Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 21, 1913, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Semi-Weekly fiandon Recorder, November 21
1913 Pmm-
. II I I -- .... - "
Now iliowinR exclusive
HcemeJ filmi. 28 rrcU
, every wouk. ..
A thrilling two-reel Lubin-Drama,, vividly depicting
the fire in an Anns Manufacturing Plant, the dar
ing rescue of the heroine, the terific explosions of
shells and powder, a big story well produced.
A. good Biograph Comedy, "With the Aid of
"Blazing a New Trail in Glacier Park" interesting
scenic film.
No advance in price 10c and 5c
from Tl
Work Sabro
Wanted Agate
Pianos tor rent at Bandon -Drug
Company. ' 791'.
Try the Unique lor a good, square
meal and sweet bread.'
Nels Swanson was up from Den
mark yesterday on business.
For Sale Piano, gttod as nev
$250. Easy terms. See H. C. Dipple
Lost Sterling, silver pin with
petorl sets. Finder please return to
tins office. 90t2
New orders of bicycle'repairs of
all kinds constantly arriving, Will
take orders for bicycles of any kind.
. 9011 . S. D..H Auucnvs. .
Donald Mackintosh is transacting
business in Curry, county this week.
. lit expects to-return home to
morrow, Miss Helat, of the high 'school
will entertain at story- hour at the
Bandon Public Library from 3 to 4
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
W. W. Fox and wife ai rivjed last
week from Nome, Alaska to visit
Mr. Fox's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs:
J, E." Fox. Mr. Fox. Jr. left this
week for a trip into' California,
Mrs. Dick liuell of Myrtle Point
has been visiting relatives in Hanrion
for a lew days.
Ladies Guild of ..the Episcopal
chitrch will mVet next Tuesday
Nov. 25th with Ifflrs. Fred Mehl.
The work of moving the ma
chinery of the lUndmi Steam Liui
dry to the new' location is about
completed. For Sale On corner f Fill
ntore and 3rd 'streets, grocefits :t
living. pricey.. 'Call aim!, Set A. H,
Sparks. ' 54f
Wm. Candlin ihe Oxjuille travel
ing man was down from Coquille
yesterday, calling on his customers.
Mr.' Cuulliji-was accompanied by
his wile. '
For Sale"or Trade A gooii .or
chard propositiort itx Douglas Co.
Ore. on the S. I. railroad. Get the
facts from tin: owrWff. Box 892,
Bandon,. Ore. 72tf
The Ladies Art Club' iiMtt yester
day with Mm. A. O.. fiforse. Tlw:
meeting was in honor ol Mrs. Mary
Gallier's birthday, and a fine birth
day cake decorateti with candles and
flowers was a feature of the occasion.
The afternoon was vejry pleasantly
Makes a young man feci like
a different fellow, ife com
mences to -feel that he has
something. He has." A' de
posit in this bank means the
beginning of a fund which
may lead to fortune and cer
tainly' to old age comfort
-j 1 1
i. J- . mm iniicjii:iuiciii.i.. ,
We want you
For our customer not just tdday, but tomor
row and for all time to come, if
Right Goads .
Right Prices '
Courteous Treatrhent
and prompt . delivery
is what you want
Succeitor to A. E. White
Ed Canrvj wa4 up from
on business yesterday.
C. L. Smith was a visitor
M irshtield yesterday.
Pratt Nelson of Langlois was (i
Bandou visitor yesterday. ,
K Alien of Gold Beach was in
B.l'nd oft business Thursday.
Two houses for rent or sale, with
good cow pasture. F.'J. Chatburn
Mesifames C, E. Shortjind R. D.
Hewitt were'up from GoKl Beucli
Lost- Small black fountain pen.
Finder please leave at this office and
receive reward. . g2tf.
Go to MitclieJl s Furniture store
on the hill, for anything you want in
house furnishings. . gotf
Don't fail to attend the big hat
a' Averill s. tomorrow (Saturday)
You will get a bargain,
J. E. Norton of Nosier & Not ton.
was down from ' Coquille yesterday
calling on his customers.
)'. A. handberi; and family are
moving into M. D. Shetrard's
bungalow in Azale. Park."
Make your wife's present of oae
of those e.fsy rocking chairs for sale
at Mitchell's Furnilure store Cjotf
Ch;s. S. KawT .was .over, from
North lk-d 'looking' after business
affairs in connection with ,the con
crete contracts. of Kaiser it .Miller,
' Nu Bony Corsets, gu.irrantetvl for
one year not to break nor rust, also
Fibre Silk Hosiery, "The Kind that
Wears-." Sold by Mrs. Jda M.
Perkins. . 9ot3X
Mrs L'i'ub' and daughter Vivian
will leave on Clje Elizabeth for south
ern California in the hope that the
change of climate will beneiit Mrs.
Lanh's heal ill.
Masqivcrade B.Ul at the .Opera
Hons: Saturday evening, Nov. 29! Is
Admission socspeotatws' 10c Every
one inv'rtod, 110 dancing before 1 1 130
without masks. 9U3
The Jl.tntton .Library .Board de
sires to express public thanks
through the Rkcokdkr to Geo., B
Mfirgan' the wood man for a fine
big load of wood .
The Ladies Thimble Club met
with Mrs. Guy Turubnw yesterday
afternoon and sjent a very enjoyable
time and -elegant refreshments were
served Jfy the hostess.
Miss May Wasle'v, Manicwris will
be at thr Baudon Dry .Goods Cb.'s
store 011 Mondays, Wednesdays and
Saturdays, commencing Monday
Oct. joth, hoiu t to 5 p. m.-.Hair-
dressinjf ami s.h'atn(Koing by ap
pointment. 8atf
Smiling-Dutch, th wrestler It ft
on the Grace Dollar for San Fran
cisco ami will go to Los ng-eres to
see the big wrestling. match lor the
middleweight championship ot the
world between Tony Ajaxand Yokel
which takes place, November 30th
or December 1st. .
Captain A. Johnson ' brought
the gasoline schooner Tillamook, in
to the harbor Sunday nicht from
Bendun,- having, completed the trip
from Portland to tfar.don, discharged'
ana in.iueti ireiuni tor tiie'rciurn. in
four days. He says that in Ixith
(iireciions wf.unrr coirciittons wre
in his favor. Portland Telegram,
Th-Aloha Club lieWl their second
card parly of the season at Odd
Fellows Hall Tuesday night, and all
piesent had a very enjoyable tfrnv
The first prize Kir ladies was carried
ofl by Mjs. O. A. Trowbridge while
Mrs. S. C. Endicrttt captured the
booby. Capt. Robert Johnson w.i.'
the winner ol the gentlemen's fist
prize and Horace Ritlliards was
consoled by receiving the tafl end
Oregon's erratic Governor is again
"throwing fits" because the ritizjrns
of Fl rence caused a biiiyh of I.
W. VV.'s In move 011, before they
could assemble a hand of Wont
rworns in ue up, 11 possilirn, every
industry in that section. Riardlcss
of the Goveraor's'antics, every other
cnnmumjty in tly? state is likely
to0do the same thing, rather than to
allow their industries toulfe paralyzed
bv a bunch of agitators whose avow
ed purple is .-Slid to be to destroy
ab organized industry in totaT disrc
gartj toall civl law. Roseijurg Re-
itore for
Your Home
E help to make your home a
comfortable and happy one
tor the kind of furniture we
sell can be used a lifetime. The
variety aiid assortment is all that
could he desired and the styles and.
designs are pleasing to the eye.
We buy from the best houses in the
country consequently we get the
best there is and we always endeav
or to serve the public so they will
fee! like coming again. We have
everything for the home and can
furnish your house from cellar to
garret Come in and look our line
over and see what we have.
Yours to Please
Furniture Co
Ha tula n Brunch Office of
Title Guarantee and
Abstract Co.
(Henry Senijstacken, Mjjr.)
McNoir Hardware Building
In charge P. H. Poole.
Economy Promptoa fiaiuifelttty
The Steamers
are First-clnset in Every Detail. Large State
room, Wide Berths, Gentlemanly Assistants
Cedar Hill
Dairy Farm
J. IJ. VanLcuvea, Prop.
Fresh Milk and Cream de
livered daily at your door in
any part of Bandon. All
orders given prompt attention
. Phone Rural 29
yearatne Hartford, Ftf C,
1 JZ - f
insurance V.M)mpan5
been dynbing Hie Urp insurance
ladder undl "to-day-il stands af?
the top. fe the volume ctf fire
protectinn it) gives the? Antericaa
people it fiandsabsVc vcry
oilier fire f ui2mi.joaii)fnfi
E. . OARE5.
The Qnly Passenger Boats in and out
of CoqutMe Btver Equipped with Wireless
For Speed, Safety and Comfort Travel.
With These Steamers
Bmdm Warehouse Comp'y, Agents.
Steamer "Fifield" sails tot San Fvmtehca
Nov. 22nd, at 7 a. m. sharp.
. Steartieir '.'Speedwell" sails for San Fraueiaco
San Pedro, Los Angeles, Redondo- and San
tifcega, "Nov. 29th.
mvmum n mmm. iw gum
A. new supply of suit
cases, trunks shopping
bags, . rojbes, etc., etc.
Alt fjinds of heavy ami light draying. Phone orders given
prtfhjpj attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property
1,-JIUiVJfi fJ41
(IsView. m