Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 09, 1913, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Piise 6
Semi-Weekly Bamfofo I&boEdor, Pocombelf 9,'19l3 ,,.
We will be ready to do
business in our new
quarters in the new
Lowe building, tomor
row, December 10th
Sabro Bros.
Manufacturing Jewelers
BANDON Telephone 751 OREGON
Miss Linda Sieman who has been
visiting htr brother A. V.
and family returned to her home
in California on the Elizabeth.
Have you any freight coming
from San Fiancisco? Order it ship
ped via the "Estabrook Line" and
you are assured of quick delivery
and satisfactory service, tr
Mr.1 and Mrs. Geo. West have
purchased a small farm a short dis
tance up the river from Bandon. and
moved to it the first of the week.
Mr. West has been employed at tle
Bandon Bakery.
The Rebekah card party given at
Odd Fellows Hall Saturday night
was a succ?rs, although the rainy
weather kept many away who other
wise would have been in attendance.
Those present say they had an ex
cellent time uul elegant refreshments
were served. The first prize for
ladies was won by Mrs Geo. Button
and second prize was won by Miss
Lorentzen. The gentleman's first
prize was won by Mr. Scott and the
second by Dr II. L. Houston.
Talk About
Solid Comfort!
You just want to get one
of our DICTATOR cigars
between your teeth and tight
it. There may be other ei-ga-is
as good as the D I CTA
TOR but they will cost you
more money than you may
care to pay. The price of the
DICTATOR is only 10c and
when you have smoked one
you'll wonder how it can be
so little.
Bowman Cijjar Co.
whom you know are
bank depositors, are
they not? Many of
them are depotitors in
this, .bank and would
recommend it to you
as a safe, responsible
accomodating institu
tion. The chances ,pf
securing a cash reserve
outside of a bank are
small. Insure your
prosperity by opening
an account here today.
FIRST nat:l bank
Open during Noon Hour nnl Satur
day Evenings.
Water Front Notes.
The Fifield sailed Saturday morn
ing with 380,000 feet of lumber and
the following passengers: S. Hrown
stoiid. J. VV. Knapp, E. Jadell,
Henry Williams. M. Glass, J. Ross,
E. D. Pierce, John Lanos, A. Mc
Donald. II. Stevens, II. Hugh, C.
VV. Hryan and wile. Elsie Bryan.
Grace Hry-n. Joe Anderson, Joseph
E. Brost, S. Knowlton. Jack Day,
B. Stone. .
The Speedwell sailed Saturday
morning with 380,000 leet of lumber
and 44 passengers.
The Elizabeth sailed Saturday
morning with 192,000 leet of lumber
35 tons of miscellaneous freight and
the following passengers: F. S. Per
ly, F. M. Sieman, ' MUs Sicilian,
O. A. Kclley and wife. Oliver Ncal,
John Neal, D. McDonald, John
Mark, R. T. Warsaw.
Don't forget the Gt A. R Mask
Ball Christmas eve. This is always
one of the biggest soci."' events of
the season. Watch for Dig posters.
Notice of Assessment for the
Improvement of Twelfth
Street West, Formerly
Langlois Ave. and Oak St.
in the City of Bandon, Coos
County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby Riven that at a regular
meeting of the Common Council of the
City of Kimlon, Cooi County, Oregon,
held upon the 3rd. day of December 1913,
Ordinance No. 319, entit'ed an Ordinance
declaring the assessments upon Twelfth
Street West from the Hast line of Kensing
ton Avenue in West Haudon, Kastward to
the Hart line of the Addition to
Jtanilou, Coos County, Oregon, was duly
passed by the Common Council, and ap
proved by the Mayor on said date, which
Ordinance directs me to enter the said as
sessments in the Docket of City l.iens and
from the date of the entry thereof in said
Docket (if City Lien the sum as entered
against each lot or parcel of laud becomes
and is a lien upon such lot ami parcel of
land, and unless the assessment is paid with
in the time prescribed by the Charter of the
City of Handon, Oregon, or bonded m rc
ipiircd by law the lot or parcel of laud so
assessed will be sold to pay the assessment
interest and cost. The whole cost of the
improvement of Twelfth Street West be
tween points above described is 3,034.98,
and the boundaries of the district assessed
for said improvement is as follows; Local
Improvement District No 5 oi Twelfth
Street West, which district embraces all of
the property (Lots and tracts of laud) on
either side of said Twelfth Street West be
tween the East line of Kensington Avenue
and the Kast line of the Morras Addition
to Haudon, Oregon, from the marginal line
of said 12th Street West bark to the center
of the blocks abutting thereon.
Notice is further given: That aid as.
sessments were entered in the Docket of
City Liens on the 9th day of December 1913,
and all assessments so entered are due and
payable at thoollice of the City Recorder of
the City of Handon, (within ten (10) days)
from the ilate of said entry on the Docket
of City Liens, tow it i on or before Decem
ber 20th, 1913 after which date assessments
become delinquent and interest will be
charged at the legal rate.
IVibli'-ation authqriml by Sec. 115 Charter
of the City of Handon.
City Recorder.
First Tub. Dec. 9. 1913.
Romance of a Soldier of. the
French Foreign Legion.
This Singular Titled Austrian Refused
to Disclose His Identity When Hit
Good Fortune Became Known, and
His Fate Is an Unsolved Mystery.
Tliu Krench Foreign Ix'glou Is tlio
most picturesque military organization
In tlio world. It is the rW'iige of men
of nil nations gom wrong through Im
pulse or Misfortune who wish to linry
themselves In oblivion wlille llgntlug
to regain un honorable pliiou In the
world of life and activity
Tim rank and tile oi the corps Is
composed of princes, dukes, marquises,
counts mid viscounts, generals and of
ficers of all grades, all arms, of the
armies of all countries, muglfltrntes.
financiers, diplomats, lawyers and
professional functionaries of all sorts;
honest adventurers who simply want
to "see the world;" the neurasthenic,
the disheartened, the ummiploycd:
those who. having lost everything but
honor or" having lost honor Itself,
would make u new start
All this diverse human metal, thrown
Into the melting pot together. Is. even
tunlly molded Into that brave, stole,
loyal, devoted, patient and teniictous
prototype of the man of arms, the
Of the Foreign Legion a thousand
romantle tales an; told, of which the
following true story may bo taken as
an example:
One day General Itruneau. command
er of the loglMii. received a registeted
letter, postmarked Vienna and slgucu
by the representative of a well known
Austrian detective agency, to the fol
lowing effect:
Monsieur 1e General-Will you kindly In
form mo if a younB man of Austro-Ilun-gnrlnn
nationality, supposed to hnve en
listed In the Foreign LcRlon under the
name of Justus Perth. Is now at Sadln?
You will understand the Interest wo hnvc
In finding him when I Inform you con
fidentially that In consequence of unfore
seen happenings ho has beiomn, without
his knowlcdKC or expectation, solo heir to
a fortuno of 13,000.000 frowns. Inclosed Is
a photoKraph taken when ho wus a stu
dent at tho University of Prague.
The photograph showed n stocky
youth of perhaps twenty to twenty-two
years of nge nnd whose somewhat
beefy face was fringed with precocious
whiskers. Tie wore eyeglasses, which
made It dlflleult to Judge of the form
and shndu of tils eyes.
General Brunenu's first step was to
have his secretary-adjutant search the
enlistment rolls for the name of Jus
tus Perth. No such nnmo appeared.
Then ho had all tho Austrlans of the
detachment lino up and sennned their
faces in the hope of Identifying the
original of the photograph. Only two,
both of whom were recent arrivals,
showed possible traits of resemblance,
nnd these in a very imperfect degree.
These two Austrlanft were closely
examined by Dhuerinor. tho secretary,
who spoke the German language flu
ently. Both denied stubbornly that
they had ever used or heard of tho
name of .Justus Perth.
"Possibly It may loosen your
tongues." pursued the secretary. "If I
tell you why the general Is looking for
this Perth. The fellow has Just inher
ited 12.000,000 crowns. Now, is either
one of you Justus Perth?"
"Send tlwm imek lo their companies.
It is of no use." said General Jiruneau
Time passed and the Incident hnd
been forgotten when in 1002 there
came to Hruneau a formidable looking
envelope bearing the government nl
of the minister of foreign affairs. I
incloseil a letter which drew front the
officer an exclamation of surprise.
This letter was a diplotnatie para
phrase of tho former Inquiry by tho
Vienna secret service agency regarding
Justus Perth It insisted upon fur
ther investigation, to be conducted
with more care and discretion than in
tho previous Instance. Furthermore,
the commandant was confidentially ad
vised thnt "Justus Perth" was only a
fictitious name and that the real title
of the person to be found at any price
was Count Otto vou X.
Another photograph, more recent
"than the one which had accompanied
the first Inquiry, was appended.
"No sooner did I set eyes on this pho
togroph." continued Pruncau, "than 1
made the astounding discovery that
the Count Otto von X.. tho pseudo
Justus Perth, was none other than the
secretary-adjutant, Dhuermer, who
hnd so energetically questioned the
two bewildered Austrlans called up be
fore mo on the former occasion!
"My course was now simple enough.
Shortly after that (list Interrogatory
our secretary-Interpreter. Dhuermer,
had been transferred to Tonkin. In
regular course of the unrtual relief of
the battailous serving there. This In
formation 1 wired to headquarters.
"Next day the response came:
"Legionary Dhuermer sent homo ac
count of health, en route Singapore.
"Another cipher telegram to tho
French consul nt Singapore brought
the following:
"Legionary Dhuermer, alias Count Otto
i-nn V fllafinnnnrixl frnm trnnsnnrt steam
er, rondstund of Slngaporn; cannot be I
"And the mystery remains unsolved
to this day."
Around their campflres In tho Sahara
what tales might not be told If ever
theso silent, Impassive Trapplsts of ac
tion should but speak their stories!
I.os Angeles Tribune.
rrilSUNbKS IU Kbbr1 IMAIYltb.
Jewelry Co.
offer their customers for Xmas
gifts the following:
For "Hen "
Diamond Rings
Mesh Bags
Toilet Sets
Lockets o
Santoir NeekChains
Manicure Pieces
For "Him"
Scarf Pins
Watch Chains
CnlT Links
Military Sets
Dickens Vest Chains
"it: Clasps
Many other new and up-to-date
pieces of jewelry can also be found
Number System and Lettered Uni
forms Abolished at Atlanta.
Atlaijja, Ga. As a result of tho ef
forts of Warden Moyer, which have
mot with the approval of the depart
ment of justice, prisoners at the At
lanta penitentiary hereafter will be
known by names Instead of numbers,
and their uniforms m longer will bear
the letters "U. S. P.," branding them
as United States prisoners.
Announcement of this radical de
parture from prison custom was made
by Good Words, tho paper which is
edited and published In the peniten
tiary. While each prisoner's clothing
will bear Ids registration number, It
will lie for Identification oidy and will
V concealed from sight.
Mrs. Phillips of New York Was Wed
ded Last December.
Wilmington. Del. Mrs. F.dlth Slos
son Phillip of 102 West Forty II rut
Uiwr. New ork. called the ltev.
George L. Wolfe by telephone anil ask
ed him to announce her marriage on
Dee. IS lastjto Wallace 1!. Phillips.
The couple were wedded here by Mr.
"Wasn't your marriage published at
the tlmoV" the preacher asked.
'' o," was the aniwer.
The woman would not give her rea
son for desiring the belated announce
nient. She said her husband was froiv
Greensboro. N. O.
"Laurel" Silverware
The most popular design in silver, is a very ac
ceptable gift. Initials engraved FREE.
Our Xmas Gift to our customers is two fine Diamond
Ringsone $100.00 and one $50.00 Ring.
Call on us for particulars
orn ioar ornate.
Everard H, Boyle, Manager
Phono No. 514
will be at
m0 1. 1
Every child accompanied hy parent or jrunrdirn will
receive from Santa Claus a Christmas box of delic
ions candy free. Santa Claus expects to see every
hoy and jjirl in town and et acquainted, between
the hours of 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. Remember you are
not expected nor will you be asked to purchase. It
has always been our custom to give freely to the
children at Xmas time, and this year will be no ex
ception. Don't fail to bring the children, no mat
ter how many.
It is always hard to decide what
to buy for Christmas Presents
for your friends and relatives,
consequently we will offer a few
We have a fine line of felt bed ' room
slippers just the thing for the ladies.
Silk Hose
Ranging from 50c to 2.0(1 per pair.
Large Variety of
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Waists, Neck
wear, Hand Hags, Silk Underwear,
Sweater. All make desirable presents.
Remnant Day
Every Thursday will be Remnant Day
in this store, at which time all short
will be made into remnants and sold at
cost (r below . We have an exceptional
ly Jline assortment for next Thursday.
New Goods Arriving Daily
1 -t&w
ori, hand and your Thank
giving Day ill be the ann -versa
ry of the date you open
yd an acco"nt here and con
iuenced, to think twice befoiv
spending once,, as draw ing -
check always makes out
And the sooner that accoun
is started the sooner vou wil'
have cause to be thankful.
Why not today.
0 Last Pub4 Dec. 6, 1913.
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