. - , . 'V " Av ... 4 4 tf-VCK -r i TIE THANKSGIVING GIRL By EDGAR A. GUEST ; 9MTOU may t ay boast ot mo maruun ' And brag of t miM:of.iano',., V.u5.tKnit'i 'CW h Ij mrficr it -Mti'n rid lovingly spoon; ummor TOu may oonsi oi irre zgr'," In hobble skirl, storo puff nrW'cV1. ,r'vou bo the mnldon entrancing With eyos that are soUlfully brown. f I I'm, married and done yfiromanclng. 1 PiVk fort Alii now stifled down. I Ltjjrbo4 for' Wo dance or the mnzy, W tulUMfullv soul -stirrlnn whirl. ' Out tell 70U, my 1atjs, brio's a daisy-,' Tnj&r, ewioijrnsgifsgivinD gin. ifttjtry ; tWere's no use denying. 'Tho lsxts no longer attract ( -( Or rmi me ts woefully sighing.- Vm so rdjclly-pA Unroof tfj&V '. V t' h, asVBlAo'notlce their dresses. . ,'-frn ensfcbed, perhaps, and a cRUrll Tko gjr, buxn JhanJicsftiftegL girl.i, ' fin gin fwn can 0ex up a umncr iraf turtti'y and stuffing arid pie Ami set it before an old sinner ii f a k : i AndemlUaJtllbds wWDe If carvfr i i..ik - 'ft; ' " ' -1 ' i t . -y.-mt s J kl -M I ! . . t ' ' 1 taoo you, fny nanKapivir ;T vf 'inn s iiiurilfP HMi DINNER II ft HOPE DARINQ. W JTU CI' Blvef'a T.lmiilssi2lIns2 m ... - k. . .i. t iji.. '(MauWiat'ntu hinder" Mrs. AhlKuil SklJiner nilHeihHdlH a.. L HVluuJtfiifrlnnir tlut IU 11 R'ifTriKlrJlilIeTS-lire iit rra"n)' 'tiu'r rulailveSJ"'' douy ii fuiinw riiuiir jbhiit iuu juiiiiuia L.t.i...i-rt;.V'...... .1...... .mil w l.iiiu..tfAi.lr "-"J --. --vv, tli Cilan la nnlr'lj'iwillH. ... Tl Mtt.TiAhWSimclo no rcply.&MtrtM 1 pee pftq. irite8 slleii-lned 1 Jwwstef-1! stjelft 'hroken only "y uio tleMnc of thficl(l and tlieVrt(iyi IJWVinB 111 L 11 U If iiltlllbM.-iinb.uiii' i nrelwdtUWsjeMOf tuo BioMrftroKjaB i. 1.. 1 . I. I. I . lft'.'Sulntier spoke wlttfojjdo'i co'tjYaTd dwifj ."anythliiB, jalu. i jWrtVJrorm'rvuoj you tfUAlH' cd.ljifjjSf OTnwrTlio. clrcunistanp.A-1 suro JIc!ktliTlHl will Vonsenl to MMnfjeelni! the wiwvwatious. i win - tT. 8lclnner'8 thin, dark faco. lluafeil ron.tRiy aim jttf 'On.. I wt)iildirewf1jpf putfos 'oU 'lKMw(,"1iurbruTlier Interrupted Utr' rtnmr. "V tcIh1aJwut.iWr8-ot ,1 mi uin duu 'ffjl-" .KilSM t olui hImkiiiI lUkniiutM illl 'tnn f iOhmdVrakiir. "Youll liaVU 10 t mrir'iny neip, joii. n:iuy cmi i tu i a dluner fit to net beforo our famllr nda iiitf'ik..'Aniuuei.T'. .'anen lino .iiu ( thri'wditat MUMlrr'wno eyes of Job Taimer rauiu a look. Ida slater under. j stooil. ."thereat rioilsd tawng about yjjijp, .4iurm-T" 1 anail BIVO my. usuni I TTbsnksulvIjy: dlw!r. anJ I shall not y urril jmit i" ii.i;u. j jod Tanner nnn,pveiiurJrritTi, in. I his jB"lyv4f!ttTo'd jilH-oiisibtiS.nnd bVA loiiiix' Ai'idrfW'A;ltlr four. aihiiU- TfllirjUl. . l?r. mBBruww -luoir raijiui 'STAY OKltU AH MY WIFR." iul-So .lot) tfnhesltnt lnRly orT"e'rel herself and family a i.h .iimtiMi ..nM In. Imil numil i for them. tHlucatim; the children and submitting to Abigail's eductions. At last the boya and girls wero all iOttUxL.la. His. Then .tholr mothor 1 J JftWi married Air JJkinJiuf Shu Was a graai lng,')uti)iitiwoniMn and upon learn Tig that her new husband wan a far 'less wealthy man than she had sup posed trll to retain her olden sway over her brother' domestic affairs. "I don't see my. way out of It." Job admitted to hlmsolf. , "AMiantyalvirijL blgaH'n strohg point kept my hoiisu well. I'd as soon have Sally's workr.thoHgh.l as to im'vo Abl jBI'b&ldVig ami. wh.lnlng. Hut It. a 'I'lianksglving dinner cooknid by' SiU- i.rr..jtiur Boo," y ... ' ' jVMi 5'l'mber lynshlJay' w;ni) nnil miillow ovi'r'1 th'l; brown fields.- heaps of rtigtyit leiives Vionfercd tl;eJ rwivtsiue. aiMlrio voiqe. or me men m ,.. i .... ... v..l.Lil cokf1afW-.tl5k 'say sl'io Is K,. of Likr 'to UiunA t Ilttlti nio'nuy. Voov .MaryI.--It,s' a-'atno. OI6ute!s didn't "learr hdricnougli'lto.take .cajairfjf her1' seltflVirI;tHgdiover and 'se, hoof understanding .pad ,iarbu(ni bet'fvji'jen iheiand liiforAf was caplianeA-'u'e 'Vfls tiio wlfo of Will GWmensj,. v 'iUlft-daot wnf"Wfioiied by Mrs. Cleuv aiM' herself. She was u rirtilrDituo woman .with uoft bi.t 'ejes K flWuKlJifco. ' 'V.'.' k " .'if "Tf UyV Job, I am glad to seo. yojr. Wtrlk In.. I'n have to. giro1 you a seati In th kh;hen..iiithero is no Hrerr the otuMooit;,vs i.-J?? '"How cmiypn vlVo h.eiw. ftlnryi'Jj Then he pllwrgW. atfcnee.'ihto lifa trou- Die., uu ii'KJ "'I yi iii.'i-'"'U"m"" to glve.ldsTuHiKl'haTilCsglTrng dlnpr and Ills still firmer resolvo Jiot "to afe cept Ablgals;.pl!l: neip. ; ."I wtflt you to comts and jilan it all ho sjffiC. fif 'onchsloh. .You can diafi aU .the money tiViefiiIiWid all the help Vyou nt. Ajdon't mf-an that you sltill miBlif'lami: Will you help mu; M;iryjrj A delicate pink colored her cheek Mrs. Sklnuer whnt.'jHL'lU0 Hay."?"' . - ... . ati j .-a. Wnry TirimTfyou anything youilllie:' iffl ais(ktjim'f iii-nii a uiue uyvji"i ' Ui course 1. win iihk you f r j,i,v 0110 else"- she began, but lit' broke iirglad.ly: ,,4. 1 "Whlfli meauf that you wiy ,'cmi; .Thank you. MarU " 0 . M tlHf way homo Job Tanner-was I'niilnml ni' (hi. i'(lv little I10IIS0 IBV BilO Jus. left with Ids" own spacious, but lier'field of labor eafy Ioji yiimMoifflay fiiornlng before Thii,Us. triv in?.. S11 v was n war n aiiiiururioi Sfra Clemens and helped In her usiiat earulewt fashion. AIMirngs for-flielrl kVWj- nVked'we'10 provided, even tS.rj' V' ... . 1 . 1 . t I .T uos or cut nowers, yom a uciKiiuuniiK eiu'jf " .. .,. . ,v 0 TbAHksWJigilhdrnlng dawned, gray and overcast About 8 o.'clock 'Job cn; tered the liotatl fromtVlie barn?'" C'MIss CTt'iut'iis. she said fQQ you to- come in .tjuj.Uiin! Vnoiif Yind seo hOj,w tWnttt lobljeiU' .was Sally's greeting. ruJYWihii. opened tlie door ho stood speei'hless. 'UW.oldrflrjfll was trans- Lfwrml-tl Tnto a bower of beauty. Tho bay window was filled with evergreens and adorned with yellow chrysanthe mums' and stiver lea veil begonias from Mary's h6tno Tho uualnt old mahog. nny sideboard was filled with choice bits of - chltia and silver,, quivering molds of amber Jelly, a massive sll YCX .CUteKpililel wh Sjlce2 of is anly, top. .lne5s ioCf. Sitlft-'s good KighMn( hutMvvip', bu,t nhe'rJsTa. poof l:cf& atin 'no- Willi bf'n housekteper 'iftal'whs Ahluall's strohg point she ftvork Iji a')lV)iiear by cai))IihBrt' "Jt'ju- r1a(rar f,IIs eyes' swojjt ,tle tfa; iu'lUarltidy-JiMi Sidd(nly ho 'eta'rtcd.. t"ir s'ln') bnlWvouldl' jlart'A! nrlme' ,rt:ly abode Meanwhile Mrs. ujeinqn? 'was assuring hcrsiljf Uiat,s'Wo wa r gnoIiW- lHT.'ttaiU'r only In' the llgfitt'a capable servant. 0 4. " She went to Jier'field of labor e3Wv 5,---" rj 1 rlrll aliir.l.,tinti Wikb ami a bowl of iwarlfpi.iifliuiliiirt . TJin long-table was spread with line' linen ;and.ornrimcnted wltl Jtnllnx anil foties 0n.a low vine 'draped stand botwvcntnu side win dows vaH a pyraiiim of apples! feratiRea .nwlilmnniliidl" o 0,0 :,. t '' f'. l. A.. "It ail. IOOK8K(KIU enoiiRii ui v.iu I . J. .1.' 1 .1 I JM . . .. . '. p'lrfaifise, 'tay .iBjrSnffliV wo ".?, i. ''She fete w' very. pale,, JBwMj ftlm es- Jsaxeil to Af-aU. hut tpe ,w)j(JHJflttM on hor( Ihvi. iHriwt,;iiiitii,,iiu,.iimn jnejfrer th,at.she..Xoun6; hervofre A I "Ko.'''iib Yiiti asliinift'iMicatise'youl aro fijorryr'rno'nnd'your1iouui Is lottiv fp I iJiiujjfi.Vhe'-your wife on thesu ;"1 .d( 'tlAt seo.Jvluryyoi,.V.nlnot I wlg'l In.. L'o,,aW vou'. M-ary,:; , 'She .sniWiu; n5 frtiJiupTt lps.ifl"I.V;i oertjl'Vilteoiifily .- " kwitt"yon would, .lob t .There sotiveUjJpg alisw"- "Not aiiot'lier'nlnn'"" , . v '' 'Oh. no ,,1'lyjtiSv'doil't ask any more," "t have a rtglutb. knowV Von ' umst tell riie' whv Toil oinnot lwltii.v wife."' ' Tljorc ; was. ngntvi dignity lit Ills voIee''thjit.sh(',)tild nof gainsay. Rlf. iniiHt ii'i.H'n'lin I lie Irillli "ncciiiis "I love ynu,,.Iob TiftiWdV.'l Nay. 'do not interrupt me yon.'oultl Indeei bo gojd to. rife 'but I know, too wel thc'd'esult of ,u' union wheretho love U?'aII-on one side, ami, so'lwill not hi; -your wife. Nuw.'njjtHijSViSW more on'tJieuliJiyiM 'I ha'e oilfged my noiisc'jif w'umjyily. prld;' ?bit you madw irie'speakj'' And before Jni. cohfthV recover fi-oip JHs astonislimept silo hud; Uiken refnge in t.heldtche'lf. The gtwsis' b'ofian Ji arJrli,,ein,n short time Job b;ld nb "opportunity-for' an? other word twtth.'Mrs Cetnens. Ode. fact was jllajn to ilm ft.Iitr.v had rp-.' fused hint, ', ' , ; J ' ' ' Dinner over.- the're wqs an hour.of so elaj IntereiVue. XUhpa tlie gijets.'dei ijtrtel W'lieti .lob rrt-;ntiieW the house.., after seeing tlie IntVwd, drlt'e off.' he found Sally waih'ingtho distils, v " "Wliero l's( Mrs. 'Clemens. Sally?" he askid. Sally- paused, iltslicloUi fn one hand and a half waHluAl plate 51 tlK'-othO'r.' "WlKire. Indeed?" tTe ret'-ognlzed the tone as one that marked thp height of Sillly's displeasure. ; "She's gone Home, driv1 off by "that sister vf yofjrhl Httfnpt I'd Jest like to give Abigail Skinner a'pieee of my wind5 I como right near dolnv It.' nit Miss Clemens fe lamb-kibe begged ino to keep still." A little skillful .Hiit'sflonlng 'put Job in nosscMHlon of tlm facn. Mrs. K1;ln- m tail f'ii le5(l the kltehen and plain-' ly expressed to Mts C lemens thu sur-1 prise and IndigJiathm nf "the fjtrxijiy . .jyBiJn'g"1he. wldev.'s' presencr." "aiu as uow-liny wore an ,sajin as 'lio'w' sho VfasUhrowln' of herself, at fimt1' head'," "Sally weiit'qn. "Mary Wdi''r'ifltihg'lVi hat well down over fds evjaj, fe4penVd the Uoor and set off lrawaril.the.i'miis't-ottaue. i "'Upon' VeaclilnKthe homo or Ifat'. AjJetnens' fie wulkril, iii-vWftnul' knock Jyp. ..The Uriiip'was lyhjeitiivftil. Mary "was ,1m tl- 1ttWig room, She. sprang' p'.tiastily wb)liiB?tier eye's, . , Wkiiow ijjl ahi.iit. It, Mary,' he bis, gan,. ."TliW-e is' not a wqtd of trutli in Abl3ll'S:dm.A-'c.lJ SUlU: JiiWnft' amrTfllary.. tU!Oi Is wnnethli ltiwurds.-f't'irl. inornlac . ..I V ..I"". ' . Kl kindness you fjui do ulu Is. to spaa ina'tlar'dUjftlficationof .suelng you,". , ' "Ihit 'li-'s A'Hirt you call your mad I':""?. ...... j 'j.a'..,. i.... v. MiifX,'1' fie saJti gently, yet, In suarjo miistirfuf way" tlm'sba, could not but llsfeuJ. VJ'veJ fiSTIe a' dlf -'overy' sluce jnorn'lng JiJni.ilii "'afffi" ydu to be'-my"1 whi! 'not because, k unnmirrv to you Lnit.ibe.'u!fe '' long fo.r.tbo coin fort I yoiir,.pruseiwe wni nri iijir raw nj iioidi-. f hut becausi-.l lovtuf' Ileoo'k bitpt liontfrunihlln hands in" tirs ftttit "clajip "'I'vo .Joved you all )-s( .vveal;.,',llV, hut .never under 'stood iuull.-.tod!A-ht mmlo my .life sit ptoilpty" "AlikJuJ'j? I? irtroal Thanksgii lug!" And Job Tnnnergathered the woman hcJovimt close In Ids arms. ' ' . 4 . aWV Th&7Rio4'.HflVftfiilBird. . - 1 Many vain. rjrwH uav- ,bk'n 9S pressed over, the seliH'tIi of h- entflu Ui.ipreferdbce to"ine tUKkey .as.tluf lift' tlonal, blnV. IVj-tfe'lnatrer coiiM. n&t be put 'to,.ti.vMrtiiv is liut.littlr Mouht that fWjiJTiiT , blril would wear the crwn, 2l-e0llP fillng o torar5rorefatnei-s maj vl'.rt-voUiJ of th6eV'a iif tlitlntlr ht'ftl'of ri'd'o;a. hut the pntrfAtlsni ofOve past -as mad of-.llfJi-lefl t day from that t ijjfljrfenKpnu'tlcal'patnloilsiTi. Kr fnuVn.l prln&ile irt'once jiiggcst the Jlh'ahlllty,of toitUdnlng JDveof woi" ani love ofturkoy' '. . 1 .Wectuia trouble. . . Wheni'roitfi- has.iftt iq) hls'tni-'ilJ jto come and .5it jloislt's nb lit to bar 'thedourur in -ase'Re trlea o 9,0)110 (fown"Uie -iilwiiey .imP"besf hav a -lire there i glvcj li 11111 warm ? 1 ..u.r.. .0 CODIO. AlllllHIl IwUIIMIIWIBIUII.o . ..WIsheQba Clsh tb SseatfA "TiieVe's soiwtliluki undinuy; ohtS that lawyer."'- j c S "Why?" , . ' '"When his clO-nt whs (&ftated f didn't nmUe a motion for a neV trial." ir-Chlcaso ttecortl-neralrf. Anticipating Fallurtr. "Slip Is gtvjug to marry him 'to reform hlmr ' . "In that cas?-. I will bo carefiil about selecting the wffddlhg present. 1,'il pick oxtjPsomothlng'thflt sho' can pnwn wuefl tRo lean days-comc.'VUxcbanee. o hPh-nvoll llttlK lirovv'KlnKlihi'n dress. 1 ivlilt JiVfti "jYihI1 pJiilMrllihuJlvat' Irtr . ItYiriiMt. "JLtllra. A(lll"ill'al!! Hiv home a sVtl-i I-I..tk . 1 I .. .-If'". you'd l n buffer' fool Ain't thot tuiey Jest It ' .v... I iulcv. iiluam an ion u u uot .iarrv lor any more .. . :ig claiu.".'. . Wio''f5oTef lntijqi,.syi!afily "lileaso. iiiilwuri1s.-f tlA& Vn'or'nlnc tint went- THE YEAR ROUND f 1 1 WOMAN who has an almost old fashioned faith in Providence UYeps what slio calls her "tiiank ofl'erlng lxix." Into this" goes through tlie year, from one (Thanksglv!iig to tht juidille of the fol-' lowing Koveinber, a sum of money for every accident' escaped, calamity avvrt fd o.r special .Jr.y. lXTheso blfenlngH (are,. not coiidacd to her n.wii .esi-apVs, liut each, time some member of. her. family bobs up from -.... ,1. 'r.A'..i i.., .... i... ... llllt; liui:iii.'iiiiii huu uuti lllir ihia Kiiu-n llie-iiinpy offorihg'of thanks. , Not the s,aiii' amount is given each time, and rarely large .sums;.' for tho wolnan.l.s ur rk-if. but a nice little sum is realized. 0 1 This 4s fli ijtrd to giving some one n hftppy Thanksgiving1 ilay. It does mil always go hito thj I'l-pgdlar channels. As Uo .wuhiniY saysi thu poor and hos- "pilals 'are usually well eared for In 'holiday seasons. ( i."i' ' Sometimes a 'hofbesrek gin ma strange city is given ear faro'hbrii'e fort the Thiuiksglving gatheiing9sli wolihl' L otla'rwlnij jnlfjs. Qnco a iuusie lover .jvijfi, given a Reason uc-Ketc-ii iire Hym- 'phonycimferts. Again n dptor.'s -MU tMrft htfii worried "a, ydung' stenogra- ,Sttt?'wIio had her mother t su'iioorl' vas quietly paid. ' " ... Itkspt'iiklng of lor pn'tty"'castom the owher of th'e thanlceIng box- said, 'Nvwr Irave-I'.kWowi) wjut thankful-411-sjj .really mniHf ;'ntli' 1 started nry box and saw tho Joy my thankfulness- 1 hrltigH to otliers." SiK'h tt box, liesljjc cultivating one's bump, of gratitude and imikug otliers equally giaie.nn, .raiinot ,imi iiuuru fireifi' plea'sinV 'it'fid Interest In tho speiKWllg. It is it gracious thought one tnore womith could profitably put IntA) pra'clico. ;vmg ' By job; cone. liJNO on thr turkey, mother an' the "llNlil's lino uu' nil. l'llo 'cm' hluh .Dlvon tho table for ttie lilt; im rur tlie jiinall. .. Il Is time to. boJ. the llinur, It "l time to nndllfied'iWli, r. -, A'n' myjipin-jlHiI r?tl l8' the h'KKt . tfll)'K hi tvvfli. r ItrliiR oiVt)i s;i.iH'aii'.UliSBln'. , Don't leave -nnyttilnij.liclifi'iil, Cuz yjiiy vo uiint to 8mtIo, mother, caoJ' an' e'ry klml. So ;ilc't'-furKit tho .liudilln", an' plcaiw don' furiiM'ie pit. ' ' To!aSy'H ''Tliiiiikajtlvlii-, motlitr n' we're Koljr. to tram liltn. a daUyt . Alr't he brown? uncry, mAthor? .Ain't ful'- nn v ".-Town? '' . Seer Ills Klossy skin Is bustln', an' tho stullln a runnln' out. ,On,' 1-tdll yoit, .motle y, chllflrn, this Is hea,vun, 'est about! . , I -Draw your chairs around the tabW:'bs .fn nuttons"' where you klfi: ' , .i.ejtcHn' with y.oiir chin. .ln..t ,i'iiit .viirMili.lio.t plllnr. 111. ' t?o i;p 'Kolnfo'-'carYP tRo turkey. Tush your iiiatcB, you youiiKsiers nve. ToV'' Tfiiiksiilyhi', mcaMier..' Ain't' It , kooiI to 1) ali'vut ', , 1 .v -xsilmoro Ilcralfl. ,. 1 '- t. . u. -W . 3stfM vefitfwl Tha.ntottivjft'B. ' Amongaiii! dai'ss uWrt' for shanks- .Vrvlnf wfilcli tnrillty.huvD.lveii day or, iituioitai urnn . ry no iiuiiiuuii.i thiit. of ,1875, whfin- the -e'ntlr Country. w;5 nioiiru'lng:iv-;trie death oft Vice President 'H-ry "lioiK .wo'w; s" maluu oi)- the ThuuW'triii; "day of thiit year wern lyltwt In sta-tj-. at Washing ton; that cf IMS, .wlieiV'-tho CWrnVan Hteamei' '1'iMneraiil, (from frtw, Ji'orkf ciVVTjeJ . with tuHsengora, sat: off Ii'olkosrtonf, IhiKlanU.caiVyink to a wiu terj" grave fifty vatils; that of leVSl', this nmrning-of wide foind Ihe coun:' try grfc-vlnh wer tht- .ri.ca.tft of i'rest dent (Jarlleldi tUaf vi when an- other tefriliio his'i set the conn try inourMTiig. ' Ae hfivuuer Ocean O rove. stowing -on the roc.ks of Capo Causo ivrrl proving' a cotlln. ship to many on loanl; that of 1SK5. ivli'en tho fouutry nJififnik'il ov-f (th- iliHh of. Vfco 'I'l-tV-hViit'' 'rtoTnan . Iieni)ricks, 'sleeping his n slv tij.Als IuiH4n- amll how. , . . A VtisltBegiviftgi ftleAtlusu&k 1A, J want Hint ili?imstlpk tcMl An some falsln bullur tn). 'nolo Jlitk. I llh&a dch -ISxiil with iilcklos. ifay, fliM't Ann? Jlurlo. 1 wleftt ,-ou'O nss. . ( ti- th' )ii-tlia Vj't tiiMltni 3 wiiuub tua in tuat & ' ulasR? bin fleen I iiK-an ttiai troflig flfiiff! Kin I ft.ivo kojiii' u ftlto 'mec. JBt , Ot-Mslr, t'ift ik-aoln' to.-k ' Kt'i-rful. Sis, ! ?nnt soifis slaw. O'ti yod'ro rjlwnya stlntln' mot AVhoop whoop ouch I i 1 nntw mcont . . ' J . T6 lipset thct. uravy hoot 5 Qui-kh that Etuftlii1- must 'j' wejit J ' Dnvvn oi? Sunday oiet-Mn' thfoatl S Pa. nln't fUcfjo rtuo more drumstick? b o Huh! Eat three If I'd lest trrf S. jlfcu-yinnl ln, I woii't bo slkl . g Ulmmt '.nothrr plec o' pie! , oO T 1 wnarirs u. juoeii iii'i-uni.. 'H- i . I It), o Gwtronomio Woy. ')o you think Tlianksglvlng tlirkeys. ?411 go tlo'Wii?" o "l aiu s.uro of IC" ''Tliat's good. Po you think they will fall much?" ' "1 didn't say anything about 'their falling; I sahl thoy would m down." Maltlmore American. A Dinner Jingle. Ef no tqritry dish you vtnw ' VoHNiim's good KnouKh for youl iKf no poHNum'n on the iliite Rabbits ovvroin tt3 fttio , Anyway. In light we're llvln'. An' we're wlllln' fer Thrsnkmrlvln'l ' o -Atlanta Conatitun. , Thanksgiving . LINENS "... Bleached, Damask satin finish beautiful patterns and large var iety to choose from. Prices 50c to $1.40 per yard. Napkins td match, $1.40 to o$5.00 per dozen. t 1 Luncheon Sets, $4.75 to $6.75 per set- . i . Lunch Clothes at $2.25 to $3.50. ; Tray Clothes' ahclpoilies, sin-, pieces or in sets. . The Golden Rule ' .. ' Eqwipiwil with Wirvfess S, BREAKWATER ; ALWAYS ON TIME .--SAILINGS' '', ' From Portland Every Tuen.day at B P.'r,M. ,-' From Cooa Bay Every Saturday t Ser vice of the Tide.' CxJirm. Saihns TKroufk M. Phone v. .Wl , . .n ; . ' x ' ' 1. Hotel Rates $1.00 to $2.00, jer fey. ' SfMxiaf rates by week or month Sample roon in comiectia Bado ::: . .Oregon Great Combination Offer! ' The ftcconltsp' nianacincnt has .md; arrangemeuts w'ti' tft'c Foxtlaiul lveini Telcxrni'.'.wliKrehy yt;r 0111 "jriyo subscribers the advantage qf'n. jgian'tic coiw filiation offef for a limited prienh You pan get a Metropolitan evening paper0 with "aH tlie latest news -' rom alLover the world and ,nll tle- news ..of . Bandon. and vicinity in the Recorder at a remarkably low price., " The Evening Telegram, is the best paper in tjie, state, jnarket rejkirts unexcelled, Saturdry evening edition tconus atinagazine and Tho Portia rtd Evening Telegram, pel" year '$5.00 Bandon Semi-Weekly Recorder 1.50 Total Boll? papers.kyearjf tak en before Dec. 31s 1913 F..S10CMA'CC Ant Ranitan i, - 142 ler comic st;ctioji in colors. .$6.50 $4.50 (ial! Pr3 . d a