Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, November 04, 1913, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, November 4k 1913
Page 2
Prelate Has Figured In Many
Big Controversies.
Activities H$ve Not Been Confined to
Church Work, but He Has Striven ts
Better Conditions In All Wrflks of
' LifS-Htfls an Opponent of the Sa
loon Was Chaplain During War."
St. Paul, M i nu. Archbishop .lolm
Ire'land, Is seventy-llvo yenrs old. yu
aolehrntca IiIr birthday recently In ii
simple fnntilon. lie hns had n long
earner Jn tilt! Catholic church In Anier
fcn, nnd, Ijls positive imtifro litis got
, Mm Into ninny national mid Injernii
tloiml controversies, some entirely re
ligious, otjiurii touched with politics
i He has teen culled "the brainiest innii
in the church 6utsldu of Koine.';
For more, than forty years he has
been cngn'ged fn some Intellectunl
struggle or another, now proclaiming
the tenets of the Itcpuhllcan party and
lashing -Its enemies, again defending
the popes ns'popos or defending "before
the.hlghcst trlhunals at Koine Ml" Ideas
ot church government In America and
tlie relations of church and state. No
flcld of Intellectual, political or spirit
ual cmfe&vor has escapes 1 his pen .or
'"tflotigMo. Ii'tonMihe pulpit of his entile
Qtri In St. Paul ho has attacked alike
The enemies oPhls church and his town
(Ductules In the church.
lie declared once: "There must al
ways he (Huong men nn uiicQunl dls
trlhutluu of the possessions of the
oartlr. and the rights of. property are
saercKl and cannot be violated. They
who wrest to themselves the "property
' oS others are robbers nnd, together
41101111181101' JOHN lltlSTiAKD.
wlth-otber rlolnt&rs of the divine law,
are excluded from, the kingdom of
. 'John irclnnd was born In Ireland.
The name, uncommon in these (fays. Is
.n old one ln Irish history Kilkenny
.' ii the place uf his birth. lie came to
this country with his parents In 1810.
Eventually t lie' Ireland made the stale
Of Minnesota their home. Very cauly
tn life he showed n desire to become a
churchman. After, an elementary edu
cation In the schools of Minnesota he
was sent to Crnnce, where Ije studied
IlJe classics nnd theology. Iteturylug
to this country, ho was raised to tho
priesthood in 1S02 by the (tight (lev.
Thomas L. Grice, then olsluip of St
At the ficgtnnliig of the. civil war he
"n's.sent as chaplain to the fifth regl-
merit of tlte Minnesota volunteers.
Later ho became. In uirn. pastor or the
enthednil at St Paul, condjutor bishop
ot that jiloceso nnd. on the deatji of
filshup Grace, the acttml ryler The
church In the far west giew stronger
under, hi, administration, and eventu
ally Stfanl was mndo an archdiocese
.frith Ireland as Its archbishop. Ills
thino ns an orator and publicist wan
widely ktrowu it this time.
A temperance ndvocitto, the arch
blshpp has given little or uo quarter
to the saloons or salooni keepers. The
saloon became n lending rujestlon In
'tint Catholic church lu tlflR. country
when Ireland wns a young priest In
IStM ft yvafi to the front ngnln. follow
ifig ft fierce onslaught by lilshop Wnt
terson of Columbus, O. .One of his
strongest supporters was irnlnnd.
Ulshop Wntterson withdrew his ap
proval from every Catholic society that
Admitted saloon keepers to member
ship. The archbishop was a member of the
commission appointed in 1001 to settlo
labor disputes, tie has lived to see his
ideas concerning the church and state
In this country approved not only by
tho Catholic Isidy In this country, but
after n long struggle by tho authori
ties nt Rome. One of tho most recent
utterances on the subject of American
ism was pronounced in a speech nt tho
last convention of tho Federation of
Catholic Societies
"In America," he said, "tho govern
ment Is the republic, tho government
of tho people by the people and for the
Secretary McAdoo Would Put Federal
Men In One Building.
Washington. Secretary McAdoo la
urging upon congress a plan to coin-
lilun fn ntin titlMilltltr 11m mill HI fir HtllfTS
I of the several executive departments
, IIo would utilize tho big structure
about to be vacnted by the bureau of
engraving and printing. While the cost
of remodeling would approximate si
000, ho declares the government would
save nbout $.15,000 a year In rent now
paid for tho use or quarters In liusl
ness blocks. 0
Auditors for the interior and nav,
departments now share one huljdltig
whHo those Tor tho state ana other in
nnrtments occupy another. The clerl
cnl forces are divided, and a loss I
elllclency Is the result, according
Mr. McAdoo. Furtnonnore. the secrc
tnry of flio treasury Is looking forward
to "a decided lnercnseln the trftisnry
auditing fjirce on ,the passage of the
new tariff law with Itsjiiconie tax pro
vision. e 00
Two Big Fraternal Associations May
Amalgamate, It Is Reported,
Chicago. Steps toward the-nnialg
matlon of tho National Fraternal Con
gress and the Associated Fraternities
of America were recently tirkcn By 300
delegates representing the two organ!
stations in separate conventions in ChV
cago. The membership of the societies
represented Is 'more tlufn COOOiOOO and
the combined insurance .more IJian
Iiciinomy In management and renter
elllclency are desires!. The Modern
Woodmen, Woodmen of the World and
Ilo.val Arcanum art among the orders
in me nrgiiiiiKimoii.
Farms For fjo't Drinbing
Smoking For Ten Years."
Sioux City. In. Ten years ago Kay
nnd Jay Garnett, brothers, of Sioux
City, pledged their word to their uncle
William 13. Garnett that they .would
not smoke, chew or drink Intoxicnting
liquors until they rerfched their inn,'
Jorlty. Tho tmclo promised a gift of
Importance in case they fulllHed their
contract . o
The period named In their promise
has ended, nnd to hold up his 'share of
the bargain William K. Gnrnett tleeded
to the brothers n half sectlon.of valua
Ulu land In Cass county, Minn., share
and share alike.
New field of Endeavor- For
- Those Afflicted.
IlnltimoA'. The Wind telephone gfrl
has come' to stay. Au exceptional
girl two years agjpassed the severe
tests of the work mm im since men
heou "a conspicuous example of whnt
the blind, when gifted In other ways,
may do. but now the Maryland School
For the Kllud has turned out live oth
er Well trained girls, and the uiafl
agers hellevu that they will lw nble to
open this field of tvork to many other
girls These six pioneers, who nro
leading the way for other blind girls
.of the future, nrp working with tho
regulation switchboards, but efforts
are being made toovolve n new kind
of board which frill g-eatly simplify
the training of the girls and Increase
their elllclency. .
The tnftst dllllcult board novrun by
blind girls Is that attheCentralVoung
Men's Christian association Tho
Young Men's riirlstlau association Is a
club, a hotel and n clearing house for
many lines of religious, social nnd nth
lctlc activities. Just as a hotel tt hiy;
about 'J00 rooms. The. building has
here pud thero eight pay stations, be
sides many houso telephones.
A member. of the association Is npt
to be In any ono of a score'or more
partsof the building when he Is n,skcd
.for" over the telephone Hut wherever
he Is Hie blind girl will find lilm. If
switching and asking and "searchliTg"
can locate Ulm. .What makes this po
sition dnilcult Is the fact there arc not
spparate phones In 'every room, hift
i only annunciators. lw. which n bell In
! n room may bo rung, summoning Jhe
roomer to the nearest telephone on his
floor. .
Lad Was Starved. In "Holy Ghoet'and
' . Us" Colony.
I.owlston. Mo CondltUins nt Shlloh,
tho colony of the "Holy Ghost nnd
OsJ' society, are to hp Investigated
ngnln as A result of chflrces by Mrs
Uoland Whittum of Hrunswlck that
her thirteen-year-old 'brother, (Iaydou
Jones, died of starvation ntSblloh.
Mrs. Whittum alleges fhat while her
brother was lll'no physician wassailed
nnd that no speclaj, treatufciit was
given him except that he was put on n
diet of corn mush, while two women
"healers" prayed over him. Tho lad
died on July 2'J. 0
Hurt Once In Fifty-five Years.
Hlnomlngton, Ind. - After working
steadily In the stone quarries of Mon
roe county fifty-live years Hnzey
Slinius. sixty-nine, met with his llrst
nccldent when nplnrge slab wns brush
ed off a flat car and crushed his right
leg Slums. Junqicd lu time to prevent
tho stouo from killing him.
Former Cornell President Tells
of Experiences.
Professor Schurman Impressed .With
Pravery andj Valor displayed In Most
Recent War Country Has Qpubled
In Area and Population Progress
Due Largely to Excellent Solfliers. o
' Now Gould0ScU.uriiifln
former president of Cornell university,
relates his experiences as minister to
Greece. nnd Montenegro, which culnil-
Iiaieu in njs 3iii-iiiiiK uiu mini Irani uui
or Solln wIimi the Hulgarlan capltnl
was shut off frtm the oitsIde world
Ho hns Just terinlnated his mission.
.'1 arrived nt SnlonlkKroiii Soda," ho
snld.- "on tho evening of the second
day of the first' great battle between
tht! Greeks ntid Hulgnrtnns. the battle
of the Killkls. All the trains from tho
north .were bringing, m wounded sol
dle'rs.- anil every cab in, the city was
Impressed for transporting them to hits
pitals. t had to walk to my hotel nnd
let porters carry my trunks. Next day
1 leartu-d that l!,r.H0 soldiers had been
brought In. and olllcial reports' after"
the thLrd day of the battle said that
10.000 (1 reeks hail been killed or woifnd-
ed while thy loss to Hulgaiia was still
flea viei
. "The fate of Hulgaria Is tragic. T
talked with the prime minister three
dajs before the light began. Hulgnrln
might have had from her allies with
si'arcely a worn of controversy all
n'itb,. IT,,.. f.nm rr.tlt.t.tltn n.wl
. 111 UU1UIU . I Wilt -L.,1111 L.IIJil lint,
tlm Hlack sea lis far west ns the ar-
(lar river, wllh the exception of Salon
fkl and a small blt to the igirch. Hut,
although this was tho larger shflre of
the spoll.H'Hu!gaiia Wonted more. She
iiislsted that western Macedonia, which
the Greeks "aiuli Servians had taken
,0-oiu the T'urks, sliould bo turned over
to her. In rylng to acquire this sipall
addition of territory she not only failed
in that "undortitUJug, but lost a large
part of' the territory east of tho Vardar
river which the allies Wbuftl willingly
have assigned to her In the beginning.
."As a result of the war wltlf Hulga-
rjn. Greet'o and Servia gaiift-d a large
portion of ihat territory on the west
ern side and the Turkish forces moved
northward to Adr auonle and we tin
Ut tilth AiTglan sea. After llgfitlng two
great wnrs.,speu(iing iiundrens of mil-
lions or tioiinrs nnd-losing many thou
... ...
sands of soldiers Hulgaria finds hersulf
Impoverished. with only n fraction of
the addltioing territory whlcli would
mve comt! to her without effort of cost
prior to her wai'iipon the.alllps.
Greece has m-actleally doubltul her
nreit and population.. Her sifecess hns
teen due to tne valor or Her soldiers.
the mlllt.trly genius of King Constan
tino and the capable admfiilstratlon of
'rime Minister VeulKclns. She had
promise the allies at.the lieglnu'.n of
the war to put HJri.OOO soldlers'lntff the
Hold She actually had 'jr.O.ono, and
tills nnmber she retained In the. war
with Hulgaria.
"I think the modern "Greek soldiers
were as bravo and heroic as their an
eestors who fOught nt Marathon nnd
Sahunls. .King Constantino, i tmppose.
s the one monarch lu the world cnua-
ilo of lending the armies of Jtls coun
try In time of war. Prime Minister
Vtflilzeloa has shown himself a states-
miyi and administrator of the llrst
link. Were, he active In one of the
great countries 1 have no. doubt he
would Do a dominant International
Hog ancfDog Are Chums, o
Onllfonl, .Mo. ,U Sniuij-HliIrP farm,
iji'iir here. Ih the liirscst Iiok In Mis-
snurl. It Is (if tho Poland Clilvyi breed
mi weighs ii)0 pounds nnd Is seven
feet live liifhes lonq and three feet
four Inches high. The aiiiullest part
f Its leg is eleven Inches 10 circum
ference, o 0
The hog, which answers to the uicne
f "A Wonder's Kmial." Is gentlo. His
friend Is a tiny dog, which visits the
ot every day, where he leaps upon tho
uieU of the ho ami rides urouud the
Ba n d6o ti 's"Ei
'Dry Qoods-Cl
0 O . t
The StocK' Has Ikc i'lacwl
" - " - - - i nrnnmifii-fti i Tntir n in ri iiwji iiimi xum ULULminBi'm jbiotu iiJiJjjiirirTiriJDriT-'i ni
As is ucll known tUk stock is maU up t-ntiroly of hih rude nicivliandtsc. The
store is one of the largest and finest in tiatuloit, ami it is the intention of '
the I3an(lonIry ootLs Co-, to greatly increase the stiw.k, adding important lines
which ace .now being purchased. .It h 1x;e decide. tTtaJ ALL GOODtS 'now '
'in stock slralNhe CLOSKD'OU'I" and :t new pace set wiflr. brand new crocks all '
fh'rough. 1 am mv gt-iiig liro;gh elic xtort from emf to end re-afranging the
stock and jnarking t?ie side fict-s In red, Every article in the stort; reduced.
Come in Monday morning and buy high-class omis cheaper than you cvjer even
l reamed. Look for the red figures'. THis sale is the real thing, he sur to come
and you-'ll he glad yofj cariie and more than glad to buy, . .
' ; YguII Be Eager To Buy. . ' '
. IKKt bargains ever offered in tkndoiii Ladies Suits, Coats, Sweaters, Waists,
. Putticoatfi, Shoes, Mosiury, Untlerwear, Raiiicwts, Umbrellas; Men and. Boys
uits. Pants, Sluits,. Sweaters, Hats, Ciloves and Shoaia. Ilfess-Citjotis, Silks,:Out
ing Flannols,t Ginghams, I'ercales; Calicos, .Linens, 'towels, Sheeting, Blankets,
Comforts, Corsets, Riblxms, Laces, Embroideries,- tiloves. Furs, Chik'ltreii's Wear
of all kinds. . . . .
included in this sale. Make out a list, buy your uintef supplies here and save
money. Store closed all day Saturday, -Nov. -Hlh. ' ' "
L B. LARSON, Sales Manager
A Gf eat -Building IFoIIb.
when its foundation is iimlermintxl.
and if the foijiul.itiorsif health ;ckh
digestion is attacked, quick col
l ipse follows. On the fi.t .ligiw; of
indigestion, Dr. .Jin's .New iMe
Pills should be taken to toneth
stomach and. regulate liver, kiflnys
and bowels. Pleasant, easy, safe
antl only 35 cents at all'druggists.
-A tT
Do you know what we ntd In taoiuUig tM toouV
W Bhouhl orgntUze nl the mm into GHSAT KWSIIWH OV PUOUllCSS
and then get enough steao In r tulU'r t( tunMr tn tMiig .
The locoraotlv hiu trauafofnotl ttt world,-hai livopM fh 1Wwii
built great eiUes. eart UO .5l to ot Xit tnrtti, awt ffl
boom all nroiiufl tli plrjnl
It has done thes thlnj htraiw II ! rO'K. nu tt MOVffia (t
la an Iron and Bteel narnwi ylei 6a tfc ( of TaMW M t oreanUeS te
go in deDnite direction n& xfow aeflaite Uttt&
Wo need tonARNS:s& HtJMAS fit o sfl n UflnIt OS
rctlons and tasks to .jwtfartu. ' (
"to build n human ila ttct rii utril fht fqwn nf th fo 0 urouros
wp must all work togeiha. tt't tou1
bis allotted partoof tb 4Ai tftt y "taml.cel.w th twn ot onorgy, pull
open tho throttle jijd inet tMa. , f . ' .'. .
Toot-toot! "Alt aboard 'the 'boosting train !0 0
Now, all together! Pull for new people, new business! 0o 0
Pull For a Bigger
Moiielav.Nov 1 CI
- -
--AT THfc
m ika i)i 1. tk i.arstm f
Only a Fife Hero,
but the crowd cheered, i. with
bnrnid h(Hi!i, he hld ut a small
fouijtJ,l)o, "Feltows!" he sh(Mte(S,
"this Hitck-len's Af.i i" Salve i hold,
hs. vverythinpf l)e;4 ftwr irn."
KirIii! also iat lwitv ulcrfs, Mrn,
pimples,, ftv.em.', . cuts, spraitw,
bruises. Surest pile cure. If sub
dues inflammation, killnpain. Only
25 cens at :ill druiigists,
'-ii1-f"''l'ayyha ""ZS- lifJiit'f tilts ffr-Vir--"i"T
vrganlne aa ttixt weo man rtll hav1
andBetter Town I
gg e $i
S a 1 e
O o
at 8:00 iim.
MafslifitiUl, ir. ipr-This Sale
Ftafigcd Ttaii Witb'Shirt.
?eri!in a shirt frdm his back an
Ohio map flagged train and sAvtd
from wreck, but 'U. T. Alston;
Kleifjh, N..C, once ptevejited a
wrecfe ith Efeclric Hitters. "I wi
in a terrible plight when I Jiegjm id
thnn,'; he writes, '.'my stomach,
bead, bacfa and kidneys, tfcre all
ha1l(i affected and my liver wa$ in
bal condition, b.irt four Iwittles of
Klecrie tlitters made me .frel like a
new iua." A trial' mill
jf(Ui ot their matchless merit for an?
stomach, liver (r kidney tronble.
rnoe 50 mi's at a" driytKisrs.
Porto Rica'a Now Wonder. '
From, Ur away Porlo Rico ' come
reorts of a wonderful iiew disrpverv
that s I'elivverl wi" vastly benefit
the people. Ratuon T. Marehii.i..'
of liaicelonrta, riles ."Or. Km's
New.Discovery is iloiu splendid
ooik hrre. It cared me about five
tin?,M terribly coughs ! -id coh's..
No niv broth'e of a
Jus ri'. 1 and n'ore than 20 ctheis,
who its :l it on my advice. We
'Hope this ureal medicine will be sMd
in e.very drug store fp -Porto R1co."
ror jliroat and Itiiiu troubles thcie
is nothing better. A trial will con-.
vince you ot lismerit, sooand 10
Trial boitle free. Guarranteed by
?'' drni'oisls
. A Njght of Terror.
. Few nihls are more terrible tlu 1
that of a mother looking on
child choking and gasping for breath
duryiy an attack of croup, and
nortiing in the house to relieve it.
Many mo'hejs have passed nig fits of
terror in this .situation A little fore,
thought will enable you to avoid all
this. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is a certiin cure for croup and has
nevee been known to fail. Keep it
at h ind, For sale by all dealers,