Semi-Weekly B&ndon Recorder, NovimfairJJS, T913 Page 8 1 I 00 o o Thanksgiving Day Starts the Holidays YES, Thanksgiving .Day i really the opening gun of the holiday season. Six month ago we started to prepare for this, our Fall Opening campaign. 'Way back in May . we were busy searching, examining, selecting the lines of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings offered by the . coun try's greatest manufacturers, for it is only by working months in advance that the cream of merchandise., can be secured. Here are the things we looked for in Clothing: First of all VALUE clothes which represent one hundred cents worth for every dollar expended. After value we looked for STYLE; not freak style or extreme style, but the sort of style that well dressed men in New York and Chica go have created Having found value and style combined in two of the greatest Knes today MICHAELS STERNS and STYLEPLUSwe proceeded to buy dozens of differ ent models in eighty-seven patterns, so that our assortment of Fail and Win ter Suits and Overcoats is absolutely unapproached by any store in this sec tion of the state. Having worked diligently and well we take a natural pride in the merchandise we offer for your inspection and we want to tell you a few details about these. Styleplus $17, the same price the world over, are the result of 64 years of preparation and specialization on the part of the biggest producers of medium priced clothing in the world. You can't have any regrets with a Styleplus. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed by the maker and by us; You kui irW)iM vnn will Kic the nriri..&l 7 for a Suit. Overcoat or Copyright, 1913, . i VMuhiti. trm &k Kaincoai no more, no less. fn nvr f if tv vpafi Iiava Kn recncrnized bv exuert iudores of value, as the most lYJIVsftlCal UlblU saiSMSW w wa mmmmj J w- w - . - V J . . ' economical and reasonably priced garments that the market affords, at from $20.00 to $30.00. . For Business and Dress Two and three bu.tton sack suits, cut' for the most , part .according to the English idea, with trim should ers', unpadded fronts '.and soft' roll lapels garments made primarily for the man who realizes the importance of his personal appearance.' as a bus iness asset; The facbrics are browns, blues, black,-' pencil stripes in fact every new idea that the looms have produced. ' For the Young Man Strong, hand-tailored clothes that are good to look at and serviceable to wear.- Thoy are cut from spec ially woven fabrics and tailored to hold their shape under- stress and strain. If you are going to have two or more suits, one should be a . Norfolk. . The Norfolk is the suit for comiort and style and for the variety, that lends spice to life. We've some very special Norfolks in rich browns, grays and bhies that are simply ideal for both town and country wear. Overcoats Until you've seen our stock you can nbt'reali'e the. variety ajul scope of meaning of the .word "overcoat." First, there's the dress overcoat of black. Then there's the overcoat, for business, made of hand some, rough materials. Next comes the heavy storm coat with convert ible collar and plain or belted back. The variation pf this is the shawl collar a garment that will be- very popular this season in New York; and' for good measure weve the raincoat and the automobile coat. And every one of these overcoats can be had in splendid assortment of colors. The man doesn't live who cannot he pleased with 'this assort ment. . In our endeavor to secure for you the very best the market offers in clothing, we have not by any means neglected our furnishing department. For example SHIRTS 0 When you select a shirt from us, all " you need to do is to decide on the pattern. If the pattern pleases you we guarantee that. the shirt will give you full measure of satisfactory wear. , How do we know? Years of ex perience with the Arrow and Mon arch brands have proven0 to us athrit this claim1 is no idle boast. Our shirt department is chuckfull of negligee and plaited shirts in the newest patterns and colorings, with or without attached cuffs. For Sun day and evening wear we've some remarkable values in stiff and plaited white shirts, while our outing and work shirts are even more "complete than usual. . UNDERWEAR & HOSIERY The "fussiest" man. .in fhe world .'is the man who "has ideas" about .underweSr but we're ready for him ready to please him. Our stock includes Union Suits in wopV, in cotton and in lisle, two-piece ' garments in every demanded fabric athletic underweit'r J in plaitio and fancy fabrics for the young man. cIn a word, everything for everybody. And as fdr hosiery whether you go in for plain colors or' imcy,4or cotton, wool", lisle or silk &c guar antee to give you what you watft. COLLARS Ht& NECKWEAR Every season brings forth a new cpllaf style some lastt others don't. We manage to keep; in stock all of the new' ones and all the old ones tjiat have made "gtfodr In quarter sizes.0 Thisseason its the "Imper ial'1 that has the call a9 frill cut, easily tiedDscarf, which we carry in an astounding variety of 0silks and colorings also plain staple colors, for the more "conservative fellow. HATS anil. SHOES . If .you've ever worn the John B. Stetson hats in the past, you'll be back this season for another. If you havent don't fail to wear your first without delay. As forsoft felts antl caps, we've chosen a most ex clusive assortment, tlosely following London models. Wc go on the theory that good style and 'thorough 'comfort musf be combined to make shoes satisfactory and we're ready to prove this bo your Satisfaction when ever you try on a pair of our Star brand shoes for Mrn, Women and Children. Remember that the success of this business has been mad through offering unusual values at conservative' "prices an$ through insisting that every artiole we sell must meet with the unqualified approval of the buyer. If you have dealt witluis in the past, you will realize the meaning of this policy. If you've never dealt with us, we would certainly appreciate tha opportunity to m'ov(ythe merit of our goods. o5 0 e Hub "MONEY TALKS" Clothing and Sho e O o 0 Three Stores o ' BANDON MARSHFIELD MYRTLE POltyT e Gbmp o o any "CASH ONLY" o - ri 11 II O r a ' O ' ooo ft F WMIMIIMIM,lllliiMllli8" " " U . a, a O 9 s e 8 . ' V o . O o 0 o o