Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 11, 1913, Image 1

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    V W ' Wilt
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Sophomores Beaten. By .Big
Score. Winners Challenge
Whole School
The juniors won decisive vic
tory in basket ball, at the Rank hall
Friday night when (hey crushed the
sophomores to the tune of 48 to fi.
The juniors had everything their
way irom start to finish and' at no
lime was the result in doubt.
About too enthusiasts saw the
game and cheered the boys -11 the.
way through Toward the end of
the game the rooters .tried to en
courage the sophs, but all to no.
avail as they were unable to with
stand the fearful 'onslaught ni the
juniors, and the one sidetl score
kept on filing up.
The tumors have challenged the
entire high school for a.gnnie next
Friday night.
The line up Friday night was:
Juniors Gmendorfer and Chatbunt
guards; Wintteor center; Shumate
and Smith, forward's; llabcrly sub
stitute. The Sophomores were:
Armstrong;- aud Broston -guards;
Meyers, center; Stoltz ai"t Christen
sen forwards.
Vera Gregory Pead.
Vera, the eight year old 'daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L N Gregory died
at their homr in this city Sunday
night. Vera was a bright child and
great favorite among h.-r play,
males. She was unselfish and al
ways looked alter the wants of
others. Vera was born in Goquillo
and has lived most ot her short life
in Coos connty, but she has now
been taken away and we must bow
in submission to the creator, of the
universe. Just why these little
flowers should be brought into the
world and so quickly taken away is
hard to understand, but someday
we may know. The sincere sym
pathy of a large circle ol friends will
be extended to Mr. and Mrs
Gregory in their bereavement. The
funeral is being held today and in
terment will be in the Uandon
Casei in Supreme Court.
Atty's F. J. Feeney, G.T. Tread
gold and Geo. P. Topping are in
Salem this week where they are
arguing some cases in the Supreme'
court. Among the cases up are
the old Sixth Street case, the- water
front cases anil one'or two others.
This will give the Supreme couit an
opportunity to' know that Uandon is
on the map. .
Special 'School Meeting.
The School Board has called a
special school meeting for Nov iSth
at 7:30 o'clock to levy r. tax for the
running expenses of the school lor
the current year. All school elect
ors in the district please take notice.
County Judge Hall has decided
that he will not be a candidate for
re-election to the bench." but, at
the expiration of his present term
will' resume the practice of law at
Marshfield. This decision, accord
ing to the Coquille Sentinel, is be-
Was Resident of Oregon Sof
Nearly Quarter of a
. mm 1 a tt
Mrs. Jcf' WaMvngel died at the
home of bet- daughter RJ'm. Goo-.
Erdman'iu this city at midnight
Sunday night. Oar. Riibitxch wis.
lrn near Milttirnok, Mcb., July 27,
1863 "where .'be' grew to womanhood1
and on April 5, 1883 Was married,
to Jacob Waldvogel. To this union
four children, alt olvrhom are living,
were born. They are Mrs. Geo.
Erdinau i Ibmlnn, Oliver of Stella,
Wash., and Clark and Helen of
Baudoii. All the children together
with Mr. Waldvogct were present
at the time ol her death.
Mr. and Ms. Waldvoge'l came to
Oregow in j8qi and live! .in. Tilla
mook' for 13 years, coming" to nan
don to years ago- and have lived
here since, , Mrs. Waldvogel lias
been suffering with cancer for over
four years and has been practically
helpless a good portion of thttime.
She was a woman ol noble christian
character ami was a member " ot the
Christian church, :dol the Clawlon
Circle, of Women of Woodcraft.
At the time ol her death she was
50 years, thfw: mouths and 13
days old.
The funeral is being held (his af
ternoon train" the. Methodist church
and is in charge of Revs. A. Haber
ly aud C. Maync Knight, and in
terment will be held in the K. of P.
cemetery. The sorrowing relatives
will have the sympathy of many
friends in their time of great bereave
Myrtle Point Items.
Bom, Monday Nov. 3, 1913, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Laird, a fine girl.
J. L. I-ewcllen has left tot Port
land and other Oregon points, to
visit friends, he expects to be away
six weeks.
The Peoples 5 io-i.c store, first
door east of Post Office opened St.
Nov. 8th to a large crowd of people.
B. C Shull who has been serious
ly ill at his home in this city, is re
ported some belter.
F. K. Weekly ol Bridge w.s a
Myrtle Point and Coqnillc visitor
last week.
Bom, Nov. 4th to M. ami Mrs.
Lester F. Dement, a fine baby boy.
Votes Cosily.
John Bostendorf of South Inlet
who took the election 'returns of
that precinct to. Coquille reports
that votes arc costly in that pre
cinct. Onlv three votes were cast
although there were four election j
officials and this will make each
vote cost the county about $10
apiece. M.irshfield Times.
III Will
cause 'thc .remuneration for ser
vices rendered is not sufficient to
warrant continuance in the -office.'
VhenHicompletes the present
term Judge Hall will, have served
Coos county in this capacity for
eight years j .
Considerable Sum Expended
By Coos County in Past
Six Months.
County Ckrk Watson has irtst
isoticcl the scnu-atmitai report ai
county cspeftditures for the sis
mouths ending SepteraW 30. Fol
lowing is the report.
S34.89t.fa tea machinery, materia!
and labor Uw roads; $71,371. 4 was
expended by supervisors, while thc
cost i operating, ferries aaioiinted
to $3,238,56, which, together witb
$120 for bridges built by contract,
aKK''cK:'c 'he handoe srtro f
$w,5(i..j8. the eHtxrosae tot
the six hvonths mere:
County court axii eciimmissiooeir
Salary ol judge, eonifoianinners.
haitiU, tivery, ejcitijg hooks, etc..
1,420.95, '
Circuit" court Salary ol tailifils.
report, jury aud wittve-sa hcs,
meats, sjweial counsci, etc,, $3,
Justices! oowrts Fees T justices.
constable, jtirctn," witwiM-, etc.,
551 2.
Sheriff's office Salary and ex
penses ol flherid and deputies, 4,-
Clerk's office - Salary cf ck-rk and
deputies and rrdraughtiog plats.
Health office Salary, etc. $155.3.6
Treasurer's office Salary oi
treasurer, etc., $607.
Coroner's office Fees of coroner,
physicians, jurors, witoc-sst etc.,
salary of superintendent, 'supervisor,
etc., $'.',3! 1.40.
Fruit inspector Salary etc.,
Assessors office Salary ol assess
or, deputies, extra help, etc.,
$i-365 SO
Assessment aud collection ol taxes
Collecting, advertising, levying
on property, etc., cruising, $8,093.84
lax rebate Taxes refunded,
Cm rent expenses Books, station
ery, postage, expiessagc. etc.. (alt
offices) $1,503.69.
Courthouse expenses Janitor.
lights, water, fuel, repairs, furniture.
rent, etc., telephone, $4,050.32.
Jail Board of prisoners, medical
attendance and medicine, repairs.
supplies, fixtures, etc.,. $720.53.
Caic of ioor Salary of con lit v
physician, poor,. provisions or
transportation . furnished hospital
charges, burials, new buildings etc.,
Indigent soldiers Relief furnish.
-''. $953-
Insane Examination and ex
pense $232. f
Juvenile court and reform school
commitments Expense of $233.90
Prosecuting Attorney's orTiee--Enforcing
criminal laws, ' etc.,
Surveyor's' office Establishment
government corners, etc., 121 .35.
Election expenses Registration,
ballots and supplies, pay of. judges
and clerks, deputy lHtrhls,- etc.,
$1,070.50. . .
Scalp' bounty County bounty,
one-half staJe bounty. ,$230.
Scalp bounty county bounty,
$29. ' ; '
Widows.' Pension Act Pensions
paid; $2,6t2.5o.
Donations Advertising experi
ments, stations, etc, -$2,171.47,
Curry County Man Gets Two
Folia Out of Thrae Sat-
urtJay Night.
BJ. jG. Lutsey the pride ol (Curry
coitwity won the middleweight cham-
pioaship of ihc. Pacific Coast Satur
day if;kt by defeating Touy Aj.x
ot Los .iiMjelrs, Catit. m est two
out ni tftree talis. The mated' was
a hard oie.:md. in ct was by far
the greatest match ever pulled iifi in
'this section of Oregon ami " Lutsey
sure showed that lie had the woods
with him attd anyone who eve had
any !ouht as to his prowess as a
grapjvlcr certainly ' must have
changed their mind Saturday night.
Ajaxisalso-a whirlwiod in the
game hut he was not in the liest ol
enndittow Sturday night owing to
the fact that he was badly seasicti
comhig up amt Um only worked out
a couple oldays Iwfore the match,
consequently that may have weak
etied him a little, hut the iacf re
mains that both men were going; all
the tiine and cveiytxHty got their
HMmey's wnjth.
Ajax won the - first fall in nine
minwles and four seconds, with. a
Uirkick aud chin hold. Lutsey won
the second fall in 23 min.utcs and 57
seconds with a scissors hold and the
thi'! tall in 40 minutes' with a toe
and leg hold. Ajax was . not down
in the third fall but gave up when
Lutsey Irad him where it ai im
possible. to get away without Weak
ing a leg.
The ireliminay was ty Young
Zumwalt ol Ctirry county aud lon
aldsnn of Uivcrton. Zumwalt was
much heavier hut Donaldson dis
played more science akhotrgh he
was not in condition and after about
45 minutes going Donaldson was
sick ami gave the match to Zum
m.dt, although both men were 00
their ieel when the (tout closed.
Ajax and Lutsey wiil wrestle aain
Saturday night for $1,000 side bet
ami it will sure he a great match for
both men are determined to win.
Basket Ball Friday Night
The juniors in the high school
have challenged the rest of the
school for a basket ImII game to he
played in Hank Hall next Friday
night and the challenge has been
accepted' and a good fast game is
assured lor both teams are in the
pink of condition and are playing
the game for all there is in, jt.
O. E. 5. Card Parly Succtsk
The card party given hy.Occiden
tal Chapter, O..E. S. at K. of P
Hall Friday night -was a decided
success in every particular. '
There were 20 t ibles present find
everybody enjoyed the occasion to
the fullest (cxtent. Elegant refresh,
ments were sc'i yed 'dier cards.
The first prize for ladies was won
by Mrs, 'Guy Dippki. and Mrs
Rumble captured the booby. O. A.
Trowbridge succeeded in carrying
off the first prize for gentlemen aifd
Capt. Rolwrt Johnson grabbed the
foteby. .
f-Iall-Lewis Resigns.
I. M. Hall-Lewis' last Wedges-0
day tender.ed his resignation as
County Fruit Inspector. This act
was brought about iy a protest to
the connty court against Mr. Hall
Lewis holding two salaried county
offices at th same time. Mr. Hal?- j
Lewis is also County Road Master.
ON fliS
1. U. McNair ami Miss Alfa
Wettdlc Married in
.Marshfield '
G: tl. McNair and Mis Alb
Weddle gave their.fricnds the slip
and went over to Marshfield the
latter part of.laxt week where they
were quietly married Saturday al-
tvrnonn at the I'reidtytorian mane
in that . city, Rev. j. E. Itutkhart
officiating. The rnsc was well plan
ned as Miss Weddlc lelt . Friday
leaving the impression tttat slw: was
goinp to. Vancouver tt. C , but she
was followed Saturday morning hv
Mr. McNair and the deed was done.
The Iwide is the daughter ol Mr.
and Mrs. A. j. Weldle oi this city
and is popular among the younger
set. The groom is well known here
having I i veil in ilandon practically
all his life. He is' connected with'
the McNair Hardware Co. .am) Is a
rising young husinewt man, ol ex
cellent qualifications am) is jinputar
with his associates.
' The bridal couple were tendered
a warm reception on their return to
Bandon last night, ami the hand
played on. Mr. and Hirs. McNair
will be at home to friends in rooms
over the McNair Hardware Go's
Safe Opens Wkb Raxttl
, The big sale of. the Batidort Iry
Goods Co.. started, off with a rush
yesterday morning ami the store
was crowded all day yetUcrday and
today. In fact there were many
people lined up in front ol the doors
belnre they were oprned yesterday
This is another evidence thai it
pays to advertise (or the Uandon
Dry Goods Co. carried a libera!
amount ol space in lwlh Tuesday's
and Friday's Rkcoudku last week
and they were rewarded by a big
rettira in business. The fli:cotte)Kii
goes into practically every fiome in
Bandon and atljaccnt country and
the jreople arc always looking for
the Itargains shown in this paper,
Laura Henrietta Hoxio.
Tire Jour year, old child ol -Mr.
and Mrs. Bert itoxie ot fro
died I:t5t Thursday and was Inirietl
on Friday at the !;ttui cemetry.
The hwtefal services were held' in
the Propr Presbyterian church by
llev. A. liaherly and sii ftower
girls dressed in white acted &s pnti
hearcis. The bereaved partfpts have
tlie syntpafhy oPtheir many Iricnds
and neighpors. . '
The merchants who advertise in
iht IJandon Rkcorw; arcliveones
mid di-serving of the patronage of
the public. "Read their ads and
take adffantajje of the bargains they
have to offerf
Tho FifieW arrived Saturday niht;
withi 241 tontrrif freight and i6tp.aa-
sengers. Thg Fifie1dwill sail agnjra
tomorrow morning. t
The Speet-Rvell a?rivcd (Monday
t 0
with 113 tons of freight and 16
passengers- The. Speedwell will
leavs here5Thut5da-and o to Coos,
Arrangements' Have Been
Completed for Another '
Wrestling Emit
Smiling Dutch -is at ', Langlois to
day and phoned up a lew minutes
ago that all arrangements had , been '
completed and that Lutsey had put
up $1,000 as a side het for a return
match with Aj.x at' the Orpheurit
next Saturday niht. The. winner
will take all including the gate .-receipts
bo there .will be a nice stake
( h considered as well .a tlw
middte-feight champtonship, ol 'th
Pacific ctxtst.
There is mi doubt that the pacuoJe
who attend this match tsill gel the
worth of their money Iwth men 'are
determined to win and they both
have the goods.
WittI Animal SiinaatiatT.
'The Tiger Lily," a" Vitagrapii '
three reeler givea ymt one cA those
tensely .dramatic and sjrectacnbrr
pictures that hold, you spell-bound
iram start to finish. This special ,
onenl a numtter .ot animal picturen
fecentty, produced by Vitagraph and
has made a sensation wherever
shown. A big Bengal Tiger "is
featured in this film, awl Julia
Sraayoe Gnrdoa .who placed th
leading part went lfermgh a nuwataw
of hairbreadth .escapes in makiht; .
the picture realistic; in fact in one
part of the film the lady was'slightly
injured by Mr. Tiger before the
attendants sifeceeded in driving him
off with the- lancca. This picture .
will be shown at the Grant),, We8
nesday Nov is.
As per our announteif'aetit to.ttse
public no additions, charge wiU be
made tot feature shotr'o tSafiag h&
rQjj3 m m
RctaTutianx of CnmMmcB.
Whereas the Supreme ComuunuS
er, in his infinite wisdom, has seen
lit to remove from our ranks,- our
comrade, Th'os. Coats, we, each ex-
tend to the wife and children of our '
deceased comrade, our heartfelt
sympathy, and; '
Be it resolved, that, our charters
be draped fm" thirty, days that a '
copy of -these resolutions be placed '
it the Handdn Recorder, a copy
spreul upon tlu minutes of eiir meet-
ing and a copy be presented to the
ramify of the deceased.--Handon
Post and Corps. .
Bill Meile, the base ball pitcher
who was witli Ban'don this summer,
came down from Portland last week
and will spend, the winter trapping
hit ween here and 'Rogue rivser.
M,eile has signed up with the Port
land Northwest I'eague for next
year providing Portland has a team
in that league. Meile is some clas
sy pitcher and wilj sure make good
Bay and wW leave Coos Bay for'San
Francisco Friday morning.
The Elizabeth, arrived yesterday
oMth 120 tonsuf freigfit? ajicij five
passengers- The EBzaheth iyill sail 0
again Thursday.o 0
The Brooklyn Arrived tlHs morr?
ing from Chetco and -ill load for
San Francisco this trip, 9 , .
c o 9