O 0 Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, December iff CRAFT ON THE GRIBIRON. intuitively. When the Carlisle Indians Outwitted Harvard's Highbrows. In football n full Hold run from kick- off to touchdown Is rare play. Once It wuh niuilu b.v 11 Ciirllnle li'.illan. who covered the limn tllatuneo In " Rnniu iiKainit Iliirvntil. Oct. Jtl. MVS. itntl did so by tlio craftli-Ht. wlllunt Htriitituetii over purpctrntpd by it rerlnkin upon IiIh pnlo fttcetl brother Tito flint linlf hud cloned with tin In dians In thu lend live point to nom. Harvard opened tin buttle by himuIIiik a Ioiib kick to .lohtmon on Cnrtlli!' Hvo jwd lino. The ImllniM quickly ran back to meet Johnson and formed a eotnpnct IHMH8 around hlin. Within the nwesnw of this mnuB of iilnyew .lohn mm slipped the twill beneath the hack of Dillon's Jere.v. which had been es pecially made to' receive and hold the ball. Thun. the ball thus Bccrotl) transferred and hidden. Johnwin utter od u whoop such as CnnibridRe hnd in: heard since the .TiiyB of KiliK Philip war, nud liidtantly the bunch of In dians Kcattentl In all directions. Some ran to the riKlit and koiiic to the left. Home obliquely and Mime straight up tile center of the Held. rmllntlliK hi nil directions like the spoke of a wheel. The crimson players, now upon them, looked In vain for the hall, dumfoiind ed. rtitiiilnu from one opponent to an other. Meanwhile Dillon was ruuultiK stralKht down the Held so as to nlve his opponents the least opportunity for a side or rear view and conspicuously kwIiikIiik his arms to show that they did not hold the ball. Thus, without beliiK detected, ho passed through the entire Harvard team, excepting the captain. Carl IV Marsliall. -who was covering Hit.' deep hie klleld. Obeying Instrui tlons. Dillon ran utralKht at Marshall. The latter, as minting that the Indian intended to block hlin. njjllely sldesteppMi th Tar Ilslo player, and us he did so lie caught slht of the enoitnous apd un wonted bulffe on the bark of Dillon. Instantly dlvinlnc that here was tho 1 lost ball, Marshall turned and spriinu at Dillon, but tho latter was well on his way and nulckly crossed the line for a touchdown. Parke II. Davis In St. Nicholas. MM, w " WW 9 nuntntinnc tn fin lUUIUIIUIIU IV WW With Christmas Gills Vail .Motorist Uarker Is a true auto tut Krlend Iliid;s-IIow so? Tall Motorist-lie has tho speedome ter pi.e and the steeriiu wheel hand claal. New Vtilk Globe. , In. 1925. til llll will iuiiiiuw wiiiw : 1 Jit1'-- A' PRETTY and original loach ma) be Klven a Christmas gift b.v sic companyliiKltwith a dainty .-anl I on which are written the recipient" name and some apt quotation of an appropriate nature. A few selected quotations suitable for different sift I may be of Interest I Kor a postal vnrd album: Kind incKsasca that pass from land to land. Lonfitellow Kor a set of books by a well known author: The chief Klory of every people arises from its authors. Dr. JohnHon Kor a small afternoon tea caddy: Tea. thou soft, thou sober, sane und ven erable liquid. -Colley dbber Kor a useful purse: The best 'friends lire in tho purse. Ger man Proverb) Happy tho man who. void 'of cares and strife. In silken or In leathern purse retains A Bpleiidld slillllm: . . -John Philips With a pack of cards: Notice of Street Work. ' Nitk-e U hcrrr giv-n: That the Common Cou til nl l-e City oi Htd.-n. Coos County, Or-,;cn, ilitiiu it expcdirn. and ncoissaiy to imjiovr C,-in.l Avrnu (Formerly Coquille , Ai iiu.-) him he south 1' . of Fourth Street 1 (l-trtntity f-irtt Iftrrct) to tli- Ncilb line of ', Llnt-nlli Sliect t f-'ntmcrly f.ili f tice.) all in the j Woolen Mill Addition lo the City ct Hindoo, i Ortgon, said improvcnif nt is lo be dune at the ' coil nd cxpertc ol the owner ol the loll, p.nli j o( Ids and tracts ol Imd embraced in the (ol ' lowing Improvement District to he known as ' Lical Improvement D'utiict No. 19 which dis ! ttict includes all c( the property on eilh :r side I o( said GrandAvenuc and abutting thereon be I tween the south line of I-'oullh Street (Formerly I First Street) and the north line ol Eleventh Street (Formerly 6th Street) from the marginal line ol said Grand Avenue back to the center of the blocks nbulting thereon. Said improvement is lo consist substantially of grading and filling the roadway side dilche and side banks, the constructing ol wooden side walks 6 feet wide and tlf construction ol wood en crosswalks 6 feet wide, all of said Improve- m.nii Are lo he built upon the established grade ot Tirana wenue ami in himiiiii.ii ancn with the pUnsoind specifications lor said Grand Aienue as prrpirol by the C'it En- . 1 1.. iU Pnmi..nii Cniim-il. which SPECIAL PATTERN PICTORIAL REVIEW Lady Boll H1 I Mrs Dlzzle Doctors say tlutt the modem baby shouldn't be rocked to sleep In a cradle Mrs Dazzle No We send ours up In an aeroplane and have the aviator do spiral slldos.-Chtcaso rows. Nothing Doing. LARGEST KNOWN ICE CAVE. Wonders of tho Frozen Grotto In the Dnchstcin Mountains. A few years ao some members of the Austrian Speleological soclfty dis covered In the Dachsteln mountains some caverns which are anions the largest. In Kurope. One of these rot toes, the louKltudlnal axis of which Is fully 0.H00 feet Ioiir. moreover turned out to offer additional Interest by Its truly enormous Ice masses and was found to be tho largest known Icecavo in the world. Though a scorching sun may ln burning outside on the lift re mountain rock, there Is nlwnys an Icy wind bhfwlng through this underworld, freezing everything within Its reach. Only sometimes, when the outside temperature ranges between 02 and 11 degrees C. and a comparatively warm rain penetrates through the lis mires of the rock, entering rlirhf Into the cavern, will there be a temporary calm and distinct melting f I he Ice- The Dachsteln Ice cave comprl-tes several domes tilled with lee. which communicate with one another through n number or frozen gnllerUjs An Ice crevice St) feet ditp ami lid' feet In width traverses the lloor of the cavern Mi." feet from the entrance. Olgantlc ico pillars were found to tower on both edges of this chasm. In the depth or which there ttisfolds a fatry-llke Ice scenery. Iloond the nbyss the cavern widens out into a mighty dome (Tris tan dome, as It I called), where a plain Ice sheet reaches from one wall to the other, currying Ice stalagmites of the most fantastic shapes.-ScIen-tltlc American. A Hopeless Job. Gordon I.e Suuur In his bonk on Foutli Mrlea tells an excellent story about Cecil Rhodes. Ithodes was very cnrelew In tho mnt .,! ,ir,,io rin lino occiihIoii Sn old and favorite coat of his wns sent to be cleaned and mendtd. Soon after It came back just iw It had been trout, together with this note from the clean ers: "Dear Sir Herewith the Itlght Hon C. J. Ithodos' coat, uncleaned and tin mended. Wo regret that all wo can do with (lu garment Is to moke a new sonl to match the buttons." Wanted the Solids. , Tommy went out to dine at a friend's house o'no evening. When the soup was brought Tommy did not touch his. Mid tho hostess, looking over, said: "Why. Tommy, dear, what's the mat ter? Aren't you hungry tonight?" "Yes." replied Tommy. "I'm quite hungry, but I'm not thlrsty."-.ridgo. , Subtle Scheme. Klrst Jowolor-Aren't you afraid to leave those diamonds In a front win low at night? Socij!d .lewolur-Not with my schemo .lust tierore 1 go home 1 put In a little sign on thorn rending. "Anything In This Window 10 Cents" Chicago News. r'h.i-i; rlnnklni? for a raise) I am thinking of getting married next month and Kmploycr You are lucky. I'm golntt to lire you tomorrow, add you can't! Unusual. mi. n.iu i,.... i nil ihn nlnvers. b they i r nili.ntetl li the Comii.on Council, wind , ItU u.. ...... - " ft I ' . . ever so skillful. -Kincison . ; (JI1 fa in lna omCo of the City Ut-conl- j er of the Cily ol ll.indon, Oregon, and at said j placc.an.- oM-n to die inspection and examinalinn I l ll .,r.nni inlorlPfl lIltTfin. 1 llC lOl.ll cost of said improvement is oslimaicd to lie 3,- 629.24. Any objeclions to wild improvemeni Ml mi n,lt mint be fiird in 'writing with rlie City Rccordrr'of said Cily by the owners ol two-thirds in the' nie ihe propeity wilhin the ... . .-it above improvement district i alnvc tliscneeu on ir before January 5th, I9-T4. This is oiven in accortlance wilh a resolution ol the Common Council passed on the 29th day of October 19T3 and piovidcVlot the improve m, ..I f.mnrl A vf line. between points above described. ' E. B. KAUSRUD, City Recorder. First Rjibl. TX-c. 1 6, '19 1 3. Last Publ. Dec. 23. 1913.. never With a nair of gloves: Oh. thai 1 were a Klove upon hat hand! -Borneo and Juliet With a sliver handglass The henrl. like a mirror, should reflect nil objects without .belna sullies by any -Confucius , With a "tear off' calendar: Tho longest day ntust have an en.- Itnlinn Proverb A Christ mas gift ot i) ring for a thin- cr;e or wife: So let our love ' Ah ndlesntiiovc And pure as Kold forever -Itobt'i't llerrlck. Kor the last" baby: .Much Is she worth, and even rnyre Is made of tier -W E. Ilsnloy f With sjti uuibfi'lla. The year, most purr. deforrm'ds Ith drip ping rains. Cowpcr. With a cookbook: Tho taste of the kitchen ts befter than tho smell. Old Proverb . With an electric torch lamp To a urcafnlKht n ert-at lanthorn -Old Proverb Wlt'h a needlecase: Who hath need of n huudred eyes. Old Proverb With a photograph: Generally music fecitcth the disposition of spirit which It fltidt-tli.-Hacoii In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Coos. Arthur K. Merecn, 1'laintitf, vs The unknown heirs, of (jeo. W. . Ncal, also I.I10WU as George Wotl.lml Ncal, de ceased, William Itailcy, also known as Win. Itailey, J. C. Kowan, also known as Jonas C. Rowan, and all other persons or p.nta-s iin- knowu claiiuing any tight, title, estate, lien. r interest in the teal est ate (li'scribt-d in llie Co in pl.t it 1 1 h ere i n. Dek'iulents Jlabol-What ato you laughing at? llarrj Your tiew hat . Mabel-Oh. dear! haveii't I got It on straight? Harry-, fes. That's why I'm laugh lntf looks funny on stralght-Chi en go News. Boat Kindness. -Ciet a tip from tho rich Suit m lupiity to Quiet I Ulc, . Summons. Kullhop man? Porter (Javo me a tip that If I over have a million to Invest not to buy doldplated i-oti.mon. .'tew York (Jlobo. Her Troubles. Verbal Brand. 'How do you tnanag to keep such t, chtan record with so many of yotir cranky relations r ".lust use tnerlrun. soft soap." llaltltnore Be Slow to Throw. After a umu has thrown a rock ho. nine tluieH out or Um. wUht he had It hsiek In his hBiul.-PhlUidolphla Usl- "Is the new nurse kind to your chll ilron?" -Oh. yon. Hut one uloays has tron bio with the nurses. Tho new one takos such good caro of tho children that they won't come to me auy more' -Meuseudorfcr Ulutter. To, till" unknown heirs of George V. Neal, also known as George Wetland Neal, deceased, William Itailcy. also known as Win. li.iilcy, J. C. Rowan, also 'kiiown as lonas C. Rowan, ind all persons or pirties unkiiovMi claiming any right, title, estate, f- .. .. -i. i i :.. lieu, or uiiert-si in int real cmiui- iicicui ilcM-rilicil, Defend. nits. In tUc name of'tlie State of Oregon: you ratal each of you rc hereby notified mat the plaintitf, Arthur Mereea, has coininenced a hiiit in .the Circuit Court of the Stateof Oregon, for the County of Coos, against you, and that in pursdatice of an ordenuade aud catered in .said, cause and Court fry Honorable John S. Coke, Presiding ludgc of said Couit, on tin' 4th day of December, 1913. ou and each of vou are heicbv re quired toappear in said cause and couit and .mswer the complaint of the plaint ill filed therein, on or before six weeks from the lirt publication of this summons, which first publication will lie npoa the Uth day of December, 1913, and that for want of answer thereto, on or before said time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in the Complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows- taat it be deglnrcd and adjudged that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following de scribed real estate, situated in Coos County, State of Oregon, tu-wit: Lot Nine in Mock Three in South ll.m- don ..Addition to the Town of llamliin. Cuos County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of lecord in the office of the County Clerk of said County and State, and that you, anil each of you, have no os tate, right, title, lieu or interest whatever in or 'o said premises, or any part thereof, and also that you and each and ciery one of you, be forever delurrcd from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land or nreinises adverse to the nlaintiff. . and for Mic! other and fnrtlu relief as to the Coutt iQiy seem ctpntabie. -L. A. Robcins, Claude II. Giles, Attorneys for I'laimilf, residing at Myttlc Point. Orecon. Date of first publication r?crcmber 12th, 1913. , ' Dec. 12-Jan. 25 F Notice to Contractors.' N'..i:.... w krM.v niirn- That scaled bids Will be received by the Csimmon Council of the Cily of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, until 1iall past seven o'clock p m. Wednesday llsc 7th day of January I9I4 (or the coryjftuctKxi of a server along the center lint of Wall blrett Irom a point whertj the east line of Lot 2, Block 2, Commercial Addition lo Bantjon intersects with tfie center line of Wall Mrecr lo the center of Alabama Avenue: thence along the center Jtnc 'of Second Street East lo the center Imeof Chica- eo Avenue, thence norlhcrly alonj the center I line of Chicago Avenue lo low wyiler, accotrd- ifg to the plans, profile's and specifications on file in the office of the Cily Recorder and there open to the inspection of all persons Interest ed therein. Bids will be received for the work as follows: 1. Excavating and back filling per cubic yard. 2. Vitrified sewer pipe S inch laid per lineal eol. , 3. Vitrified sewer pipe 20 inch laid per lineal loot. t. Y, branches 8 inch x fi inch, 5. Y, branches' 20 inch x 6 inch. 6. Manholes. , 7. Flushtank. 8. Concrete per cuhit yard. All bids must be is accordance with the re quirements accompanying the specifications for said work and upon Uanks; for that purpose which will be supiJicd upon request at the office ol the City Recorder. A certified chuck of five per cent ol the amount ol the bid must accompany the bid lo be forfeited to the Cily of Bandon in case the contractor fails to enter into n contract with the said city within five days from the dale con tract is" awatded The Gimmon Council re- serves the riLl to reject any and all bids. Dated at Bandon, Oregon ihis I Olh day ol Deccmbar 1913. .E, B. KAUSKuD, City Recorder First Publ, Dec. 16. 1919 2nd Publ. Dec. 23, 9I3 . 3rd Publ. Dec. 30. 1913 llli Publ. Jan. 6th. 1914 Oregon Agricultural College' Farmers' Week, December 8th to 13th. This will be a notable event in the edu- rational history of Oregon. Farmers' Co-operation will be the leading topic of a stimulating seric of lectures. The week will be crowded with dbcusMons and itNtunutratimis ia cvcrytljiiij' that makes for the welfare of the tanner ami home maker. Winter Short Course Jan. 5 to 30, 1913 The college has spared no elfoit to make ihis the most complete short course in its history. A very wide range of courses will be offeicd in General Agricul ture, Horticulture, Animal llusbatulr), Dairying, Poultry Keeping, .Mechanics Arts, Domestic Science and Art, Com merce, Forestry, and Music. NumOrmis lectures and discussions; on Farmers' Co opcrutioiij at home aatl abroad, will be a leading feature. Make this a pleasant and profitable winter outiin'. No tuition. Ac mmimTatioiii reasonable. Reduced rate, on all railroads, i'ur further information ad dre 11. M. TKN N A NT, Registrar, Cor wllis, Oregon. Farimffs Husfliuit OuHnu by corrcspon ence without tuition. The "Minaret" sire ia tNCHts 1 I flL E E ! We ill give a nttcrn of this benutife! doll' tlretu. to every clu'sl tl.it call . at our Pattern Dc .irlm.-nt.ntt.ompnnie(llyan Qclt: t.i tho comins; week. '"ot one for .vour little girl .!. . 't' FREtl. '.i addition to this free pat tern vt have an extensive at-.-oitinent of PICTORIAL REVIEW DOLL PATTERNS in all styles and size, at our Pattern Counter. '. Select your Holiday Gifts now .while the stock is corn- plete. Goods bought now will be taken care of and delivered any tinie before Christmas. B49C9A!4$'r9'WBB With every dollar casix purxHase, or every dollar paid on account, a tick-, et on our new o(J.i)U White Ro- tary Sewing Machine which we will ' . . .' -Give A'way. January lOtfc to ihe person holding' ' the lucky number'. a)-ra-n ' . Bandon lid we. Co. sttwum v jwanu3tuJvttamtiwiU7iun2aaKsaii i inn iiiiijiOTii film .1 r wmm xmfvrimrtmtrr in r.i".- -i r-r,-i,"-'--",- ' DO YOU LTSE YOUR 'I'KI.tlMIONI? TO ADVANIAC.I WHY NOT It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We haw stations in Coostinfi C'urrj counties and conneet the Hell sj stein at Kosehurj. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. j i immi nmn m imiiw mi 1 1 m ti wtt r rrir i -rnr r -m rr rir-rtifn-rnnY-n'iiiin toll with 00 Job . Printing at the a Recorder Office 'i V xr 3 O