Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 06, 1914, Image 1

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The Recorder i read by more people In Banefcrfl-anaifcrthfty thaa M otHwr pagR cfceffi3h&
-wxmz: Lii.ii(un iirm miss
Now! Altogether, For The Best Year Bandon Ever Had!
f ' I I I a. TT7
t 4
Board of Engineers Turns
Down Upper River
Pr o p o s iti o n.
To Whom it Mav Concern: The
River and Harbor Ac', approved
July 25, 1012, contained provision
for a preliminary examination of
"Coquille River and bar entrance.
Oregon including consideration of
any proposition for co-operation on
the part of local interests." The re
quired examination was made by
the district officer and pursuant to
favorable recommendations thereon,
From the following notice re
ceived from the War Department,
board of engineers, it would seem
that that body does not look witli
favor upon the proposition of the
Port of Myrtle Point to deepen and
maintain the channel of the Coquille
River between Coquille and Myrtle
The letter, follows and is self ex
planatory; Washington, t. C. Jan. 2, 1914.
a survey was authorized. The re
port of the district officer on the
survey is favorable for the improve
ment of the locality to the extent of
recommending a channel 60 feet
wide and 3 feet deep' at meaniow
cr low water between Coquille and
Myrtle Point, at an estimated cost
of $15,000 for first construction and
$4,000 annnally for maintenance,
provided local interests will co-operate
to the extent of furuishing the
funds 'or one half the cost, including
In accordance with law, the rt
port has been referred to the board
of engineers for rivers and harbors
for consideration and recomendation.
I rom the information presented,
the board is not convinced of the
advisability of the United States un
dertaking any improvement o
section of Coquille River at
present time for Hie following
for the
(a) A study of past experience
and of physical conditions indicate?
that any dredged channel in this
section of rfver would deteriorate
rapidly, and that it would not be
feasible to obtain and permanently
maintain 1 navigable depth of y3
feet at mean lower low water at the
cost estimated.
(b) It is not believed that present
or prospective commerce is sufficient
to justify the United Slates in under
dertaking this improvement, even
on the basis of local co-operation to
the extent of nne-hal the cost.
All parties interested in .the pro
posed improvement are invited to
submit, within a period of thirty days
from the date of this notice, state
ments and arguments bearing upon
the necessity for the improvement
in the interests of commerce and
navigation. Such statements should
be addressed to "The Hoard of En
gineers for Rivers ard Harbors,
Southern Building, Washington, D.
C. Should a h'"-ine be desired,
this c?n be arranged by corres
pondence with the Board. The
Board of Engineers for Rivers and
M. E. Treadgold, secretary of
the Bandon Commcrci. ! Club, re
turned on the Breakwater from a
visit with his parents ar The Dalles.
He also visited at Portland and
other points and incidentally did a
little boosting for BfjUon,.
For The Home Town.
If the town has a lot of vacant
stores, idle factories, mills running on
half time, there can be nosubt:'ntial
value to property. Thereiore, to
keep the stores rented, the dwell
ings occupied and a general good
tone to propei ty values it is ncccss
ary tq give your home people your
entire support. Patronizing mn'l
order houses is not altogether limit
ed to poor people or to farmers, or
people who do not know the hurt
they are doing the hometown, but it
is a common practice among certain
Will known, well to do men. I be
lievc" this is more the result of
thoughtlessness and of being misled
by embellished and highly exagger
ated descriptions than through a
spirit of antagonism to the home
merchant. Moreover, I firmly be
lieve that when you think over this
matter seriously and carefully, anal
izing it in every detail, hereafter you
will civeyour home merchant yur
trade. Modesto (Cal.) Evening
West Orders Railroads Not
to Send Liquor Into
Cbppe rf iel d.
Silem, Ore., Jan. 3, Governor
West has ordered CoL' Lawson, in
command of the forces that hold
Copperfield under martial law, to
send all liquor and bar fixtures there
to Baker while the mining town is
in charge" of the state soldiers.
Railroad officials have been warned
by the Governor not to send any
liquor into Copperfield while the
town is under martial law.
The Governor today telegraphed
Judge Anderson of Baker county,
asking when a hearing can be held
looking to the temporary removal
of the sheriff, Miss Fern Hobbs,
the Governor's secretary, will be
special counsel for the state at the
About Registering.
Holding that all registrrtion books
should be closed May 1, and be
opehed as woon as possible after the
primary election for registration for
the general election, Attorney Gen
eral Crawford, in an opinion, written
by request, puts what is by many
attorneys believed to be the proper
construction upon the election 'laws
which were somewhat c' ""ded by the
decision of the supreme Court that
the permanent .registration law, is.
According to the opinion' fourteen
days will be allowed to prepare the
precinct regsitets and forward them
to the various precincts for the pri
mary. The permanent registra
tion law, according to the attorm -
general, in fixing the primary elec
tion for the thud Friday in May, re
peals :'t ac ?:id paws of acts in
conflict with it.
"Alkali . Ike's Cafe'
We all know "Alkp'i," ru funny'
little cowboy comic with F,-s?nay,
In this two reel comedy Alkali and
Sophie (she is his wife in reality)
full of some laughable stunts that
are bound to tickle your humor.
The two reels ire ?'l ?un ?nd fa"ce
and are sure to make a hit. A
good comic is like a rare gem, they
are few and far between, "Alkaii
Ike's Cal," will make' good. See
it at the Grand, Wednesday, Jan,
.thi no advance in price,' . I
State Realized Over $117,
000 From Licenses
in 19 13.
Portland, Jan. 5. - Hunters and
anglers of the State, of Oregon paid
$117,592 for the privilege of getting
game from the woods and fish from
the streams of Oregon in ,1913, ac
cording to the figures issued yester
day bv William L. Finley, state
game warden.
Of this sum $48,020 was for hunt
ing" licenses alone, 44,748 for ang
ling licenses and $24,824 for the
combination licenses at $2 each.
In addition hunters from outside
the stale paid $1520 as non-resident
fees. 1 Another big item was $6775
for fines, imposed by the various
courts for yiolations of the game
' Of the last item, half in each case
went to the general fund of the
county and the other half was turn
ed over to the Fish and Game Com
mission. This in a measure, explains why
hunters say that.1913 .was the poor
est hunting season they .ever had,
for there were almost 25 per cent
more hunters in the. .field in 1913
thanin 'anyipreviousseasdn.V.
"The War Correspondents."
A big spectacular four reel war
drama that certainly out rivals any
film-dealing with the horrors of the
battlefield. See the blowing up of
the railroad bridge, the train plung
ing into the river beneath, a theatre
on fire and demolished by a shell
from a high pawer gun. An aero
plane, scouting over the enemy's
camp is destroyed by a shot from a
rapid fire gun. A dance 'n the
Sultan's Harem is disturbed by the
invading army. An automobile runs
the gauntiett of a heavy gun fire,
is struck and snu -shed by a shell, its
occupanN fleeing for ieir lives. A
gigantic battleship is sunk by a sub
merged mine. These are some of
the hair raising events contained in
this feature that has probably more
action in the four rce's than any
previous drama of this nature ever
! presented in moving pictures. Don't
fail to see it, at the Grand, Thurs
day, Jan 8, admission 15-100
Wm Candlin, representing Paci-
' fic Paper Co. and other houses was
in Bandon the htter part of last
week calling on his customers
Bandon Tides for Ensuing Week
Following is the time of
Bandon bar during the next
oA. M.
9; 16
A. M.
' 1;01
3; 17
Wednesday. Jan7,'
Wednesday, Jan. 7,
12, 0
5; 05
64 0 ,
Last Camp Closed near Acme
Bad Weather Stops Work
On Railroad Tunnels.
FLORENCE, Or., Jan, 5-The
West says: . .
Scarpelli Bros., who have a con
tract for grading on the railroad near
Point Terrace have finished their
work and paid of! their men.
This is the last of the camps to
close down between Acme andjMap
leton'. ',
Witn the exception of a little fill
ing after the bridges are built, there
remains only two- snort pieces to
grade between Eugeae and. Acme,
One piece is at Mapleton an 1, the
other is at Point Terrace mill.
Work on Tunnel no. 3 on the rail
road between South Slough and Map
le Creek was suspended Wednesday
eyening. We have not learned when
operations will start again. Camp 4
at the north end of the tunnel was
closed s week or two ago, but work
was continued at camp, 5 till the end
of December.
Part of the supplies were taken to
Camp '4. and left in charge of a
watch rnan. The rest were taken' to
Gardiner by teams yesterday and will
be used by the" crews "in that viciaityi
On account of bad roads the con
tractors have found it almost im
possible to get timbers jto the tunnel
as fast as they are needed. The
gronnd at the enttance has moved
some and this made it necessary to
use more timber than was expected
at first'.
Bert Alfred Tnorn the son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Thorn, died Satur
day of diphtheria. The boy was
six years and seven months old at
the time of his death. He was a
bright boy and was a great favorite
with his friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Thorn will have the sincere sym
pathy.of a large circle of friends in
their bereavement.
Regarding the diphiheria, it
might he added, that so far as
known no other cases outside of the
Thorn family have developed, and
those who have been exposed are
being inoculated with the serum
treatment which renders them abso
lutely immune from the disease,
consequently if the, proper care is
'taken there is no danger of the dis
ease spreading.
high and
low water on the
v 8.1 ,
s 8.7
o ft.
, 3'X
4.'l "
3.5 ;
P. M.
'9; 16
, 10;14
, 11,02
a S.9
o 9.6
, ' '.1.4
: 1.0
; p: m,
3 j 10
5;33 '
6; 14
Forest Notes.
The forest service collected 40
000 pounds ot tree seed last year
for use in reforestation work. The
total area reforested was about 30,
ooo acres.
There is promise of a large tur
pentine industry in the west and
southwest, the raw pioduct being
supplied by the resinous gum of
western yellow pine.
German pencil manufacturers are
looking to California incense cedar
for pencil wood. The establishment
01 a pencil tactory in (.aliiorma is
not ir..prdbable.
More than 120 million board feet
of timber was given away free by the
government last year to settlers and
miners living in or near the national
There are 16 maples in the United
States, most of them' being eastern
speoies. The most valuable, not
only because of the product of its
sap but also of the lumber, is sugar
Rosehurg Men Decide To
Contest License Collection
by the State.
Roseburg, or- Jan- '2 (Special)
A move was inaugurated here to
day by automobile owners to em
ploy counsel and contest the collec
tion oMicense fees by the state from
persons owning motor vehicles,
Automobile owners say the law has
been declared invalid in Ohio and
other states where it has been con
tested. Pending the institution of a suit a
number of local automobile owners
have neglected to obtain their 1914
licenses. It may bp possible the
automobile owners of other South
ern Oregon counties will join in the
move to contest the present auto
mobile laws.
Farewell Party.
The'lady friends and neighbors of
Mrs. Elmer Ford tendered her a
farewell reception at her home in
Bandon New Year's afternoon from
2 o'clock until 4. The occasion
was plannhd as a surprise for Mrs.
Ford, who will soon leave with her
family to make their home in Marsh
field, and as such it succeeded ad
mirably, The tables were beauti
fully decorated with begonia blos
soms and pink-shaded candles, and
the luncheon served left nothing to
be desired. The afternoon was very
pleasantly passed in social inter
course interspersed with several
piaao selections by Miss Elva Webb.
Little Alice Drousch acted as usher,
A number of gifts of hand-painted
china and cut glass were given Mrs.
Ford as a mark of the esteem in
which she was held by her Bandon
Thosejn attendance were: Grand
ma Gross, iMesdames Jno. Moore,
A. D. Morse, Thorn, G. D. Gross, j
Emma Gross, Gus Barre, W. H.
Webb, EdWyanc, Deringer, E". C.
Drousch, Tucker, Harry Rogers,
John Giles, John Daniellon, Nygren,
Strowbridge, Delmdre, A. L. Jacobs
Z. Gatchell and Mrs. Ford.
It has been demonstrated that
over-grazed stock ranges on the
national fotests can be brought back
to.use, under a system of regulated
grazing faster than if they are left
State Executtive Telegraphs
Lawson Ten Men Will
Be Sent.
Salem, pr., Jan. 3 (Special)
Learning tonight that lawyers for the
saloonkeepers nnd city officials of
Copperfield might attempt legal ac
tic n, Gov. West telegraphed Colonel
Lawson not to pay any attention to
any papers served upon him, and to
bring the saloonmen to Salem if he
could get no assurance of co-oper
ation in the enforcement of the laws
The telegram to Colonel Lawson
was as follows:
"Pay noattention to papcrsserved
upon you. Understand Attorney
Nichols is headed your way to serve
papers. If he or any Baker county
official attempts to embarass you,
lock him up. If you can't get assur
ance of cooperation in law enforce
ment you had better bring the sa
loon crowd here ainj lock them up,
you can do it at less cost to the tax
payers and at the same time rid the .
town of the tawless clement. Will
send ten men to Baker tomorrow
night and others will follow as need
Governor West said his telegram
meant just what it said7tandthat',hev,,''
would have the saloon men brought
here and locked up if Colonel Law- .
son thought it best.
The Oregon Short Line was noti
fied by the Governor not to ship any
liquor to Copperfield pending the
reign of maitial law. He telegraphed
Colonel Lawson to ship liquor and
bar fixtures in the saloons to Baker
and keep I hem there until further
That the Governor intends to pun
ish those who disobeyed his orders
was proved today, when he tel
egraphed Circuit Judge Anderson as
"Being of the opinion that the
criminal faws o! the state are not be
ing faithfully executed in your coun
ty and that the sherrifl has failed to
perform his sworn duty. I wish to
lay the facts before you in the man
ner provided by chapter 180, gener
al laws 19 1 3, and would be pleased
to have you advise mens to the ear
liest date the matter could be set for
hearing. Miss Fern Itcbbs will re
present this office as special counsel
and present it's case.
The .ft referred to intheielegram
provides that a Circuit court mav,
temporarily remove a sheriff or dis- "
Irict attourney and that the Governor
may appoint a special officer to
force the laws for 00 days, the
posed official drawing his salary
that time.
Colonel Lawson telegraphed Gov
ernor West tonight asking that he
restore to citizenship J. J. Burns, an
ex convict, who has been appointed
on a committee to aid .in reorganiz
ing the city government of Copper-
field. The governor wiil act on it
New Years Party.
The families 'R. L. Gimlin, Geo.
D. Walters and F. II. Colgrove,
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Hunt, in the vicinity of New
Lake.oto partake of a New Year's
dinner, o
A :nost tempting repast was pre-
mared by the united efforts of the
ladies present. All had a good
time, from the wee little tots to (he
grown ups, and voted to have more
such gatherings during the coming
year. One of those present
Experienced nurse, Mrs. U.K.
Jones, Leave card at P, O, 3t8x