Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 05, 1913, Image 1

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    Sao rnga
" Tbe Docorder is read by more people in Bandon and vicinity than all Other papers combined.
Bank Robber Suspect Was Arrested at Prosper Last Night
oo o era o 2
Man Suspected of Myrtle
Point Bank Robbery Taken
.Into Custody.
Night Marshal Cessna arrested a
man at Prosper last night who may
prove to he one o( the men who
robbed the hank at Myrtle Point,
a. id at any rate the man is u-apted
on the .outside on some charge, and
will he held, whether or not any
thing develops in the rohbery case.
That the man was trying to hide
his identity is clear from the fact
that he carried two aliases; some
times giving his nrtme as Smith and
other times as Vauljri.
The at rest was made last ..night at
Prosper by Night Marshall Cessna.
The man had been staving in the
Gregorv rooming house this week,
but it appears that his wife and child
were at Prosper at least part of the
time. Yesterday he made one or
two trips Irani here to Prosper in a
launch and each time left Ins launch
over to the Moore mill instead ol
bringing it down to the city dock.
City Marshal Holman had re
ceived a communication from Sheriff
Cage to arrest the man as he was
wanted on the outside, even if he
had nothing to do- with the bank
robbery. Holman kept watch for
him yesterday and at one tini" saw
him cross the street but he again
disappeared and went to Prosper.
Holman then followed him to the
up river town, but when tie got
there found that he h id returned to
Bandon with his wife and child, but
he did not remain here, returning
to Prosper almost at once, and last
night he was taken into custody by
Night Maishal Cessna who went up
the river to get him.
Smith, Vauhn, or whatever his
name was, with his wife and child,
was taken to Coquille this morning
and will be held awaiting further
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the
county superintendent of Coos
county, Oregon, will hold the regu
lar examination of (applicants for
state certificates at Coquille, as
Commencing Wednesday, Dec
ember 17, 1913, at 9 o clock a, m,
and continuing until Saturday, Dec
ember 29, 1913, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday forenoon. Writing,
,11 S. History, Physiology.
Practice Orthography, English Lit
erature, Chemistry.
Friday afternoon. School Law,
Geology, Algebra, Civil Govern
ment, ,
Saturday forenoon. Geometry ,
Saturday Alternoon. General
History, Bookkeeping.
Subjects for the thesis for the De
cember 1913 teachers' examinations;
Picture Study " "The Story Hour"
Wednesday afternoon Physical
Geography, Reading, Composition,
Methods in Reading, Methods in
Thursday forenoon. Arithmetic,
History ol Education, Psychology,
Methods in Geography..
1 hursday alternoon. uram mar,
Geography, American Literature,
Physics. Methods in Language,
This is for Primal y Certificate.
Friday forenoon. theory and
"Play and Play Grounds," "The
Montessori System," "The Kinder
garten, As An Aid to, the Primary
School. .
Raymond E. Bakei
County School Supt,
Decision of Circuit Court
is Affirmed By Su
preme Court.,-,
J. L. Kronenberg reccivcil a tele
phone msssage yesterday Ironi Atly.
A. J, Sherwood of Coquille , staling
that the Supreme Court had affirm
ed tht decision of the Circuit Court
in the watcrlront cases, of' Walker
Warehouse Co. vs. J. L. Kronen
berg and Rasmus'sen Brqs.
This means thai the Walker
Warehouse Co. will not get (he
waterfront property, but that it will
go to the owners of the adjacent
propel ty and will allow them to
occupy the land clear out to deep
First National Building Pro
gressing Nicely and Roof
Will Be on Soon.
. The new First National Bank
Building is progressing rapidly and
everything about the building is
first class.
Benjamin Ostlind, architect was
over from Marshfield yesterday and
in conversation with a representa
tive of the Recordkr he stated
that the work was moving satisfac
corily and that the roof would be on
in about two weeks.
This then will give the contract
ors a chance to work under cover
and weather conditions will not
have have any effect on the progress
of the building.
The nn bank building will
probabiy Ik- ready for occupancy by
February 1st.
4 Norman and Fitchett.
Bess Norman, that clever sou.
brette and Billy Fitchett, who is
certainly there as a comedian and
trick pianist, will play a return en
gagement at the Orpheum next
Saturday and Sunday.
These clever, versatile vaudeville
artists will give an entire change of
program each nightt and in addition
will be shown 6,000 feet of all new
pictures. Remember, we show a
feature picture every night. Ad
mission 15c and inc.
. Notice to Parents.
Since the work of the pupils in
scoool is often seriously interrupted
by social affairs, parties and attend
ance at moving picture shows, it is
therefore most earnestly requested
that parents be urged to limit at
tendance ol their children iqion these
affairs to Friday and Saturday
nights, Signet! by President of
" 'Fishermen Attention
The Coos Bay Ice & Cold Stor
age Company are prepared to tal&
Steelhead Salmon. Arrangements
gp Oeigg made to have the S. S.
ispatch gather up the fish. 9614
Arthur Ellingson to Erect
One at Once on Corner
of First Street.
. Arjlnir. Ellingson has the founda
tion built mid has a crew of men
wprki'ijg', dayj and night to erect
a new- modern concrete build -i
ing on the lot where 'the. Sidwell
Clothing Store was just.' moved o.ff.
The fiew building" will be 36x98 with
basement and will be of reinforced
concrete, making it tine of the finest
buildings in the city. i
Mr. Ellinirson is showing himself
to be a progressive business ,1111m
arid is certainly doing Ins slfare to
ward city improvement as this is
two buildings that he now has under
way of construction.
Lowe Building Will Be
fteady For Occupancy in
a Short Time.
The new Lowe Buiiding will be
oomplete and ready for occupancy
in ashort time, or as soon as the
Tillamook arrives with the glass for
the front and it can be installed.
The first floor will be occupied by
Sabro' Bros' jewelry store; and the
second will be offics anil rooming
Brief News
Portland, Or., Dec. 4. (Special)
A telegram from Manager C. C.
Chapman, in charge of the Oregon
exhibit at Chicago, states that his
section of the show is crowded at all
times by farme rs and others eager
to secure first hand information re
garding this state. The Oregon
display is declared by competent
judges to be "by far the best at the
show when quality, variety and ef
fectiveness of staging are cousidarcd.
Mr. Chapman .and his assist.uits are
kept busy air day and every evening
in answering ihe vast number of in
quiries showered upon them by
people of eveiy cbss. The demand
tor public talks and . Hctures on
Oregon and the Pacific Northwest
generally is a'rnost too great to be
j "Oregon First :id All Oregon,"
is suggested '. is the slogan of the
Oicgon Exposition, .coinmisson in
charge of arrangement s for a dis
play from this suite at San Francis
co in 1915- lt addition to a build
ing of Oregon wood, , fiu nislied, with
Oregon, furniture, with a restaurant
serving; OregoV. food aiul with side
walks made of Oiegon 'ibrick, it is
now proposed that soif be taken
from Oregon to completely re-surface
the Oregon building; site on the
Exposition grounds, and ''to plan?
thereiii( native Oregjoc? flowers,
siirims arti small trees. la secure
the necessiary watari.J for swjft plant
tng it suggested) that an exliCait
Dr. Smith J. Mann and A.
G. Hoyt Haye New
'19.14 Buicke.
Dr. Sinilh J. Mann has a new 36
hojsc, two passenger 191.J Buick,
Model B, and A. G. Hoyt has a
five passenger 25 horse of the same
model. Dr. Mann's car is here and
is a daisy in every way.
Every modern convenience of a
car is to be found on this one.
Hoyt's ear will arrive on the Tilla
mook. M. D. Sherrard is the local
ngnl for the Buick and it might be
added that he is a live one, and if
there is an opportunity to sell a car
he will be on the jot).
V The Dr. Mann cat is the first 1914
model that has appeared on the
scene in Bandon.
County Attorney Liljeqvist
Commences Clean-up
Marine Coffin, Gladys Harrison
and May Clark, mistresses of three
Bandon resorts are before the grand
juiy, having been arrested, charged
with conducting houses of ill fame.
Their arrests are said to be the
outcome of evidence gathered by de
tives who were brought in here by
County Attorney Liljeqvist, to aid
in (.leaning up the county.
of Oregon
gatden be established in Portland
and school children ill over the state
be enlisted in the work ol collection.
The commission has been assured
that sjiace for such a garden would
be provided, tree, on the campus
ol Reed College. If but one speci
men is received from each of the
2500 schools of the state a consider
able tract of land will be required to
care for them until they are shipped
south for permanent planting.
Within the past few days canned
and dried fruits valued at $15,000
have been shipped from the Eugene
Fruit Growers' cannery. The ship
ments included four carloads of
apples returning an average of $800
per car to the growers. '1 he car
loads sent East have been sold at
more than $2.00 per box, of which
50 cents is deducted tor freight.
Ivo carloads of prunes were also
shipped, each car bring about $2,500
to the producers.
Declaring that speculators by
combining for the control of prices"
have made fortunes at, the expense
of the hop 'industry during the last
20 years, a meeting,, attended by 76
representative hop men, was held at
Salem a few days ago. Deciding
that by an organization of their own
he hop growers can regaliantl keep
contiol of the market in the future,
a committo.' was appointed to draft
o comprehensive (dan for a statewide
uiiiim oinong the growers. Accord
iivgto 5ba pkai discussed, the union
"Committee on Vengea nee'
Threatens Violence to
A letter addressed to Mayor of
Florence, and mailed at Portland,
was received at Florence two or
three dys after the seven members
of the I. W. W. were requested to
leave torn. The letter is as follows:
To the employers of Florence, Ore.,
Your action in driving out mem
bers of the I. W, W. will be met in
a way that befits your barbaric
methods. We will meet barbarism
and its methods with barbaristic
methods. An eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth only fourfold.
Summer will be here and a few
matches will do the work. Look
out captalist hellions. Committee
pf Vengeance.
Del Norte Paper Advocates
Road Booster Organization
of Three Counties.
In a recent issue of the Del Norte
Argus that paper makes the sugges
tion that the counties of Coos, Curry
and Del Norte stand together in a
united effcrt for a Pacific Coast
Highway. The suggestion is a good
one, and the time was never more
auspicious than it is. now. During
the next two years the attention of
the world will be ca lied to the Paci
fic Qoast states, and thousands of
automobiles will be touring through
them. A more scenic ride under as
lavorable climetic conditions cannot
be found anywhere as the one along
our coast, where the winter winds
are warm and the summer winds
cool Practically all of the wealthy
and influential men of Oregon and
California own automobiles and these
will be found a unit ir, favor of such
a road. A tri county boosting or
ganization should be formed and
the ball started rolling.
will maintain an information bureau
at London and New York to keep
it advised as to market conditions
and prices, It is estimated that
through such organization at least
$75,000 per year can be saved to
the growers in the matter of supplies
which could be bought in wholesale
quantities, and an additional $125,-
000 in commissions which have
heretofore been paid to middlemen
for'disposing of the crop.
The Oregon Farmer, a publica
tion of the State Immigration Com
mission is just off the press, and
copies wiU bo supplied free of charge
tonanyone interested. It is a careful
resume of the agricultural situation
in Oregon and contains a vast
amount of valuable information for
every farmer in the state.
Roll Anderson tbe only survivor
of the Seeley and Anderson Log
i0 ! 1 . . .... m
mng roau accident is still irnprov-
lag and can now wak round quite
a goou aeai.
Oregon Executive Has Idea
on Labor Problem in
Governor West has interested
himself in endeavoring to find em
ployment for the unemployed in the
cities of the state during the winter
period. His plan is to have the
newspapers of the state run a blank
which can be cut out, filed in and -forwarded
to him by any one de
siring to employ help. He in turn
will forward the blanks to the muni
cipal employment bureau of Port
land, and to like bureaus in the
state. Through this plan he be
lieves he can find employment for
most of those who will be in need
this Winter.
Following is the blank to be filled
Nam cr
Aiklrcs s ....
Nearest railroad station or steamboat land- '
i"K -- .
Number of men or women needed
Character of work offered ..
Wages to be paid . ........
With or without hoard am! lodsinfti-.-k.4A. .
How long services, if they prove satisfactory,
will likely be needed ' .........
This blank to be filled out and
mailed to the Governor's Office,
Salem, Oregon, that it may be
brought to the attention of those
seeking employment.
Coquille, Or., Dec. 3. At the
meeting of the Coos County . Good
Roads Association here last night
a resolution was adopted favoring
the calling of a special election to
vote $440,000 bonds for permanent
road building, providing it would be
apportioned as follows:
$70,000 for a road from North
Bend via Cooston and adjoining
sections to Ten Mile.
$270,000 for improving the road
from Coos Hay via Coquille and
Myrtle Point to Bridge and vicinity,
$100,000 for improving the road
from Bandon to the Curry county
The action was taken after rather
a spirited discussion and a commit
tee was instructed to confer with the
Coos county commissioners today
; about the calling of the special elec-
There was a good attendance at
the meeting.
The good roads meeting, was one
ol'the most largely attended ever
held in the county and the session
was most animated, the debate being
very spirited between representatives
of the diffeient parts of the county.
The North Bend and Ten Mile dele- '
gation wanted $150,000 for that
road and finally the compromise was
made to recommend $70,000 for it.
It was agreed that after allowing
Ten "Mile $70,000 and Bandon $100,
000 that the balance should be used
between Marshfield and Bridge, the
work to be started simultaneously
at Marthfield,oquiye, Myrtle Point
and Bridge. Coos Bay Times.
o O