mentioned which is described as follows
Lot 2, Block 7, Carthwright Addition to
Bandon, Oregon, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office
of the County Clerk of said Coos County,
Said sale being made subject to redemp
tion in the manner provided by the Charter
of the City of Bandim.
Dated this 30tli day ot jjecenmer iyu.
C. Y. Lowe
Treasurer of the City of Bandon.
1st I'ubl. Doc. 30th 1913.
201 Fubl. Jan. 6th 1914.
3rd I'ubl. Jan. 13th 1914
4th I'ubl. Jan. 20th 1914.
5th I'ubl. Jan. 27th 191fc I
Sale of Real Property .fror
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the 11th day of October,
1913, there'was entered in the Docket of
City Liens of the City of Bandon, Coos
-..,.., .. n..nnn i11inntient assessments as
assessed by ordinance No. 306. qf the drdin
,r,m nf thr ritv of Handon for the cxten-
sion of Oregon Avenue formerly ADcrnarny
Street) into Wall Street (formeriy extension
of First Street) as asstssed with bwefits m
front of Lot 1, IJIock i. risner suiuiuun
to Handon, Oreeon, in the sum of $13.50
and assessed to Edward H. FisTi and Ada
A. Fish. Said assessment has never been,
paid nor the lien discharged nor satisfied.
Now therefore, notic is hereby given that
by virtue arid in pursuance of Section 122 of
the Charter of the City of Bandon, Coos
County, Oregon, directing me to collect
tl,i iriM unmiil assessment bv sale of said
property to satisfy said lien of $13.50 with
ntercst thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum from the lit!) day of Oclober, 1913
,l r.mnltv tnoether with coats of advertis
ing and sale thereof. I will on Wednesday
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1914 at the
hnnr nf 2 nVloek P. M. of said day at the
fmnt ,lru.r nf the Cttv Hall in the City ot
Hsndon. Coos County. Oregon, sell at pub
lir mirtinn to the bidder offering the least
amount of penalty and interest all of the
right title, interest anu estate which
Edward H. Fish and Ada A. Fish and all
nmnni rlaiininrr under them tnaV have ill
the said described property mentioned which
is described as follows to.wit:
Lot 1 Block I Fisher Addition to Handon
rirrcmn. arrnrd n? to the plat thereot on tjle
and of record in the office of, the County
Clerk of said Coos County, Oregon.
Sa'tA nlc hcinir made subiect to redemp
tion in the manner provided by the Charter
of the City of Bandon. ,
Dated this 30th day of December, ivu.
C. Y.Lowc
Treasurer of the City of Bandon.
1st Publ. Dec. 3oth, 1913
2nd Publ. Jan. 6th, 1914
3rd Publ. Jan. 13th, 1914
4th PubL Jan. 20th, 1914
5th Publ. Jan. 27th, 1914
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the 11th day of October,
1913, there was entered in the Docket of
City Liens of the city of .Bandon, Coos
county, Oregon, delinquent assessments as
assessed by Ordinadce no. 306 of the Or
dinance of the. city of Bandon for the exten
sion of Oregon Avenue, (formerly Abematny
street) into, Wall street (formerly extension
of First street) as assessed with benefits in
front of Lot 1 Block 2 Fisher Addition to
Bandon, Oregon, in the sum of 513.25 and
assessed to Edward H. Fish and Ada A.
Fish. Said assessment has never been paid
nor the lien discharged nor satisfied. Now
therefor, notice is hereby given that by vir
tue and in pursuance of section 122 of the
charter of the city of Bandon. Coos county,
Oregqn, directing me to collect said, unpaid
assessment by sale of the said property to
satisfy the said Lien of $11.25 with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from the Ilth day of October, 1913 and
penalty together with costs of advertising
and sale thereof, I, will on Wednesday, the
4th day of February, A. D. 1914 at the
hour of 2 o'clock E. M. of said day 1st the
front door of the City Hall in the city of
Bandon. Coos county. Oregon, sell at pub
lie auction to the bidder offering the least
amount of penalty and interest all of the
right 'title, interest and estate whice the said
Edward H. Fisk and Ada A, Fish and all
persons claiming, imder them have in said
described property mentioned which is de
scribed as follows, to-wit 1
Lot 1 Block 2, Fisher Addition to Ban
don, Osegon, according to the plat thereof
and of record in the office of the Jounty
cJcrk of said Coos county Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to redemp
tion' in the manner provided" by' the charter
of the city of Bandon.
Dated this 30th day of December 1913.
"' , - C. Y. Lowe
Treasurer of the city of Bandoi.
1st I'ubl. Dec. 30th 1913
2nd Publ Jan. 6th 1914
3rd .Publ. Jan. 13tt 1914
4th Puh'l Jan. 20tlt'l914
5th Publ, .Jan. 27th 1914i
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the i itli day of Oct
ober 1913 there was entered in the
Docket of City Liens of the City of
Bandon, Coos county, Oregon de
linquent assessments as assessed by
Ordinance No. 306 of the Ordinances
of the city of Bandon, for the ex
tension of Oregon Avenue (formerly
Abernathy btreet) tnto wall Street
(formerly extension of First Street)
as assessed with' benefits in front of
Lot 6, Block 32, Woodland Add!
tion to Bandon, Oregon, in the sum
of $10.60 and assessed to Josephine
Breuer. Said assessment has never
been paid nor the lien discharged
nor satisfied,
Now therefor, notice is hereby
given that by virtue and in pursu
ance nf Section 122 of the charter of
the city of Bandon, Coos county,
Oregon, directing me to collect the
said unpaid assesment by sale of
said property to satisfy said lien of
$to 60 with interest thereon at the
rate of 6. per cent per annum bom
the'nthday of October 1913 and
penalty together with cosf. of ad
vertising and sale thereof, I wjli on
Wednesday the 4th slay of Febru
ary 1914 at the hour of 2 o'clock p.
m. of said day at the front door of
the City Hall in the city of Bandcn,
Coos county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the bidder offering the
least amount of penalty and interest
all of the right title, interest and es
tate which the said Josephine Breuer
and all persons claiming
t hi ouch her may have in the saitfl
described property mentioned which
is described as follows to-wit:
Lot 6, Block 32, Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon; Oregon, accord
ing to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the countu
cleric oi ihe said loos county, Ore
Said sale being made subject
to redemption in the manner pro
vided Itv the charter of the -city of
llandon. '
Daled this .joth day of "Decem
ber 1913
C Y. Lowir.
Treasurer of the City of Handon.
First I'ultl Dec 30th 19 13
2nd puhl Jan 6th 1914
3td puhl J n. 13th '
4th puhl. Jan. 20th "
51b puhl. Jan 27th "
Sale of Real Property- For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the 11th day of October,
1913 there was entered in the Docket of
city liens of the city of Bandon, Coos coun
ty, Oregon, delinquent assessments as assess
ed bv Ordinance no. 306 of the ordinances
of the city of Bandon for the extension of
Oregon Avenue (formerly Abernathy Street)
into Wall Street (formerly extension of
First street) as assessed with benefits in front
of Lot 4 Block 1, Fisher Addition to Ban
don, Oregon, in the stun of 513.25 and
assessed to Grace Divclbliss. Said assess
ment has never been paid nor the lien dis
charged nor satisfied. Now therefor notice
is hereby given that by virtue and 111 pur
suance of section 122 of the charter of the
city of Handon, Coos county, Oregon, dir
ecting me to collect the 'said unpaid assess
ment by sale of the said property to satisfy
said lien of $13.25 with interest thereon at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the
11th day of October 1913 and penalty to
gether with costs of advertising and sale
thereof, I will on Wednesday, the 4th day
of February A. D. 1914 at the hour of 2
o'clock P. M. of said day at the front door
of the city hall in the city of Bandon( Coos
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the bidder offering the least amount of pen
alty and interest ail of the rignt title, inter
est and estate which the said Grace Divcl
bliss 'and all persons claiming under her may
haye in the said described property men
tioned which is described as follows to-wit;
Lot 4 Block I, Fisher Addition to Handon
Oregon, according to the plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the county
clerk of said Coos county. Oregon.
Said sale being made subiect to rcdemti
tion in the manner providtd in the charter
of the, city of Bandon.
Dated this 30th day of december 1913.
C. Y. Lowe
Treasurer of the city of Bandon.
1st Publ. Dec. 30th, 1913
2nd Publ. Jan. 6th, 1914
3rd Publ. Jan. 13th, 1914
4tr. Publ.Jah. 20th 1914
5th Publ. Jan. 27th, 1914
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the t ith dav ol Oct
ober 1913 there was entered in the
docket of city liens of the city of
Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, de
linquent assessmt tits as assessed by
ordinance No. 306 of the ordinances
of the city of Bandon for the ex
tension of Oregon Avenue (formerly
Abernathy btreatj tnto Wall btreet
(formerly extension of First; Street)
as assessed with benefits in front o!
lot 7, block 32 Woodland Addition
to Bandon, Oregon, in the sum of
$10 60 and assessed to Josephine
Said assessment has never been
paid nor the lien discharged nor
Now therefore, notice is hereby
given that by virtue and in pursu
ancc of Section 122 of the charter of
the city of Bandon, Coos county,
Oregon, directing me to collect the'
said unpaid assessment by sale of
the said property to satisfy said lien
of S10.60 at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum with interest thereon
Irom the nth dav ot Uctober 1013
and penalty toeether with costs of
advertising and sale theret f, .1 will
on Wednesday the 4th day of Feb
ruary A. D. 1014 at the hour of :
o'clock p. m of said day, at th
front door rf the city hall in the city
of Handon, Coos county, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the bidder
offering the least amount of penalty
and interest all of the right, title, in
terest ami estate which the said
Josephine Breuer and all persons
claiming under or through her may
have in the said described property
mentioned which is dcsctibed as
follows towit:
Lot 7, block 32, Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon, Oregon, 'accord
ing to the plat thereof on file and
of record in the, office of the county
clerk of said Coos county, Oregon
Said sale beme made subiect to re
demption in the manner provided
by the charter of the city of Bandon.
Dated this 30th day of Decern-
ber 1913.
C. Y. Lowe,
Treasurer of the City of Bandon,
First publ. Dec. 30th 19 13
2nd publ, Jan. 6th 1914
3rd publ. Jan. 13th "
4th publ. Jan. 20th '.'
5th. publ. Jan. 27th "
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the Ilth day of October,
1913 theie was entered in the Docket of
city liens of the eity of Bandon, Coos coun-
ty, Oregon, delinquent assessments assess
ed by ordinance no. juo 01 me oruinanccs
the city of Bandon for the extension of
Oregon Avenue formerly Abernathy street)
into Wall street f formerly extension of First
street) as assessed with benefits in front ofJ
Lot 5 JJIOCK 1 risner svuuuion iu suiiuuu,
OregcQi, in the sum of (13.25 and assessed to
Grace Divelbliss. Said assessment has never
been paid nor the lien discharged nor satis
fled. Now therefor, notice is hereby given
that by virtue and in pursuance of sectiop
122 of the charter of the city of Bandon,
Coos county, Oregon, directing me to col
lect said unpaid assessments by sale oi said
1 ..- f.. 1 it sii it ...:.i.
proocny 10 saiuiy um ucu ui u,.j
interest uicrcuu ai nit imc ui u r
per annum from the 11th day of October,
191 J Urid penalty together with costs of ad
vertising and sale thereof, I will on Wed-
...U.. !, AtU .1.... r A 1-1 ,n,.t
hvbum;. uiv 111 nay III 1 'Clu 11.11 y, I. u 1 71V
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said .day
at the front door of the citv hall in the city
ot iwruon, uoos county, Oregon, sell at
Hiblic auction to the bidder offering the
cast amount of penalty and interest all of
the righr title, interest and estate which the
said Grace Divelbliss and all persons claim
ing under her may haye in the said describ
ed property mentioned which is described
as follows to-wit i
Lot 5 Block 1, Fisher Addition to Bandon,
Oregon, according to the plat thereof on
file and of record in the office os the nintv
clerk of said Coos county, Oregon.
aaul sale being made subject to redemp
tion in the manner provided by the charter
of the city of Handon.
Dated this 30th day of December, 1113.
C. Y..Lowe
Treasurer of the citv of Bandon.
1st I'ubl. Dee 30th 1913
2nd I'ubl. Jan. 6th 1914
3rd I'ubl. lan. I3th
4th I'ubl. Jan. 20th " .
5th I'ubl. Jan. 27th "
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the t ith day of Oct
ober 1 913 there was entered in the
docket of city liens ol the cily of
Bandon, Coos couniy, Oregon de
linquent assessments as uj.sesset1 bv
ordinance No. 306 of the ordinances
of the city of Bandon, for the ex
tension ol Oregon Avenue (lormerly
Abernathy Street) into- Wall street
(formerly extension of First street)
as assessed with benefits in front ot
lot 3, block 33, Woodland Addition
to Bandon, Oregon, in the sum of
$7.95 and assessed to Lloyd L.
Kosa. baul assessment has never
been paid nor the lien discharged
nor satisfied.
Now therefore, notice is hereby
given that by virtue and in pursu
ance of Section 122 of the charier ol
ihe-city of Bandon, Coos county
Oreeon. directing me to collect the
said unpaid assessment by sale of
said property to satisfy said iien of
$7-95 with interest thereon at the
rate of 6 tier cent per annum from
the lith day of October 1913 and
penalty together with costs of ad
vertising and sale thereof, I will on
Wednesday the 4th day ol Febru
ary 1914 at the hour of 2 o'clock p.
m. of said dav at the front door of
thr city hall in the city of Bandon,
Coos county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the bidder ollering the
least, amount of penalty and interest
all of the right," title, interest and
estate which the said Lloyd L. Rosa
and all persons claiming under or
through him may have in the said
described property mentioned which
is described as follows to-wit:
Lot 3, block 33, Woodladd Ad
dition to Bandon, Oregon, accord
ing to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the county
clerk of said Coos county, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided
by the charter of the city ol Bandon.
Dated this 30th day of Decem
ber 1913.
C. Y. Lowe,
Treasuer of the City of Bandon.
First publ Dec. 30th J913.
2nd puhl. Jan. oth 1914
3rd publ. Jan 13th "
4th publ Jan. 20th "
5th publ. Jan. 27th "
Sale of Real Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment.
Whereas on the 1 ith day of Oct
ober 1913 there wa3 entered in the
docket of city hens of the city ol
Bandon. Coos county, Oreuon, de
linquent assessments as assessed by i
ordinance No. 306 of the ordinances
of the city of Bandon for the exten
sion of Oregon Avenue (formerly
Abernathy Street) into Wall Street
(formerly extension ol First Sireet)
in said city as assessed with benefits
in front of lot 5, block 3, ton of
Randon (formerly town of Averil).io
the sum of $61.10 and assessed to
Josephine Jacobson.
Said assessment has never been
paid nor the lien dischatged not
satisfied". Now therefor, notice is
hereby given that by virtue and in
pursuance of Section 122 "of the
charter ol the ciiy of Bandon, Coos
countv. Oretfon. directing me to
collect the said unpaid assessment
by sale of said property to satisfy
said hen of $61. to with interest there
on at the rate ol 6 per cent per an
num from the 1 ith dav of October
1913 and penalty together with costs
of advef tisi.ig and sale thereof, I will
on Wednesday the 4th day cf Feb
ruary A. D. 1914 at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said day at the front
door of the city hall in the city of
andon. Coos county. Oregon, sell
at public auction to the bidder offer
ing the least amount of penalty ahd
interest all of the right, litle. interest
and eMate which the said Josephine
Jacobson and all persons claiming
under or througn her may have in
the said described property men
tinned which is described as follows
towit: Lot 5, block 3, town ol ban
don, (formeriy town of Averil) ac
cording to the plat thereof on file in
the office of the county clerk of said
Coos county, Oregon. Said sale
being made subject to redemption
in the manner provided by the
charter of the city ol gandon.
Daed this 30th dty of Decern
ber 1913. 1
.. C. Y. Lwe
Treasurer of the City of Bandor,
First puhl. Die 301I1 191 3
2nd publ. Jan. G, .1914
3rd publ. Jan. 1 3t 1914 ,
4th publ .Jan. oth 1914
5th publ Jan. 27th 19 14
Sale of Reat Property For
Unpaid Street Assessment
Whereas on the Ilth day of October. 1913.
there was entered in the docket ol city liens of
the City of Bandon, Coos couniy, Oregon, de
linquent assessments as assessed by ordinance No.
306 of the Ordinance: of the Cily ol Bandon
for ihe extension of Oregon avenue (formerly
Abetnathy Stseet) aitr. Vall Street (formerly
extension of First sireet) as assessed with bene
fits in front of the following described property
A parcel ol land becinnina at a Doint on the
North line ol Fourth street in the Town of
"Bandon, ISO feet easterly from the southeast
cornet of Block 21 in the said Town of Ban
don; .tunning thence in a Northerly course on a
line parallel with the east line oi said block 21
IUU leel: thence in an easteiiv course on a line
at right angles with the East line ol Block 21 to
the County road; thence in a Southerly course
along said County Road to a point on ihe
Norm side ol said l ourlli Street: thence 'Wester
ly along said North side of Fourth street to the
place ol the beginning, in the sum of $57.75
tnd assesred to Archie H. Kosa.
Said astessmsnt has never been paid nor the
ien discharged nor satisfied. Now therefore.
notice is hereby given that by virtue of Section
Mi ol the Charter ol the Lit ol Uandon,
Coos County. Oregon, directing me to collect
the said unpaid assessment by sale of said prop
erty to satisly laid lien ol 57.75 with intereit
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from the I llh day of October, 1913, and pen
alty together with costs of advertising and sale
thereof, I will on Wednesday the 4th day of
February A. D. 1914 at the hour of 2 o'clock
P. M. of said day at the front door of the
city hall in the City of Baadon, Coos County.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the bidder of
fering the least amount ol penalty and interest
all of the right, title, interest and estate which
ihe said Archie H. Rosa and all persons claim
ing under or through him may have in the said
described property mentioned which is des
cribed as follows, lo-wit:
A parcel ol land beginning at a point on the
North line of Fourth Street in the Town of
Bandon, 150 feet easterly from the Southeast
corner of Block 21 in the said Town of Ban
don: running thence in a Northerly course' on a
line parallel with the east line ol said tlrock ii
100 feet: thence in an easterly course on a line
t right aagles with ihe east line of block 21 to
the County road; thence in a southerly course
along said County road, to a point on the north
side of said Fourth Sireet: thence westerly along
said north side of Fourth Street to the place ol
beginning, according to the plat thereof on file
and of record in the office of the County Clerk
of said Coos County, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to redemption
in the manner provided bv the chatter of the
City of Bandon.
Dated this 30th day of DacerstUr. 1913.
Treasurer of the Cky of Baadon.
First publ. Dec. 30th, 1913
2nd publ. . 6th. 1914
3rd publ. Jan. 13th. 1914
4th publ. Jan. 20th, 1914
5th publ. Jan. 27th. 1914
Sale of Real Property for
Unpaid Street Asaeatvtnent
Whereas on the Ilth day of October. 1913
there was entered in the docket of city liens of
the City of Bandon. Coos county, Oregon, de
linquent assessments as assessed by Ordinance
No. 306 of the ordinances of the City, of . Ban
don for ihe extension of Oregon Avcnee (form
erly Abernathy Street) into Wall Street (form
erly -extension of First street) as assessed with
benefits in front of the following described
property, to-wit:
A parcel ol land In-ginning at a point 50 feet
South, 16 degrees 15 minutes west and J50 feet
south 73 degrees 45 minutes east' of the north
east corner of block 22 of ihe Town of Bandon:
and tunning thence North 16 degrees 15 minutes
east 60 ftet, parallel with the east side of block
22: ihence sdulh 73 degrees 45 minutes cast 65
feet: parallel with with the south line ol Fouith
street of said Town a( Bandon: thence south
along the eastern boundary ol the land 'deeded
to David E. Slitl by George M. Dyer and "Fan
ny E. Dyer his wife in a deed beafing date of
December 7, 1669 and recorded in book 18
mae 403 Record of Deeds ol Coos county.
Oregca, to a front South' 73 decrees .45 minutes
East of the place of beginning: thence North 73
dtgrecs 45 minutes west along the north line of
the land deeded bv David E. Stitt and Mary C.
Stitt his wife to Hannah L. Cox, bearing' date
September 13, 1905, to the place of beginning,
in the sum of 34.65 and assessed to John V.
Felter. Said assessment has never been paid
nor the lien discharged nor satisfied.. Now
thrrefore, aotice is hereby given that by virtue of
Section 122 of the charter of the city of Ban
don. Coos couniy, Oregon, directing me to col
lect the said unpaid assessment by sale of the
said properly to satisfy said lien ol 934.65 with
interest thereon at the rale of 6 per cent per
annum from the I llh day ol October, 1913
and penalty together with costs of advertising
and ule thereoi. 1 will on Wednesday 4th day
of February A. D. 1914. at the hour of 2
o'clock P. M. of said day at the front door of
the city hall in the Cty of Bandon, Coos
cqunty, Oregon, sell at public auction to the
bidder offering the least amount of penalty and
interest all ol the riht. tide, interest and estate
Which the said John v . heller and all persons
claiming under or through him may have in the
said described properly mentioned which is des
cribed as follows to-wit: A parcel of land be
ginning at a point 50 feet south 16 degrees 15
minutes west and 150 feet south 73 (Vgrees 45
minutes east of the northeast corner of block 22
of the town of Bandon: and running thence
North 16 degrees 15 minutes east 60 feet, par
allel wilh the east side of block 22: thence
south 73 degiees 45 minutes east 65 feet: paral
lel with the south line ol Fourth street ol said
Town of Bandon: thenee south along) the cast
ern boundary of the land deeded to David E.
Stitt by George M, Dyer and Fanny E. Dyer
his wife ia a deed bearing date of Decembet 7
1669, and recorded in book 16, page 403
Record of deeds of Coos couniy, Oregon, to a
point south 73odegteet 45 minutes east of the
place of beginning: thence north 73 degrees 45
minutes West along the north line of the land
deeded by David E. Stitt and Mary C, Stitt his
wife to Hannah L. Cox, bearing date Septem
ber 13, I905,to the place of the beginning, ac
cording to the plat thereof on file and of record
in the office 01 the county clerk of the said Coos
county, Oregon,
SauQtale being made subject to redemption
in the manner Povided by charter of the Cily of
Dated this MMi day of December, 1913.
u C. Y. LOWE
Treasurer of the City of Bandon
First publ. Dec. 30ih, 1913.
2nd publ. Jan. 6th. 1914
3rd publ. Jan.
13lh "
20th "
4lh pabl, Jan,
5th publ, Jto,