Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 18, 1913, Page Page 2, Image 2

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lUndon Record- Member 18, 1913
AccMmU Reported For EJev
. en Month We All on
.Principal Roads
The toll oflife incident to railroad
operation in Oregon continues large
hupiteof the "anhyr first'' move
- went among railroad employes and
efforts to protect the public. Re
ports received by the state railroad
cqmmweion lor the it months end.
imr Nov. i show that ott g ol the
principal railroads in the state 74
persons were killed and 422 were
Injured more ot less seriously.
These reports sholr hat' on the O
W-R-N, tgpersons were killed and
89 Injured during this ieriod ol time
On the Sothern Pacific 23 wese kill
ed and 151 were injured. On the
S. P. and S., 5 were killed and 32
were snjured. On the Portland, rail
way, Light and Power company, 16
were killed ad 18 were injured.
Dnthe United Railway, 4 were kill
ed and 18 injured. On the Oregon
Elictric, 5 were killed and 50 injured
Mono were killed on the Portland,
Eugene and Eastern, but 35 were
injured, and 22 were injuscd on rhe
pacific Railway and Navagation
company's eoad. On the Oregon
Short, line, 3 were killed and 7 in
On 10 ol the smaller roads, ag
gregating 162 miles ol road in oper
ation, riot a single accident was re
portsd. These were the central R.
R, ol Oregon, the Great Sothern
R. R., the Great Northern, which
has onjy 10 miles ol line in this state
Mount Hood R." R4, - Nevada. Cali-lornia-Qregon.
Pacific and Eastern,
cRogue River Valley, Willamette
Valley and. Coast R. R., Portland
and Southwestern, CUtskanie and
1 'kl.i! .1 ..UaI
in'the dMM of tho capltol at Wwh
Acton thft are eight ret psUutlngi
Mrpfullr daofaraed and executed by the
artists" for the adornment of the. na
tion's greatest building. , Yet nre or
wm n either defective In technique
or In error as to' natural or historical
One of tho best known picture to
that In which Wftshlnston Is shown
resigning his commlnsion to the Conti
nental concress. There af two young
girls, nIaiost 'llfe .iJse, sUndlnff In tho
foreground. They arc very pretty
Vftuiw elrls. bnt oue of ttiesn rum three
hands. One left hand rests on the
huulder of .her companion another
left band ts round her coinpauIou'H
waist Doubtless tho artist Trumbull
painted both hands to net' which jnwe
he nreferred and then forgot to paint
out the HUcrIluou hand.
DUROlially across tuo rotunaa is sue
painting of tho buptlntn of I'ocnhontus.
uiiii.,.. 1,1 tli.. fiiri'irround U Uueeilll-
cutiough, tho undo of Pocahontan. He
to barefooted. nd41ii arttot nas giv
en him sU toes on bjs leftfoot.
In Uiepalntlng of tho luudlng of Co which used to be reproduced
on the Ave dollar bnnknote, the 'artist
has painted threo flags. They.jiro very
well drami.Jiut one l blowing east,
one wesV uUdono south, which Indi
cates u very variable couilltlou of the
wind on that famous day.
in the picture of tho surrender Of
i-t ..til,. ft. ....mi I Witahltiirtnil Itt r-itl
i;uriimuiu9 iiwiiuim uhoh.hb.wh
BpicuouH wilted upon n wUit norae.
tint General wi.tmlngtoti wan not pre
llu. Miirreiide'r. Coruwallis did'
not Hurrendcr his nrmy In person, but
wmt.n aubordlnnte olllcer to do no. Ac
mrrtlnHv Wnxliliii'toil detailed un Offi
cer of corresondliig rank to receive
top surriuidcr. It wonJULhaio len a
Th Junction.
"Now. Thomas." nuked the teacher
of 11 suinll pupil. 'Villi you tell me what
a Junction Is?"
"Sure I can. A Junction is a piace
where n railroad gets it divorce frorn
ItseuV'-Now York fllobe.
Oregon Newt.
Widespread observance oJ apple
day, Ndvember t8, is expected to
give the Oregon apple one ol the
greatest bits ol advertising it has
ever received. Apples and apple
dishes will be served in hotels anil
restaurants all over the United
States. Scores ol menusand prom
ises ol co operation have been re
ceived' at the Portland Commercial
Club, even lar away Alaska h.iving:
lallen in line, and newspapers all.
over the conntrg are boosting the
matter along.
Eight pics, six months, 1632
pounds. $123.00. This is h con
denned storv nl what has been ac
' r
comnlished by a larmcr at Indcpcn
dence, Oregon, who recenily hauled
his pork to market and disused ol
it Each hog was sir months old
and nvcraged 204 iwwnds, making
an nveracc value ol ts 38 a head.
or $2.56 per month per hog. 1 'Never
let vour lMus make hogs ol them
selves," is the advice ol a prominent
farm exwertMn urging farmers to
hurry the growth ol their pigs and
getting thwn to market when from
6 to 9 months old.
Of great interest lo every section
ol the, great Columbia basin is lie
announcement, made by James J.
Hill himscll within the past week,
that a new line ol steamers will be
put in operation between the mouth
ol the' river and lilornia points
within the next fifteen months.
Two fine combination freight and
4 passenger steamers are now being
built at Philadelphia, and it is said
they will be the fastest vessels ever
sailed under the American flag.
Each will have capacity for 8o
pj.HsedgHM and 1,00 tens of freight,
and they arc expected to beat the
present best railroad time between
PortkuHl and San Francisco by four
Toftigkt; It you test dull and stu
pid, er bilious awl comtipated take
a pase el Chamberlain's Tablets and
yu wMI fori al rigfct tomorrow. For
aa jtli LyM
PViV F flW WPd
titling tWWfliwcc
iuMT IoiKWit TABs it
leed fire'navnSLot
been cl
Si? top.
people it
other " Bre
"Clean Up the Bowels and
Keep Them Clean"
There are many remedies to be
had for constipation, but the diffi
culty is to procure one that acts
without violence. A remedy that
does not perform
b y force what
should be accom-
lined by dctjui-
Ion is Dr. Miles'
Laxative Tablets.
After using them,
Mr. N. A. Waddcll,
I 5 Washington
t, Waco, Tex.,
"Almoat all my
lift) I h&v hn
11 with eoBMIruitlon. and huvn
trtJ masy roinnI)o. all of which
cniol to rauia pnln wllhout etvlne
much relief. I tlnully tried Dr. MH"
Laxattvo TWta una found them ex.
etlknt their action Is liaxjiiit ami
mUJ, and their ehcowlata ta' make
them air to taka. I km mora than
!il to rcvomaienj them."
"Clean up the bowels and keep
them clean." is the adviee of all
physician, because Ihey Nalirc the
Jangrr .resulting from habitual con
stipation. Do not delay too long,
but begin proper curative measures.
Dr. MHes' Laxatja-e Tablets area
new remedy for this old complaint,
and a great improvement over the
cathartics you have btcn using iu
the past. They taste like candy
and work like a charm. A trial
will convince you.
Dr, Miles' Laxative Tablets are
sold by all druggists, at 35 cents
a box containing 35 doses. It not
foaftd satisfactory after trial,' re
turn the box to your druggist and
he will return your money. ,t
Mil H IJlBlf ftl IS. ekltwS. '--
wweii pejfrwfS wsv aisweWf WHaV
Nntice of ADDortionment. of
Cost for the Improvement
of Twelfth Street West in
the City of oBandon, Ore
90 n.
;. l.rrrhv liveni TlBt the CCtet
..1 .1.. : f i2ih Street West Jn
Ul IMC IHIi.u..ifc..
tlx City of ltamlon, OrcRmi, has ln ap
portioned and if now on file in the office of
the City KecorJcr of saiJ City, and there
subject to examination; Ihc wlioie cosi ui
said improvement is $134.9 and is appor
tioned and assnsed Ut Iicat Improvemefit
ni.iflrt No. 5. hich district emlimcesall
of llie property on eitlirr side of said 12th
Street West and almtliiiR on the same be
tween the East line of Kensington Avenue
and the Wejt line of the Morras Addition
r. Itin.lnn Oretron. from the marginal line
of said 12th Street West lack: to the center
of the block or blocks abultmc thereon.
This notice is published in accordance
with Sec. 10S of the Charter of the City of
Bandon in the official aper of said city
to-witi The liandon Recorder, -the first
tuiMIraiinn on Nov. lllh. -4913. and the
last on Nov. 18, 1913, andany objections
to said apportionment any exisis;
wherein the same is unjust or inequitable
must be filed jn writing with the City Re.
ronler of the said Citv within ten (10)
days from the date of the last publication of
this notice, which date is Nov. 18, 1913,
tliat the same may be heard and properly
equalised and adjusted by tnc lominon
Council before the passage of any ordi
nance assessing the cost ol said improve
mmt. fiaiil Coininon Council will meet as
a board of eq-jaliiation to hear the assess
ments for the improvement ot 12th btrcet
Weil on the 3rd dav of December. 1913,
at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of sai day,
Dated at liandon, Orefion, this loth day
of Nov., 1913.
City Recorder.
Firtt Ihibl. Nov. 11, 1913.
Last l'ubl. Nov. 18, 193.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Coos
Geo, W. Moore Lumber Com-
piny, a dorporlion.
D. R. Bascum aodAolhoDy f SUMMONS
Beeler. aad the. Coquille Mill
fttTisg Company, 'curporalion
UetrricUnls j
To D. R. Btscum and the Coquille Mill & Tug
Company Cxipr-Vjoo. rfcndtuU:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer me compiauu nica aaum yuu in uic
tbove entitled court and .cause, on or before the
lut iUi of the time ore scribed in the order.- for
the pubh'cation of this summons, and if you fail
so' to appear and answer said complatnt on or
before the last day cf the time so prescribed, the
plaintiff take judgment againi you and will ap
ply to the court for the relief demanded in Us
complaint, a succinct statement of which is as
For judgement against the deicudantt Baicuir ,
aiu, Beeler for the sumol $139.60, with interest
at the legal rate Irom and after Seplesner 24th,
1913, logrtherwilh $75 reasonable attorney's fees
awl the costs and disbursements of this suit and
a decree lorcloiuig Ihe plaintin s hen, as against
all of the defendants in this suit upon the prop
erly described a a shingle mill, constructed and
being upon a portion of Lot one, in section
thirty, township twenty-eight, south of range
fourteen west ol the Willamette Meridian,
standing on the right bank of the Coquille Rim,
opposite the sawmill ol the Ceo. W. Moore
Lumber Company, near to the Town o Ban
don, Coos County, Oregon, together with the
land upon which same is constructed, including
a convenient space around .said mill
as may be required for
the convenient use and occupation thereof, de
scribed substantially as commercing al a point
one hundred feet north ol the said buikling,
running thence east lo the Coquille River, ihence
southerly along ihe Coquille River one hundred
feet, ihence to a point one hundred feet south
west ol the said building, ihence to the place ol
beginning including all appurtenance, fixtures
rad hereditaments lor the salulaclion of ihe sdd
judgment, and the lien ot plaintiff with costs,
ditbursemenU and atloraeyi fees.
This summons is served upon you pursuant to
an order of the above entitled Court, made and
entered on loth day ol October, 1913, and re.
quiring the publication hereof in the Bandso
Recorder, a semi-weckly newipaper, once a
week for the period of six weeks; the dale ol
the fi't oublicalion of this summons is October
24. 1913.
G. T. TREADCOLD. Attorney for
riamliit, rouothce addiess, uandon, Uievon,
Oct 24.Dec 5F.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Riven io the creditors
nl. and all persons liavini; claims arainst
Henry Clemens sometimes Lnown at
Henry L ilcmcns, deceased, that the under-
signed las eeii appointed administratrix of
the estate ol said deceased by order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Coos County, and has duly, qualified as
such administratix, and all persons having
claims against said deceased or agaiust his
estate are hereby required to present
them with the proper vouchers within six
months from the tUte of this notice to the
timlcrstcned at the office of G. T, Ttead
cold, attorney for said adminittmtrix in
lUmlon, Coos County, Orrguu.
Dated anil puhlUhcd for the first time
his tlHth day of October, 1911.
Administratrix of the wtate of Henry
Clemens, omctimcs known as Henry
Chlemens, deceased,
Oct 24.Nov. 21-F
Only a Fire Hero.
but the crowd cheered, a, with
burned hands, he held up a small
toundbox, "Fellows." he shouted,
"this Bucklen's Arnica Salve I hold,
has everything beat for burns."
Right! also lor boils, ulcers, sores,
pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains,
hnnVes.. Surest pile cure. It sub.
dues inflammation, kills pain. Only
35 cejUs at all druggists.
a Big Success
I Come early and make your selectii
5 y '1. I .
i from complete assortments
5 SEX Ladies Suits & Coal
aW J
at a fraction of the regular prices.
Big Line Ruff Neck Sweaters in Carcfi
White and Oxford, greatly reduced.
Raincoats and Umbrellas going vat Reduced, Pnc
Men's Packard $5.00 Shoes at $2.00 per
Ladies Oxford Ties 50c per pair while they,
j . J3i
All Calicos 5c. Best 12 1-2 & 15c Ginghams
12 l-2c and 15c Outing Flannel at 9c per
20c Fleeced Kimona Goods at 12 l-2c per.
Children's Cloaks All Reducri
Bargains in short lengths of Dress Goods, Si
Bandon Dry Goods
Cause of Insomnia.
The most common cause of in
somnia is disorders of the stomach
and constipation. Chamberlain's
Tablets correct these disorders and
enable you lo slecp For sale by
all dealers.
Birniinnhum, Ala. F. L. Willis
suffered greatly from asthma and
bronchitis. He v, riles! 'I gotno
relief until I took Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. It entirely re
moved thosd choking sensations,
and nevei lailt d to produce an easy
and comfortable condition ol the
lungs." The Orange Pharmacy.
Pain in Back and Rheuma
tism. Torment thousands ol people
daily. Don't be one of these suffer
ers when for so littie cost you can
get well rid of the cause. Foley
Kidney Pills begin their good work
from the very first dose. They ex
ert so direct an action on the kid
neys and bladder that the min .iiwl
torment ol backache, rheumatism
ami kulnev troublh ts soon dis.
pelled. The Orange Pharmacy.
Porto Rico's New Wonder.
From lar away Porto Rico come
reports ol a wonderful uew discovery
that is believed will vastly benefit
the people. Ramon T. Marclian,
of Barceloneta. writes "Dr. King's
New Discovery is doing splendid
work here. It cured me about five
times ol terrible coughs and colds,
also my brother of a severe cold in
his chest and more thin ao others
who Used it on mv mlvin. U'..
hope this great medicine will be sold
in every drug store in Porto Rico.'
For throat and luni trouble n......
is nothing better A trial will con
vince you ol us merit 50 and f 1.00
Tnal bottle tree. r.nnrrmi...-i
I , . " SS.1 ' I
oil drujjguta.
Great Combinal
The Recorder nwnnircmciil h:is made arrstW
- f.-i
with the Portland Evening Telegram whe
.... 1
can jrive subscrihers the advantage of a g'B3
hination offer for'i limited period. You c&
Metropolitan evening paper with all the law
from nil rv.p fU t.rll sin1 nil rlif news
and vichlitv in th Ufrnrrltr :it .1 reniarkablyiPWl
The Evening Telegram is' the best paper in
market reports unexcelled. Saturdry evenii,
V- 1
contains a magazine dnd comic section P,
r f-
The Portland Evening Telegram, per yot
oandon aemi-Wcekly Recorder
Both papers 1 year if tak djl
en before Dec. 31st, 1913 tJTT
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