Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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    . -i, o fc.. i 4
j- -
Council at Meeting Wed
HEday Night Let Sewer
and Street Work.
The city council met in regular
axrjourne'd session Wednesday night
$ith all members present.
Contracts for sewer and street
contracts to the amount of over
$30,000 and passed the budget for
the year 19 14.
Franklin Ave. sewer contract com
prising district No. 1 . and the Ban
don flights ,contract comprising
district No. 2. were both let to
George P. Laird tor $6,723 78 and
$2 257.16 respectively.
The contract for grading June
Ave. in Bandon Heights was award
ed to J, M. Adams for $1,682.78.
0 The contract for First Street East
along the new school house was let
to Kay & Luke for $i,353.22-
Webb & Howell secured the con
tract for Baltimore Ave. for
The contract
Thitd Street
P. Laird for
East was let to
fta8 14.0
The bids on First Street in North
Bandon Heights were considered
too high by the council and it was
and it was decided to readveitise
fofcbids on this street.
The proposition of paving First
sjreet was agiiin t-iken up and the
city engineer was ordered to make
ospecifications for paving, the same
as Marshfield now has.
O "
Tgio lights were ordered in no
Chicago Ave. and the engineer was
' ordered to prepare specifications for
die improvement of a portion of
thai street, s
cfhe budget for the year 1913 was
read and provided for an 8 mill levy
ancPlt was considered that if the
saloon license were taken away at
the coming election that at least an
other 8 mill tax would have to be
voted at once, making in all a 16
mill tax and a special tax will have
, to be imposed upon all business
l5r. Houston Returns.
0 Dr. H. L'. Houston and family
returned on the Fifield from San
Francisco where they had been for
the past two months, during which
time the doctor has been taking up
pme special work in Hospital lines
nnd getting acquainted with the new
jerum treatment for various diseases
Th? doctor was associated with
Dr. Coffey and others of the leading
San Francisco physicians while there,
le spent consjderableof his time in
the bjg S. P. hospital, which is said
to be the finest in the world. He
also visited all the other leading
hospitals and took note of the work
, oon
o At the Grand.
Beginning today the Grand starts
on the exclusive licensed program
of 28 reels per week. Saturday
and Sunday nights will be feature
nights lour reels of specially select
ed pictures will be offered. Ad
mission for Saturday and Sunday
nights will be (5 and 10c balance of
the week 10c and 5c. All two reel
specials shown during the week will
be included tn the regular program
at no additional admission charge.
Next Sunday we offer a special two
reeler, A Mexican Bull Fight, some
excitement all the time, Watch for
pther bif features.
Republicans Lead With Dem
ocrats Second and Soc
ialists Third
Registrar C. B. Zeek reports the
total number of registrations in the
east Bandon precinct as 412, of
which 233 are Republicans, 76
Democrats, 45 Socialists. 38 Pro
gressive and Prohibitions and 20 In
dependents. The registration in the
wesj precinct according to Registrar
E E. Oakcs was 279.
Misses Dorothy and Zettie Gibson
will leave overland tomorrow for
San Francisco where Miss Zettie
will enter a hospital to take a nurse's
training course and Miss Dorothy
will yisit friends.
If You Havn't Registered
You Can Vote by Being
Sworn In.
Those who can vote at the special
referendum election of November 4th
are as follows: Men who have not
registered under this law but who
did vote at the last general election,
when Woodrow Wilson was chosen
president; men or women who have
not registered under the new l.iw but
who will sign '-'Blank A" at the polls
and be i.wom in by the clerk of elec
tion. Six freeholders must act as
witnesses in such event,
This will be the first election at
which women jvilPhave an opportun
ity to vote upon state measures.
The registration of women is not
great. So little campaign has been
made in connection with any of the
five measures under consideration
that thousands of women failed to
The suffrage leaders, like Mrs.
Abigail Scott Duniway, of Portland
the clubwomen of practically all Ore
gon towns, and mothers of children
generally have all been urging upon
their voting sisters to stand behind
the University of Oregon bills as a
means of demonstrating women's de
sire for that improvement in socsal
and general living conditions that
follows advancement of general edu
cation in a state.
Pennant Fight.
Henry Kern, president of the
Coos county baseball league, wis
unable to bring about a settlement
of the differences about the $250
prize money in his trip to ( oquille
and the absence of R. E. L. Bedtl
lion upsi't all the plans for an ar
rangement. It is now advocated on
the bay the best plan is to combine
the $too, second money, and fight
the Bandon manager's suit against
President Kern, and it if pos
sible. Whether this action will be
taken oj not, cannot he said for a
certainty, but there are a number
who favor such a proceeding.
Record.' ,
" CC'',
Miss Miidred Morse has accepted
a position in Avetill's dry goods
Former Bhndon Man Asjfs
$10,000 for False Irfl- "
prisbnme nt 0
The Coos Bay.Timea of a lucent
. ... r
issue has the following despatch
from Mcdford. concerning L. I.
Wheeler of this city.
"A year or two ago L, I, Wheel
er, a grooerat Bandon, was arrfcu'.d
and taken to Medford 011 suspicion
thaP he knew something fibout the
murder junldcalej- there. Later,
he was exonerated. Nfw he has
commenced snit for damages as is
shown in the following dispatch from
Medforfl for which erroneously
gives Wheeler's home as Marslifield:
Suit lus been filedin the Circuit
Court by L. I. Wheeled, of Marsh,
field, against former Sheriff Wilbur
Jones for $10,000 damages for al
leged false imprisonment in 1 911,
when Wheeler was held five days in
the county jail as a "suspect in the
Nathan Rogoway murder case.
Mulkey andcCherry of this, city re
present the lormer0 cSunty official,
and Sperryand Hammond oj Marsh
field the plaintiff." 0
"The suit complaint alleges noth
ing farther than the imprisonment.
The Rogoway murder has never
been solved. "When.Fred Seymou
alcnSoParker, sentenced to die for
the Dedaskalous murder next Fri
day with Spanos" made his first con
fession to Sheriff Jones, he said he
hud killed an unknown man near
where Rogoway's body found
at Kingsbury Springs, near Ashland
but nothing corroborative of the
claim was ever found. Wheeler
was hetd as a suspect for five days,
then released, any1 it is for this time
that he asksTinancial Surcease "
BooIud Will Not Bo Given
Out Buf Roading 3oom
Will RemainOpen
The Bandonrpublic library will be
open Sundays frum now on at tKe
sune hours as on week days. No
books will be given out lSlit all who
desire may have the privilege of the
reading room rfs same a3 any other
AbouP 20 new books have been
donated recentlys as, fellows: (Babs
the ImprssibPe, VJcnr "of Wakeicld.
Ben Hur, In the Palace of the Kinjf,
A Study in Scarlet, The Sjgn of the
Four, the-White Company, The Mis
sissippi (Hubble, The Sunset Trail,
Windsor Castle, Bahama Bili. West
brook Parsenage, Wlien Wilderness
was King, A Hard Norseman,
Alice of Oftl Vincenneg, The Last
Days of Pompeii, Irene of the
Mountains, Tales From Shakes
peare, Tjhaddeus of Warsaw, Sarah
DillanPs Ride.
The library wishes to thank M.
B, Pressey and Miss Margaret La
mont and others for these new books
Mrs. C. Mayne Knight arrived'on
the Speedwell to join her husband
Mr. Knight, the new pastor of the
M, JE. cHurch. - -
AT 0. L'C.
Every County5 in State Rcpjg-
0 sented, as well a? Stated
0 and Foreign Eancls.0
' o
Oregon Agricultural CoffegefCofr
vallte, Or., Oct. 30. FoT the fourth
pime iiPthg last five ye'us th
u stu-
drill body of the college
every ' county in Oregon, a large
majority of the states of the union,
yid many foreign nations. Mult
nomah leads the conntios outside of
Benton, California the talcs out
side ol Oregon, and Canada tlie
foreign nations, in" the number ol
Students supplied. o
There ire 93 students froni Cali
fornia, 79 from Washington, 26 from
Idaho? n from New York, 8 from
Illitjois, 6 each fromjndiana, Massa
chusetts .'aid Kansas7 and 5 each
from Montana and Ohio. In alr"3i
states are represented. Canada hSs
senj 7 student, Hawaii 6, India and
Japan q eadi, China 3, Russia 2,
and Greece and the Phillipines 1
leach. o . 0
The number of students enrolled
in the regular' course prior to Octo
b r 16. wns 1419, an increase of 21
per cent over the number at the
corresponding date last yeajj. There
wer8 187 enrqfled in the summer
session and much larger 0numbers
are expected trregister for the win
ter sljpfl. course and "for farmers'
week. All these classes of students,
together withj the expected increase
in the fifll year enrollment, will lying
the entire number of students doing
leSidence work at tins 0 college to
about 3000. The senior cjass is the
largest in the history of the school,
and it is expected that there will be
abouP 175 graduated next spring.
Estabrooh Carrier Loaves
"Today Witho550,ampj
Feot of Lumber 0
The Fifield sailed today with 550,
000 feet ol lumler, jjic biggest load
she has taken out of this river. Thty
Fifield also carried abooto tons of
miscellaneous freight and the follow
ing passergersfc HChesSojj, .J. H.
Barry, Geyj. P. Laird, Ali Zada, VV.
B. .Woodruff, H. Hunt, A. Nielsgfl,
M. Fogle, F. S. Sieper, Wm. San
don, H. O. Brier, S, Rodegoj:. Geo.
Karadas, J. Roch, E. Sanchez, C.
A. Anderson, O. Munson.
The Elizabeth will leave San
Francisco for Bandon rOmcgrowi
ThecEHzabeth sailed Tuesday with
296,0$ feel q lumber 20 tons of
miscellaneous 'Irt ijhj and 25 pas
sengers, e
O pQ
tfiss . A. Crain, who has been
visiting hj brother, N. J. Cra.n anJ
family during the summer, left og
the Speedweell for southern Califor
nia where sfie will spend thg winlejj
Miss Crain made manjj friends while
here who will be glad to see her re
turn at any time.
Attorney C. R. Barrow of Co
quille was in Bandon yesterday o
egal business;
-. big mm
Street Improvements Havel
w o
0 Started Several Legal
0 Battles. c
Tlie city of Bandon Ras a number
or cases0pendin in court at the
present time. The Sixth street case
which has begn hanging fire so long
comes up for argument in tire Su
preme court in the near future. 1
0 Other cases pending are the'First
StreeP cae which has recently been
instituted and the case of Bandon
vs. Mae L. Walk er on the Atwgter
Street proposition and the caseol
the city ol 'Bandon vs. the Bandon,
Water Co. for the inninment ol
franclyse, and we understood tfiat
thre is to be at least one moceccase
Pled in the near future.
Oregon Universities Ne?ed
, More Room For all Tohose
who.Would Attend.
0 00 ,
The University, of "Oregon has al
ways been forced, under a system
prevailjng shie1 1873, to, ask each
legislature for funds. with which to
operate during another two years.
TJlie Oregon Agsicultural College
has bean compelled to do tbea same.
These, maintenance bills have fr
queptly become the storm center 01
the political struggles whhiu the
legislature. The University aijd
the Agricultural College, therefor
have constantly been accused of en
gaging in politics'and of the unaca-
deiflic practice of political atrading;'
and their dignity and usetulness
have been correspondingly impaired.
Passage y the I9i3jegislatt)re of
the millage bill provided for auto
matic maintenance of each institution
after next year. A fraction of a
mill on eacji state lev wasset aside
for the University and a slightly
larger fraction of a mill for tlfe Agri
cultural College. Thus, as the state
crows, the two ereat schools are
exacted to expand. The legisla
turescjince9o8 have at each session
passed bills providing suqh addition
al room but e.icli time a band of
persons hostile to the University on
personal nroifhds have invoked the
referendum., Thisyear Uni
vcrsitj Wjith double the attendance
it had in 1908, and with the largest
freslfman class in its history, x hold
inn classes in a'l sorts of unsuitable
places, while waiting a facorable
verdict from the5 'peoplg so it can
ImiIU "0
To the
University of Califc
(dojje, this fall, went 74 students
from Oregon. To the University of
Washington, to l.eland Standard
University and to numerous eastern
institutions, went hunflrlds of others.
These students should d)e kept at
home and educated to 0understand
afid to assist in solving the problems
ol their home state. They are, how
ever, loath to regbter in an institu
tion where the voters have not yet
frowned upon attempts tP kill it,
and where the "uo rortm" sign may
have to be hung out any time.
To sustain the two modest ap
propriations, the money for which is
already provided lor. vote "yes";
to vote "no" is to vote for the referendum.
o e
lew Petitions Calling For
Special 0Road Election;
0 Are 'Ou t. " .
L. A. Liljeqvist, Deputy prosecut
ing Attorney ,announres that he has 1
pcompleted drafting the petitions call
ing a special election in Coos Coun
ty to vote on a goodroad bond i3
sue. JTdie previous petitions for the""
election were thrown, oirt, bemuse
they asked for, two4 large a bond 'is
sue and on account of oilier defects.
The new petitions specify a bond
issue ol $440,000, which is'two per
cent of the assessed valuation af the
country under cthe new assessment
being $22,000,000. ,
The date for the election is to be
fixed latet. The petitions are to be
circulated by the Cons County Good
Roads Association and will prbbab-
ly be preselu to the County Com
missioners at their December meet-
The law provides tfiat eaeh signer
must sigfnis name'and postofnee
address in full, ditto marks for the.
post office address not being legal,
Coos B$y Tsmes.
Real Estate Transfers.
Following are some recent trans- ,
fers of Bandon property registered
at the county clerks office and re
ported to the Recprder by P. H.
Poole of Ihe Title Guarantee and
Trust Go."
L. C. Gibson et ux to E. .A.
Philpott, warranty deed, parcel of
land in S. E. corfier of lot 2 in tle
N.W. H of N. E of section'3o- '
28-14 On 5 acres.
Geo, J. Laird to Elizabeth Mc
Lean, warranty deed, Lot 1 blocft 1 1
and'Jof 1 block Ip amended plat of
Breakwater addition.
Minnie Tower el vir to . Eugene
O'ConnelPet al Quit Claim Deed,
West Bandon.
City of Bandon .to Mrs. E. H.
Wetjs bargain and sale deed lot? 15,
block 5 west Bandon.
Volume 2. No. 1.
it Out.
of the Klakah
ma, Bandon's high school paper, is
on our oesk and is a newsy- and .
well edited little magazine. The
Bandon high school pupils are to be
congratulated on their enterprise.
The staff oT editors are
Peafl Crainq, Editor in Chief. ,
Louise Clausen, A?sociateEditor.
Jack Kronenberg, Business Man
ager. Hal Langlois, Circulation Man
ager. o ,
.Stella Shields Artist.
Fern De Long, Literary Editor.
Tom Gliatburn, Athletics, .
John Windsor? Oratory
and De-
aBelle Chatburn, Society.
, Vefina Klepfer, Jokes.
Esther Solve, Exchange.
, o
At The Orpheum.
The Fred A. Walters Co.' which
is holding forth at the Orpheum this
week is playfng to capacity houses
and they are full) deserving of their
excellent patronage as they are the
best that has bjeen in Bandon- for
many a day. Tonight they "play
Tempest and Sunshine.
Tonight is hallowe'en. Lock
your barn door and chicken coop.