I in, at . WHETHER your fancy leans toward JEWELRY STERLING SILVER Fine Silver Plate or CUT GLASS or whether you don't just know what you want you will have no trouble in finding something appropriate here. Even though you may need1 nothing just now, come in and see the many, pretty thing, we have recent ly put into stock. In all departments we are show infra splendid, variety of new and seasonable goods, and we want you to feel quite free to call and inspect them. Sabro Bros. Manufacturing Jewelers Phona 7S1 Bandon, bragea LOCAL NEWS Trade your old furniture for new at Mitchell's Furniture store Phone 2i I. 90tl Averill's will have a unique hat ale next Saturday. Read the ad on this page, Anyone wishing home made pies or cakes phone the Wigwam or see Mrs. E. Lewin" 75t The Ladies, of the Eastern. Stat will give a Thanksgiving ball, night, November 37th. . Work op the improvement of 'Franklin avenue (formerly Spruce St.) is going ahead rapidly. WANTED Position as cook in camp by man and wife. Can give (reference. Apply at this office, tax Shooting match November 22nd atH, P. Clausens, on Fourmile, dance at night. A cordial invitation is extended to all. S8ts The latest report from Florence was that the governor and members of the state militia were on their way there to investigate the depor tations. J. H. Gould and C. R. Moore each made a donation of five dollars for the public library this week for which the committee desires to(ex press .their thanks. For Rent All up stairs over Elite restaurant, with or without furniture. Will sell furniture cheap, housekeeping rooms partly furnished will rent cheap.- L. N. -Gregory, Bandon, Ore. 91 tax For Children their it Nothing Better. A cough medicine for children must help their couehs and colds' without bad effects on their little stomachs and bowels Foley's Honey and Tar exactly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomach, no constipation follows its use. Scul ly colds, wheezy breathing, coughs and croup am all quiqkly helped. The Orange Pharmacy. Fleetest Gathering. The Seaside Social Club met with Mrs. Page last Friday afternoon the time was pleasantly spent in card nl.ivinc.and other games. An ele gant refreshments were served and the tables were beautifully decorated with chrysanlhemui'nsand carnations .- .. ... .t.' pale yellow oeing we jhcv.uimk color. Everyone expressed them selves as having had the 'best time of the season. The club will meet with Grandma Gross next Friday afternoon. Those oresent were: Mr. Giles, Mrs. Lee. Mr. Tracy, Mr and Mrs Gross, Mr. Buell, Mrs Wayent, Mrs. Nvnren. Mrs. Rouers, Mrs. Westleder. Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Helm kin, Mr. Jamjeson, Mrs. Thorn, Mrs Page Grandma Gross. Spruce Valley Item. ' Mr. Lux. and family from up the river visited with the Henry Neal family Sunday. We are sorrto report the death of Mrs. Beatrice Belknap,' who died very suddenly of pneumonia Nov ember nth. Mrs. Belknap was; good neighbor and highly respected hv all who knew her. The sincere svmoathv of the entire community will be with the bereaved husband and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wickles are visiting in the valley Sunday. Mr. Wickles is suffering from a sprained hip caused bv iumninc from the.train on the Seeley & Anderson logging road. Chicken. Thimble Club Holdt Anni versary. The officers ol the Ladies Thimble Club entertained all those who have been members, of the club at the home ol the President Mrs P. Han- rahan, on Thursday Nov. 14th the sixth anniversary of the club. Whist Was played and Mrs. B, J. Coumerihl and Mrs. Woodruff won first and second prizes, silver thimbles. Mrs, J. H. Tucker re ceived the consolation prize a Ger man silver thimble. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies. After lunch Mrs. Lewin the only charter member present gave s brief history of the club and pre sented Mrs, Le Gore in behalf ol the club a beautiful bread tray, Mrs. Le Gore has been a member ol the club five ye.trs. Those present were: Mesdames Chris Rasmussen, John Johnson, Korth, J. L, Conger, Frame Hol Bcrt Harrington, Frank Hufford, Henrv Dibblee, Wm. Craine, B. J, Coumerihl, F. Fieger, Wm. Ten brook, Woodruff, Geo Turner who have dropped out of the club; and the present members: Mesdames F. S. Perrv, D. M. Averirll. E. Lewin, J. H. Tucker, J. H. Jones, Bowman, Le Gore, H. C. Dipple, Erdman The officers who entertained were Mesdames P. Hanarahnn, O. W Gibson, H. Mullen and H. Brown. $ RIGHT NOW is the time to begin sav ing. Today is the day to resolve to pay your self some amount from your pay envelope each time you receive it. Start a saving ac ' count with this safe, strong bank. Begin with a dollar or any amount you can spare.. That is the way to get ahead to make a start for yourself in life. FIRST NATL BANK Recent Transfer of Bandon Real Estate. . J. D. Truip et ux to Tilus M. WiMiard warranty deed to lots 5.34 and 25 Block 6 Woolen Mill Ad dition. Titus M. Willard to J. D. Tharp warranty deed to lots 5-6 and 7 Block 6 Woolen Mill Addition. WillianrH. French, quit claim deed lots it 12.13 and 14 block 21 and lots 33 and 34 block 25 and lots 15-16 17-18-19 and 20 block 25, and lots 15-16-17 18 19 and 20 block 33 in Portland Addition. Geo. P. Laird et ux toC. Y. Loc warranty deed to undivided interest in a tract of land in the city of Bandon. C. A. Jamieson et ux to C. Y. Lowe warranty dred lot I in block 1 Woolen Mill Addition to Bandon. Albert Christensen et ux to Y. M. Lowequit claim deed lot 4 block 8 Woodland Addition to Bandon George Watkins et ux to Edward H. Joehnk, quit claim deed, lots 33 to 36, inclusive; in block 8 and lots t to 4 in block 13 Portland Addition to "Bandon. James Denholm et ux to F J. Feeney warranty deed to parcel of BIG SALE OF WOMEN'S HATS NEXT SATURDAY We offer for sale next Saturday all o"r untrimmed hats in Felt, Velvet, Plush and. Beaver. Now is your opportunity to buy a hat at your own price. Sale starts at 8 a. m. at $1.25 each and each hour the price will be reduced until it reaches 25c each. a See Our Windaw Display , . From 8 to 9 a. mi 1. $1.25 each From 9 to 10 a. m 1.10 each From 10 to 11 a. m. J-2. 1.00, each From 11 to 12 a. m. -i 90 eacn From 12 to 1 p. m. tl-J-'-J-Ji .80 each Prom 1 to 2 p. m. i 'l .75 each From 2 to 3 p. m. :..-- .60 each From .3 to 4 p. m. 1 .50 each From 4 to 5 p. m. .40 each From 5 to 6 p. m.. . .25 each AYIRILL' Lodge No. 64 K. of P. W. D to lots 4 and 5 block 4 Woodland Ad dition to Bandon. Robert McKinnis et ux to Delphi Lodge No. 64 K. of P. bargain and sale deed, lot 4 block 3 Commercial Addition to Bandon. John Bailey et ux to Mrs. Martha Neilson warranty deed lots 1 and 2 in block 4 fishers Addition" to Bandon. , (Supplied by the Title Guarantee and Abstract Company Branch Office over McNair's Hardware Co.- store, Bandon, Ore ) Patron-Teachers Meeting. The Patron-Teachers' Association will meet at tne nign ."school, Fri day evening Nov 21, at 7:30 p. m. The program for the evening will be as' follows: Violin solo, Mr. T. F. Haggerty, accompanied by Mrs. Haggerty. Reading, Mrs. E. M. Rea. Relation of Child's Home Life to his School Life, Mrs. J. L. Kronen-berg. Discussion, Rev. A. Habeily. Vocal solo, Mrs. H. L. Hopkins. Relation df Moral Life to Intellec tual Life of the. Child. Rev.. C. M. Knight. Discussion, Rev. Chatburn. Vocal solo, Selected America. " Retreshments will be served. Parents and patrons of the "School are cordially invited to attend this meeting. As children will little of interest in the subjects to be dis cussed, and only become restless and interfere with the work of the association, it is recommended that children be not included in the in vitation. E, M. R. Sec, Don't worry about cold weather. the Grand is steam heated always cozy. i Dtad Easy. Two guests missed the first courses of a dinner at a suburban home, wblcb bad been arranged partly In their honor. Band bags bad been searched, distant homes -called un the telephone for Information, much nerve. energy bad been expended, till because the key to tbo trunk containing the neces nary dinner raiment could not be found. Finally 11 locksmith from the town four miles uwny came by auto mobile, was led to the trunk, and In less than a minute the lid was turned back. ' "Good work," said tbo mnld. "Dead easy," said the locksmith; "the thing wasn't locked at all." Now York Tribune. Up to Data Milkman. "What ore you giving your cows now In tho way of gnbirtagogues?" nsked the Irvlngton professor of the milk man. "Ob." said tbo jnllkman, wbo bas Just been graduated from Pnrdne and is not to bo stumped by any Dutlcr college pedagogue, "their sustenance is wholly of vcgetabld origin, rich In chloropbyl and opulent in butyraccous qualities." "A pint if you please." said the pro. feasor. "Git up," said the milkman. Indian spoils News. MRS. W. W. WOLFE INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO Mrs. Guy Dipple Spirella's Corsctcire PHONG 714 Benjamin Ostlind Consulting Engineer and v Architect Offlea fat Thrift gUg . A. D.Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals I have a fees buy in hh! flat let mm First Street AUNT BETTY'S PRISONER Vm. quad When Stephen Kilts was 4tl sher Mf of Ingham county the 4d JaHer. nvt txMnc of kta party, had to go. To every. body's surprise the ptaee was g4ven to Uncle Jerry"SOtbi' Uncle Jerry was ilfty 'years dd, and his wife,- who was always "called Aust Betty, was a couple of years younger. They were hleo old ixx'pte- Ttxtf were liberal with what, they had and knew about as much of the wickedness of the world as two children.. The ahecHT had lived with them for four or fire rears when he was a homeless orpftaT. and be owed a debt of gralRnde which bo waHted to pay- lie knew their noft pots, and when they were ready to take pome Ion of tbe atone Jus he aaM: t"Now. Ibtea to-tee! Thte 1 a JH and not an orphan asylum. No otic will be sent here who la Innocent or deserves pity. All prisoners are hero tecause they deserve to be. Every last one will lie and play the hypocrite ana must be carefully watched. There" must be no foolishness with them. Uncle Jerry.'yon mustn't trest one of them as far as you can aJluK a bull by the tall. "And.v Aunt Betty, you must harden that kind heart of youra. I know you'd like to adopt every tran.p In th state and let him swing In a natnmoca and have ham and eggs every meal.' but "It's n different tblnff here." Tbe Jail wns without a prisoner Just then. At length a prisoner arrived to be cared for by Uncle Jerry and Aunt Betty. He had been tried for grand larceny and given a sentence of six months. lie did not look more than eighteen years old nnd hHd a face ns innocent as that or a child. He bad tears in his eyes when ho arrived at tho Jail. "What a shamel" exclaimed Aunt Betty after a look at the prisoner. "Ho Is rather young," replied Uncle Jerry, Aunt Betty sighed and said nothing more. Shu didn't know whether or uot feho'd tell tbe boy she pitied Mm.. There was something abe did do when she passed In tho next meal, and she couldn't help herself. She looked sor rowful, and she asked the prisoner If be bad a mother. He studied her face for a moment and then answered that he had. r At Aunt Betty's next visit to tho cell she carried two extra dishes not pro vided for by the rates, and when the prisoner had thanked her be timidly asked: "Good woman, dare 1 ask you to write to my mother for me?" "If I wrifo her she'll know you are in Jail, and that will hurt ber terri bly." "You must tell her, but you must tell her .that tbe whole world has been against me. Nobody is willing to giro mo a show." "You poor boyl" she pityingly said. "They say I stole a watcb from a farmhouse, but I never, never did. A tramp wbo came later took the watch." "And didn't tbey get hilar "No, and because they didn't they arrested me and aest me here. I was a poor boy, you see, and had no m to befriend me." "What a ahamet What a burets shame! Why, tbe Judge and Jury ought to be here In your placet" "I waut you to write to mother and tell her so. I don't want bar to think I've become a wicked boy." Uncle Jerry bad to go oat on buM ness ono afternoon and was not ex pected homo until 0 o'clock in the evening. At 0 o'clock Aunt Betty pre pared supper and Invited tbe prlwmttr to sit at tablo with her. Hlio reaHuiu-d that it would uplift and make n man of him. Hu ate a full meal, klng words of gratitude between Mouth ful, and then rose up and took her by tbo throat and banged her hmA against tbo wall and look Uiu prUvM key off Its nail and oiietied tbe door to liberty. It wns cold wuather, hut ho went without hut or coat It took Aunt Betty about ton min ute to realise what had bsppeuul, and then she ran to the street tare-headed-not to shout for help, how ever. iAt n' venture be lurnwl U the right and rau for ber life down the street and out In the country. Half a mile from the Jail she aught sight t her "poor Innocent boy," Ho did he of her. and he leK4 h ik a rahWt. Over feneea and across flvitU hu M her, but, she wus a hound on tw trull and ran lilm down at la& Then, as soon as tUa euuld get hr breath, Aunt IMly curted tind wallop ed ami opauked and pullod hah- MMII that young umii cried for Hwf, (hi the way back to Jail he got n evff about new In every twoftty fWt, h4 when b found hlmtf oi nm Ui his sell he was a thaukfal Uy, "Is everything all rightr sfcwi Uncle jWy as be nrrlr4 tow. "Ves, all tUku" was thv nmwH, "I found out abawt Hml Uty Mkv, He's a PMC one. Hh has m Mto awl bas Imm In Jail UH m Urn. He's a Mk tblf a4 lk UmM Mar In the UhIM Wak. hH tm won't u blw mmUHM tt M talk and Ma taars," "Jarry Milk wr MM to hain't Itr a Ik, wwm drew hersetf up, Tre s)Im 'tm4 m." K!wr m 'aiNtatwMW rfra mis is ai Age of Specializal in 'medicine, in teaching, t c arc those who their entire altcm one branch of ilia We are special clothes socialists, devote all our lii our thought, a ability to fclectil right sort of clotl discriininaiing 111J don't cIioom: clothes, v c (I choose c.virJ " s' 1 clotlien. We (al in clothcK to cil J $15.(H) to 30.00 wm that niiwli Anicrica can held letter quality am complete aatisfaii found in men's ij than in our ttJ Hub Clothj & Shoe MtnicyTalkik-'C ai Hotel Bad and 1.50 M'f j HuroM.'n I'lan, I K. G, CASSIDY, M City Trad MA, KINIXS HAUI.lNOn Wisi Nm Haw ! Sarac ihad in Bandon. R. H. Rosa et ux to Delphi AIm beet m Azalea Park Willi WHI'AI MAMDOH it