y7 m r TKjft ftecdfrtW is fefcd'ltf mote pe6U in Bahddtf itti vicihity than all other (tejieri combinea1. SEMI-WEEKLY .it ". a BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1914 VOLUME XXX NUMBER 2 Is Setofftef PARCEL POST BY STEAMERS Hereafter all Parcel Post Mail Will Come Via Portland And Coos Bay. The Postofhte Department at Washington Ips finally awarded the contract for cariying the parcel post between Coo Bay and Pot tland. and the new service became effective Jan, ist. 1914. On the same date the new service becomes effective at Portland, where parcel post will be shipped to Coos and Currj counties on simmers The order inaugurating the set vice is as follows: Effective January is 1914. service will be established for the dispatch of parcel post mails only, between Portland and Nor'i litnd and Marsh field by the stramer Alliance of the North Pacific Steamship Company, which leaves Portland January 8 at 6 p. m, and every ten days thereafter; and the steamer Breakwater of the Portland & Coos nay steamship com pany, which leaves eveiy Tuesday at 8 p, m. Commencing januai y i, 1914, all parcel post nail for offic in Coos and Curry counties except Agness, Brookings, Harbor. Illaho and Mar ial, in Currycounty, wi" be dispatch ed to the Portland Tetmin?1 R. P. O. for dispatch by boat, hst ..d of to Roseburg for dispatch by S"tr route. All offices in Coos',and Curry counties except those above mentioned, will dispatch ?U parcel post mail to Port land by boat instead of by star routes to Rosebnig. , This harcel po t rmtter should be carefully packed in sacks, and in case a sack is not fu'V'he sack should be tied with tw.ne in suchT nu mer as will hold the parce's s:urcly !n the place in which packed. Sacks should not be filled so full that' the mouth of the sack cannot be closed tight. Direct sacks shoujd be put up whenever possible, either b states or to the larger offices. Mails for the above service will close at lease one (1) hour before sailtngs of steamers, except when sailings occur at night the mail shall hf l.mc-dihe eveninir before. Times Writing at Night School. Writinir will be taught on Tues days and Thursdays at the night school. This was omitted from the list of subjects published last week Mrs. Rca will teach the Palmer Method of Rapid Bust ess Writing and invites all who are interested to visit her room and inspect the work of her cradc pupils and note tlie re suits of three months' instruction; the breaking up of old habits of vertical writing and acquiring a uni form slant ' style with muscular movement. Weather Report. Coquillc River Light Station, January 1, 1914. Editor Bandon Recorder: The runfall for the month of December wgs 7.11, davs rainy and cloudy 22, days clear, 9. The rainfall for the corresponding month of 1912 was 6.60, a difference of fifty-one hun dredths more this '.nontlu The rainfa'l lor the year of 1913 was 47.75. The rainlall for the year of 19I2 was 55105 .difference of 7.30 lesschtsyear, orfor 1913. O. Wiren Co-operative Obsei ver. 0 Scott makes models. Itf High Mass. Farmer's Mass in B Flat was given at the Catholic church on Christmas at 10:30 a. m. also last Sunday morning. In the Gloria, a violin solo was played by Mr. Haggerty. At the Offertory the "Adesie Fideles" was sung by Messrs Johns ton, Strauhal, and chorus. The Benedictus by Mrs. Geiscn dorfer and quartette. The Agnus Dei by Mcsdames Haggerty, Cody, MacKintosh and chorus. The lovers of sacred music are hearing the choicest through the kindness of Mrs. Geisendofer, the able organist and 'director. Tvhe Library Christmas. Santa Claus didn't bring all I askr ed for but his friends made a fine Christmas for me. I thank them for thestf gifts. Plaster cast of Delia Robbia's Cantoria and Delight, a juvenile story from Mrs. Kronenberg; leather bound volume of an American Bible, and Holly from Mr. C. Rasmunsen; The Spoilers, The Ne'er-do-well, Officer 666, Mistress of Shenstone, from a friend; Girl of the Limberlost, from the Yaetea Club; complete fiies of American Cirpcnter and Builder, for several years, from a friend; Christian Herald for 1913, Mrs, Tucker; Motor Girls at Lookout Beach, from Mrs. Duncan; two Southworth books, Mrs. Neal; Copy of the Oregon Game Laws, Mr. Anderson; dust pan from a friend; C.imp Meeting Sermons, Mrs, M. Smith; Thoughts from Daniel, Mrs. Urquhart. And I thank the young people who furnished the beautiful Christ mas decorations, and . those friends who dropped silver into our contri bution box. Bandon Public Libraiy Club Party. A delightful parly was given by the fir's of the Yaetci cTub last Tuesday evening at the Logan resi dence. The leeding feature of the party was the beautiful decorations from the forest about Yaetea Falls the hostesses had gathered the fin ""I specimens of huckleberry, Oregon grape vines and ferns, these com bined with the club colors, orange and black, made .1 charming back giound for the entertainment. Music and games were the order of the evening. At eleven o'clock p. m. the gucts were ushered to the dining room where the long tabic trimmed with green and the club colors, made the dainty re freshments more appetizing. The souvenenirs were tiny boxes of home made candy. The party was given by the following young ladies; Aion Thompson, Florence Fish, Violet Fish, Dora Anderson, Mona Logan The invited guests wcie: Gail Boak, Helen Fish, Gladys Gallier, Ethel Barre, Richard Craine, Mei ton Lowry, Raym ond Webb, Thomas Thorn, Edward Fish, Geo Chatham, Emerson Fish. Mrs. W. H. Logan, Miss Ruby Converse and Miss Henry were the chaperons. Bjg Cora Crop. Myrtle Point, Or.. Dec. 31.- William Hartly of South Fork, well known as a farmer who farms right, can show 63 bushels of corn from one half acre of ground. The severe windstorm the first of the week blew down the Western Union lines between RjDseburg and Coos Bay, as well as the telophaaq line leaving this section isolated buss the outside world, . "SPUG" MOVEMENT NOW TAKES NATIONAL SCOPE. President's Wife and Daughter Help Spread the New Christmas Doctrine. Tlie so called "spug" movement So ciety For the Prevention of Useless Giving has Just been organized by the womnn'H department of tho na tional civic federation under tho hon orary chairmanship of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wlfo of tho president Tho movement, which began In New l'ork. has been federated In Washington through committees from various states, the chairmen Including: For Massachusetts, Mrs. Charles Hamlin; Pennsylvania, Mrs. James I. Chamberlain; Now York, Mrs. August Belmont, president of tho society, and Miss Hobinsoii Smith; West Virginia, Mrs. Arthur Lee; Maryland, Mrs. Uf ford; California, Mrs. Julius Kthnl Alabama, Miss Manning Brewer; Ten nessee, Mrs. H. Vnn Devanter; District of Columbia, Miss Mnrgnrct Wilson, daughter of tho president In a statement outlining tho nation al scope of tho organization, Miss Maud Wctmore, chairman of U10 woman's de partment of tho National Civic Feder ation, tells of tho good to bo accom plished in reducing useless giving among shopgirls and other wngeworfo ers, and says tho national organiza tion stands for individual freedom In Christmas giving and for gifts which spread happiness and helpfulness, as against colloctivo giving and formal exchaugo of gifts. Somo of tho latter1 practices aro characterized as forms of petty graft'' and as .senseless and stupid. Among tho Washington recruits to the ranks of the "spugs" ore Mrs; Champ Clark, Mrs. Henry White, wlfo of tho former United States ambassa dor to France, and Mrs. Franklin Mac- Veagh, wlfo of tho former secretary of the treasury. RAVINIA "HOUSE OF STUNTS." Women Adopted Novel Means ot Arousing Community Spirit A year ago Knvlnla, III:'; wSJr a vil lage of seventy householders. Com munity spirit was lacking. At a meet ing of tlie Womnu's Civic club Mrs. Ilobert It. Grclg said: "Ravlnla has 'no civic pride. Wo need a community house. We must get acquainted." Forthwith the men' were dragged to a meeting. Committees were organ ized and tho work started. Each of the seventy householders was pledged to earn at least $10 by work outside of his regular vocation. Prizes were of fered for the one first to earn tho $10, tho one to contribute by tho most orlgtnnl work and tho ono to raiso tho largest am'ount The results of community spirit wero tabulated at the dedication recently of tho community house, a remodeled Hohoolhouse. Tho citizens had raised $000. "We now hayo so much community spirit in Itavlnla," .fluid ono worker, "that In the morning all tho roosters Join in autiphonal crowing, and shorr notes nro hurmoulous too." CHRISTMAS STRAWBERRIES. Jersey Farmer Hopes to Have Supply For the Holiday. Wlllard B. Kllle, a young' scientific farmer of Hridgcton, N. J., has been propagating n new strawberry with tho best of success, and If cold weather holds off until Christmas ho will bo nblo to grace his tablo with this deli cacy, us ho did at Thanksgiving. These berries aro grown out of doors. V.O11 Sept 25 Killo picked an Immense quantity of berries from plants set out in ApriJ, and tho receipts wero sunl dent to pay all the" cost of caring for them. White House Christmas Tree. There will he an ollkial Christmas tree on tho broad plnza at tho cast front of tho capltol in Washington on Christmas eve, with high gov?rrment officials participating In the fef'vltics and the United States Murl'e band famishing music. Vaatsd Effort. "Now, Tommy," said tho tuniy school teacher, "suppose you had ttw apples jinl ypu gave another bay choice of tlBMn, Too would ten Ma to tnkoitlio Inru'cst use. wouldn't vaaV ."I, iim'iim," snM Tommy tarpfrapMy. "Why. Tommy!" esctataed the tough or In shocked surts. "Why nut?"' "Wi'll." said Tmnuiy. "lb dU bwach It wouldn't be nocesttr) to UM lttm dat"-New York ClUfco, There Must B 6efaBliiic3j la Cb "Do you bojlove there id real5 tt&j niv;!i, thing as Jovo at flrtr "Ccrtnirriy tju-ro in. IP thitro wfij no such thing ueaio of Utt mernctod Qien, tpl.B-u yifl) liusw vo&W&'cr have iftJSla aHUi HJ cftatfrmtfO iMn wives?" INTERNATIONAL PEACE MEMORIAL IS URGED. To Pledge America and- Britain to Everlasting Harmony. An, appeal to the American people. signed by Secretary of State Urynn and many prominent citizens or tho country, naking whole hearted partici pation in the celebration In 1014 and 1015 of the centenary of the signing of the treaty of Ghent, which ended tho war of 1812 and began 100 years of peace among English speaking peoples. has becu Issued. The erection of an International mon ument around which Great Britain arra the. United Stutep pledge them selves to keep eternal peace, is urged upon congress by tlie American peace committee. Tho appeal reviews the peaceful re lations which have obtained between Orcnt Britain and tho United States since the treaty of Ghent was signed on Christmas eve, 1814, and expresses gratification at tlie realization of tho hope then expressed by John Qulncy Adnnia that "May tho gates of tlie tem ple of ' Janus closed hero novcr be open ed during; tho century." "It Is BlncercJy Hoped," tuo appeal continues, "that ail will tnko part with the American committee or with sim ilar committees in other lauds In tho preparation and execution of an ade quate and fitting program that shall signalize as no other occurrence In tho past would enable us to do the realiza tion of Mr. Adams' prophetic wish that tho twentieth century might find the peace still unbroken. That our country has been such atU active factor In this wonderful acuievM ment prompts us to celebrate thocvont for peace as well as war Is an event between nations and arou.sea4ihe.hopo that the 100 years which have passed since the. treaty of Ghent was Vned on ChrlRtman eve. 1814, may be not only the precursor of a perpetual peace between Great Britain and tho United States, but the promise of a broaden ing era of enduring peace between all nations.' WANTS A YOUNGER SANTA. Little Girl Thinks One Who Visited Her Grandfather Is Now Too Old. Lodcma li. Hlle. a little girt of Al bion, Ind., has asked Postmaster Oe cral Burleson to appoint a yaunejer Santa Claus, who onu go to her hone, which Is a long way from a railroad. Little -Miss ntlo wrote as follows: To Mr. HurloBoni I wish that you would npiraint a young er Santa Claim, for I live n 1WH5 wars from n rollroiid. and I nm afraid that Saa ta CIiiub Is now too old to oema to ny housj and I will not Get anytfiloe: for ClirlMmaR. for erandpa enyfi that be utd to como to lila houuo w4i.cn hoAjjia a lftito boy, do he roust tab pretty W ayHils time, nml-obllgo a HtUo islH eleht years old, with best records. DRUG HABIT GRIPS NATION. ". . United States Seoond Only to China In Use of Opium, Says Etoaart. Tho United Statos Is new taKoad to China and ahead of every otlur coun try In tho world In tho uso of opium and tho narcotics derived from It ac cording to a statement by Dr. B. O. Kelster before a meeting of scientists and specialists In Philadelphia re cently. Tho drug menace Is so great in this country, the speaker said, that there Is danger of our "degenerating back to something worse than monkeydom." PUZZLED THE DRIVER. Now He Believes the Policeman Is 5 Real Mind Reader. A certain truckman In tho habit ol using the now Manhattan bridge on hif. morning trip to HrookiyiMms abandon' ed thut route beeatiHo of superstition. Several days ago while the truckman was taking a loud of chicken crates to Brooklyn a line cap llpped down bo foro him Just us his team had ponied under tlio Manhattan tqwer. Ho look ed nrmind. and, seeing that none of the teamsters alieud of him or behind him was bareheaded, ho picked up the cap and put It under tho cushion of his seat Now, It chanced that tlie cup had brn blow'n from the head of ono of tho euglueera of tho bridge department who was high' up In tho toweF at the thse. On reaching the tower baso hu AHlbul nn tint notBrtttnan at the Brook- lj.n otntroaito (ax the telephone, dcscrlb-" ed tire toosBStco- aad hta wagon nnu toM hov to bfd'tea hi cap. Aa flio IsjfflB ft to of trucks passed by tho poltcwuun tho lattor halted tho thtuvtotf drive, oaring: 'Til trouble yi. tochaud over that cap you picked tip oh tlio Mauhattan sldo. It's a black and wJilto3chcV,onntr yoa'vo got It ' rfght there under yoor seat" Amazed and frightened at tho rmi demand, ltho drivr pulled ot his hid den Ond ojid tossed it to h(rn. 'Hero ypu are," ho said. "You-to a mind uee around coraer8."-Now ,York Trtb Myrtle Point Items. Mrs. Wrtcrs, who was injured in a runaway near the Water's home two or three weeks ago, died at ti e amjly home uear Lee Ore.,Sundav Dec. 21. Emily Melissa Hadkins was born in Iowa, November 16, 1S53. She was married to Amos Gatersin in Hutter county, Iowa, July 3, 1874, and the family moved to Coos Co. about 1 886. Mrs. Waters was the mother of three children, Clarence Osborne Waters, Arther Claude Waters, and Mrs. Lola Myers, all of whom five neaJ Lee. Mrs. Waters united with the Latter Day Satnis. Church in 1903. Funeral services here held at the family home at l o'clock on Monday Dec, 22, the sermon being preached by Elder Thos. Barkiow of the Brethern Church. James H. Mathenyjan old fcttler of the Coquille Valley, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.JWm. Corbin, at 11 o'clock,1 on Tuesday fornoon, Dec 23td 1913. Mr. Matheny waa born in Virginia, July 5th 1847, spent part of his early life in Iowa. He moved to California in 1872 and a year later came to Coos county, where he spent most of the time since. His wsfe died some time during the latter part of the eichtys. Deceased leaves two daughters and two sons: Mrs. Lou s;i Corbin of this city, Mrs. Belle Waldele ot Portland, Oregon, Joe Matheny of Crook county; and Wm. Matheny of Curry county, Ore. Funeral services were held at the Baethern Church at eleven o'clock A, M.Friday, Dec 26th, in charge o( the Christian Science people, Born, Sunday, Dec. 21st '13 to Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, a daughter. Roy F. Garrett, Son of Mrs. Wm. Gor.ett, and Miss Rosa H. Chandler daughier of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Chandler, were quietly married at the home of the officiating clergyman Rev. Thos Barkiow at 6 o'clock Monday evening, Dec 22. Mr. and Mrs. Garrert departed on the eight o'clock stage the same evening for their honomoon trip, during which they will visit Long Beach and other Southern California points. Lumber C om p ani es Con s 0 1 i d a t e. Joseph Fyfe jr. arrived on the Fi field in company with A. F. Esta brook. The Fyfc Lumber Co. and the Estabrook Lumber Co. h ive consolidated and Mr. Fyfe will look after this end of the business, divid- ing. his time between Bandon and San Francisco as Mr. Estabrook has been doing heretofore. Mr, Estabrook will remain in San Fran cisco permvnently Mask Ball. Mask ball at the Opera House Saturday evening, January loth, everybody mask. The will be foor prizes, for the b?st dressed lady, for the best sustained character, for the best waltzers, and for the best two step. Everybody assured of a good time. Admission for spectators 10c. 'Hoyt-Haywood. Miss Grace Hoyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hoyt ot this city was united in marriage at Coquille December 22nd to Arthur Haywood. The bride has long been one of Bandon's popular young ladies, and the happy" couple will have the con gratulations and bast wishes of a large circle of friends. e A. J. Marsh and sons John and Donald of Elk River were Bandon visitors yesterday and today, NEW PARCEL -POST RATES Mail Under New Rules May Be Insured at Small Cost. In order that you may get the ad vantages of the parcel post usefulness and convenience, it is necessary to become familiar with the conditions governing the weight, size, and pre paration of fourth class mail. While this system is in its infancy in our country, it already has proven to be a cheap, expedetious and efficient means for the conveyance of mer chandise, farm and lactory produce and other articles coming under the head 1 f fourth class mail. To guarantee delivery, parcels mav be insured up to a twenty five dollar value for five cnts, and up to to fifty dollars for ten cents. Fre quently packages get into the mail, not properly wrapped. The proper preparation ot articles is essential in order to withstand the handling in transit and delivery. Perishable ar ticles, such as fruits which spoil from bruisidg, should not be sent any ureat distance in the mail, neither should fruit in jacs or liquid in tins or bottles, be sent unless packed in excelsior or by other means which will insure against every possibility of breakage whereby other mail uu u ""'""s- "i f k -1 A.-.I...,.- i:..7' AffMft,' ni?sribS III 1 UralluyS'lMUi; ul.lllW!viii.yik--( DER we printed the' changes as set forth by I'ost Master General Burle son to take effect Jan. 1, 1914. New Pi c tur e Films Not Arrived. , The steamer Breakwater is bar- bound at Astoria and the new pic ture program for the coming week will be several days late. We will repeat the bcl pictures of this week until the new shipment arrives, at Grand Theatre. Brethern Meetings. A series of meetings, at the Church of the Brethern on Main street be tween 9th and 10th Sta. will begin Sunday Jan. 4. Su'-ject tor eleven o'clock a. in. "The Bible," at 7:30 "Faith and Repentance," followed each evening during rhe week with such themes as dea' vitally witn our connection with the body of Christ, the Church, like baptism"' "feet washing," Lrrds supper and com munion," "Nonconformity," etc., conducted by Elder C. H. Burklow and L. B. Overholser. Evcibody is cordially invited. The reading of the Tale of Two Cities by Prof. Reddie of the Uni versity of Oreijon New Year's Eve was very much enjoyed by all who heard it. The Grand Theatre was filled to its capacity for the occasion and the Bandon Pudic Library, un der whose auspices it 0was. Jicld, realized a neat sum of money. " Earl Watkins lelt on the noon boat today and will embark on the Breakwater tomorrow for Portland where he will again take up his work in the Pharmacy department of the N. P. D.C. alter spending the holi day vacation aHiia home in th'scity." Mrs. C. Mc Johnson won the beautiful parlor set at the t19undon Furniture Co. nith No. 1405, 0 o O 000