Semi-Weekly Bandon RcorrJer, Qctoher 33, 1913 Page 2 SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER Published Every tfuesdjiV and Friday by the Recorder Publishing Company. t- i .1.. i.,.,.ir; -it Kiiiilnn. Oi'ccon, aj Mail r.iucrvu nit ' " C. E. KOrF, Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance., Advertising rates made known on application OFFICIAL PAPER OF Eight -Hour Law May Be Taken Into Courgfl Salem, Ore, Oct. 22. or not the eight-hour law is arfplic aDlc to laborers employed at the stole institutions is the question whirl, is puzzling members of the State Bor.rd of Control, and which it will be called opon to decide when it holds its next meeting. Contending that the measure ap plies lo all persons who perform man ual labor, whether they are employ ed directly by the state or by con tract, the Labor Commissioner a tveek or more ago asked the board to comply with the law. The board asked for time in which to examine the law, and make an investigation as to how much of an observance of it would increase the maintenance cost of the state institutions, and with these now completed, the board will hold a meeting when State Treasurer Kay returns Irom South crn Oregon. The members of the board seem to take issue with the commissioner in the construction of the law, 'and everythfng would now seem to indi- ' cate that they will not comply wfth his request. They contend that it was only intended to apply to labor employed by contract, and that where the state directly employs la bor, no matter what its class, the law does not ' apply. The Labor Com missioner siys that he has carefully .examined the law and is satisfied his position is correct, anu 11 is uareiy possible that he and the members will carrv the controversy to the" Insurance VCdmpany has been climbing lilefireJiruurance ladder until to-dav'it "Minds at ( ,. .i--'m ti the itop. Mn the volume' of fire protection Its gives theAmeiican people it llstandsaDove every joiner fire t'msurancecornpany. $lftienvyou peed fire iriranoe E. E. OAKES. ABSTRACTS Bnndon Branch Office of Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. (Henry SeiiKstackcn, Mgr.) McNair Hardware Building In charge P. H. Poole. Economy Promptne Reliability Cedar Hill Dairy Farm J. F. VanLcuven, Prop. Fresh Milk and Cream de livered daily at your door in any part of Bandon. All orders given prompt attention . Phone Rural 29 veare me 11 ur l iuitll it ue Matter of the Second Class Managing Editor. THE CITY OF BANDON courts for adjudication. According to the superintendents of the various institutions the ob servance of the law would so increase t'icir maintenance cost that all at the end of the biennial period would (i d themselves confronted with large de ficiencies. Myrtle Point Items. Mrs. Mary Dietz, widow of Chas. E. G. Dielz, died at her home in litis city Tuesday evening October 21st, 1913 at 9 o'c'ock after an ill- npsi of three .vetks Mrs. Dielz was 66 years. 5 months and 21 days old at the time of her death. Mary Ellen Wilbur was born in Boston, Mass.. Aoril .to. 1847, came to California with her parents at the . . age of five years. She was married t Chas E, , Qictfjin . Sacramento county, Cr:;Wch 3. 1868, they movecf'io Gbbs county, Ore gon,' in July ot the same year, and resided on the lower Coqnille river until the year 1882, when they moved to Myrtle Point where she h?s since resided. To this union eight children were born all of whom survive, except an infant Jane E who died August 15, 1881. The living are Joseph E. of Sac ramento county, Calif., Mrs. Chasj Dodge of Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Lewis Sculley of Berkley, Cal. Mrs. Fftd Kirk of lone, Cal., and William E. Samuel Eand Gustave E. of this city, The children were all with her at the time of her death. Funeral services were held Thursday, Octo ber 23 at 2:00 p. m. at the Latter Day Saints church, the sermon was( preached by Elder E Crumly, assisted by Elder A. A. Baker. Waste From Desks Goes Into Brushes. Waste wood in tke manufacture of school desks :s now being used for the backs of cheap brushc, accord ing to the statement of the forest service. A large manufacturer of school desks in Michigan had a consider able amount of waste material in sizes which weie too short to enter into the manufacture of the smallest desks, and could not be utilized further with his machinery or in his line of work. This material was all h ircl maple in piecrs an inch thick, a foot or so long, and about three inches wide; for a long time it had ben consigned to the waste pile and sold as firewood. This waste amounted to from one thousand to fifteen hundred board feet each day5. A nearby manufacturer was using practically this quantity of maple, which he was sawing up into small pieces for making the backs of cjieap brushes Members of ie forest service, investigating methods of elimina ting factory waste, conceived the idea that the blocks used by cthe brush factory could be readily se-J cured from the waste ot the school desk manufacturer, and on this basis got the two together. Ar rangements were made so that the brush manufacturer now places or dess witu the otner tirm lor its raw material and what was formerly waste is now a source of profit. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heart felt thanks to all the friends and es pecially the I. O. O. F. who so kindly assisted us durng the sickness and death of our beloved father and husband. Mrs. Helena Cremens, Mrs. Joseph Rassette, Mrs. Anna Clear v, New orders of bicycle repairs of all kinds constantly arriving. Will take orders for bicycles of any kind, 9otf S. D, Barrows. Notice of Street Work. Notice ii hereby given: That the Common Council of the Cily ol Bndnn, Coos County. Oreaon. dccm it expedient and neeej.nry tn im prove l:in."T STREET FAST from if in twetinn wiili theFnit lin ol AILilumi -v n ue in ihe Additpn lo B'nd.m mi tefly to ihe Wot line of HUmorc ' enue nl the cost and expense of the owners ol lt, pitlt ol lots and ttaclt ol laud included in the improvement district lo be known as Jo"' ,n provement district No. 17, which dislr'ct em braces all ol the property on either side ol siaid First Street East and abutting theieon between the East line of Alabama Avenue to the West I n. n( Killmnrf. Avnn ftnm In mnnnnal line of said First Street East back to ihe center of, Ik. blnrt or blnclct abutting thereon. Said im provement is to consist substantially of building on elevated roadway (bridge) on the same in ao cordance with the plans and specifications for said improvement as prepared by the City En gineer, adopted by the Common Council, filed in the office oft)hei Cily Recorder and there open lo the inspection of all persons intrrcsted therein, all of said imptovements are lo be built on the eslabliihed grade of First Street East. The total cost of said improvemfhts is estimated to be $10,743.90. Any objections to said im provement (if any exists) must be filed in writing with the Cily Recorder of Dandon, Oregon, by the owners of TWO-THIRD.S in the area of il.c nrnrwMv within the abovO assessment district pas described on or befote Nouember 14, 1913. Tlii nnlicp ss niven imrtuanl. to a resolution of the Common Council passed upon 1 fit day oPOctober, 1913, at a regular meeting thereof. o Dated this 28th day of October, 1913." E. B. KAUSKUD. Cily Recorder, First Publ. Oct. 28, 1913. Last Pul,l. Nov. 4. 1913. Notice to Creditors. .Notice is hertfliv iriven to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against tl.ivr rloiiiitn. cnmrtim., t nntVIl HS .1 ..iblllbll. miiiivuiu.a ph enrv Chlciucns. deceased, that the. under i ...i ' .I...:-:.. 2... : ..r Rigticu lias ccu aiuHiiiiii'ii auniiiiiauaiiiA i the Sstate of said deceased by order of the 'CouiitCoutt of the State of Oregon fur Coos County, and has duty qualified as sucn auiuiiusiniiix, ami un pcr&uus ii.i.m claimso'igainst said deceased or against his estate are hereby required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months fioni the date of this notice to the undersigned at the office of G. T. Tttnii gold, attorney for said administratrix in Itandon, Coos County, Oregon. Dated and published for the first time his t24th day of, October, 1913p ANNIE CLE ART, Administratrix of the estate of Henry Clemens, sometimes known asjlenry Chlemens, deceased. Oct 24-Nov. 21-F In the Circuit Court of the State ipf Oregon for Caos County. Geo, W. Moore Lumber Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, vj 0 D. R. Bascum and Anthony Beeler, and the Coquille Mill Ac Tug Company, a corporation Defendants SUMMONS To D. R. Bascum and the Coquille Mill oc-Tug Company a Corporation, Uetendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order, for the publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day of the time so prescribed, the plaintiff lake judgment atraint you and will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in lis complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: For iudsement reainst the deiendanls Bascum anr. Beeler foi the sum of $139.80, with interest at the lgal rate from and after Septemer 24th, lyiJ. togetherwiUTS? reasonable attorneys lees and the costs and disbursements of this suit and a decree (orclosing ihcplaintiff's lien, as against all of the defendants in this suit upon the prop erty described as a shingle mill, constructed and' being upon a portion of Lot one, in section thirty, township twenty-eight, south pf range fourteen west ol the Willamette Meridian, standing on the right bank of the Coquille River, opposite the sawmill of the Ceo W. Moore Lumber C?omtiAnv. near tn lhr. Town nt Ban don. Coos County, Oregon, together with the land upon which same is constructed, including a convenient tpace around said mill as may be "Vquircd Tor ihe conventient uses and occupation thereof, de scribed substantially as commencing at a point one hundred feet north of the said building, running thence east to the Coquille River, thence southerly along the Coquille River one hundred feet, thence to a point one hundred feet sdutn west of the said building, thence to the place of beginning including all appurtenances, fixtures and hereditaments for ihe satufaction of ihe slid judgment, and the lien of plaintiff with costs, disbursements and attorneys fees. 0 This snmmons is served upon you pursuant lo an otder of the above entitled Court, mafle and entered on I6lhday of October, 1913, and re mitting the publication hereof in the Bandon Recorder, a semi-weekly newspaper, once a week for 'the period of six weeks; the dale of ihe fust puhlicatiortidrihis summons is October 24, 1913. 0 o G. T. TREADGOLD. Attorney for Plaintiff Tost office address, Bandon, Oregon. Oct 24-Dec 5F. 0 o Miss Simpson GRADUATE NURSE Phone 934 o Everything For Everybody at THE RACKET STORE Courteous Treatment Lowest Prices CO Bandon o f 0 . Wee have over Ivtfo hundred designs with prices to suit till 8 From $L0(Ho $!2.0e0 each y C o ,m It 1 i n oi V i. I I i a" m s osji Pen Guaranteed o v e r BANDON. TBe best is not too good (faf your eyes. Tl?y flic! ' MRS. W. W. WOLFE INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO . PURE DRUGS Do you want puf e dfugs .and' drug sundries, fine perfumes, feaii? brjushgs and toilefi arti cles? If .so, call on Dandon, Qlfegoft MpsGuy'EKpple Spirella's CofEetcicc tmONC 714 To Save tifo first and property .aftcrwafds as the jireinnn's duty. Tour, duty to see rinrt in ense of fire yofyr loved ones setb not made homeless and iraniiihs. Qrder a (ire lnsuranue policy from us today. Every day's delay means the risk of see ing your family without a home or the means oTgetriijg o one. DOnald MaicKiaiiCosto Brown &-QibsGH' The Leading Contractors and I3uijdcr& We furnish plans and speck 0 fications and it yon are0(fl. ing to build anytlRnp. ncv matter how large or how small, we can save you, money. Let fis fiRtire on your buildihg. POHL Do You Want a . So Call At The & o Drug. Company am Says: The volume' of business ... a . . are aoing attests excellence of G. W. Wands i'U JC" BANDON TRANSFER LINE GATCHEtL BROS., Props. All kinds of lica.vy and light lifaying. Phone orders given .prompt atf&ition. liarn Gor.' First & Spruce St., Fish Property PIToklii 041 WHO? fs always ready to w;u't on ami jpve ymi service tnery hour of the tlay or iiitrht IicH'ccn you aivJ your hake , hutrhei, fire ilejiartuient, doctor, (jrocer, polict ilciiattinci't, ami hundreds of your friends; of course it is the ' TELEPHONE'- if you have none already let us install one for yoiiaud see how nuich better and safer you will feel, Rales and information Mipplied by .our, local manager COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO.1 Main Office: Marshfield, Ore; Stratdial Real Estate and Investments Choice f of tns, stqch ranches, city property and business investments. We npo ngenls foe some of the best' tire insur ance companies' in America. Vc olsa furHisIvabstrnct of title on short notice. Wc can save you time and . money. Give us you business and keep your- ' money nt home. iicUm (puDcliysing elsewhere scc'ns. Office Hank IJnilding. 33. Stmulial and Dippel Bandon, Oregon PLyMBlNCS BANDON HARDWARE COMPANY Subscribe for the Recorder Baiidon's real newspaper. and methods MOORE LUMBER CO.: Dippel in Old BUILT TO. LAST is.the only kind worth its price. Pipes that constantly JeaJ flues that refuse to draw -are, a continuaj expense and trc?uhle. The next time you need plumbing wprk why oiiot try the experiment of finding out why our work is. so highly spoken" of. All , work (lone by us is absolutely guaranteed.