Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, November ll, 1918 ge 6 1 CMLVIU. mi GEORGIAN DESIGN Beautifully Simple ' - Simply Beautiful Sabro Bros. Manufacturing Jeweler l'honc751. H.nulon, Ore OH s LOCAL NEWS a Jake White was up from Langlois yesterday. W. E. Burrow' of Coquille was a Bandon visitor .yesterday. Ed Tohnson was down from Co- qnille on businr-ss yesterdr.y. Wm. Candlin was dovn from Coquille on business yesterday. 1. G. Ilorton of filarslilicld was in Bandon on business yesterday. . E. Norton is down from Co quille calling on his customers-here. , R. E. Irwin and Vernon Smith were over from Marahfield yesterday. Don't miss the bit; special at the Peoples store next Sat. Nov. 15th. See the big Vitagraph special, "Th Tiger Lily" in 3 reels, Wed I nesday 12, Grand Theatre. . Clarence Tuttlc was down from Coquille yesterday and today v'sit ingold friends and relatives. Mrs. E, H. Goble arid Mrs. B. Jess of Port Orford were faking: the sifs of Bandon yesterday. Wanted Position as cook in o.imp by man .and wife. Can give reference. Apply at this office. t2x A Bengal Tiger plays the lead in the big three rMer, "The Tiger 1 Lily," Grand Theatre, Wed. Nov.. 12 bf.'LfJc Petnberton' and wife were up from Langlois Saturday and took in the big wrestling match Saturday night. Mr. Murphy of the 5.10,15c store who hits been nt Myrtie Poinr help ing to install a similar htore there, returned home ye'terday and 're ports that the store started off there with a good busine.s and the out- loo.k is splendid. ' Can 011 Save $10, $25, -50' . a month? MAKE- it .yoijr rule to take out every month at tliis ha'nk an' interest bearing Certificate of Dc tjositfor as much as you can spare. Your certificate will earn compound inter est, can be converted quick ly Into cash, are perfectly safe and offer a most at tractive temporary or per manent investment. They are issued in any denomin ation. FIRST NAT'L BANK Open dining Noon Hour 'ul Satur day Evening. - Kls. R. Rovle will return on i the next trip of the Speedwell and ' will remain' in Bandon until alter Christmas. . "Vita Tiger Lily' in 3 reds, a wild animal picture fulf 01 'tense v. moments and thrills, at the Grand Wed. Nov. 12." Shootintr match November ?2iid a! H. P. Clausens,' on Fotirnrile. dance at night. A cordial invitation is extended to all. .8815 Smiling Dutch went to- LangloMs today to ninbe final .arrangements fort'lie Lutsey-Ajnx wrestJing match to be pulled olt Saturday nijjnt, At the M. .E. church south next Sunday Nov. r T 1 1 1 &. S 10:00 a .in Preaching 7?34' nl. by JU-v. li. II Mowre, Presiding Elder Willamette Dist. M. E. Church south. I am prepared, to supply the pub lie with Bibles. Testaments and other religious hooks and periodicals, samples will be here soon. Lall at the parsonage 4th and Edison Ave. or phone 202, W. B. Smith, pistrir, M. E. Church, South. P. H, Poole, the hustling flandon real estate agent, .was again a fort Orford visitor-thc first of the week. Mr. Poole has taken a fancy to owi town, and believes that the near future has good things -in . store for us. Port Ot ford Tribune. Special, next Sat. Nov. 15th at 10:00 a. in. we will nave on sale a 9 inch china salad bowl for 15c a regular 75c to $1.00. Only one sold to each adult attendinc. Peoples 5-10 15c Store, F'fst Hall Hartman Hldg., Bandon, Ore. Mrs. II . F, Morrison who under went a serious operation at fcmer- gancy Hospital a week ago ;s getting ?.!ong nicely now, although sne was in a very weakened condition owing to the fact of being on the operating . table for five hours. The many friends of Mrs. Morrison wi'l be glad to learn of her improvement. Frank Cattertin has severed his connection with the Bandon Dry Goods Co., and- expects to leave Friday for Portland where he wfll join Mrs. Cattcrlin and remain for the winter. They may return to Bandon in the Spring. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Catterlin will wish them well wherever they may go. The Bandon Public Library wishes! to cordially thank tlic friends who surprised us with the generous do- nation of money, of books, and of magazines last Saturday. It was a red-letter day for the library, thirty- cjjht happy little people listened to Mrs. Kronenberg'sstoty-tejling that afternoon- The opening of the read ing room on Sundays will depend 4 mr . 1 1 on volunteers, we inann mose who have so kindly offered to .spend a Simday in charge. I Discouraging' Omitsion. "My dottor tella rots I may eat whnt- evw t like." . "Tlum why arc jtnt looking ho down to the mouth?" He didn't -tell me liow to Krt it." CUicauo tUseord-llernluV Oadly Eaprbised. .Stlstress iKi-ttliiK ready fur nvrptlotil How cto my ew tfown look In tbr back. Siojnh? ttM nenuHful. mum. Bur, they'll all be dplighttHJ wben yoa lnye tho roouj. Boston Trauierlpt. Ywinj: .Doctor i)o you ttilnlr Hi ttor Is rklly a patient i aia afraid that ho 1 n -crPiUtor. Servant -WH. 1 hoard htm promilng. I? h Un't ill he must liuve very bla MU o collect. -KlloRunde Uliittw. ' Xero In Oucupstionsn "Hut doesn't your trleinj do imhliiK at all?" 'Oh. yes. II,e uorrlw."- IJos ton Transcript. ' Fofesfc Notos. , To secure a merit badue ra for " Vi y, boy scouts are required among other things to identify ?5 kind of Irers. , , One of the principal by-products of the nationa1 forests of Japan is furnished by mushrooms, which have .elded in one ye;ra revenue of a million dollars. 0 Articles of clothing from wood fibre are being made in liuropi'. The material for a suit costs aboi.( fifty cunts. Clothing mude of ill's material, ho wovor, caniiocbrtwaslwd, One of the largest and njost yahj. Cut Glass- and . Hand 7 Painted Chma. A LARGE FACTORY SI IIPMKNT OK li O T H jUbT RliCIiiVEb. T.ll'.K S E GOODS ' ARE STRICTLY ' Fl RST-CLASS IN ALL ' RESPECTS AND OF THE VERY UEST'QUALITY. t ; Silverware "LAUREf1 SILVERWARE, THE MOST POPULAR OfiSJGN ON. THE MARKET, CAN Mi KOUNtMN A LARGE .ASSORT MENT AT OUft STORE. WE ENGRAVE INITIALS ON EVERY VIELE FftEK.' able timber trees of the country is tlx?' tulip tree, known to lumfw:riMt'a as yllow poplar. It 's related to the magnolias, but is the only. tree of its kind in the world. The largest in the Unit d Slates is said to be. the 'Mother of the Forest" a giant redwood in the Calaveras big tree grove in Calrfor-- nia. it is supposed to contain 14a, 619 board ' feet of lumber. There are, however, many claimants for the honor of being the "largest tree " anil the "oldest tree.' and these claims, according to foresters, can not always be verified. Proceedings of the Bound ary Board. The District Boundary Board met on Nov. 5U1 with all members con sisting of judge J. F. Hall, Commis sioner Armstrong and Dement am! County Stipt. Baker, present. A petition Jrom residents and the legal voters of school District No. 36 otherwise known as the Rogers His trict, psking lor consolidation with Districtss No. 39 and 86 "was granted. Similar petitions lrom Districts Nos. 39 and 86 for the consolida tion of 'he Rogers District (No. 36) Coos River district (No. 39; and the new district at the forks of Coos river, No 86, were granted Petitions from districts Nos. 14 (Riverton) and 55 (Beaver Slough) for the consolidation of these two districts were granted. Millinery Sale If you need a new stylish hat here is the opportunity to buy at prices that will be a great saving These hats are all choice and rpr?Benl (he very latest styles. in Beaver, Plush itd Ftfll Trim tned and untrimmed are beiritf sold litU wfrk ftr cost of materml, If you alrvady Imvw hk Vf can afford another t our Sttln IVhi Suit and Coat Offering Big reductions in Suits mul CohIm Wowhiwe caij yo fm i)0 vah(J WP flrf nfffMlllg afvuiivV grade TsHqrPfJ Ml m GohIs, I'uil 4U)f) of If) lfl frofH 0TF. nnsr arrHXC. PHONE 514 1 II1H1 ijiinjii nfii liilMjn, A petition Mini criUm residents of district No. 58 (Smnynie) and district No. 14" (Kivertoji) akux for coaolidatka oi -thesu. too dis tricts was considered. A remons trance against the projwsed emboli dation. signed by property on:i and tax payeM of district No, 58 was a'sfl tak't under advisement As it ws difficult to decide what ' was the willoitlrc act mil residents oi this district, the Boundary Howd leJrf -red tlx: matter of the cxMiMlidation of the two distticis lutck to (he R-ople to le decided by a vrtc of the regally qualified rcskti-nts of eacfi district at (be next anmtai Minting, June 15, 1914. The following described property was taken front school district No. 45 Coos county, Oregon, and trans ferred to school district No. 1 : Beginning at the S W cor ol Sec 7 Twp 25 S R 11 W thence North to the N W corner of said Sec thence East to the N li cor of said Sec. thence Smith to the North Fork of Coos ruer, thence up said Norlfi Fork of Coos river to the interM'i. tiou of said river and the line run ning north and south through the center of Sec, 8, 25" thence .south to the south line id said Sec H, thence VVc 'it lo the place of b -ginning. The apiKiinttitetit i4 Z. T. John, son to act as Seci;d Tni.tiit Officer for School District No, 41 aion (irmef, -Rayinoiid I! lUkt r, See. relary. I Are Your Clothes Clean Gut? Do they give ycu a trim, well-groomed appearance the result of perfect fit and unquestionable cut? Are they made from firm, shape retaining material that re sist wear and tear and sel dom require pressing? Our store is well stocked with clothes of this character "clean cut" clothe bearing the Michaels-Stern label, for clean cut men. At prices that spell ECONOMY in big letters. Hi CLOTHING & SHOE CO. Money Tlk Cr sh Only Bandon, Oregon A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire insurance Notary Public Rentals I hftvr'afgood iSuy in mud JfltJ lot on First Street AUo Ix'it corner tn Aaufca Park Subscribe for Bandon's real the Recorder newspaper.