Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 28, 1913, Image 1

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The Recorder is read y more people in Bandon and vicinity than.all other" paper Corrtbined.
&. t-' ...
CcZu. Mr: fjy
o o
is in Mm ' mmm
..ill jjlP . Bi'lil fill PLjiIiNG
' ... !
I ip Tides Wash North Ap-J
'proach to'Light Houe and 4
do Other Damage.
Tin big tides of Wednesday and
llmrstia cyt.ttfiupHrOrrjiJic ijpgth
's,l of the lighthouse and left it on
ar l ' nd. .The isjand was only
duu-y high ti'fo and hS?spou iiuhe
went down tbeie w!i dry land
or wet, ngnin... H will be te
mrmbeicd that. the Recorder called
the mention of the public "to this
dangerous cohdilioii about a year
1 he bin tides also wished out a
big portion, of .the beach . sidewalk
and amie ni-ar, undermining the. barn
belonging lo II. II. Fish and occu
pied, by Gatchcll Bros, transfer line.
poo- (.
At the Orpheura Tonight.
I'hr biggest and best show ever
u' on in Bandon for the price, 4.000
lett of .pictures' including a three'
Hfl 101 Bisorj feature. ".When
GJieral Sherman Marched to the
Sea.' Also Norman, Fitihett and
Harrison in three big , vaudeville.
.id's, These people have played on
the OrplicuiVi' circuit , in nil tlie'hig
itics of; the United' States and site
sure to ma'k'good, A 50 c,ent
show for onfy 15'tentSf; v ry
W.'B. Sirdwbridgo: (
I'las taken the agency for . the
Illicit improved Electric Massage
Machine very . powerful and small
enough to carry in,tlccont
ahvays ready . for 'instant use, It
relieve ibcumatisJnr, vkdney trouble,
lumbago, pleurisy in one application
A rebel for all ailments rauscd y
ilnpudcd or Jmpei-fcct icircluatinn
The machine' is .otnpact and
carries its own power. Don't-suffer
any longt.'r when you can buy one
of these machines at ' a very small
coSjl call at my office opposite
Garoutte Bros, livery fparn on.JViill
Strct .and see the wonderful ma
ihine and get a fne book' on elec
trinity and diseases.
MakHIKU At the home of Capt.
O R. VvillanK cd.iic)sday cA-yir
u g N ivi ihbcY2.ttl) nt S-rt o'clock,
ejr (hnghter Miss Bt ul.di.1 Willrrd
jnd Mr. V "ilium Uelaney. Rcy,,
W 15 Smith 4wstir of tho Al. II.
f-uuvli S iiuh itn-i.itcfl. These
111117 pi ilple ire liuth well kiiuwn
in IVuivion.
Ihir ,aillMS and a wssrngi r
t 1. in thf Sti micr President were
'riHil V t iiii silay onear Cons
' iv A iintht rli 11 made ai. at
1 ,( ' i'S, i' 1I1 1 aisuigt ' . .h
1, t.i 1 ' i 11 w i' I't d 0V1 rlmarcl hy a
iK w 'i
Thv i'ythian Impmvcniejfl (pHib
held a very inti resting nieong, at lst 'week.
flu nnitfr of dumping rubbish over
tlu Hutf ot the,, fool ol Garfieltl Ac.
v. here ti e club nul cliiined ltup,
was mentioned and steps will be
liken to aporrliwd wbo. "tlping
this and an' effort' made to liuvc it
sti pped. .,..1,, .
?uJt - o
' 4 j" - ' ' ( j
Ocean Rebekiih I-'mlge will.issiii
mv ations to n ' 5 party at Odd
Icllows Hall Saturday evening
December 6th.
Voters Will Meet Tomorrow :
To Decide Whether Levy
Will Be Made.
A special election ling been called
forj2t3"p ilijtbinorrow (Satnrday,
Nov iqthy, at the city hall for thejf
piirpose of voting on n 1.0 mill tax.
for die impiovemi:nt of the town
ship line road south from Handop.
Everyone jmtere's'.tt'd in good
roa-ls should be 'present. Remem
ber the election wi'l be ' held like a
school clecilo'n and voters who
want to participate must ue on hand.
promptly at 2:30
. Oregon Nqws., ,
Portland, Or.., Nov. 27. (Special)
From air over the West, and from
some of. the Middle Western stales,
come reports of intending' exhibitors
at the International Livestock . Ex
position to l c held at the Portland
Unjon Stockyards, December S 13.
Guernseys from Wisconsin, Hoi
stein from Arizona, Herefords and
Shorthorns from Montana will be
seen on dress paiade by the side of
fancy livestock 'from the agricultural
colleges of C.alilor'iiia, Idahq, Wash
ington ajid Oregon. t Stump's licrd
of Jerseys from Mouniouth, Oregon,
from which the 'grand '.chanipioir
heifer for tliTOnTlc'dStltfes -"Sftlie!
National show in Chicago was taken,
will be entered, and thj; Brown,
Minor and Dunn Shorthorns 'are
also on this circuit.; M triv entries
of sheep from the most prominent
flocks of the Northwest' will also be
The exposition oflipials.bave b'een
'fortunate iu securuig the' services pf
some of the most fannius livestock
iudgts in the Union to takei Onre of
the classes- Practically all the men
selected have been judges at the
International j-.ivef.tock Exposition
or the v National i Dairy I Show at
Chicaco and all are noted ioi ex
ceplional ability and fairness. Com
mercial and booster clubs all ove?
the Northwest are enthusiastically
stirHng up interest in the event, full
special car parties are promised
frtim a number Pf tho cities of 'East
ern nnp Central Oregon and it is es.
pectcd that many people all over
f'je country w91 t$kt ud vantage pf
tlie red"4ce,d ailwad raiies.
The report of the Junction Cit
.Creamery, just published, proves
that the industry has been a success 1
in ovwy cay. 'This creatnety.was
organiz-ij eteven irnths Am and
during that ttne. H4,poo pounds ot,
nutter has been made, about 5,000
Pivtinds.of wlncfi h(iibecri ustd by
.1. f kiQ Ji ;rt. .
the farmw JITeinoilvfc
iue re
main.lrr soJror gflppl
milVt lot $273 Slid afeam
makintf 11' t-6'allif $6JS.
ui true
aiBounl the f.irniQr)i'ru(.$ivda, 3.iy
li-ss 1 cent i-r pmjnd for p'rHnjong
expenses. Tho- average pjice paid
for buyer dm iny. the Instil Hiopllis
was cenUi per, poinid, ' and t!&e
f.iiniers received $1,20 ignore thin
il they had sc-UI "llieir piaKfut't to
piivate crenneries.
poo -" '.
Lotffs D. Felshcim a newspapet
niait from Namj);, Idaho arrived on
the Breakwater, and he and M. B.
Pressev of this city h ive taken over
the Wcstrriv Wotld nd will operate
that paper from tfyio time on. Mr.
Mr. Kelsheim is aery pleasant .rj)
puliring gentleman fte Snd Mr.
Pressey lade the RnfQRDER office
a pleasant call is morning.
Coos Coimly Good Roads
'Association to Meet at
Coquille Tuesday.
Every Bandonian . who possibly
can should attend the meeting of
theCop's Qoimty Good Roads As-
sociauon which will be held at (.0-
quille next Tuesday.
At this meeting it is hoped that
sonic kind of a proposition can be
agreed upon for the voting of the
$440,000 bonds for building roads
And it' behooves every Bandonian to
be there and help the" good cause
along and at the same 'time to sec
that B-indon is not left out in the
cold in the apportionment qf the
It is exceedingly necessary 'that
we have a better read from Bandon
to the Curry county Mine and we
must pull for that proposition above
all others:
Try and arrahge your business
so as' to get away net Tue'sday,
December 3rd and attend the Good
Roads meeting at Cotruille.
President W- K'rr, of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, has rc
cently.' een in . conference with the
Secretary ol Agricultural and other
officials at Washington regarding
larger co-operation by the Govern
ment with the slate in its agricultur
al woik, and has been assured 'that
the department of farm management
will contribute money for the pro
motion of boys' and girls' clubs
throughoAit the state an'd ulso co-operate
with the collegcm every way
for 'the extension of agricultural
'education. President Kerr was
much interested in the bureUu of
marketing and has asked that the
department send experts to Oregon
to show how to get better m irkets
a;ul better prices lor farm products.
- -
YV. E- Cattcrlin left overland
Thanksgiving morninglor" ;l business
trip lo Portland.
Did you over realize- that tho greatest Kicker lo the wflrlil is 11 JncltuHaV
Did It ever dawn on you that this Is Just aa true of TUB UJWO LUGGICD
KIOKIJU na of the four tiK;yd ono? 0 ,
Tor exninplo.Svho conld bo a more perfect Jncltnsu than tlinr innn who kicks
uliou lila own townV
The nss klckH becauso ho is built that way, and the man kicks becaase h0
is built the snino way. 0 e
The fl&s uauallp has Something to ktok at, but the man often kicks about
nothlug at all. "
Get out of the kicking habit and be a booster.
It pays paya tho Individual ant? pays tho community. 0
Wouldn't you rather live In a GOOlAown than a I'OOIl onoX ,
All right then; help to make your town a good one
Talk It up. arouse tho town spirit, (SET EVBKYHODY 03) BOOSTING.
Anybody can kick, but it talces a good majj to boost. Oo
Do a good citizen! Get the UabUJ 0 ;
o '
Supreme Court Reverses De
cision of Circuit 'Court'
' In Big. Ca$e.
Atty Geo. P, Topping received
a tijjegiani from Salem yesterday
slating that the Sixth Street case
which has been hanging fne so long
had, been decided against the .city
by the .Supreme Court, thus re
versing the 'decision of Jhc circuit
court. As near as we can learn the
court based its decisioii on a
technicality on the posting of the
notices, holding that not 'sufficient
notice had been given at the time
the work was (lone. The case in
volves nearly $3,000 buj. just what
disposition of the afTair will be made,
cannot be determined until ' tne de
cision in the case has. arrived.
In thccase of McLains vs. Haber
y for the property west of the
Presbyterian church, the Supreme
court both reversed the "decision of
circuit court and dismissed the case,
so it would be hard to say, who won
Mrs. Foreman Vindicated.
Qiincy, Or , .Nov. 26, Mrs,
Florajl. Foreman principal of the
Qnufqy school, tonight received
froih the school board a vote of vin-
tlon of tho charges of having
tSught in her school doctrines of
Socialism, seditidn and .-itheisin.
An appctd will be taken to the Stale
Board of'lidi'ication for further. hear
ing. Hr.iring ot the case occupied
must ol the day.-
We Ate Turkey.
The Recorder is mostly ads. and
a very small amount of 'reading
matter today owing to the fact that
our ofhee force ate turkey yesterday
and we" have beeji nearly swamped
by jobwork besides.
See the Palmer Cumedy Kids at
the Grand Saturday and Sunday
nights, they are good.
Commissioners Prepare Plans
For Much .Harbor Ifn
provement. The Port Commissioners of the
Port of Bandon met in Commercial.
Club Hall Tuesday evening, the
chief business of which was to fr.mie
a bill asking Congress for an ap
propriation for the port.'
It is the plan lo bond the port for
$240,000 and ask Congress to give
a likc'tlmnuut for the ' improvement
of the ha-bor.and river.. The en
tire amount of bonds will not be
sold 'the .first yeaf, but possibly
$100,000 which will ''give a good
working capital to start .with It-is
considered that the bar can 'be deep
ened to 18 to 20 f.eet of water at
iow tide and the . river Irom 12 to
to 15 feet. . . .
, ocks .
The Palmer' Comedy Kids.
Don't fall to see these juvenile
performers at the -Grand Saturday
and Sunday Nov. 29 and 30.
They appear in songs and'danccs
and all the latest, popular turkey
trots, the tang"o and oilier society
whirls. A nice clean entei tabling
number sure to please, Excellent
films complete the program.' Ad
mission 15-ipc,
I. W. W.o at Eugene.
Eugene, Or., Nov. 2". Cajrt.
Metcalf's report that he had fonnd
ho evidence of violence or intimida
tion in the I. W. W. deporlatian at
Florence is expected Ur end the af
fair... His report to the Governor
was verbal Governor West conld
not exactly understand how the I.
W. W. were deportee" without :jny
violation of law and intimated that
he would not let it drop on Capt.
Metcalf's "whitewash" report.
Six of the, I. W W.'s who were
deported from Florence bv the citi
zen's of that city on the 14th hist,
arrive'tl in Eugene, having travelled
afoot tjic entire distamv over rough
mountain roads' and.- tlitough
flrizzling and cold rains several
dav s.
John R. Eawson and another
gentleman from San Francisco ar'
rived on the Speedwell and are re
presentidg 3 big real esfate firm.
Mr. Lawson "made this offire a
pleasant call.
eMrs. R. W. Boyle gnd Mrs. R
Buck retirned on the 'Speedwell
Hrom Los Angeles where they have
naen visiting for the past two
moift&S). "
Popular. Courses .Will' Be
Given bj' Competent
At the suggestion pfSupt.' Hop
kins, the school board granted on
Wednesdiy night, the use of the
Higli School bnilding for a night
school. . Courses in cooking, sewing
writing, English grammar, reading,
business arithmetic, . music and'
physical culture, will be given by
thoroughly competent instructors.
Other coursis may be" given and
changes made, in the above list to
meet the demands. This school
will be open to the people of Bandon, '
who may feel the need of any of
these subjects. '
The general plan is to open, im
mediately after the holiday's, for a
term of eight weeks. The 'school
may be continued if k proves snc
cessful The only way to support
the instruqtors is by fees,' which' will
be. put at the lowest possible point
Everbody who is interested in
any of these courses should confer
with Miss Ritchie or Supl. Hopkins
as soon as possible.
The course in cooking is limited
and places will be given in ordpr of
application. Phone 891 and give
us yr.ur w.ishes. Further announce-.
men's .later.
A very beautiful wpdding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Felter yesterday at .10:00
o'clock when daughter Ella
Ruth Felter was united in marriage
to Mr. S A. .Carmichael of .M:irsi
field, ' Rev. II. C Martranlt
The bride wa's beautifully gowned
in white silk mull' trimmed with
white fur and pearl, she carried a
bo.quet of white JVoses, furnished
from Coquille, and the tablcboquet
of pink roses and ferns was the gift
rof Mrs. Dr L. P. Sorcnsen. Her
only ornament .was an ivory lfrooch,
the gift of "her oldest brother "and
brought from Yohahoma.
Only the family and a few im
mediate friends were present." Miss
.Viola Re eric was bridesmaid and
S'duey Williams acted as best man.
pther guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Everet Slagle of Coquille; Mrs.
Lena Cochran of Coquille; Ruffel
Nasberg of Marshfield; Messrs and
Mesdames Leonard Hoover, Wilbur
i Hoover, R. A. Fciter and Mr. 08ms
Felter. " '
Mr and Mrs. Caryifchael were
the recipients of many beautiful
j'lttesenis .is tokens' of jhe high esteem
in which they are held I lie Happy
couple lett this morning for Marsh
field for a short honeymoon trip.
Professor W. II. Watkins of San
Bernardino, Calif.o was elected to
take charge ofothe commercial work
and to teach in the 'high school at a
meeting of the school board Wed
nesday nif;bj.Q
9 1 1
The Spwdwcll, Grace Dollar and
Randon arrived in on this morn-
ings tide.
o e
o o