Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 26, 1913, Image 1

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    Tk RececeW m read by more pMplcm BmmUii and vkJaky tkaa a ether jmimm mmUmA
F . HE
id Teacher and Author
MH Appear at the Grand
Next Week
tofessor Reddie who is to appear
Grand Theatre on December
had lull charge and staged the
American presentation ol
sund's "Princess Far Aay.'
the author of a number "ol
band has "The Tale ol Two
m," "Huckleberry Finn," "The
kess," etc.
I is said ol Professor Reddie that
lets not play thepatt he assumes,
y't. Not to go to the Grand
tre on Wednesday December
till be to miss seeing something
irill for long to come be the
lei the town, and those whodo
Lo will' have frequent sad regrets.
asor Redd e s expenses are
fey the state.
charge ol,twenty-five cents will
urged tor admission, and all
iy taken aboyc expenses will go
f benefit ol the Bandon Public
ReHtifiiscefise s.
lie following Bandon items taken,
Ithe "Early Day" column ol
Coos Bay News will interest the
Uklents ol this vicinity. They
I published first in the News of
Li2. 1880:
frndfatf gttvaTd" tWn
fcered at John Hamblock's
Isk mouth of the Coquille.
ad blew the sand off a por-
U the burial ground and several
lions were exposed. Some
and beads representing hard
fa were found lying alongside
probably to pay current ex-
m or to conciliate the officers
L they get to the other side.
It Hon. R. H. Rosa is hard at
Iter another aoDrouiiation for
breakwater. He has already
. . .
Med the memorial with the
beus and influential signatures
kHon, I H. Slater, out wants
names still Several have
Iwrd to cut the memorial'oul of
lts anil attach a piece of p iptr
Ifrt all in their neighborhood
i it, and then send it on to
worth ol uowls. Mich as sal-
T Ifr UIHII. 1L .11 11(71 . L1L.
(1 . I
It.uuloii mul the lower river
i tin .1 L
on .shipboard cannot be g t
i. ...
ar whiah was chased by Cap!
I the Moic, tried to make
uy climbing a iree. tnc
was a Iwttcr climber Mill.
alter him, and overtaking
lv witciI Kriiin hv the Hind
endeavored to haul him
- -
Alter holding' on however
tune lie was obliged to Id
iccciyed a rather severe
. - t i -i
i i . . i
------ - i
tu now nearly reeovereti.
hit difcouiaged. He
- - -
Irailv in lii-hl ihe utmindrnl
any one belong mg to Mm,
lie can get a chaw.
I ' '
Ffcnu, Mr iw Mr, H.
Stuart 18,000 Mltas Md Ar-
nNiWHk 31 mum.
Port Townsend, Wash. Completing
a cruise or seven months la tbe arctic.
during which she steamed nearly 18.
000 allies, tbe United States revenue
cutter! Bear;, Captain J. O. Balllnger.
arrived here from tbe north, having
on board thirty-seven refugees from
Nome, who' were landed at Seattle.
Captain Balllnger before leaving
Nome took all the Eskimos from that
ctj' and vfcl'nlty to tbelr homes,, so
mat tney would .not be a burden on
tbe community during tbe winter.
' That the Bear rendered valuable serv-
tce to Nome after the storm Is evi
denced by a vote of thanks parsed by
thi city cobbcII to Captain Balllnger
and bis oncers. 1
This la the third cruise Captain Bal
llnger has made on the Bear as master
to Point Barrow. Tbe two previous
'voyages the; passage was free from
Ice, but on this trip It was with diffi
culty that be succeeded In reaching
the top of the' continent Tbe Bear
sailed from Point Burrow on Aug. 18.
having been delayed seven days In the
Ice. and Captain Balllnger says that If
be bud not sailed when be did his ves
sel would have bad to winter In tbe
far north.
Tbe Bear Is the Ynly vessel which
went Into Ike arctic this year that was
able to gut "out Sue made many trips
to tbe relief 'of vessels in distress,
moot of them being small craft
Captain Balllnger expresses the be
lief that all the vessels .caught la the
Ice are safe and those ea board can
reach BatJve villages.
Th Bear after atoa at Seattle will
Lproceed to Han frraacJsjgp. J0'
" ' J
Cemht In MaeMftery, Troupers Qive
-f , Way UiwUr Jmi,
Chester. 8. D, - TljKact that Ms
tfrWserV WertrSr" RHffl'cleafly flimsy ma
teria T to not stand tbe strain saved the
life of John Schmidt a farmer living
near town., when Ms trousers became
caught In the machinery while be was
elevating a load of com Into a crib.
tlnd hla trousers not given way and
reloaded him he would liuve been serl
imslr 1 1 J u red mid In all probability
killed. '
As It was be escaped with a broken
ankle bone.
DliVrs Mail In Thr Stat.
Aulitirn. Neli.-niimburg, la., has a
mriil mall rarrler who enjoys a uulque
distinction; Rvery dny he drives Into
three Mutes Iowa. MIsNouri, and Ne
bniskn. Hamlmrg la very rloae to the
Missouri line. uw there IS an Island In
the Mlteuiurl river, well populaML that
belongs to Nciuaba county. Neb.
Think It Copy of a Cattl Brand and
tike the Idea. .
Denver. "Big limit," as ho Intro
duced himself to n policeman, nn un
gainly youth of twenty-four, who had
spent his boyhood on a cattle ranch In
Wyoming, had never Been an American
(lug until ho came to Denver to attend
rt turn f est.
ThO national emblem draped over the
welcome arch attracted his attention
oa he walked along Broadway.
"I sec." ho saldvondcriiigly to the
patrolman, "it's Wort of a brand like
they put oa cows.
That a a right bright Idea. now. ain't
ttr bo added as he turned away to
watch a popcorn jwpper. which also
was a "brilliatit luvcutlon" to him.
TbnlMrman New tasking Capital te
Dsvslse His Claim.
Tm. uouL-Au uiiustwtlr rich dis
covery of free milling goM was made
recently on Uie'Yakt river, seven miles
rest of Troy, by Krederic elevens,
iimtw-nHan. wtto ha cone to Des
MeiBes. la- to enlUt capital In develop
tag the claim he located Iwfere coming
Tti dUrevery was tbe reault of acci
dent, the 4d beariw: quart ha ring
t.u uiwartknl while Htereas was dig-
fu in the reeks ak the river for
(Mi NU. The we ante earriea raw
vakies hi rwfcy stiver.
iuJ Buuleiam U the fk
." n
tanWcetir my frMM wHh
HcM mk every SatimUy 4
Portland 'Or., Dec. 26. (Special)
February 12-14 is the date set for
the 1914 meeting of the Oregon Irri
gatioa Congress, which will be held
in Portland at the I nperial Hotel
1 he executive committee is busy(
preparing a tentative program that
will be announced shortly.
It is planned to give a banquet
on the nig hf' of February ,1,2th for
the delegates, to the Congress in
celebration of , the effective work
done at the last Congress. This
banquet will be givn under the
auspices of the Central Oregon Dele
About 40 organizations of water-
usersditchowners and commercial
bodies are associated with the cong
ress and each will send five delegates.
It is expected that 2 no delegates
will be Dresent. I
1 hat the Pacific Coast has ample
time to prepare for an ultimate influx
of European immigrants, is apparent
from reports received by the Oregon
Scate Immigration Commission,
This conclusion has been reached
by that office after making an ex
tensive investigation in co-operation
with ihe Oregon Development
League, of reported sales of thou
sands of steamship ticxets on the in
stallment plan to prospective immi
grants via the Panama Canal is with
out foundation. .
Rumors that a great flood of
European immigrants was to pour
upon the Pacific Coast as soon as
the Panama Canal was open,- .has
created great anxiety amongst civic
organizations. Tbe Oregon State
Immigration Commission lelt that if
such a throng was actually in, pros
pect, it was incumbent upon the
Commission to ascertain what pro
visions could be made for distri
bution of arriving aliens away from
the congested centers.
So far as a thorphgh investigation
could disclose, no steamship com
pany has yet quoted passengers
ratesfor immigrants via the canal,
and no such tickets are being sold
cither for cash or on the installment
plan. Persistance of th old rumors
caused this office to make such in
vestigations and the reports now in
hand from the American Consuls j
stationed at the important ports ol
Europe utterly discredit the rumors
Professor Reddie
Elocutionist, Teacher,
State Lecturer
At Grand Theatre
Wednesday. Dec.
Proceeds go to the Banoo Pub
Ik Library.
of a direct Pacific Coast imnliraiion,
The state of Oregon is .especially
well equipped throuch its commer
ci organizations banded together
to handle any possible
agricultural immigration. The At
lantic Coast states have not and
never had such an organization as
exists in this state for the distribution
of agriculturists upon the soils of
Intimately positive that the favor
aoie citmais ana inviting oppor
tunities of the Pacific Coast will'al
tract a large immigration from
Europe through the canal, still the
Immigration Commission feels
alarm over any immediate
whelming influx.
Joint Installation Saturday
Bandon Lodge A. F. and A. M
and Occidental Chapter,- O. E. S
will Tiold joint installation of officers
Saturday night December 27th
The officers of the Masonic lodge to
be installed are C. R. Moore, W
M; W, J. Sabin, S. W; W. A. Le
Gore, J. W; Phil Pearson, Sec; and
R. E. Oakes, Treas.
The officers of the Eastern star
are L. Kate Rosa; W; M; C. R,
Moore, W. P; Adelaide Reynolds,
A. Rosa Bingaman, Sec; Julia
Pape, Con; Clara Brown A, Con.
All Masons and their wives, and
all Stars and their husbands are cor
dially invited to attend this instal
lation Library Lecture Tickets.
Tickets for1 the lecture by Prof.
Reddie of the University oj Oregon,
for the benefit of the Bandon Public
Library will be on sale at the Li
brary, Sidwell's Clothing Store xnd
the Bandon Drug Co,
The lecture will be at the Grand
Theatre Wednesday evening Dec
ember 31st and the admission will
be twenty-five cents. This includes
both lectures and pictures.
There will be a meeting of the
Builders and Traders Association
Tuesday night December 30th. All
members and all interested are urged
to be present.
Ywh MHdy In FKI Cfcarfi
of Gainst Mitfe
Galveston, flex.- Barely twenty years
of age. W. L. Moody 3d has been
elected president of , the American
Hank uuil Trust company of Galves
ton. He U 8ii lit to be. the youngest
UiuU president In the United, States.
Despite his youth, he Is no novice
in the banking business, and he is di
recting tbe .affairs of his bank like a
-eterau. It la a state bank, with a
capUa! of $50,000. It wus organized
neveral months ago. with W. L. Moody
:M ii president und his son as vice
president The senior Moody resigned
recently and the son was elected to
cite place, ills disability as a minor
was removed by law last year. lie is
cundui'tliig tbe business, on his own
Initiative and' Is using bis own discre
tion entirely In ranking loans and In
vestments. He Is respected among
tHalvestou and south Texas business
men for his keen business Insight.
Young Moody comes bf a family of
bankers, bis' grandfather. W. L. Moody,
being president of one of the oldest
banks In tbe state, 'and his father
president of the City National bank
of Galveston.
to tha Pnitntlary Whan
Faoea New Ulf at 67.
San Quentln. Cat. Having spent
more than forty years of sixty-seven
yeurs of his Ufe In San Quentln and
Folsooi prisons. Uncle Six. who says
be was born a burglar, walked oat of
the penitentiary a free man. having
been paroled by the state board of
orison directors.
Uncle Six says bo will start lire au
ever again and endeavor to make
of himself.
Uncle Six was scat 09 frees 8
Francisco for burglary.
Convict Msks Bogua Coin.
Nashville. Tcnn. That a convict In
the Tennessee state prison has been
engaged In counterfeiting operations
was discovered when the prison au
thorities found tbe remainder of plas
ter of parls molds for small coins In
the cell of Sam Howerton. servlmr a
sentence for murder. The authorities
began their search on Information for
Blshed by another convict Howerton,
la said, melted the metal by means
of a wire attached to au electric HgM
In his cell.
With Thm Are Found Coppsr Orna
ment and Arrowhead.
Maple Rapids. Mich. Tbe bones of
an Indian, who probably died a cen
tury ago, were -found recently in a
gravel pit in the wWatern part of Mapto
The red man was evidently a man of
some Importance, because there were
copper armlets on his wrist bones, and
his fulj bore dlutlock, with tbe flint in
place all ready to tire, bad been burled
with him. Alongside the bones were
also found a brass kettle and some ar
rowheads. He bad a full set of per
fect teeth.
Tbe location of the grave Is on what
was formerly a main Indian trail. An
Iadlan trading post was established
Bearby about 1830.
Tsaa Widow' Damaga Suit Hlngas
on Slim Technicality.
YVaalilnzton It may cost Mrs. Pe
ter a. Uoaton of Pari. Tex., t&OOO te
learn "what's Ins name."
MA sued a 'Xtexas railroad for dam
ages oa account of the death of her
husband aad obtained a Jadcateet of
8,000. Tbe salt was brought is her
own name as permitted by the Tessa
employers' liability lew, but net as ad
ssUtatrator of her bttatjaad's estate, as
required by the federal employers'
blUty law. The railroad brought tte
ease te the supreme court on the eea
tetrfkHi that the Texas law wss repeal
ed by the JMiMUfe ef the federal set
asd that Mr, Boston hreuftrt the salt
iHtttrr the wrong name.
To4y Gran dma Shostnaker's
birthday and the Idtee 0 th
Weme' Ketief Carps are gtWujC
her a (tarty at her heme this sher-
n, V V Ijmu Ult aa llu VJuAA
tsf&wi Vr-tmUm where he WN
Convicted Eattude Man Still
Maintains That He It
Not Guilty.
Sheriff Gage arrived here today
with W. J. Leaton, former recorder
ol Eastside, enioule to Salem,
where Leaton will begin his prison
term. They will start tomorrow
morning via Drain, making rather a
sad Christmas trip for him.
Leaton today made the following
written statement at the city jail to
The Times and the public.
To the Editor, Coos Bay Times:
I do not wish to intrude, but as
your paper has always been fair to
me and has tried to sec justice done.
and has refrained from attacking me
on groundless charges, I now wish
to thank the paper from the bottom
of my heart for its fairness and jus
tice in its publications; and I also
wish to thank my many friends who
have not hesitated about coming
forward in my time ol need and ex
tending a helping hand to a fellow,
man who, through unfortunate cir-
cumstances was placed in a very un
favorable position and later convict
ed ol a crime which, as sure as the
sun shines in heavens, I was inno.
cent of the charge for which I have
been convicted and sent to prison,
vl have been-tried Hfl -V cowt'bf' "
justice and have been delendrd by,
as I honestly believe, the best and
most able attorney and friend to be
found in the country, Mr. R. O.
Graves, and you know the verdict.
Thanking1 my friends one and all
for their kindness, I shall bid you
Coos Bay Times.
Elect Officers.
At their last regular meeting Sea
side Circle No. 662 Women ol
Woodcraft elected tie following
Annie Barrows, Guardian Neigh
Malinda Bullard, Adviser.
R. W. Bullard, Banker.
Grace Smith, Clerk.
Tena Barrows, Attendant.
Sarah King, Magician.
Ida Hill. Capt. Guards.
Anna Jones, Inner Seminal.
Marguerite Shields, Outer Guard.
E. Lewin. R. II. Rice, Ben
Shields, Managers; Minerva Lewin,
Installing officer.
Special Programs at the
Grand Theatre.
"The Steel King's Last Wish " is
a special 3 reel feature of unusual
merit produced by the Great Noah-
em feature film to. will be shown
Saturday night also a corking gnod
comedy. The Grand orchestra ol
eight pieces will render special
selection. Admission 15 and 10c 1
Sunday night we offer a feature
Biograph in two parts entitled 'The
Rch-iHiers;" this is a satire on those
who eternally try to Icll other ieo)ite
how they should conduct tRemselves
and their business, Its a novel story
that will surely make a bit wkh any
audience. The I'athe Weekly has
maHy Interesting kemt ol the worlds
(telfttft. A good Comedy whM eem.
ptete this Sumlay night b4M not for
IteUmg m mefHiofl that a sjeeial
eight ptm etcUtrtm wiN lurftWfc
tisHghtful music. Admission 15.10c
r uigM,
Sen Pimm.