or O 0 o o o 1. o o o o gemi-Weekly Bandon Recdrdef, December 23, 1913 cP o OF OUR ElttM LINES : -i. SOME Swifts Premium Bacdrhakd LardVX"' ' S. & W. Canned Goods Famous Tillman Shillings Bqst'Coffee, Baking, Powder and Extracts ' CITY GROCERY CO, "HOUSE OF QUALITY" Hotel Rates $1.00 to $2.00. per day. Special rates by weejvmoih ... Sample "room in qirinnectioift .u Bandon ::: ::: -vo .Ofegan We want you For our customer not just today-, ''but 'torrioV- row ana ror an Right Right Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want we have; Mu SPARK'S W Succenor to A. w, 5. i Til 10 lI.AkNlDSS Mi&N A new supply ipf suit cases, trunks, . slippping ' bags, robes,- etc., etc. V4 ' ' Aw( " iw.MMi f;f; tfimi.iiiift uwm Got Any Spare? Use electricappliances for the iioifst'liold ' work and you will have Ume for' other . things. Let us demonstrate theu to you.. BANDON POW.ER COMPANY UquippcU wiili Wireless' 1 ; ... . S. BR VKW A'Tj(-R ALWAYS ON T.lME-f.,. u. .. saplings; v om Portland Every Tuesday at' 8 P. M. From Coos Bay Every Saturday, .fct Ser vice of yae Tidej . 0 Confirm Sailine.l Through M. F. SIldEV VCER.J Ane'rit Hrloi' " . " Phoned2' ' o yrci vv - Bendel Line 1 1 I ... : l .-1. '.hi . i'i . 1 ' ume tojeorne, jjr H GpirJds Prices E. Vhit'o t .. . i' a.i'.lT' fr win umiiwiiiwiii'iMt I . -i'V.-afe'. S J'1 -6L1 .. H8 , - - .FIND RING Lt)ST19 YEARS. i , Weddino Emblem Discovered by Daughter Buried In Ground. New prleifnk Nineteen years ago JIw. L. k.A'.. Uanl shook' ncr wedding ring olT.licr linger while cleaning tea i 'leaves out tf a teapot pn the rear j gold, which her husband had Blnced "on her linger live years ueiorc, ten out In the, Brass, and search hy n dozen neighbors, and by Mr. and Mrs. dial for hours hilled to reveal a trace or It. A few afternoons. :igo It wns'.foimd. nt the vtyy spirt Jostfby n daughter. Miss Viola, who was but three weeks old .whcn the rlns; disappeared In the weeds. ' f t's now treasured beyond anything In IhoVbrhl," said Mr Gaa). wllh tho happiness of a chljd1 oVer a- new toy. "The rlhg Is Just- as pretty nifd shiny as It dVer was. Its long slinnber In the ground has not hurt It a bit. "My. daughter was digging , nrll ehokesi''when ,sht turned up the 'ring with a' sHUrul of dfrt. Sim brought "It to nle.' limit I was a liroud mini to sllp'-It on to the third linger of my wlfo'sleft hand for the second time.'' WELL, BUT IN BED 55 YEARS Mile. Lotkiux's Refusal to Le,ave Her l j doli'cli Is Unexplained! I'iiVljii Mile. I.eciiux,' who has f'on st'vendv-llve years been lljing fn the onvlnujH .of Paris and in, perfectly good lfc!llMt. has'' remained ilhe'd ' tor llfty-llo ylnrs. Xhn .rdnson ,1s un known; Seine say..li.ls ihypuchorijila. otherSj assign Jove aJ)'i)lrs,.as the cause; but, hij that as it may,!, In 18.7S site made'jmr decision. A calir invostlgntiiigtho'ense was shown into a white room containing a lied Ut a u'Oiiden fltAvo4''1ciltisetIl'hy white curtains like a sepulbher.'. The1 fami))- .objected fU' theMislt. saying Unit she was'in bad humor, and h ."niithoritalivo voice, strong and healthy, gave evidence of the fact She then ordered dinner radishes, mutton ami black coffee. Several doctors who have visited her rcpoi't 'tlmt her digestion Is admirable. Her ijmbs are only slightly feeblo fromUisuse. . '... STOLEN AS A BOY- E After: 14 Years Youtlr Rolurns . j to Mother's Aunt. i .I Senltle, Wash. John, .Tames Hurley, who was klduaVed fouVriy'h Jyears' ago; speeiled back to his mother, sisters and hrotlrVs at I'unxsutawney, La., his lde.ntIfWitloli having bee.n. fully estab llshetl by the Seattle police mid those of hlsjold home town. ' - Johli .lames; as lie' was known until .1 few days ago, was stolen from his mother at. Puiixsiltawiiey when he was slt years old,. Ho always has believed tlnrtriWkldynper A'as Ills fatlier. lie Unof5 the niiin as Hurley. Th6 mother In r6uuvlvanla has,Wpt.up a search foti tho boy. and John James, reinom bbrliig coal mines and Pennsylvania Mini a town tho Mo of which was so odd he could never bring It from his ' cldl(hond menifiries. also 1ms striven to csnbllsh his Identity. Since having been, cast oiT tlve.year ago by the !man who stole him lie has been busy seullng letters to the police of various towns In Pennsylvania. Mrs. Kmma Kloetke. who had ,Ihi nllng house In a Washington luiu ber camp where John Jiunes worked, heard his story ud. Having lived In western Pennsylvania, she aiKlscd him to write to Pubxsutawney.' lie did so two weiil's ngq and an answer caftie 'from Chief of Poflce Palmer and one from the .mother. Through the ex change oV letters John James' Ideiktity has .been fully established John James things that the first town to which he was takej.i after he was stolen' was Chicago. 111 kidnap er, who won a n'ill miner, then -took hfni.to Melt. Mont letter they wuntto' ' lelena. Mont., and back again to .Crescent, I 'a., where the Uty was placed In. school CHILD HAD NO BRAIN. Lived to Age of Fjur Years Without Tiiat' Organ, llerlln. A Ci;rmau mejllcal Jourjial reports the curious case of a child born without a brain which In spite of this 'handicap lived to' the age of almost four yyars At the autopsy It was found that both the cerebrum and 'cerebellum, the .so. called "big" and ."Utile" brain were completely lacking, only the inedulln .(liloutfatn .being priyt cut. This little hunt of brain tissue at the hie' of thi main brain, which In ttihos forms the nMev bniln, was able hen1 to control tl.ie functions of the necessary -to ir lia'ro exlsteiK'6. but ijOtjhlng more ' Hie 'child lay 1n' 'a 'stale of coma, with contracted arms mid almost mo tionless, durluc Its wltole existence. 'It i .vns Impossible Jo obtald the slightest mental reaction. Fastest 'Boi Ma)"er. Dayton. Ore.Willls Mellows Is be lieved here tJ be the flistesfapple tuSc maker In the northwest. In a seaen his average Is film dally. In' I.a Grnirju. Ore., lie broke (rcArc). .manufacturing T.OOO lio.-os In toiiand n Iralf iUys. On atthe9, wcnslof? he made . (1$ boxes dally for llft.vjght days. In his tegu lar speed ho Ijj'a'ble toieep ten trained apple pickers tilling his boxes as ho makes them, NED FARMERS Simmons Sure Helpful Laws Will Be Passed. GO-OPERATION IS NEEDED. Best Features of 'Credit System as Studied Abroad Will Bo Utilized Here Report of American Commis sion Which Investigated Conditions Will Soon Be Made Public. , Washington. - The report of tho American connnlsslon In Kuropo, Milch went abroad to Investigate agricultur al conditions with a view to Improv ing the status or the American farmer and reducing, the cost of living to. the American consumer, will sooii bo ready for the pro,ss The committee appoint ed to pivpaie. the report Is here at i work now. " S'enato.r' If. M. .Simmons, chairman ,9f the finance committee. Is verj much Interested In the Informal ion gather ed by tlie. commission" In Kngland, Krnnce, Ireland, Austria. (!ennany. Italy, Hungary and oilier countries. He will study the questions of co-operative enterprise as they relate to the farmer mid present to congress a bill that may help the producer get more for hhr crops and at the same time greatly reduce the cost of living lie would reduce the Interest on mon ey to farmers and extend the time to loans. ,ll am convinced that we must .change .our system of marketing farm products bet on we reduce the cost ot living." said Senator Simmons. "I do riioto by Amei lean Press Arxoelatlon. SI.N'A'IOII ! M HIM.MON8. not believe that, there is imy scarcity of eggs now, yet In some cities the ittusumer Is paying 70 cents a dozen for them. On my farm In North Caro IliiU we put in eight acres 'of Irish po tatoes last spring Ve got Just enough out of tUo potatoes grown to pay for the ftVtlll.er used on them. Wo got nothing 'for the labor. We were told that the markets were slutted. The truth Is .those potatoes were .bought by speculators, put in storage and are now being sold in. small liits at fancy 'prices. The Mime sort of conditions as to eggs and potnfocs are true in the ease; of other farm products. In one locality the market may be glutted, niillojn another it is shelf. "I shall study carefully the report of the American commission In Kurope and' try to formulate a bill that will remedy present coiidlllous. lining n fanner myself-a truck farmer at'that - I can speak for tho producer." Jo'lui Sprunt Illll of North Carolina and New York was a member of the" American commission in iCurope' He has M'cii anil talked ujtli a number of' congressmen about the investigations made In Kuropc. "On our Investigating tour in HuroiMJ wo met tho tanners on tfielr farins and examined their co-operatlio enterprises and secured a tremendous volume of very valuable testimony. "If the fanners of America will prac tice co-operation they wll? sell their products for 'J." per cent more than tuny get for them now by offering better stuff In better condition and Infl a direct Instead of a fliundabi'iit wy ami nt the sjine time nil nee the cost of living to the average man. "Our runners have not learned how to Industrialize agriculture They havp not learned how to produce twenty- eight bushels of wheat upon ono aero instead of two acres so that the other acoi cun be used for pasturing live st'ockt to produce a bale of cotton on oneoacro and thereby gain an aero or more for clover 0 "The inoFt of the talk oabout over production of fii'in products in this country lstommyrot. The lest of ev erythlng wJI sell The Jrlsh fanners, wo !oarne on our l rip, have Stopped talking politics and gnno to capturing markets 0 In the face of worldwide competition Jhey have captured tho Ixnidou uiarKet for Irish beef,- ft-lsh butter. Irish bacon and Irish eggs. At a hotel re I was served Irish bacon. "Our farmers must learn the value of organized community effort, of team work npplied to tho bumiss of farming, credit co-opuratlvo production nnd co-operative mnrkotlnj;," bill m& TO AID 0 '"f ifRYINGrORE DUDE THE GO Uncle Sam Making Etforts to Lower Cost of Food, ISSUES GOOD COOK BOOK. Secretary Houston and Assistant Sec retary Galloway Prominently Identi fied With Intelligent and Persevering Efforts to Stop Waste In Food Book Contains Money Saving Recipes. Washington. That the expense for looil Is one of the most serious prob lems confronting the American people today Is being recognized by the Unlt l States government In a most prac tical way. Tlie work ot (hiding a remedy, be gun several years ago by tliu depart ment of agriculture, through its tood research laboratory. Is Doing carried on enthusiastically and forcefully by the present administration under the direction ot Secretary ot Agriculture David .1'" Houston and Dr. Ileverly T. (.lalloway. tlie assistant secretary, whose long and excellent service In the department has been Invaluable. One of the' reasons for the hlg'h cost of food, in the opinion of the depart ment, is I he lack of kuowledge of the average housewife about the actual cost and value of meat The results or. a caretul Investiga tion .by competent persons Into the use of meat In American homes have been summarized In a valuable booklet, tho Photo liy AiniTl"an Press Assoclntlou. Hit. III'Vr.HIiV T. OAM.OWAY. title of which Is '.'KTon'milcnl Use of Meat In the Home This thirty page pamphlet Is.virtual ly a cookbook it contains mo.to than tlfty economical, practical ivclpos for meat .dishes The ri. ipe.i iulilsiied in tlrls liook let. "lCconoiHlcal Use ot .reat In the Home." are unlike those In any other publication in that they are prepared with tlie one main idea of getting tho greatest value ouj ot tlie materials used at tlie least 'expense and pains. With this hooklct'on her kitchen table any careful housewife can make tre mendous ciil,sin the cost of living Seeu'tnry of Agriculture Houston be lieves the reports of his department as cliiitniucd in the farmers' bulletins to be of trciiicuiliMis value as an aid to the rjnblic in meeting tlie problein'of the filgh cost ot living and has de voted much of his imo to securing their widespread circulation. The food "research laboratory inves tigators subjected every known edible meat to a most careful scrutiny and as an Introduction to tlie tlfty recipes tlie booklet contains furnish an an alytical table showing the-rnel value per pound or tlte various meats There Is also a chapter devoted to the "Proportion df Dllforetit Cuts and Tfielr Relation to -Meat f'rlces," tho "Texture and Kliovor of MPit" and a most important chapter which d'.tls with "Itediiciiig the Kxpenso Fr Vent In the Diet." Long before tiie department of agri culture undertook' the publishing f Jlls booklet tin- scientists In tho food research laboratories connected with the department had curried ono series of experiments as to 9lie relative nutri tive value :Pnd ease and thoroughness of digestion of the different kinds and cuts of meat, the relative losses sij, talne'l when meat of different kinds Is cooked In various xits. tho proportion of meat used in American homes and similar fluestlon The widespread Interest (INtd-iyed throughout the country and partlcu larly in the fiiniyjug districts In yiese experiment dually Induced tho depart miOit oP agriculture to publlsR the re mits of these experiments, together with economical rfleipes. The meat booklet was prepared by O. F l.jingwifrthy. P.vpert In charge of0 LIVING o I I II A w bP famrilion invesiigauous in uie hpihi ro search laboratorlespaided yMlss. Car oline I Hunt.0wPio Iniiliiid wide ex perience lu the stui- or sclentllle nnO nractlcnl probms of nutrition. Tho R'idjies before being Included we05, wlfli few exeegOons. sudlgis cCJfi ucntully by tfiss Uwt. m o o O o Benjamin OsMind Consulting Engineer and Architect . o Office in Thrift Wg. . Cedai? Hill Dairy Farni .1. I;. VaiiLcuvcn, Prop. Fresh Milk and Cream de livered daily at your door ;n any part of Bandon. All orders given prompt attentic n Phone Rural 29 Miss Simpson GRADUATE NURSE Phone 934 MRS. W. VV. WOLFE IN'S I KIU i'O.R or PIANO Mrs. tsuy Dipple Spirella's Corseteire IMIOM: 711 Mechanical Engineer Contractor and Builder Bandon Oregon jroi?v''OVER''1),.udrcd y.ears tlie Hjirtford u-e Insurance v Company has been climbing tiif fire insiitance ladder until to'-day it jJands at the top. n the voluilie of fire protection it gives the American .eple it stands., above evey oter fire msuranci company. When you need fitc iiwrar.ee E. E. OAKES BANDON PThebet(js notoo good for youj eyes. 1 ry men o o o e e