WW Sktsi-Weetcly Bandon Retarded De&miSer 2, 1913 14) 0 AT 6. W eopie T ov L an Santa Claus has decided to use an airship this year and he will make his headouarters at the Peoples 5-10-1 5c Store. We have conclusively demonstrated to most of" you that we I can save you money on your every clay wanes, out on your Amas girts and toys we will $ prove to you the value or a 5-i CM 5c store m your - midst. Ci. PiL Kf Two or three 1 5c toys will please a child better than one $2.00 toy. Why not, then OlOp, I IlirtK! try to cut the high cost of living. ALWAYS SOMETHING .NEW" Visit our 3 stores and buy early. re opies tores Bandon, Marshfield, Myrtle Point CONVERTS ONE OF THE JAMES BAND Gok Yowpr, Famous Author, Jolas trie Church. WAS WOUIDED 28 TIMES, Picture s Monster Criminal, He Maintains That Ho Was Guilty of but On 0fnse Hns Sorvod Twen-'y-fiv Years In Prison His Own 9irj Cnrslsn. St. Louis. Colt? Younger was onct n nam vliluli lusplrod four thioiighout Missouri. IContucky iiik! Kansas. It Is thu nuino of n mini noted for his lion c lighting spirit, ii man who carries tin sciirs r twenty-eight bullet wounds received for lighting llrst for n emist?. later for spoils. It Is now tlie niiine of ono of thu most recent converts to Christianity gullied by the Itev, Orvllle Edgar Ilimilltoii. one of thu lending figures of the Christian Evangelists of Auierlcn. Tho conversion tooU place in mi Ini provided tiibei'uuele in Lees Summit, CO Lit YOUKotclt. Mo., recently. Tho ovangcllst waa as slstctl lu tho service by his wlfo nntl Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Stunft. During tho revival meeting, when thu lnrge"au 'dleuco wHs swayed to enthusiasm by tho words of tho preacher nmtho sing Ins: of Mr. and .Mrs. Strtart, n Riant of a man roue from his seat, literally lift ed from Iter foot a llttlo woman who stood near him, kissed her and walked forwanl. With the last wortl of the spoken acceptance Cole Younger, part ner of Jesse James and oO Quautrell, had coiuo out In ftio open and em braced thft faith whose tenets h0 has been quietly practicing for many years. "There Is nothing wonderful lu iny conversion." said Younger. "I've letl an adventurous, turbulent life. Tho war brought on hate nnd strife nnd killing. They murdered my fntiier when 1 wns a schoolboy and I Hfla.JflujlcJyHl.inio a life of roprlsalr and shooting nnd rough riding, wind ing up with twcnly-fivo years In prison. "Now. my folks were all Christians. 1 was brought up lu a Christian home. I am an old man. seventy years old next .lanuary. and I have come back, by Ood's merry, 'to the spot where 1 spent my childhood, to end my days. "To nie. knowing my own soul, it Is nothing. Why. forty years ago. when witnesses have testified that I was rob bing banks and holding up trains In another part of the country. I wns down in Texas teaching a Sunday school class. "The feeling has been growing strong upon me these Inst years that my mother's prayers were being nnswered nnd that find was lending me by the hand, nhd so I have Just given my henrt to him, and 1 feel that tho sins of my past life are blotted out and that I am a child of Cod." Although ho Is pictured In "wild west" .tales as monstrously criminal, he maintains Hint he was guilty of but one offense and says .his name, along with that of the James brothers Mid others, wns connected with practically every bank robbery and holdup in the west for more than a decade. lie ad mits that ho was a member of a bnnd which nltempted to rob a bank at Northfleld. Minn., of ?00.000. said to havo been obtained by Union soldiers during the civil war. ITo was cnptnredjhrce dnys after the attempt nnd "served twenty-flvo years in prison. BULL DERAILS A TRAIN. Accidont Occurs as Cnttlo Herd I Crossing the Track. Olntlio. Kan. Ten cars of a St Louis and Rnn Francisco freight train was derailed when the train struck a bull weighing 2.0W pounds near here. Tlie engine it lid tender passed over the animal without .being derailed, but when the empty ears struck It .thby were thrown from the track. . '.A held of cattle was crossing the track when the train approached aird three of the animals were killed. . Calls With Conscience Money. Spokane. Wnsji. The Xorjhorn Vo clllc city passenger office' receive". $10.70 In conscience money from Ilonr.1: Peterson "f I-os Angeles,,whp nppe'nro.d In jiersun at the city olllco rtnd paid It S. Skinner tho money for a ride from Spokane to. Unite, which, ho says, lie stole twenty years ago. ' Living Up to It. . "We don't always do fis we should. For one thing, wo are told to love our enemies." "A great many, of us live up to thnt Dldn't you ever notice n couplo of so ciety leaders kissing each otherS" Louisville Courier-.! ournal. Easily Divided. Tlie hour was divided Into Rlxty min utes because the number hlxty enn bo oO'iily divided by two. three, four. flw. six, ten. twelve, fifteen, twenty and I Orty. 0 Hope Is a llntterer. hut the most up right of all iwiraflllcs. for she freiunts the poor man's hut as well as tho nco of his superiors. -Shenstoue. SEEKSffi 1 mm j SAVE Mrs. Wakefield Sentenced to Be Hanged. MAY ESCAPE THE GALLOWS. Various Organizations and Prominent Women In Connecticut Prrtest Against Extreme Penalty She, With Aid of a Man, Brought About tho .Death of Her Husband. Hartford, Conn. Aroused as they never have been before, Connecticut women of every walk in life are shoul dering the burden of preventing the stuto from lullictiug tlie death punish ment upon Mrs. llesslo J. Wakelleld, convicted ns uu accomplice in the mur der of her husband. From every conceivable vantage point wives and daughters of promi nent men, suffragists and women op posed to their sex exercising the right of franchise! are attacking as dlsgrace- M 8j is - V- ( Photo by Vmc.tlcjn Press Association. SJJ5.S. BRSblll r,'AKl)lJKl,D. jil and unwarranted the carrying out of the" court edict that, Mrs. Wukelloid shall ho hanged From every" corner of the tjtnfj the jiroti&ts of tho women arc Iwlng voiced in mo mrou tfc punuciy circuiaieu pett-j Hons lo which many (Jhousands of names are being signed daily, in pub licity campaigns mid ii pursounl de mands UOng made upon members of thV state lio:ud of pardons, loislfTtors anil jurists. Although Mrs. Wakeiloid etllJJs n p cjijll Iju iio .njrlson dctltb . in re nouse, no word li.is I , ufi I'e.f, by her indicating what will be the suit of the uiriiiui! crusade. If Mrs. Wakelleld dies for the mur der of her husband, In the actual com mission of which she was not accused of having .taken a hand, she will be the llrst woman put to death In the state since 17K1. Connecticut's leniency toward women who havo been convicted of murder Is explained in part by Its efforts to atone, for Its unsavory record In Colonial days, when six women were burned or hanged iw witches. In 17ir Kll'.illieth Shaw, a feeble minded girl, was hang ed on her father's testimony that she had killed her Infant child. She was executed after she had ridden a mile to thi' scaffold seated on her colIln and fe crying aloud to be saved, Hut since i w Connecticut became a slate woman has been within Its limits, oniy one . u legally put to deatli gi Mrs. Wakelleld Is twenty-four yearfJj old and Is one of six children of Mr T and Mrs. Hiram Webster of Middle bury, an uncultured, but honest, cou ple, who for years have eked a bare living out of a rocky farm. The. daughter received practically no education, and she was only seven teen when she was married to Wake lleld, a Urlstol farm hand. She became housekeeper for .lames Plew. a Middle bury fanner. Plew and Wakelleld soon quarreled about her. Wakelleld was found slain last June. Plew confessed the deed, but he and Mm. Wakelleld blamed each other for plotting the murder s that they could be married. Plew, who has a wife and child, and Mix. Wakelleld. who has two children, have been sentenced to be hanged on March t. 11114. It has been stated In the Connecticut press that the vote of Uie board must be unanimous to commute a sentence, but the law was changed four years ago tii make a favorable "vote of live mondiers effective. Mrs. Wakefield's children are with her parents. The boy. who IsVlx years old. and the girl, who Is four, know nothing of their parents' fate, and they dally-say tf thelrgrandinother, "Mam ma will be homo today." The fact that many women have been convicted of single handed and jireino'dltutud. murder In Connecticut In the lust half century, nnd that all have escaped 'the death penalty, nnd ttyat Mrs. Wiikefield Is not even charged witli a 'art in tho actual kllllngof her Si'islmnd, fins Incited a widespread re volt agalnet tho decrco of tho extreme penalty In her case. Hope. "There is no sweeter suffering than hope." So runs irn old CJefman prov erb, melancholy ti'xt for hearts that bitter tll.sappolntment'hns cured nuU to. whom all hope Is but memory.. . , .An Alarming Tftle Mr. Stnylato Tim OtHernlht I heard n story tly.it gave me sucla a ftiart. Miss Miichborod-I wish I know Jt. Woman's Home Companion,, The Attraction. rcilaS-lMrt tho brldo smile ns mho walkct? down tho aisle? f?il I djon'tj know: 1 was0watchlng her Mu Ivan Ens City Star. Q We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARK'S GROCERY Succvsior to A. E. White O EX E2 ESS 2S2 ESSHO 1 W. " A M ST10TNOFF TJ-JJfi I TARN JOSS MAN new cases, bags, ; supply of suit , shopping . trunks, rooes io Got Any- Time Spare? Use -electric appliances for the household work ami you wiU have time for other things. Let us demonstrate them to you BANDON POW-ER'COM PANY Subscribe for ethe Bandon Recordes (9 o CP CSS 5 o o