Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, December 23, 1 91 3 We Need The Money! e And to bring it quickly- we have made a big cut ineverything in the store Christmas Goods at Cost In this stalk you will. find hundaeds of articles that will make beautiful and servieable gifts and all going at cost. They- are all new goods too, most of them having arrived on the last boat. Bo sure to see' them. it Listen F The giver is judged by "the Here are a few suggestions for lical ifts Slippers- We have a fine asortment of felt bed room slipper, just the thsng for the ladies. Silk Hose in a vareity of dainty designs, at fobm 50c to 2.00 Handkerchiefs, beautiful and dainty, larg variety to ielect froit. Gloves make nice gifts -we have them in many styles and prices. Waists, Neckwear, Hand Bags, Silk Under Wear, and maud other articles that will solve the gift question for you Look at These Bargains: S The finest line of taffetas and Messalines, just arrived, at 50c to 11.20 Jerges that can't be beat . r- . n $2.50 OUR WINDOW IS FILLED WITH FURS LOOK SOME VERY NICE SUITS AND CLOAKS VST AT THE PRICES. ALL ARE MARRED DOWN ARRIVED, AND THE PRICES ARE RKIITr BANDON DRY GOODS COMPANY sea STEAMER SPEEDWELL If it is the BEST You Want "Speedwell" If it is the SAFEST You Want "Speedwell" If it is the Most Comfortable You Want "Speedwell" If you want to go to San Francisco, San Pedro,' Los Angeles, Redonclo, Long .Beach, San Diego, then prepare now for sailing on that Popular "Twin Screw" "Wireless" SPEEDWELL Sails Dec. 26th, 10 a. m. Bandon W arehouiseCo., Gen. Agt. C. M. Skeels, Coquille; Joe Schilling, Myrtle Point; Henry Sengstacken, Marshfiehd. -trrr- Job Printing at the . Reeordjer Offic LOCAL BRIEFS. Roy Drake of Coquille was in Bandon Sunday Sheriff VV. W. Gage is in the city on business today. Miss Elva Webb lias been on the sick list tor a few days. Don Smith was over from M.irsh field on business Saturday. M. Shehan of Lampa was a Han don business visitor yesterd .y. Mary Stuart in three splendid reels, Grand tonight, no advance.. I'ratt Nelson of Lnnlois was a Bandon business visitor last Friday A feature program at the Grand tonight for the same admission 10 5c Ed. Aasen of Coquille was in Han don Saturday, looking after business affiars. Mrs. Cooledge of Coquille was taking, in the sights in Bandon Sunday. The greatest acrobatic act ever seen in our city is at the Orpheum tonight. . -Atty. J. M. Upton of Marshfield was in the City Saturday on legal business. R. Smith Basset of Whiskey Run has been in the city on business a day or two. Trade your old furniture for new at Mitchell's Furniture store. Phone 211. ootf Greatest detective 3 reel feature, "Mystery of the Corner House," Orpheum tonight. Lost Small black fountain pen. Finder please leve at this office and receive reward. ostf Go to Mitchell's Furniture store on the hill, for anything you want in house furnishings. oofl I can paint your signs for yo'u for one half the price usually charged by the sign painters and guarantee flit iL'rtrL iiAur . ") 1'in-c is my JJ' ICC. Strowbridge the locaJ sign Dainter, John Wagner has been down from Myrtle Point a few days visiting relatives and friends. Don't miss a good showj Maiy Stuart. Grand tonight, tnree big reels, admission, m 5c. Fakm iok Rent - 160 acn-s eight miles south of Bandon. Kll-n Hemplc, 1 ix. 101 tSx An excellent bill ol vaudeville is offered our patrons this week at iln Orpheum, in addition to spfciil feature program of pictuies. New orders of bicycle repair ot all kinds constantly arriving. Will take orders for bicycles of any kind, ootf S. D. Bakkowb. Mr. and Mrs. R. Il Roell left Mondav morning for Empire wliuic they will spend Christmas with relatives, W. J. Loiigston of jhc I.oii)!nlon Construction Co. came down Imin Coquille yesterday to look after business affairs. What Better Christmas Gift for that Boy than an account opened in Ih'n itanicat this hironi' hank. 1 1 u i I I teach him ' thrift and start him on the road to independence. FIRST NAT'LIJANK Open duilng Mtttm Hour ul Wlur Boyle Jewelry Co, offer their customers for X mar gifts the following: For "Her" liroache LiValiuro HrareltM I'endiiiiln Diamond Hiiiyi Moult linjp Toilet Set Locki'tk Saiilnir Net It t''hnin Manicure I'icein For "Him" fcenrf I'iiu ChnriiiK Watch C'linrm . Cuff Link Shgving Suit. )ckwi Vuct Cha. is Wirtches J i'ohf 'He Clnip i K 1 1 c 1 King , Many other new and up-to-dr;te pieces of jewelry can also be found IVIcon h low t or lower than merclmndhu; o KUfillnr (ftmllty enn he purchased for in nn , DEPENDABLE STORE. Thce fcatutcs, w I think dorulltuteln jut nod fair title to your ps t tronnjje. J Our Xrrinri Gift to our ciutomer it two fine Diamond KliiK 0110 $100.00 nud one $50.00 R 03 (lull mi n fm jHirluuUtrs 4 . I'bon No 5I Subscribe for The . ReCoi der $1.50 per year