Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 16, 1913, Image 5

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    OO OOCCTQfi i
Selnt-Weelcly Battddh Recorder, Decemeber 16, 1913
$28.9 0 Buys
an Elegant
of which one
A beautiful "Eclipse" Graphophone and six
Double Records for $28.90.
We also invite you to visit our store and inspect the most COMPLETE STOCK of
Holiday Goods ever offered to the Bandon Public. Toys, Books, Games, Etc., for
the Children, and for the older ones a hnc of goods never before shown in the city.
Children's Dept.
Doll luaiitilnl and novel
Teddy Heirs' lli.ti growl
Automatic Hanks
A big assortment of Gsimes
Pitt, Flinch, Base Hall,
Crokinola. Mock Trial,
Table Croquet. Ten Pins.
Rubber Toys
Rattles and Halls
Mechanical Toys
Automobiles, Boats
and Animals
Building Blocks
Inflated Pks. 1'rogs and
Teddy Hears
Ladies' Dept.
Silver and Ivory Toilet
Sets from $3 00 to $.o 00
Silver, Fbonv and Iviry
Manicure Sets
Ehonv and Parisian Hand
Parisian Ivory Brushes
Combs, Trays and
Manicure Articles
Silver Mounted Manicures
Grilhm's Manicure Goods in
Scissors, Files, Clip
Cuticle anil Ciirn Knives
Com and Card Cases, Roll Ups
and Hand Ikies, $1.50 to S18.U0
Gent's Dept.
Sterling Silvur, Ebony and
Ivory Military Sets
Naval Sets, Cloth. Hatjind
1 lair Brushes
The Famous Airo Razors
Also Gillette, Gem, Duplex
Ever Ready, Enders and
Crown Safety Razors
Shaving Mirrors
Shaving Sets
Meerschaum and Briar
Pipes and Cigar Holders
Celuloid ami Metal Soap Hoxcs,
Match and Collar Uutlon Boxes
Brass Cuspidors aud Novelties
7- v
Hand Painted Cliina, ' Rinel.aKeii and Cut Glass, Sterling and Plated Ware Casseroles, Servers, Etc., Copper
Dolton Ware, Vases and Novelties incT)muunuty "jfabre War dufinR l'croulatofs, Trays, Sugar and Creamers.
Sterling Silver Deposit Dishes, Nickeled Copper Ware Japanese Baskets and Vases
All the Latest Standard Books
Agents for Kohlcr & Chase, Knabe, Vose, Fischer and Shoninger Pianos
Conklin and
Wi 1 1 i a m s o n
Fountain Pens
Line of
Showing 4 reels of Universal program every midil The House of I ratures. A
feature Picture shown every night.
Showing Four Reels of
The Pictures lhat took First Prize Gold M edal at the
New York Exposition.
Feature Film Every Night
New orders of bicycle repairs ol
all kinds constantly ai living. Will
take oiders for bieyebs ol any kind.
ootl S. 1), Baukows.
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to Catterlin and Leg ore,
kindly call and K'ttk with 11 C
Dipirfe and save blither cost, Office
old Bank Bldg. Bandon. Ore. 961
The BantJon Furnitute Co. Iris
the latest desigfis in furniture. See
their big assortment., o 95tf
Carpet ami rug weaving, ttyply to
Mis. J. L. Foster, B.indon.
For SaiCic Oi corner Of Fill
more aiol Jul streets, groceries at
living prices Call and see A. II,
Sparks. Q 54,f
o o 0
O o
1 H if
mm y his n
reliable home treatment
The OKIMNK treatment for tho Itinl
llaliit ra lo used w ith nbsohitn court,
iloneo. It destroys all desiro for whiskey
btor other alcoholic Mumiltints. Thou
mills have fmcfiO.fnlly0usei it ntjd hurt
Wn to lives of KcJirinty anjtiso
fubuV. Can 10 given weretly. Costs,
only $1.00 jer Inn. If y3u fail to get
results from OIUtlNK after n trial, youi
inonev will bo refunded. Ask for froo
booklet tclllag at about OglUIcS,
Talk About
Solid Comfort!
1 on just want to get one
of our DICTATOR cigars
between your teeth and light
it. Tliere may be other ci
gaJ.s as good as the D I CTA
TOK but they will cost you
more mojiey than you may
care to pa'. The price of the
DICTATOR is only 10c and
when you have smoked 'one
you'll wonder how it can be
so little.
Bowman Cigar Co.
After November 30th mill
wood will be $2.25 a load.
Pay the driver on delivery
and get 25 cents discount.
Geo. B. Morgan, Phone 1173
Four neatly furnished housekeep
ing rooms for rent. Inquire of Ii.
Lew in or phone 311, 97 it
Make yotii wife a present of one
ot those easy rocking diaiis for sale
at Mitchell's Kurriluisyire. get
Trade your old furniture for fft.v
a Mitchelrs (Furniture store,
KJsie an, 0 90lf
Il is resolved by ihc City o( Bandon a fol
lows: The Common Council o the City of
B.indon deems it expedient and nccciiary to
construct a sewer along the center line ol Caro
line Sl'fel, from the center line of Harlem Ave
to the center (The of he County Road; thence
along the center line of the County Road, from
the center line of Caroline Street lo ihc center
hue of Fillmvre Ave.
Abo along the center line ol Fillmore Ave,
from the cenlcrline of the County Road, lo the
c -nler line ol Eleventh Street, East,
Also along the center line of Eleventh Street,
Last, from a point 30 feet east of the Eatt line
of Baltimore Ave lo the center line o( I larlem
Also along the center line of 3rd Street, East,
from a point 27 ft west of the west line of Grand
Ave lo the center line of Fllmore Ave.
Also along the center line of Elmirn Ave
bom a point 80 lect north of the north line ol
Eleventh Street, East, to the center line of 2nd, East.
Abo along ihe cenler line of 2nd Street, East,
from ihe cenler line ol Fillmore Ave to the
center line ol Chicago Ave.
That the City Engineer of Bandon
has prepared and filed in the office
ol the City Recorder, maps, profiles, plans, speci
fications and estimates of the work to be done
in the construction of a sewer along the lines
above mentioned and the probable cost thereof,
togelhei with a statement outlining the district
which, in his opinion, will be especially bene
fitted by such sewer and should be assessed with
the cost and expense of the construction thereof,
That the Common Council finds said plans,
profiles, maps, specifications and assessment dis
trict satisfactory and hereby approves the same.
That the Common Council does hereby de-
clare its intention to constiuct said sewer accord
ing lo the maps, profiles, plans and specifications
therefor, anr'. that the esliinatcd cost of which is
f 10,271. 85.
That a sewer be constructed on the streets
and between the poinls hereinbefore designated
according lo the maps, plans, profiles and speci-
(icalions therefor on file in the office of the City
Recorder of the Cily of Bandon.
That the assessment disliict lo lie benefitted
by the construction of said sewer and lo be ai
ccssed therefor shall comprise
Lots 1 to 7, inclusive in Blk B, Woodland
Addition to Bandon.
Lots ID lo 14 inclusive in Blk 5, Woodland
Addition lo Bandon.
Lot 1 to 4 inclusive in OIL 7, Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon.
Lot 8 Block 7, Woodland Addition lo Bandon.
Lots 4 lo 10, inclusive in Blk 6, Amended
Plat of Woodland Add to Bandon.
Lots 3 and 4 in Block 5, Amended Plal of
Woodland Addilion to Bandon.
Lots I lo 7. inclusive in Blk 2, Woolen Mill
Addition to Bandon.
Lots I In 28, inclusive in Blk 7, Woolen Mill
Addition lo Bandon.
Lots 1 to 7, inclusive in Blk 1, Woolen Mill
Addition to Bandon.
Lots 1 to 13, inclusive in Blk 3, Woolen
Mill Addition lo Bandon.
Lots 1 to 19, inclusive, i Blk 6, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon,
Lots I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 8, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots 14; 15. 16, and 17, in Blk 9. Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 13, Woolen
Mill Addition lo Bandon.
Lots 14 to 17, inclusive, h Blk 12, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lois 1 t 10, inclusive, in Blk 14. Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon
Lots 14 to 17, inclusive, in Blk 15, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots I lo 10, inclusive, in Blk 19, Woolen
Mill Addilion to Bandon.
Lois 14 lo 7. inclusive, in UII 18, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 20, Wo
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lois 14 lo 30, inclusive, in Blk 21, Woolen
Mill Addilion to Bandon.
Loli tj to 30. inc usive. in Hlk LL. Woolen
Mill Addilion lo Bandon.
Lots 1 lo 15. inclusive, in Blk 23, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots I to 15, inclusive, in Blk 24, Woolen
Mill Addilion to Bandon.
Lots 1 to 5. inclusive, in Blk 25, Woolen Mill
Addition lo Bandon.
Lots 9 and 10 in Blk 30, Woodland Addition
to Bandon.
Lois I and 2, in Blk 35, Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon.
Lots 9 and 10, in Blk 29, WnHland Addi
lion lo Bandon.
Lois I nd 2, n Blk 36, Woodland Addi
lion ro Bandon,
Lots I, 4, 5. 8. 9. 10, "i B'k 28. Wood'md
Addition to Bandon.
Lo' I nd 2,h Blk 27, Woodlar l Addition
In Bar.don. '
Uts I, 4, 5, S. 9, in Blk 22. Woodland Ad
dition In Bandon.
Lots 1. 4, 5. 8, 9, 12, i Blk 14, Wood'md
Add:tion to Bandon.
Lo s J. 4. 5, 6,9, 12. in B't 13, Woodland
Addi';on to Bandon.
Lo'. 1.2.9. 10, m Blk 4, ATit.d J Plat
of Woodland Addition to Bandci.
Abo a piece of ' .nd 100 fe wide lying on
and abutting upon ihe wu. line of Caroline
Strtst and from the West line of Harlem Ave.
to the cut line of County Road.
Abo s piece ai land IU0 feet wide lying on
and abutt'ng upon the east line of Caroline
Street and from tliewc t line of I larlem Ave '
ihe uvt line of County Road.
Alt') a piece of land 100 feet ide lying Ui
and ahulling upon the east I'ne of Cuinty'Riljd
and from the south Pie of Crohne Street li I lie
north line lJ Blk 1, Woodbnd Addition lo
Abo a piece of Igid l60 Let wide.. lying r,n
We are ready to do
business in our new
quarters in the new
Lowe building.
Sabro Bros.
Manufacturing Jewelers
BANDON Telephone 751 OREGON
Now showing exclusive
licensed film. 28 reel
every week.
"Rst PufiVbec, I6.19U3?
and buitug upon the wesfine of the CouLfyJ LarPub', Det. 23, 1913.
Wednesday Night
December 17th.
Elks' Minstrels
The Finest
running regularly between SanFrancisco & Bandon
"Wireless" & "Twin Screw"
all staterooms equipped with hot and cold running
water, carrying passengers and freight is the
Sails from San Francisco Dec, arrives at Hnntlon Dec. 16
Sails again Dec. 18
Next following sailing date about Dec 24 - make reservation now
('. M. Skecls, CiMjuillcj J. Scliilliiifr, Myrtle Point II Sent UcUii, M;ir-.hf'ld
Go to Mitchell's Furniture btore
on tin: bill, for anything ou want in
house furnishings. Qotf
For Sale or Trade A good "or
chaid proposition in Douglas Co.
Ore. on the S. P. railroad. Get the
acts from the owner. Hox 892,
Bandon, Ore. 72tJ
Lost Small black fountain pen.
Finder please leave at this office? ami
receive reward. 92tf
Road and from the north line of Carolin
Srcel, olended. lo the east line of B"c 4,
Amc'ld,d Plat of Woodland Addison to
That the Ci.y R order be and he i hereby
d'rrcted to 'b''h this resolution at least once a
week for two consecntive weeks in ll.? Ci
official paper,
, Passed by the Common Counc'1 Ys 29'h
day of CK olt,, 1913.
Attest EoB. KAUSRUD, ,
. 1 o 0 Ci. Recwder.
Approved' thu 29th day cf October 1913
J.W. IflKST. Mayor.
whom you know arc
hank depositors, jare
they not? Many, of
them are depotitors in
this hank anil would
recommend it to you
as a safe; responsible
accomodating institu
tion. The chances of
securing a cash reserve
outside of a bank are
small. Insure your
prosperity by opening
an account here today.
Open d 10 km Noon Hour anil Satur
day Uvenirtps. y
0 o
.0 o
o Oq o
9 O