Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 02, 1913, Image 1

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The Recorder is read by more people in Bandon and vicinity than all otRerpapers combined.
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Bank Robbers
Cracksmen Blow Safe and Make Their Escape
Without Leaving a Clue. Entrance Gained
Through Upstairs Office.
The safe of the Bankp of Myrtle
Point was blown open some time
Sunday night and the bank was
looted of between $to,oooand $12,
000. As yet there is no clue to the
robbers but constant watch is being
kept and it is hoped the culprits'
will be apprehended within the
next few days.
In a long distance telephone
message this morning the Record
er was informed that the robbers
Popular Bandon Teacher
WtU Wed During the
A very pretty social event occur
red at the home of Mrs. C. E. Kopf
Saturday night, the occasion being
an eight course dinner ,in honor of
Hiss May A. Fakey who is to be
come the bride of Mr. L. H. Hub
bard", a banker of Waitsburg, Wash.,
about Christmas time.
The hostesses of the evening were
Misses Elizabeth J. Rogers, Mary
IX Ritchie and Mrs. C. E. Kopf.
The house was beautifuliy de
corated with Oregon greenery, pink
and white roses and carnations.
The color scheme being pink and
white. At the table where the the
guest of honor 'sat, were pmk
streamers of ribbon extending from
the chandlier to the table and making
a ve;y beautiful effect' The guests
arrived at 6:30 p m. and the dinner
started promptly at ihat'hour.
The occasion was one ol the most
enjoyable affairs of the season and
all the guests entered into the spirit
of it with enthusiasm.
The guests were composed of the
lady teachers in the Bandon schools,
and a few others of Miss Fahey's
intimate Iriends. Those invited
were: Misses Clinkenbeard, Landrith
Walker, Belle Witcher, Glemma
Witcher, Taylor. Huntington, Rosa",
Solve, Abbott, .Wilkins, Belat,
Marguerite Haberly, and Mesdamea
L. H. Nichols, Geo. H. Roach, G.
W. Rea, H. L. Hopkins F. J.
Feeney, R. W. Boyle, E. B, Kaus
rud and C. R. Wade.
The hostesses were assisted in
serving by Misses Edith Lowiy,
Otillie Lewiri, Amy Windsor and
Louise Haberlyj four of the B.indon
High School girls
The Beat is None too Good.
The Universal program ol pic
tures carried off the honors over all
other films exhibited at Electrical
Exposition and Motor Show, re
cently held at the Grand Central
Palace, New York City, and was
awarded first prize, a gold medal.
The Oipheum management are
especially fortunate in having se
cured exclusive right to exhibit said
Universal program, which consist
of such well known films as Broncho,
Bison ioi, Gold Seal, Imp, Nestoo,
Powers, Lusc, Crystal, Eclair, Great
Northern, New Majestic, Resc, etc.
Perfect in photography and pro
jection, come and judge for yourseh.
went up stairs into the office of At
torney Roberts, sawed a hole
through the floor and entered the
top of the vault and then the safe
was blown open and the money
Attorney J. O. Stemmler of Myrtle
Point who is in Randon today says
the robbers left nothing behind them
to give any clue, at least nothing
has yet been found and the whole
thing is a mystery.
The Bank of Myrtle Point belongs
Curry Cauaty Wrestler Will
Seek New Honors in
The following from t he Port Or
ford Tribune will iitereoi local w rest
ling faun:
M. Luter and Prcy Zumwalt
started oat last Wednetday on a
wrestling tour throughout the North
west. They expected to give
exhibitions in Coos county on their
way out. Lutsey expects to meet
Jackson at Walla Walla, and has a
match with another prominent wrest
ler at Spokafte. Jackson is the man
Ajax won the coast championship
from. Young Zumwalt goes along
ps trainer and wrestling partner.
Mr, Lutsej is accompanied by Mrs.
Lu'sey, ahd the couple will visit
their old home in Michigan before
returning to Port Orford in the
Curry Pionexc Gone.
Jolwi Clausen was born in Den
mark June 12, 1840, and died at his
home near Langlois, Oregon, Nov
ember 22, 1913, age 73 yeais 5
months and iu days.
Mr. Clausen came to Curry county
and located on a homestead 27 years
ago, when there was no county road
between Langlois and Bandon. He
was therefore a true pioneer. Mr.
Clausen was a man of sterling
character," scrupulously honest;
neyer doing any one pa injury.
He was a faithful husband and kind
father. The only relatives who
survive him, are a wije and an adop
ted son Hans, who lives on fo'ur
raile. The funeral were
held'in tlie Presbyterian church, by
the pastor, Rev. A. Haberly. In
terment at Denmark, November 25,.
1913. Almost the entire popula
tion attending, thus showing the re
spect in which he was held. Lang
lois Leader.
Cordelia StUlwell had he misfor
tune to fajl and break her arm yes
terday morning. Dr. Mann attended
the fracture and the young lady is
getting along as well as could be ex
pected. Sabro Bros, will move into the
new (Lowe building as soon asethe
Tillamook arrives with the glafti for
the windows for which the contract
ors are waiting,
Get $ 1
to the Beasons and one of the
oldest banks in he county. Wo
have not been informed as to
whether they carried any burglar in
surance or not, but it is persumed
they did.
It has been stated that a couple ol
suspicious looking characters have
been around the saloons in Bandon
yesterday and today, but so far
nothing that would indicate that
they had any connection with the
PENSJEBUDGET County Commiseioners Pre
pare Budget For the
Next Year.
The Coos Connty Commissioners
have completed the tax budget for
1914, estimating the amount of mon
ey necesnry to be raised by taxation
and the probable receipt from all
sources other than direct taxation
upon'real and personal property.
The total, is a considerable in
crease over last year's budget, rosds
coming in for about $30,000 ad
ditional, while the mothers' pension
act makes it necessary to raise $10, -
000 tor tuts purpose. the court
has named December 5th as the
date for a discussion 6f the estimates
between the court and interested
parties. The various ' amounts and
their purposes are given below i
Salary of Judge $1000; comniu
sioners $5. 00. per day; livery, ct-.,
Circuit court: Salary of bailiffs,
$3.00; reporter$to, jury fees $3 and
witness fees $2 per day; meals,
special counsel, etc., $10,000.
Justices' courts: Fees of justices,
constables, jurois, witnesses, etc.,
Sheiifl's oflice: Salary and ex
penses of sheriff and deputies.; Sher
iff, $2600; first deputy, $1200; sec
ond deputy, $1000; exlra clerks, S3
per day, $8000.
Clerk's office: salay of "clerks
and deputies: Clerk $1800; first de
puty, $1200; second deputy, $iocd,
three clerks, $3 per day; draftsman
"on plats, $5 per day, $8000.
Health officer: salary, etc., salary
$20.00 per month, $300.
Treasurer's office: Salary of treas
urer, etc., salary $1200; extra help
irf collection df f-xes, $5000.
Coroner's office: fees of coroner,
physicians, jurors, witnesses, etc.,
School superintendent' office;
salary of superintendent, $1200;
supervisor, $1200; traveling ex
penses, etc., $4 000 M
Frm"? inspector: Salary $3 per
day and expenses, etc., $600.
Assessor's office: Salary ot assess
or, $135; first deput $1080, extra
help, $3 per day, etc., $5000.
Assessment and collection of
taSes: Tax rolls, collecting, adver
Pertising, levying and cruising,
Tax rebate: taxes refunded $$v.
Court house expenses: Tonitor. 1
i:t.. ..... t..ji - ..
puuu, injiua, w;ucr, mei, rggoj,
0 a
2,000 at Myrtle Point
furniture, rent, etc., S7000
Current expenses: Books station
ery, postage, cxpressage, etc., (all
offices), $3500.
Jail: board of prisoners, medical
attendance and medicine, repairs,
Supplies, fixtures, etc., 935flo.
Care of poor: Salary 0 county
physJciafi,"poor farm, provisions or
transportation furnished, hospital
charges, burials, etc., $12,000.
Indigent soldiers: Relief furnish
ed, $2210.
Insane: Examination and ex
pense, $500.
Juvenile cou-t and reform school
comnitents: Expellee of. $500.
District attomej s office: Enfor
c!ng criminal law, etc., $1000.
Surveyor: Establishing govern
ment cornels, etc.. $400.
Election expense: Registration,
ballots, and supplies, pay of judges
and clerks, deputy sheriff, etc.,
Scalp bounty: County bounty
one-half state bounty, one lilf state
bounty, $700,
Scalp bounty: County bounty,
County sealer. Salary and ex
penses. , $1000.
County road master: Salary and
expenses. $2000.
Widow's Pension .Act: Pensions,
Donations: Advertising, experi
ment'station, etc., $2000.
Ferries: Salaries and supplies,
Roads and bridges: machinery,
material and labor, $73,000.
Bridges: Built by contract, $10,-ooo.-f'
Roads and bridges: Expended by
supervisors. $107,000.
Publication of summons for fore
blosing tax liens, $1 1 844.40.
Publication of delinquent taxes,
$1912, $687.
State purpos-: Such amounts as
the state board may levy.
Schcol purposes: $8 per c-ipita,
6500 pupils, $52,000. .
. School library: 10 cents per capita,
$6500 pupils, $650.
Liquor license, $600; sale of
milk, $400; clerk's fees, $9000;
sheriff's mileage $700; fines, $'1500;
interest from banks, $1500; sale of
crushed rock, $1000.
Balance in hands of county treas
urer applicable to payment of county
warrants, withoutstanding warrants,
deducted and estimated; amount of
unpaid current taxes added, $15,525
Funds applicable to payment of
road district orders, 13,000.
Funds applicable to payment of
school waraants, 1800.00
City of North Bend, 16,900.00;
city Mar.shfield, 25,800,00; city of
Eastside, 1720.00; city of Coquille,
6too.oo; city of Myrtle Point,
3000.00; city ol Bandon 6S00.00;
PoU of Coos Bay, 26,900: school
district No. 8, 9150.00; school dis
trict No. 9. 31,150.00; school district
No. 13, 20,890; school district No.
14, 690.00 school district No. 16,
580.00; school d'strict No. 22.
1520; schoold!slrict No. 26, 305.00;
school 5 district No. 35, 470.00;
school district No. 41, 6175.00;
school district No. 50, 565.00; school
district No. 54, 14.780.00; school
district No. 60, 1520.00; school
district No. 65, 1650.00, school dis
trict No. 68, 115,00; school district
No. 69; 1025.00; school district No.
70, 365.oo;'school district No. 72,
1520.00; school -district No. 73,
220.00;, school district No. 74,
355.00; school district No. 77,
2250,00; sschool district No. 83,
115.00; 'school district No. 49,
2680.00. .
1 . m a ..
uBtunajes mere wn oe num
fill) STREET
City Lost Case otk Slim
Technicality. Insufficient
Notice Held.
Since our last issue the opinion of
the Supreme Court in the Sixth
Street case has arrived and meat of
the decision is hat the city had not
given sufficient notice in the hct
that the specifications of the work
to be done were not sufficient to
determine absolutely the kind of
improvement to be made.' In Fri
day's Recorder we stated that the
notices had not been properly post
ed, but this was erroneous in that
under the old charter it was not
necessaiy to post notices, but the
insufficient notice came from the
facts above stated, and by this the
Supreme Cqurt held that because
of insufficient notice the council had
failed to gain jurisdiction to make
the improvement.
School Party.
The Seventh Grade of the Ban
don school entertained the Eighth
Grade at a party Friday night in
the Auditorium of the High School
building. There were about 40
present and the young folks spent a
very pleasant evening, playing
games and other amusements. ' De
licious refreshments were served
and everybody had a fine time.
The Library was, a busy place last
Saturday Afternoon. Fifty books
were given out that day. Five new
names were added to the Book-
Borrowers list so that it now stands
at 332,
Thirty five little people listened
attentively to Miss Abbott's Nature
Stories. The stoi of the silk woi ji
was fully illustrated by pictures and
by samples of raw silk in all stages
and beautiful pieces of silks, satins
and brocades.
We are constantly receiving gifts
of books, magazines and t papers
and we are veiy grateful to the
friends who thus express the'r in
terest in the library work. s
New Blacksmith Shop.
Frank Balletic and Jas. Blaine
have taken over the blacksmith shop
in the Dufort building and will do a
general blhrksmiihing business.
Both of the youpg men are ex
cellent mechanics and have had
sufficient experience to insure their
work being of the best. They wiH
no doubt do a good business.
Sherifi W. W. Gage was down
from Coquille on business Saturday.
erous other special levies by schotl
districts, road districts and pro
bably the port of Coquille River
and the Poit of Bandon which have
until the first day of December, 1913
to make such levies and file the
notice thereof with the county clerk
and assessor and of which there is
noknowledge at the date of notice
upon which to base an estimate for
tax purposes. Coos Bry Times,
Voters Give Big Majority to
Township Line Road
The road election Saturday after
noon to vote a ten mill tax for the
township line road, south from Ban
don drew out a big vote and the
vote was so decidely in favor of the
tax that there should be no doubt
left In anyone's mind as to the will
of the people on the subject.
There ,were 179 votes cast of
which 139 w,ere for and 40 against.
lacking only one vote of being four
and onc-hall to one. It is said the
township line road will cut off about
two miles of the distance between
Bandon and Langlois, besides being
a much better grade than the, old
road, but be that as it may, we have
use for both roads, and for all the
roads, that we can get.
A good road that could be travel
ed all the year round from Bandon
to the Curry county 'Vie would
mean thousamls of dollars to Ban
don every year, besides being a
great convenience to the tra.veling
W, Cecil Arneson and 'Viola P.
Rouse were married at the M. E.
South parsonage in Bandon ,Nov.
a28th, 1913 t.5:oo' p. m, Rev. W. -
B- Smith officiating. Both parties
are well known in Myrtle Point.
The schedule for the Coos county
High School basket ball games has
been made up and the season will
open up January 9th. Every school
in the county wi'l have a fast team
and there wi'l be some mighty good
games during the season.
The Bandon boys are practicing
hard and are getting into good con
dition. The High School wi'l play
a game at Bank Hall December 12th
with 'ie A" Stars, the game will
be for a chicken dinner.
Following is the schedule for the
season :
Jan. 9 Bandon at Myrtle Point;
North Bend at Marshfield.
Jan. 23 Marshfield at Bandon;
Coqu'llw at. Myrtle Point.
J.-mi. 29 Myrtle Point at Marsh
field. c
Jan, 30 Bandon at Coquille;
Myrtle Point at North Bend.
Feb. 6 -Myrtle Point at Coquille;
North Bend at Bandon.
Feb. 13 Myrtle Point at Bandon;
Coqui"e at North Bend.
Feb. 12 Coquille at Marshfield.
Feb, 20 North Bend at Coquille;
Marsh licld at Myrtle Point.
Feb. 26 Bandon at Majshfield
Feb. 27 Bandon at North Bend.
March 6 - Marshfield at Coquille;
North Bend at Myrtle Point.
March 13 Coquille at Bandon;
Marshfield at North Bend.
Gives Away Presents.
The Change Pharmacy has a new
ad in ihis issue calling attention to
their big Jine of presents, to "be
giyen away with purchases. Read
the ad and get a present.
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