Page 4 Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, December 9 1913' AT Peoples Toy Land Santa Claus has decided to use an airship this year and he will make his headquarters at the Peoples 5-1 0-1 5c Store. We have conclusively demonstrated to most of you that we can save you money on your every day wants. But on your Xmas gifts and toys we will prove to you the value of a 5-1 0-1 5c store in your midst. Qj. 'X'l LJ Two or three 15c toys will please a child better than one $2.00 toy. Why not, then OtOp, I iilllK: try to cut the high cost of living. Visit our 3 stores and buy early. . "ALWAYS SOMjETHING N EgW " Peoples 5-10-15c Stores Bandon, Marshfield, Myrtle Point : tt Equipped with Wireless S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS From Portland Every Tuesday at 8 P. M. From Coo Bay Every Saturday at Ser vice of the Tide. Confirm Sailing. Through M. F. SHOEMAKER, Ag.t Baailaa Phone 142 Hotel Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon ::: ::: ::: Oregon SON E OF OUR HOME LINES Swifts Premium Bacon and Lard S. & W. Canned Gooda Famous Tillman-Bendel Line Shillings Best Coffee, Baking Powder and Extracts CITY GROCERY CO. "HOUSE OF QUALITY" DO YOU USE "YOUR TELEPHONE TO ADVANTAGE WHY NOT jit is cheaper to talk,., than to travel. We have stations in Coos and Curry itmmties and connect the Bell system at Roselwrg. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. tol I with i SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER Published Every Tuesday aiul Friday by the Publishing Company. Recorder Entered at the Pustoflice at Bandon, Oregon, as Mail Matter of the Second Class C. E. KOPF A. W. STUART Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates made known on application OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF BANDON MODERN R!P AWAKES FROM 9 YEARS' SLEEP Like the Van Winkle of Irvine. Hi Finds Many Clunjts. - Tarrytown, N. Y. A living nip Vnn Winkle, awakening from nine years of olillvlon to llnd old friends dead and Ids children Krown to manhood, walks, be wildered, In thi) directs of his home town, In that very Sleepy Hollow coun try of which Irving, author of Kin, wroto ninny titles. Ho Is Hymim I.ovy, long a lending merchant in Tnrrytown before the ''sleep" of years began. It was u mental cloud thnt shrouded him and mndi him almost as one dead to his friends. - Now, with tottering step, but clear weeing eyes, he has come, slowly back from the mysterious wilderness of lost memory. He sees now faces that are somehow old the faces of the children wiio aro men and women now. no seeks the haunts of former friends to And them held by strangers. Mnny that ho know nre now but names uion the grave stones In Sleepy Hollow cemetery. Hut Levy's Is not a mournful awak ening. There nre scores of his old cronies alive nnd rejoicing In his re covery. He remembers them all. Ho remembers everything that hnppened up to nlue years ago. These nine years nro an utter blank. ' At the height of his business career ho worried so mt:eh over n scrntch on his leg which wns Infected that ho be en me 111. He recovered physically, but mnde himself a hermit In his home. When ho went out, Mt long Intervals, lie passed bis friends without recogni tion. Very Complimentary. Mrs. Gray (meeting two acquaint ances on tho parade) Oh, I didn't know you were here, Mrs. Greenol Awhilly pleased! You must como nnd 8p?nd an evening with us. Mrs. Greene It's very kind of you, hut yQUmust really excuse us. You sec, wo've never0been Itt ty plnco be fore, and, po'ro only here for a few days, so, of course, we must mnke tho best use of ur tie. London Express. -o NAVY NEGLl. . .l.MON. r Daniola Wonts Numrr.r of Civplninr Incri.-.jri!. Newport News, Vn. Ne;t oil of I . glon by the Tolled Stnl.M in lt: I Is a leproach to the. reii.iblh , Sc n Daiili'ls declared here In an uililic i fore (he United Itrnthcrhood l' .Men Hlhle Classes. The secretary nun un ed that he would nsk congress linn, dlatel.v to provide clmplipins anil wel fare 9 etarles proportionate to the navy's pi-i-sonnd. Twenty-four chnpltiliis, he said, are nil that the government now provides to look after the religious welfare of the navy's (17,0(10 men, the number of chaplains nut linvlng been Increased since IS It.', when the personnel of tho navy numlieied only men. The secretary added that more than seventy-live importnut s'j'ps In the nuvy have no lcllglotis len'er attached, while the murine (dips, with an enlist incut of lO.'JL'O nu n, lias not a single chaplain to look after (lie spiritual de velopuielit of Its personnel. CHILDREN WORK IN MILLS. 10.4 Per Cent of Employees In Cotton Mills Under Sixteen Years Old. Washington. -Of the :W7,771 persons employed In tho cotton goods Industry In ll)0! in the United States, SO.WHI, or 10.1 per cent, were children under six teen years of ngu and half of them girls, ucconllng'to n final report of the census bureiiu. Atnbanin, North and South Carolina employ 1 per cent of children and .Massachusetts 5.7 per cent. These children worked on an average of from fifty-four to sixty hours a week. Tho 1,.1'JI establishments In the in dustry produced f(P-,S,:ifil.8in worth of goods. The cost i(f materials totaled $.171,000,170, and tho total paid in sal aries and wage was $117,270,00:!. There was an Increase of the previ ous census of 25.5 per cent In the number of plants, nnd the total capi tal Invested In the Industry In 1!K)! wns $S2'-VJa7,r29, an Increase of 70 per cent overlfOO. Experience. "now did you come out of tun(,denl i Wall street?" In ' "I cot severnl thousand dollars' 9 worth of experience. Hat the price on experience has gone n way" off, with no chance that I can seo of recover ing." Exchanger O 1 We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right. Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WK HAVE YOU SPARKS GROCERY Successor to A. E. White n W. E. STlillNOFF ;the harness man A new supply of suit cases, trunks, shopping bags, robes, etc., etc. i Got Any Time To Spare? Use electric appliances for the household o worfc and youjwill have time for ot?er things. Let us demonstrate them to you BANDON POWERo'e'OM PANY Subscribe for the Bandon Recorder