w Semi-Weekly BeahddnjlccOrctef, NoVerhbei1 11. 1913 COMING AMUSEMENTS GRAND THEATRE The Tiger Lily A Vitagraph Feature in Three Reel A thrilling melodramatic story in which a Bengal Tiger plays an important part. The fact that this Headliner has been produced by the Vitagraph Co. assures you of seeing a picture that is worth while. Good comedy film ako shown As per our recent announcement we will .make no extra charge for specials that are released in the regular program. See this feature Wed. night, Nov. 12 OTHER BIG ONES COMING flflflAI AND PFRSflNAi ITFMR i LVVriLi 11111 I Wanted Agate Work Sabro Bros. Shoes shined at Hotel Gallier by Archie Jorgensen. 19-tf Pianos for rent at Bandon Drug Corjipany. 791' Mrs, Mary E. Walker was a week end visitor at Marshfield. Try the Unique for a good square meal and sweet bread. G. T. Treadgold transacted busi ness in Marshfield last Saturday. For Sale Piano, good as new $250. Easy terms. See H. C. Dipplc "Dusty" Miller returned on the Speedwell from an extended eastern trip. E. W. Schetter was a business visitor in Marshfield the last oi the week. New line ol dressers at the furni ture store on the hill. D. J. Mitchell proprietor. Sail Jake White was up from Lang lob Saturday bringing up a car-load of wrestling fans. Anyone wishing home made pies or cakes phone the Wigwam or see Mrs. E. Lewin. 75' E. B. Thrift was up from Lang lois Saturday to take in the Ajax Lutsey wiestling match. There will be preaching at the M, E. Church, South, both morning and evening next Sunday. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. New orders of bicycle repairs oi all kinds constantly arrivinir. Will take orders for bicycles of any kind. 9otl S. D. Baiuiows. For Sale On corner of Fill more and 3id streets, groceries at livincr prices. Call and see A. H. Sparks. 541' The schooner Coquille fast week sailed from the Coquille river loaded with Riverton coal for Prince Ru pert, B C. A. F. Estdbrook and wife arrived on the Speedwell and Mr. Esta. brook will look after the business of his company for a short time. For hale or 1 rade A good or- chard proposition in Douglas Co Ore. on the S. P. railroad. Get the facts from the owner. Box 892, Bandon, Ore. 72tf In the interests of game protec ion four hunters have been engaged by the state to kill predatory ani mals in Coos, Curry, Josephine, Douglas and Jackson comities. , Sabro Bros, wilt move into the 1 new Lowe builcfing as spon a'sit' is completed and will then have an ex cellent location and will greatly en large their fine stock of jewelry. L. L. Brandenburg, who had charge of the Estabrook Ware house about three years ago, ar rived on the Speedwell and will take over the warehouse business again. JMr. Braneenburg is well and favorably known in Bandon business circles and will no doubt meet with excellent success. The Home that ahowi the exclusive licaniad aervice. 28 reeli every week. HO lb IIE.1IVI A ! Edward Moeller of Marshfield was in this city Friday. Geo Laflaw transacted business in Marshfield a couple oi days last week. Lost During Carnival, a Carl Fischer B, Flat Claronet. Reward will be given for its return to Prof, A Richards, 8912 Mrs. Matt S. Smith will entertain the Past Matron's Society tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday.) All Past Matron's are invited to be present. Lost Purse from Sidwelt Brrw containing hunting and fishing li cense, keys, dog collar and pad lock Finder please return to Centra! Warehouse. 88t2 Mrs. L,. n. Larson and tittle son came over from Marshfield the last of the week to hmo Mr. Larson who is eonditcting the special sale at the Bandon Dry Goods Co. Lost An Elk tooth fob, with the wordtW. Marshfield 1 160. and F V. C. Finder please return t Frank Catterhn at the Bandon Dry Dry Goods Co. and receive libera) reward. 8itf Mrs. N. Swanson arrived Friday from Lakeside where she has been spending the summer and visited until yesterday with the W. W. Wolfe family, when she returned to her home near Denmark. Mm May Waslev, Manicurist will be at the Bandon Dry Goods Co.'s store on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, commencing Mondav Oct. loth, from 1 to 5 p. rrt, Hair dressing and shampooing by ap pointment. 8ytl The street work on both Baltimore and Jackson Avenues is proceeding rapidly and with anything like fair weather the entire projects will he finished within the allnted 60 days. Thfre are about 30 teams at work on naittmore Ave. ana nearly as many on Jackson. R. W. Boyle is ordering his lit; cohdeu changed from Casa Grande, rtriz. to L,os Angeles, 1.3m. says they are nicely located in Los Angeles but hope to spend Christinas in Bandon. The many friends of the Boyle family are very much in hopes that they will carry ouf their desires. G'o. V. Laird refiKiieifi 011 the Spefdwril from Sao iFfancieco where he im securing tits supplies,, for his seow cnnlracts. srl supplies ar rived eNCept.oaecajr load' ot fixture and tha digger whirl will come on the nest trip 0 t&c btoai. SSJr. Laird sa$'s ft will ncrti take him over 3odays 'lo jELaish up the .whole job titer ho gets started'. Miss Simpson GRADUATE NURSE , Phone '934 ' Declare War on Colda, A crusade of education which aims "that common coltls may become uncommon within the next gener ation" has been begun by prominent New York physicians. Here is a list of the "don'ts" which the doc tors say will prevent the annual visitation of tho cold: "Don't sit in a 'draughty car." "Don't sleep in hot rooms " "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't stuff yourself at mealtime. Overeating reduces your resistance" To which we would add when you take a cold get rid ol il as quickly as possible. 0 To accomplish that yofl will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy most excellent Sold by All Dealers, Would Make Them Better if They Could. The makers of Foley Kidney Pills know that they have absolutely the be.st combination of curative and healing "nedicines for kidney and bladder ailments and urinary irregu larities that it 19 possible to produce. That is why Fotey Kidney Pills are the best medicine' for. the purpose you can buy. The Orange. Phar macy. For Children their it Nothing Better. A cough medicine for children must help their couehs .and -colds without bad effects on their little stomachs and bowels Foley's Honey and Ta exactly, fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomach no constipation follows its use.' Stuf fy colds, wheezy breathing, coghs and croup. are-all quickly 'helped 1 lie Orange lfharmacy. Pain in Back and Rheums tiam. Torment thousands of iieople daily. Uon t be one of these suffer ers when lor so littie cost you can get well nu 01 tfie cause. F otey Kidney Puis begin their good work fro.n the very first dose. They ex ert so direct an action on the kid ncys and bladder that the pain and torment ol backache, rhumatisin and kidney troublh is soon dis pellcd, The Orange Pharmacy. A Great Building Falls. when its foundation is undermined and if the foundation of health iood digestion is attacked, quick col apse follows. On the first signs of indigtion, Dr. King's New Life Pills should be taken to tone the stomach and regulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Pleasant, easy, safr and only 35 cents at all druggists. Only a Fire Hero. but the crowd cheered, as, with burned hands, lie hekl up a small round box, "Fellows!" he shouted "this Bucklen's Arnica Salve I hold, has everything beat (or burns," Right 1 also for boils, ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema, cttts, sprains, bruises, surest- pile cure, it sub dues inflammation, kills pain. Only 95 cents at all druggists. A Night of Terror. Few nights are more terrible than that of a mother looking on her child choking and gasping lor breath during an attack of croup, and nothing in the house to relieve it Many mothers have passed nights of terror in this situation. A little fore thought will enable you 10 avoid all lus, Chamberlain's Cough Remetiv is a certain cure (or croup and has n-cvee been known to (ail. Keen it at luiia. for sale by au dealers. Porto Rico's New Wonder. From (ar away Porto Rico come reports ot a wondertu4 new discovery inai is oeneveu win vastly benefit the prople. Ramon T. March.-ui of lUrcclnneta, writes "Dr. King's New iJiscovery is doing splendid work here. It cured me about five times oi terrible coughs and colds. also my brother of a severe cold in lus chest and more than 20 others who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will be Mld in every drug store in Porto Rico.' or throat and hint; . troubles thetf is nothing better. A trial will con vlnce you oi its merit, socand $1 00 J rial bottle tree. (uaavte bv U druggists. RELIABLE HOSE THEATMEKf' Tli OltKIXE treatment for tU Drink ftubit cau he utaft with absolute confh djtiod. It !vtroy aU !sttva M wfe i!r, laser or other alcoholic tOaulMitt. Tliou unit llav miccnseAifly uit ij csu. Sari only 4d.00 par Wi. XI jsou foil e'.' results from OUUIC u&Hv av trial, youv money" will Im refunded. ' tot fix ooWet telling nil fcbdut ORIil.VE, Orange Pharmacy DRINK HABIT Cause of Insomnia. ' - The most common cause of in .ionium is. disorders ol tin siomach and coiihtipaticn. Chamberlain's tablets correct these disorders und enable you td sleep. For sale by an ueuiers. Tonight. 1 omglit, 11 you feel dull and stu pid, or bilious and constipate take a pose of Chamberlain's Tabli'is nnrl you will feel all right tomorrow. For saie oy an dealers. Flagged Train With Shirt. Tearing a sliirt .from his back an "Ohio man flagged a train and saved :. f- - l- I ... rr. . u iiiiiii ,1 wrccK,.aui 11. 1.. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, oiufe prevented :t wreck with Electric Bitters. "I wss in. a terrible plight when I hegan to use them," he writes, "my stomach', head, back and kidneys- were all badlo affected and my liver was in bad condition, but four bottles of Elfclnc Bilters made me feel like a new 'man," A "trial will convince you ot their matchless merit for any stomach, Ymf or. widney tiouble. I'rice 50 cents at all druggists. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County. Get), W. Mora Lumtm Gua- TJ D. ft. Baicim mil Airtfioiur BtIw, mI the Colullc Mill & Tug Corafwwy, ft corporation ! SUMMONS To D. H. Dwm emi riu- CoqvtiHe MiH & Tug Company Cofpotafion, tWimlos: Is the name of tke Slc o( Otrgoit, you d each o( you rc lmrty rewinl lo apfx-u ami aniwer the comiIm4 Klnl jjki you in Ae aioye etitrtW coUfl and catue, on or Mofe tke fciit day oi rhe liine preacrilxxl in tlie older, (or the pulUcalion o( this summon!, and 'A you fail o to appeal ami aajwo laid cowtplairrt on of before llie Utl day of the lime an preacriljol, iKe plaintiff take jwlgmea again! you and will ap ply lo die court for lie relief demanded in ttt cotnplainl. a mcewtel liatrmrRt oi wKich ii tn UUi: For jwlfewwl against (lie deirodonli laicum ear'. Deeler foi the mmol f 139.80, witfi iaterett at vUe lrgal rate from ami alter Septemer 24ti, 1913, logetlier with $75 reatonable attorney 'i Im awl the coMs and dislxHsements of lliii suit and a decree forclosing tWe pUintifl's lien, ai againM all of I lie defendants m thii .ut wpen the prop etty desciifwd ai a thmgle mill, constructed ami being upon a portion of Lot one, in section thirty, township twenty-eialit. soutli of rarare fourteen wot of the WiHamette Meridian. tandina on the riJM bank of rite Conuille River. opposite the sawmill of tte Geo. W. Moore Lumber Company, new to rbe'Town ol Ban don. Coo County. Orrvon. loartrier with ihe land upon which same is constructed, including a convenient space mow! taxi mill ai may be required tor the convenlient use and occupation thereof, de sciibed substantially as commencing at a point one hundred feet North of the said building, runniag thence east lo the CrxiuiHe River, thence southerly along Ihe Conuille River one hundred feet, thrnce to a point one hundred (eel south west of the said building, thence lo tlie place of beginning including all appurtenances, fiitufes and hereditaments lor tlte satisfaction of the said judjHtent, and the lien of plaintiff with cotis, disbursements and attorneys fees. This srunuoas is served upon you pursuant ta an order of llie above entitled Court, made and entered on I6lh day of October, 1913, and re quiring the publication hereof in the Bandon Recorder, a srnH-wecity newspaper, once a week foe the period of ail weeks: the date of the first publication of this aucnmons is October 24, 1913. G. T. IKEADGOLD. Attorney tot Plaintiff, PosiotSce address, Uandon, Oregon. Oct 24. Dw 5F. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby i'ivai to the creditors (if, Md all per soil b having claims acaiiist Henry Clenwiu Koitvctintes Lnuwu as Henry Chltmetis, deceased, that the iHider- iipiied hat Ixen appointed administratrix of the estate of said deceased by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County, and. lias duly iiuajified as Midi administratis:, and all per&ons having claims against said deceased or against his estate are hereby required to present them with the proper vouchers within si months from the date of this notice to the undrrsiirned at the office of G. T. Tteait- gold, attorney for said adiuinistrntm in lUndon, Coos County, Oregon. Dated and published for the first time his t24th day of October,- I9H, ANN J K CI.KAKV, Administratrii of the es talc of Henry Clemens, sometimes known as He nry Chlemi'lis, deceased'. Oct 24.Nov.21-l: Notice to Contractors. Re advertisement For Bids For the Improvement of 1st Street North. Notice is hereby civen that sealed bids will be received by the Common Council irf the City of lkindon, Oregon, until half past seven- o'clock p tit. of tht lVtlr day o Nombtrl91J for, the iiyproiement o Kirst StrtH' North from tir -Kas-t litit of HaeltHi tveuiK f) tlw West line lit June Avetine in liiunJon, Oregon, wcording to the plan Mii swcirlciifi'itiis im fil in the ofSct of tlse City Htcordr wul rlwre open to the inspection iA til trsons urtertsted tlfera'm, All bids inn lw in accorrfancwith the reqirirtimms accouiumiyiiuir Said svocioo tions wul u(iuu blarvtts &ir (lit purpose vthich oill 1 btniplwd ii ruquvst af the office of the City lcb(ilr. A certified check of 5 put ceirf of Hft aiiiounr of the hid ' must accompjny tha bid to. be forfeited to the t'ity of liomlon in tsw the contractor fails to enter into t contract with the said city ithin five (leys from the dafr said contract is avardeih rh Coinmow eounctl' resarvts th6 right tn rvject any and all bids. Uy order Cf Common Council of thcCtty of llamlon. IJated this MU day of Jvovumber 1911. li. KAUSkIID, ' Cit Rtcorderv Hrst I'uWi Nov. 4th 1913 Second l'ubl. ov. 7 19U Third l'ubl. Nov. ltli 19H, j Got Any Spa ' .Osc electric appliances for the household ' t work and you will "have time for other' . things. Let us demonstrate them to you BANDON POWER COMPANY S. S. ELIZABETH Urgo Two Perth Outtide State Roomt with Running Wnter Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare, $7.5Q Freight Rates. $3 on Up Freight Re.etatian.i Fuhrman'a Phnrmncy, Coquille; Pcrfcin.', M)tlo Point . E. 6c E. T. Kruse, ownets and managers, 24 California St., San Francisco. J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon. LODGE DIRECTORY BANDON LODGE, No, t3fl A. F. & A M C..l ... C...l... Iter the full moon of each month. Special communications second Saturday tWeallrr. All Matter Ma-sens cordially invited, . VV. E. Oak. V. tU Enatern Star f 1CCI DENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45. O. E. S., meets Sa'uiiUy evening before and after stated commanication ot nlasAntc Lodge Visiting members cordially invited ta attend. Alice C. Gallia, W. M flow Diflgaraaa, SccirUry. t. O. . V T5ANDON LODGE. No. 133. 1. 0. O. F, meets every Wednesday evening. Viating Ixnihevs in good slanutng coeduilly invited. 1 1. A. Halfteld, N, C D. C. Kay, Sec. Kulgbla uf i'ftUUt TlEU'HI LODGE. No. M. Kaattttt o Pythias. Meets every Monday evening at Kniglits Hall. Visiting luMs mvtted to ttend. G. II. McNaW.CC. 0. N. Harrington K. oi R. S. Loyal Order of Mootl Meets Thursday evenings in I. O, O. F. Hall. Transient Moose cordially invited. Something doing every Thursday. Rebekait OCEAN ItEDEKAH LODGE. No. 126 I. O. O.F.,meets2nd and 4th Tuesday at I O. O. F. Hall. Tiaoacienl members cotdtaliy. invited. Alpha Whcelal. N. C Jtuepitina Stottl, Sexrettry. w. o. w. SOMETHING DOING Ey Minuu Every Tuesday Night. SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. ' WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.! Meets at K. ol P. Hall. Visiting Nainlitai Welcome. C, M. Gaga. C. C, H. E. Doal. Clerk. Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There are many little things to annoy us, unik'r prt-stut r,otiditio(tt . life, Tli hurry, bant work, noise am! strain all tell on us and tend lo irtivokt ucrvousnciii and irritalility.. We arc frtiiutntly S-o worn out re can ncttticr el, slct itor xxoiU will atty comfort. We arc out of line willt otrttre atul others as welt. A food tiling o do under mcfi citcumstauces is to- falit totneltuAj; lite' Dr. Miles' Ahti-Pain PilU to relieve.' the strain ot the nerves. Mfs. J. II. Iiartsfitld, 82 Plttift St., Atlanta G., writes: "1 Imve cm eavcrul cttcasle-n bon vastly rellertxl. by the use of your med' Tclnm, eaiioclally the AiUl-I'aln ' Mis. wlilch I icoti) constnyitly an tiand Tor tho usa of myaaU, hugbantli and two flona. . Not hi ny In the world eqixtls tliarfi asj a headache rorHedy. Often I am enaklml by tho uJn ot eno ar two' of tho Pills to csntfcnuc rfiy heuavvrorlc when otliorwlso l would b In 'bed. Ut nbaband Jolrfu me Ui ray prnlso of tho Antl-Paln P11U and Nevlno." Dr. 'Mire 'Aiitiain ara relied upeii to re4icve p;it), flervousnnss and irritbiliy ki thou datjds of lioureliolds; Oi proven merit after'' twenty yeawl ui, yoi can have no 'reason V.ting lfivt' without fhem. It t's- js.i,nitf titito ., Cllj$y3t. Dfl. At all DruaolitO t'i' MILES M8DICAL Time To re? Professional Cards. THOMAS F. HAGGERTY " AttQrney-at-Litw Over RlcNair's iiantvstr St9 . IlKfiie 412 . (iANiJON. oa:Mi C. "R. WADE ' ' . '.."' lawyer DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physiciun & Surgeon Offtco eat Drug .Store. Hours, 9 to 12 4. Hi; 1:30 to 4 (i. ra; 7 td 8 in tfie eroiaa. . HANDOM, OttECOM DR. SMITH J. MANM Physician & Surgeon O&ca tnPenter Dttitiinj. J iaisas, 9to 13 a tt; ta 5 p. tn. ' ANUON, OUfSGOM DR.'.L. P. SORENSON Dentist Office ovei Vitnn Cale. Telmtiooa ij affir Vui rcaideacc. DANDON, QUfCGOW ; G. T. TREADGOLD . A ttorney anil Counselor ' at law Cfite iin Bandon tnvoslAvcni CtabgjL&p Net ry PuLlic .DANDON, OMEGOfSS DR. R. V. LEEP . Physician '& Surgeon ' Q3k in fUati-n iluiliti. Pttone 72. . ' t; aw won, ottKttaws Dtl. ARTHUR GAL'G . . Physician $ Surgeon Ol&ta aw Oianjc f'hwmaey. 'OSste ifosiU, aQ r 1 1 1 -1 r i e jw. i.eeiasnce xrwtat, Pi J. IIANDON,' OiltG'OK DR. S. C. ENDICQTT '. . Dentist ' 0?it.PlS! 71; .. PJiona 312, ' IIANDON, .OREGON DR. II. B. MOORE Chiropractor Offre Hdiw: 9:30 I. 12 and 2 to 5. Offlc. in Tiraraons BlocL BANDON, ORE FRED L. LEEPER Contractor and Builder If viiii arc aiminii to build let ClTri dd'tli rrit Pl.irw Jy v h"'w fc.llll JWU. s llllin Ta W d c s t i mates furnijihtiflni I P O. BOX 003.' HANDON