Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 02, 1914, Image 2

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    S li-Wkly Bahdon Recorder, JadB&ry 2, 9i4
Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder
rUUllSUlUli Vuuipanjr.
Entered at the Postofiice at Bamlon,
Matter of
Oreeon, as Mail
. ' 'Ml ,1 H
the Second uiasj
Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates
made known on application-
a..i... t f U, new vetir it is only natural'
that people should begin to speculate on the business out
' look for that year and the causes, if any, why there should
be a good year or a bad year as the case might be.
For Bandon ad vicinity there never was a better pro
spect at the beginning of any year than we have this year,
and there are many reasons why we think thus. If present
plans holdup there will be at least five or six substantial
new business blocks go up besides those already under way
of construction.
TIih nnrnimr of First Street has been one of the great
est stimuli to the business interests of Bandon that has cdjrifc
. t ".. . . 1 i 1 , n nlnnd
to us in a loug time, and the tact is ueing ,uikcu a F.-.
are being laid for a large amount of building along the ex
tension of the street. Besides this building extension there
are several other projects under way tnat insure a good
season of business this summer.
White Houte, Tragedy and Gayoty.
Between 18-11 ami lfcVM the Whlto
House saw a greater mingling of trag
edy ifiid gayety than it ever did in any
tqunl Interval before or since. Wil
liam nenry Harrison, Tyler's imme
diate predecessor, died when only n
mouth in olllce, and Tyler served out
tlie remainder of the term. Mrs. Letl
tift Tyler died n few months after her
youngest daughter, Elizabeth, was
married to William Waller of Virginia.
This was on Sept. 10, 1&12. In Febru
ary, 1811, a -great gun burst while ex
hibiting it on a trip down the Potomac
In the midst of a brilliant company,
nraong whom were Tyler, many mem
bers of congress and of the cabinet,
and other distinguished guests. About
forty persons were killed or injured.
Among the killed were the father of
Miss Gardiner, who soon afterward
becamo Tyler's second wifo. Although
married while her husband was. In Uie
White nouse, .the second Mrs. Tyjer
had her weTldlng at her homo In Jcw
York, but she held her reception In the
cxccutlvo mansion. She became popu
lar in Washington society and un
doubtedly strengthened 'the social side
of her husband's administration.
Charles M. Harvey in Lcsllo's.
Salt Germs.
"Salt, of allthlngs, we deem germ
proof; hut, as a matter of fact salt is
ono of the most germ 'ridden foods wo
Tho speaker, a physiologist, con
Uuued: "You know gray snjt, tho "gros hcP
that gourmands eat with boiled beef?
Well, that wilt Is mndogrny by the .ad
dition of mud, plain mini: hence it al
ways contains from (1,000 to 7.r,000
bacterial colonkjs per grnm. Itellned
wait white sjjlt, is almost as bad.
It lies, you know, in tho refinery Wil
der a blanket of clay, and its refining
consists of a sen water hath, after
which It is dried and heated to tho
point of crystallization. All this fails,
of course, to rcmovo from it Its 2,000
or 3,000 bacterial colonics per gram
that it Imbibed from ta clay blanket
Tlw pure food pcoplo should look to
our salt This white, clean stuff Is
allvo with germs. Yet ,tt would be
easy to red no It so ns to mako It
germ freo." Exchange.
' Newton's Shook.
The Immortal discoverer q( the, la
of tho attraction of. grnvHj.t.wafl ,aj
one time bcsldq biintoelf. In tils fiftieth
year Newton suffered tire severe shock
from which ho norcr firtly, recovered
A dog upset a llgbtedUcandle, '.and, prej
clous manuscripts embodyn the re
sults of many , years- experiments in
optics were destroyed. In consequence
of this Newton's mind, lost Jta balance,
Brewster denies this, but about'
truthfulness thero is not much room
for doubt It Is certain that, for a con:
Blderablo time his' le.ttcra. fvere, qulje.
incoherent, and to bo accounted for
upon no other hypothesis than that of
n disordered mentality.. Newton alow
ly "recovered and lived to be eighty
three years old.
A Mistake. . .
"1 didn't know -you had malaria
here!" said tho visitor,
"Wo haven't" replied Parmer Cora-
tossei. .', in.. i..u,;'.i
"But I saw a, man down tho road
with chills and fejer." J. ,.
"That wasn't -malaria. What yea
saw was Si Simlln ahuddcrtn'. at tjae
thought of what bis wife Was coin' to
Hay to him when ho got home." Wash-'
Ington Star.
State ofOVetfblhrirf -c '
. . er Consulting 'Engineer and
Suit in Equity
to Quiet Title;
for the County of Coos
Attsur E. Mereen,
; y
The unknown helm of
6eo. ' W. Neal,' also
known as' George
Westlatid Ncal, de
ceased, William Bailey,
also known as 'Win.
Bailey,' J- C. Rowan,'
also known as Jonas C.
Rowan, and all other
persons or parties un
known claiming any
riglit,;tUfe, estate, lien,
or interest in the real
estate described in the
Ob mplaih t herein
To the unknown heirs of George W.
Neal, also known as George Wcttland Neal,
deceased, William Bailey, also known as
Wm. Bailey, J. C. Rowan, also known as
Jonas' C. "Rowan, and all persons or parties
uakaown claiming any right, title, estate,
interest' in the real estate herein
"In tho long run it; ul ways paya to J
act decent" observed ,tbo sage.,
"Oh, I don't know," replied tno
"The prodigal son Is some hero,
ivnn nevor hear a word about
brother who stayed homo 'and did (he
chores - nnd helped tho old folks."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
described, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon i you
and each of you are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Arthur E. Mereen, has commenced
a suit in the Circuit Court of the State of
prigon, for the' Comity of Coos, against
you,' and tnat in phriuance'of 'art order made
,anff enifereli' in said cause and ' Court by'
'Honorable John S, Coke, Presiding Judge
of,aid' Courtf pn the 4th day' of iieocmW,
ll91J, you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear ih said cause and court and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff hied
therein, on or before f six weeks from the
'firV publication of 'this summons",' which
first iir.lilication"wilI'le rition the 12th daV
,of I)ecembe"r; rtli', and' irlit 'for want' of i
answer thereto, on or Viefore sil'd time", the !
piainun wju apply p uie tuuti iur mc ic
lief demanded in the Complaint, a succinct
statement of which is-as follows i tnat it be
: declared and adjudged tkif the plaintiff is
the owner in fee siwple of the following de
qcribeJ real estate,'' situated" in' Cob's Couftty,
State of Oregon1,' to.witi
Lot Nml in Block'Three in South Ba-'
Hnn Aihfmnn to the Town of Bandon'.
Coos County, Oregon, according to the plat
hereof on file and of record in the office of
the County Clerk of said County and btate,:
and that you' and each of you; have no es
tate; right; title, lien or interest whatever
In or o saiii premises; or any palt tlfiereof,'
fill I!)... JU!" , Uf Mt, I .
and also that you and each and every one
of forever debarred froin asserting
any claim whatever in or to saiil latsd, or
premises adverse ta the plaintiff, and tor
such other and farther relief as to the Court,
may seem equitable.
L. A. Robert,
Clause tf ."Giles,
. Attorneys for Plaintif, residing at Myrtle
Point, Oregon.
Date of ' first publication Dere'mVer
'Dec.' 12-Jan. 2fSF
Office in Thrift Bldg.
Gedar Hill
Dairy Farm
J. F. VaiiLeuvcn, Prop.
Fresh Milk and Cream de
livered daily at your door in
any part of Bandon. All
orders given prompt attention
Phone Rural 29
Miss Simpson
Phone 934
Mrs. w. V. wolfe
Mrs. Guy Dipple
Spirella's Corseteire
naeans ability to take advan
tage of offered opportunities.
That s why a savings account
here may mean at any time a
chance for a big profit. Why
not open one now. Your
money will not be idle. It
will be earningsomething for
you every minute it is here.
Sam Says
The volume of business
we are doing attests
the excellence of G. W.
M. brands and methods,
, bin
No Room For, It. ,
Iler Partner If you ore tired of
dnuclng, Mrs. Nowrocks, wo'il sit down
nnd luivo n little tqto-n.tote, shall we?
Mrs. Nowrocksh. dear ne,,, no.
thank you. After such a big supper I
reiilly couldn't ent anotther tmng.
Boston Transcript
Many Big Quna.
According to nn English nstronoroer
in noutn Atncn. tnero nre nwran
100 times nn largo as tbc sun; Si000
ton times ns inrge. and about 200,000
of nuarly the some sire.
O'Brien Come uomo nn' have supper
wid me, Murphy .Murphy (looking at
his watchl Shure. it's put 0 be tho
clock! Yer wife will bo mnd ns tho
dlvllt O'Brlon-Yts; (tint's Jlut it. But
shecnn't lick the two nv us. Judge.
Trees In Colombia.
The republic of Colombia .requires,
lumbermen who take cedar and jrha
hognny to plant young trees of the
name 8cc1cb in tbe cut orer spaces. -
Tbe best way to teach Tirtu'ls
to live it Frothlngham.
We want you
For our customer not just today, but tomor
row and for all time to come, if
Right Goods
Right Prices
Courteous Treatment
and prompt delivery
is what you want
Succeor to A. E. White
L1 1 I
'IB'BsSsfc&aisT MM
To Save Life First
and property afterwards is
the fireman's duty. Your
duty is to see that in case of
fire your loved ones are not
made' homeless and penniless
Order a fire insurance policy
from us today. Every day';
delay means the risk of see
ing your family without j
home or the means of getting
one. .
Donald M ac K i n tosh
D you wantrpure drags' and
drug sundries, fine perfume,
hair brtiihe. and toilet arti
cfes? If 'Wckir'on
G. Y.-
BanlJpn, Oregon
.Contractor and
MBiiiider ?
If'ybu arcimmg to build let
mil figure xVkhryou. .'Plans
and estimates 'furriisked
Contractor and
Insurce VdMilSM has
i ri urn m vutm-xk
the,top. )b the vjm
protecuon iwgives
kaamL it HiJ'.nl?
jotherfire faauran.a
the best' is not too. good for
your eyes. 1 irymei
Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water
Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and
San Francisco
First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50
Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight
Reservations! Fuhnnan's Phasmacy, Coquille; Perkins', Myrtle Point
E. fic E. T. Kruie, ownen and Jtanagen, 24 Califorqia St., San Francuco.
J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon.
Strauhal & Dippel
Real Estate and Investments
Choice farms, stock ranches, city property and
business investments.
We are agents for some of the best fire insur
ance companies in America.
We also furnish abstracts of title on short notice.
We can save you time and money. Give us
your business and keep your money at home'.
Before purchasing elsewhere, see us. Office in Old
Bank Building. Phone 33.
Strauhal and Dippel
Bandon, Oregon
DO YOU . :
It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have toll f
stations. in Coos and Curry counties and connect with
the Bell system at Roseburg. n
- Equipped with1 Wireless
: S.BRBA.ltW ;
ora Portland Every Tuesday at 8 Pi- M.
From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Ser
vice of the TAde.
Confirm Sailings'Throiigh M. F. SHOEMAKERJ'Agent Bandon 1
Phone 142