,1 m dM4 fey iV-. ""vr"'" V '"'fljfeilJV VOLUME XXIX BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, TOH'3 NUMBER 88 -9a- EXPECTANCY IS MOST"' EXCITING- PART.. OF THE GREAT' GAME OF LIFE : 5 g xr- 3 ' . MOOSE LODGE WILL BUILD Incorporate With Capital Stock of Ten Thou-, sand Dollars . Willi BE 0F OKGBElE Lodge is Considering Several Proposed Sites Now. Bi ' vecfJotfs Elected1.' Al a meeting of ' the Bandon Leslie Loyal Order ol Moose Build ing Associ&jion last Monday night the incorporation of the, nsssoci;uion with a capital stock ot 10,000 was completed Over half of the stock has 1)en subscribed and the rest is coming in rapidly. Offers of several building sites havehauu made to the committee and are under consideration and the association hopes to begin building ' early in the spring. Besides completing the incorpor ation Monday night the. following Imard ol directurs was elected; D. W. Averjli. N J. JCmin, J..T. Sulli van, D. MacKintosh, Clarence Ed munds, W. A. Le Gore and L A. Bjugly. Th- plan nou' is to construct a ewverete building.fioxioQ feet, with a salt water swimming pool iu the houttintent, and the upper stories ol the building will be used !or fqtlge cUih rooms and an up-to-date hall mik all modern conveniences. . The 'Itcmta will l fixed for dancing and ; canvas spread over them when if ot m use for such purposes. The regular meeting of the Moose foodie wan held last night and aftrr tile meeting a number of the "lady blends of the members came in jind pnjaved a social evening. Aijt ex cellent program consisting of read ings by Mesdames M.icKintosli and Avorill, solos by Miss Fox' and D. MacKintosh and music by the man- tlolin club was carried out after wfiich the entire company repaired to the dining hall wheie refreshments were served. . The matter ol organizing a ladies auxillirry was .ilso discussed and a paper was signed by neatly all the ladift present, and theie is 110 tHiubt that in the near futo?e a ladies auxil hary will be, organized. Pendletorj Rcyiftd-Ujf. ' Of all the 'Wild Wijst shows 0 ever stage?! at . I'endl ton, Oregon, the Kound-Up of Sept 1913 has been conceded by all news- paper njen and c?itics who saw the show to be the best performance they have ever st?n. Tbe mntiw pictuies of this great cveyt portray every number oil, the program from the big paiade thiosigh Pendleton to the final bucking contests deciding the championship rider in the world. The pictures are just out, only three weeks old and in perlect' con dition. This attraction wjll be ex hibited at the Grand Theatre Sun day afternoon and evening 2:00 to 5:00, 6,30 to 11:00 p. 111. Special arrangements have been made with the Grand orchestra to furnish music both afternoon and evening. This is going to be one big sow and you should certainly not nss it up. Admission 25c chil dren Jc. At the Grand, the house that shows the big features, GOOD) Petitions fo Ccwj:n (JBotdflO Are SPirltttill The, Coos County Good Roads Association lias filed die petitions.to tlit- Coos county com P. askintr that a special election be colled in the . ' " ... ... ie-jr iimirc 10 voie on a 11400,11011 bond issue to build good roa$i. No date is specified in the petitions and tlvt! Courl will determine tla date at their, meeting tomorrow. Kj:Lat,ive to rumors about the, $r.o,oiK,beirig apportioned by agreement Jr 'peti tion to certain districls-or stretches of road, the county court-states that it cannot be done The money will have to he divided as the statute provides.- CiCy Recoffdcsr Leataf? litdidi- Tin.' Coos comity graiyl jury is convened in special .session at C'o (liille to -begin an investigation ol the mystericnis- disappearance of $3,085 of the liastside city hunfs and gf tlte gambling 3111! rt'sort connect ions with it. Judge Cotte announ ced th'at this would be all that would be taken up except any emergency case that might come op, . . tlwj routine proceedings ouig over until the ugular December term. Koreinan G?o. D. 'Mandigo ot North Hend and O, P, Wils'rfn of Sumner are the only members of tlie,giand jury from the, Co4s Hay skle, the others being from the Co quille valley. The grand 'jury, is composed of S. C. Johnson, Geo! D. Mandigo, II. Vtf. unbani, j! L. Crosby, O. N. Wilson, J. K. De. vault and C. ttose. ' Sam Johnson leturnod this morn ing from Coquille here hu has been on 'he special session, of the Grand Jury to probe the'Eastside case. He siys the Grand Jury brought in an indictment of Qry Recorder Leaton lor appiopri.Uing'ftj, 100 ol liastside city money and agaiiwp two others lor gambling, The men had not been tak'en . into custody yet last iiigl'il. Abmg fire fliafffJMrji. .The Fifield aill orrive from S.-ftl Francisco tomotfoo and tlte Speed well will arriv Sunday. The Elizabeth sailed Juesdy evejiing witfl 2, 000 feet of lunibVr, 23 tons ot miscellauo)us Height and 39 passenger.as follows: J. ftl, tU'ag nerwife and .two chiklren, O. G. rShaw, Wm.'l'eiper, L, Tr.iver, N. H, Dalney, I.. E. Wyas, JL,. B. .Still, J. II. Swanson, Charts Mryj row, R. J. Swanson, P. ffloberlhner, Bil,lPols, 1 B. Sioi'Jin, Win. Lyvch' Geo. Lyvch, M. pillane, Ir. Roth, J. Tillman, Harry Andrews. J. J Adams, J. Haggard, Carl. F.C)ble dese. Geo.Moore, R, ft. Hartman, R. Tricfc. . n TUB Brooklyn nrrivcl in port this morning inom Chetco andvU 0 sail QgaintJomori'ow for the same port. The Tillamook arrived in port Tuesday with i.jfi tons ol freight and will sail today with 711 ties five tons of miscellaneous freight. UBJlif mm 5 L IS HURT (Soap. LackflSuperintenrJent of ' Goo. W. Itfoore Mill Falla From Timber Slip Geo. Locke, superintendent of the Geo. VV. Moore mill, slipped and fell from the timber slip yes'ter- flay mornin'ff, to the dock below, a distance of tun or fifteen feet and was badly hfuisetj .up, having his collar bone and tour ribs broken, and beinxhurt about the lungs The shock was a severe one but il no other.cmp1icatioiis set in he 'will probably get along all right. Mr. Locke was brought to Ban don Hospital where his fractures were reduced and . he is receiving medical tre.itinent'from Dr. Houston. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Paul! have a fine 10 pqtind baby boy born Nov ember .ith. fill HAN BRIEF OREGON NEWS' aHitn'tfB:pu mOh Portland, 'Or., Nov. ., 1913 (Se-j cial) -Oiegon. leads, the world ifi dry. farming products. One man, Tillman Reuler,.ol Madras, with an exhibit the stagiiig of which cost hilt $750, weht to the Dry Farming Congress at Tulsa, Okl.ilioma, a fid absolutely, on the quality of the grains, grasses, vegetables ind fufits jn'oduced by dry iarming methods of Oregon, he won the grand sweep staked prize over Canada's 50,000 exhibit, ovw Sout America, Anstra l'a and evejy other state, in the union. The Great Norttlbm and Northern-Pacific railways each con. 1 1 United 250 towards the expenses or the exhibit. . . At the 'Chicago National Dairy Slum a pearling Jersey heifer, ex hilnted by Darrow, Stuipp, 12 year old son of J. B. Stump, of Mo'n mouth, Oregon, cturied oil th- tsweepstakes prize over cattle from all parts of the United States. Qre-" gon is going into the great Land Show to ire held in Chicago the latter part of this '111011111 and it is hilly xpected that her exhibit, which ij probably the' best ever as sembled by the state, will land the thiid prize of the series. Expeits declare thaj Oregon h?ks' the best climate in tfie world for the production of flajp and they confi dntially predict th it flax .and. flax mills,, willkhc to Oregon.what coyon and cotton mills have been to the south. A -Co op&rativiniaiiul.icl(ir ,iig fiun is Iwing promoted ";t Salem 'and 'I is expected to begin oper ations y itliiii'tlie near future Cfiarse ft ashes nixl,twines for sewingwlnSiit bags and for ui.ikTng nets will be the first articles turned out, but as soon as a market can be developed llf finer giffdes will he produced, such ;a linen, damask," tablecloths ond, towels. BAbout 1500 ai;res of flax will Ifts neede to Supply the first year's output of the factory. The theory that flag impoverishes file soil1 is an exploded theory, it is declared. On the contrary, it pre iQres thB soil for a heavy succeeding crop. The heaviest movement of Ore gon sheep and lambs ever known has been going on recently from Central Oregon points. Within a period, of ten days 32,000 sheep CAMPBELL APPMII . $ Head "of U. of O. WiDce Mis Appreciation to thift Pnpr , for Gdaod Work ,0trjn? The following telegrdin w.is'ie ceived ihis morning from Vies P. L. Campbell of fhe UniveisnS of "Oregon expressing nppiecialinn of he work done by the . Ri:cour:u br the University Appropr'a'tion 1 Bjlls. ' ' . The telegram follows: "Eugene, Ore", Nov. 6, 1913 Bandon ..Recorder, Bandon, Oie, Wejcel the splendid vote received by the University-in southern Coos is in no small degree due to the Vigorous defense by the RlccriUMCK ol the .cause of the boys, and girls Thti Univer.sitys"litbor for hese boy! and gills will now be redoubled r Your eflorts'liave .been appreciated" P. L. Camimiki.i,. were shipped from Bend to points in Monism where thcV wjll be fed fori a time on tVeirVay to thcChica gOMviarket. On October 21 twenty- eight dortblp deck cars were loaded wjth lambs, at Uondon, the ship ment amounting to 8,000 ljead, the largest taainload ever handled oti that branch. The lambs, were all, purchased within a radius of .jo miles of Condon and were Consigned to Billings, Moift. 'I hat the Dalles Lehlo canal will be ctimpletod and ready for the pass age'of boats in about another vear fs the opinion ol F. C. Schubert, of the Unile(f States Engineers, who h.itfhad charge of the work. Mth nea'tlo all of, tile government ap propriation available, labor plentiful. and weather conditions "favorable tbe fork is, being pushed forward faster than ever .before, and unless the June lise of the Columbia is no j iBiiii.ll' great, it is believed that nex , Fall will -see boats pas-sing freely ' fioinPorlland to points on the upper from Portland to points on the upper Columbia and Snake rivers. One acre of celery, grown -at ti -j short distance west of the city ot Hood River, is b'iug, gathered and marketed, mostly in Pjirtland, and the truck grower experts to itcrie ifrt les tljan"?2, 000 "from the crop. In addition to ?,elry he is raising tomitoes and tappers "both ol which are extremely .profitable . Stpmmler Byjino SitiJ. Portland Or. Nov. 5. Asvri t ing that he was removed from the manageshif) of the local branch of the K. C. niith it Bros. .Type wiiter Compony through a "itrsJir acy, If. E" StdJiiniler, ikav at Myrile Point has started suit against the company to recover $ 966.67. He alleges that part ol the money cl rim eil is lor-salary he w'buld have earn ed and pajt was his (jne-hall sRar.; on prifits on second hand inachiijes He said his salary was to be Sjoooa year and his contract to hold until August i.'iyi. ' oop Commercial Club Tonight. , Remember tonighf is regular meeting of the Bandon Commercial Club. Every member and visry body interested in boosting Bandrn should be present. m ' NEW START . j Trouble of Coquille ' Sc'iool Board Are Over.. I At a imeting of tljf sroi' O' I'Oi.o? 1 I . r.lrl liat 1lt.rrlH4 liunnimv afl wu of the lyurd reNtiv i i t' o'purcliaie ol tiie JJarrow & S'.r.-pg tr;ict . 1 re reminded; on motion 'ot H O An-dersP-n, tU- aew ('ir'e'.or. A ?."x start was then mdf by rtie adojst.vVj ol'a niotiot; to offer B'rroA' afid Strang $2500 for the V1. The evident intention is to follow the m"tfiod provided by law for the ac quisition of tfie nract, and if.&'n a'gteemeiip.with flic owners can not be reached in the matter of price, to take it b; condemnation peoceed ings CoiiulU' Herald, ' . .rv"r Governor" Loses No Time In j o Making Appoidments of Co. Attorney The County Aitorney Aft h.uing j coined at Tuesday s election by an overwhelming note. Governor Wt.t appointed County ,?torneys tor ftll counties on Wednesday Tiie Kirm e,? District A.ttorneys, twelve -in number will hold over as count at-' totney of the count in "which each resides."0 'in .i'ddUrwewr-ea new county attorneys were appoint ed. A. IJItqvist ol Coquille, formerly ih puiy ,.pi jsteutrng at torney for thwdrstrict was (point ed coimty attornev fftrCcOh" county. Mr. Lilies'i-i. wrfecrnu-.d as o n of the" liid;n vom!g attfrstysi Coos county nnd ha ee emmeni ly stiLcesstul us a prosecutor, ajid there i"s no qae io:i as to Ins miking good. . t . V, H 'Mered "n, who well renown in lia itiL nl avVryiprmid- ruie atwrney-wis. appo'ieu cnuni yi ittorney for Qirry couiuy f Neyr Bu'siUest Entarpme. W. G. Cadby, forme' ly ot Fl r- ence is openinq; uu .1 irauefs ex cbnnge in lhe oM wooScn m;n huid. Qn c;econd gtreet yT Cldl;y ,;n , u,lxr ,-,1 uu ullt 'tt ai.r " hll n.i u Sllt - ant a. C(; between lo"r buyer nd seller. ne ;)ls0 )aiue re4) v n 1 1 .1 . Inn nti , s r.p1 OUEflST . IS IMP 0 . Q O gets established he will conduct jn ' y Rrr.. nuigrn. auction sate once a month at v.lm ' I fining li.-ld, W, ivul it.Haloous time he hopes to havfarnv -r. bring popuUtio.? ot 3900 went iStf. in produce, live Stock e'tc. as we l j .New 00. t. a .summer resort on as town people lo b;mg their articlts.Vjqnirvi Bay, et.'. et, irc:nl. I itdem went dry and lhe saloon This is ol business that in J a cranng very popular (TFirougiroui the ci fiinVy and it will 010 Juitbt, meet with success here as s.ion as to under tbe gt nernl pubiic standing it. . " Railroad Velocipede- Banows it Fans have received ; railroad velgoipedS forHarry Keen ey, section foreman -yr theeeeley Hi & Anderson logging road. Iijb ihefSv ts. N. J. Crain and 'iff second first machine ol the hrnniilit in ttiiaeitv. kind ever BarrowsJt I-'aust areo'o0. "getting ln.anumminu machme for ounr ny'ng large croscut arrd other saws. They afe also $u pared to niffd broad axes," gnnftnon axes and in fact irTftst anythinrjinia(frnalje. They are nlsch conteiuDlatimf Ruttinn in a vulcanizing lant foltlit- purpose! of vulennisinjj auto tires, bicycler ttres etc. ,jment later,. T 1 ii f Asioe Frotti Prohibition' ' '. Fiojit Liitfe fhterost Was Taken . 48?. WET, . 240 DRY Compensation, Cou'nty Atlor ney.and on) U. of O. Act Carry Hero!' The eWtion in Bandon passed ' off v?r y quietly Tuesday and n ratber l!ghtvote was ppllerl0. Had it nol been for the wet and dry pfo iiiisluBnhere would have bepn vety little interest, but this set vel to keep tlvngs'warmed.np a little. 0 The vote was "overwljplmrrrgly wet4 being a majority of rnoreothan two to one. In the. west precinct the von- stood 243 wet snd 00 drj iiotlie east precinct' it was 76 wei and 1 50 dry, making a total c4 Sq wet ana 340 dry ot nine more than twu to one. Many people who woutd have voted"diy on a ctmnty or' stale proposition voted wet on the city proposition as they fe.lt it wnvld ' e a mistake to Vote Batidpn drj- wielt all the other towns In tho Tlie vote on the other prioilioiis was as folloivs- 0 State uSiversity building rerirr ' fu.J;west precincp, yes 197, no 157 east ffeci.0t, esi85( no T90 U" of C) new building appropri ation; weM pfecinct, yes 183, no 154 i.t preciict, yes 145," no 319 Steriliza'jon Art; west precinct, yes 13?, no east preoinct, yC " Count v Xttorney Act; west pre- Lcinct. yes ijy. no in; east precjnet -, W,i;men,s Cornpensati on .net ; jwest precinct, yes 331, no raa, eat picinct. yes 278, no ti8. State-Result.. A'l the. i.fefendum bills tfRrried ecept the sterifizaticti of criminals which was dete.ited. . The workmen's empention act rnVd ;wo to one. . . S.derfl wt nt dry Vhe Oilles went P!an t( co,lUcsp uleclion. jw . AJohaCiuo HolSs Patty. TV A"h club held, their first ca'd jM''y oi the sensijn at Odd ? ov. . liali Tucsd-iv night. Thwe iwere is tables present and an ex j cellist time ;n eu;oyed bv nil. IbNgant refreshments were seted ajr-r ford?. The first puz for LalifeSwas won b" Mru. C X. Low, wbljo Dr. hrensf n won tne genueman s nrit ' piTze and J,loward Johnstrirr cap 1 tureo tne seconj. e 0 rKx.- Jisk Ball phristmas Bv& Tre usual nasj ball will be Jjiyen by th3l51andon Son's of lteransf6r jhe benefit of Bandon Post G. A. R. atcbfbr more definite MBQunctt- o