Page 4 Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, October 28, 1913 ' " - SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder Publishing Company. Entered at the Postofike it Rinilon, Oregon, as Mail Matter of tlie Second Class C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor. Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates made known on application. OFFICIAL PAPER OF Vote For State University. The referendum against the State University appropriation bills should be voted down by an overwhelming majority. Every progressive citi zen cannot help but sec the good in higher education, and the colleges and universities of the land are among our country's greatest assets Representative S. P. Pierce Coos and Curry counties is said ue opposed to tlie University ap propriation bills on the ground tha the university is more for the rich than the middle and poorer classes. This shows that Mr. Pierce is not posted on the work of higher insti tutions of learning. It is not th children of the rich who arc obtain ing educations, but rather those who are compelled to work for living and are preparing themselves for a more useful life work, It is also a notable fact that a large por tion ot the students of the University of Oregon are supporting themselves cither in whole or in part by work ing at various jobs to pay tneir ex penses, Young men 'and women who are ambitious enough to do this, should be given every en couragemcnt and the state should not hold back for the sake of a few dollars. lucre is no more worthy cause than higher education and 'die Uni versito appropriation bills should carry by large enough mrjority to ever silence the knockers. Helps Road Fund. Recently there has been passed law in Oregon in connection with the good roads movement which provides that all the money .eceived by the state through the registration and taxation of automobile sshall be used for tne good of the roads in the varions counti s. The law has de creed that the total amount garner ed in from ach county may be re turned to that county to help fill its road fund coflers, with the except tion of a sum not to exceed 20 per per cent of the total, which may be used to defray the cost of clerical work. Up to September 30 of this year the amount of fees from automobile licenses from Coos county aggre gated $1,163.50. Of course, under the law, 20 per cent of this fund may be used for clerical help, which would leave to Coos the handsome sum of $930.90. Only eight of the thirty-four counties of the state pay more for automobile licenses than Coos. Lincoln pays only $30. while Multnomah pays $27,000. Curry is the smallest contributor, paying out $47.50 Coquille Senti nel. occ- A Romance With a Point. A man entered a store one bitter cold day and bought a woolen muff, ler. When he opened the mufller he found inside of it a photograph of a beautiful girl, together with a note saying, "If you are single, please write to me.1' A name and address followed and the man smiled. He was single and he put the photograph on his sitting room mantle. There, everv even ing looking up from his book, he beheld it. It was very beautiful and in a week he had fallen head over heels in love. So he wrote to the girl. Another week passed, a week of anxious nerve racking suspense. Then the love-sick man received this: "Sir The Mary Smith to whom you wrote was my granamotner. She died nine years ago, aged 86, Yours truly." Our heart broken batchelor, on looking into this strange matter found that he had bought the muffler from a dealer who did not advertise. Ex. 0 - THE CITY OF BANDON Jokes and Jollies mm Five Queens. Wifcy (poutinR) But I don't Reo It Is you fltitl poker bo fnsdnntlnj;. Hubby It's tliu queens In tbo deck, my denr. They remind tno so much of you. St. Louis Globo-Domocrnt. A Byproduct. Brtulro Kil bunker Cnn you sco any good lu lottln' your boy go Into nil them games mi' sports In college)? Air. sueuinuior yep. I wear nil nis baseball an' tenuis clothes fur under wear. Hoston Globe. Information! Mnrtlm Hut's my finned. In do nilnln' Im.slnosH. Mrs. Jones What kind of mlntn', hoi.ey? Martha- Why, calcltiilntn'. Washing' ton Star. Inconsidaratt, faponUpr-TTls wife has nppllod for more ainiioiiy. Plugge-Well, of nil tin? nerve! Doesn't she know Now Vorlc Sun, the prlco of tired? "Sumo old (lowers hereabouts, I see." "Wlmt'u tho mutter? Do you thtuk naturo ought to got out soma 1013 models ?" St. Loulg Fost-DlsDUtcfc. vrlfy mmmm no's A Dissitlcficd Persom 1 1IU Curry's Mines. The Sixes Mining Co (ire making great preparations for opening up the Pivilbiss and J ftme.son mines on Sixes river a nut five in ilcs up thr rivHf ltcmo the bridge. By means of a large ditch five miles in length. Edson creek w ill be brought onto the propcity. This ditch I gether with a flume iicross the river will have a capacity cf 3000 miners inch per second. A steam sfcovel lor digging the ditch has been ship ped from Portland and theovork will, be rushed to completion. A saw mill will also I5e built, by the Com pany, at the htad of the Edson ?rtek ditch, which will supply all necessaty lumber for buildiiii; purposes. The plaT't will be electric lignted through ottt. The cold is of the nugget type and "very easily, saved7 by the common Hugarian rifle although modern machinery will also be used. Gold Beach Globe. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby ttiven iff fne creditors of, and all persons having claims against Henry Clemens sometimes known as Henry Chlcmefts, deceased, that the unilcr- I signed has been appointed administr.rjrix of the estate of said deceased by order of the LCounty Court of the state of Oregon for Coos County, and lias fluly qtiuMfied as such ndministratix, anddill persons having claims against said deceased or aga'nst his estate are heieby required to present them with the proper vouchcn within six months fiom the date of this notice to the undersigned :d the office of G. T. Tteaii- Enid, attorney for "said admmistrutrix in minion, Coos County, Oregon, Uatcd and published tor the first time his t24th day of October, 1913. ANNIE CLEAR Y, Administratrix A the estate of Henry Clemens, sometimes known as Henry' Lhlemcns, deceased. , o Oct 24.Nov:21-F In the circuit uourt or tne State of Oregon for Coos County. Geo, W. Moore Lumber Com- "t pony, a corporation. Plaintiff, VI D. R. Daicum and Anthony Deeler. and the Conuille Mill SUMMONS I 6c Tug Company, a corporation Delendanti To D. R. Ba.cum and the Coquille Mill 4c Tug Company a Corporation, Uetendanti: In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you and each of you are h'teby required to appeaf and answer tne complaint filed against you in the above entitled court arret cause, on or before tli la it day of the time prescribed, in the order, for the publication of this summuni, and if fbu fail so to appeal and answer laid complaint on or before the last day ol the time to prescribed, ihe plamlitl take luovment of'ml vou arid will aD ply to the court for the relief demanded in its complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: r Fiff iudeement rsainst the deiendants Qascum anr". Deeler foi the sum of f I39.C0, with interest at the legal nrte from and after Septemer 24th. 1913, togetherwilh $75 reasonable attorney's fees and the costs and disburrements ot this suit and a decree forcloiing the plaintiff's lien, as against all ot the deiendants in this suit upon the prop. city described as a shingle mill, constructed and being upon a portion of Lot ,pnet in section Ihiriy, towrthip twrnty-eightp south of range louiicen wen ot the Willamette TOendian, standing on the right bank ol Ihe Conuille River, opposite the sawmill of the Geo, W, Moore Lumber Company, near to the Town ol Ban. don, Coos County, Oregon, together with the land upon wh'ch same is consliucled, mcludirv convenient space around said mill as may be required for the convenient u.-: and occupation thereof, de icriucd substantially as commencing at a point one nuna'eu teet norm' or Ihe saia building, uiftrngdhcnce ea-t to the Coquille River, ihence southerly a!or2 ihe Coouille River one hundred fee:, thence to a point ie hundred feet south wip oj the said building, ihence to the place of b ,,.'nning including' all appurtenances, fixtures judgment, and the lien of plaintiff with costs, .... kui, .....1. iui .aMiiaiiiuu ui me xaifi ustur.;ments and atlo.aeys tees. Th'i srmmors is rcved upon you pursuant to an order of the above enlitl d Court, made and enf d on I6lh day of Octoter,l9l3, and te- 'i M- iji uic puuiK-aiion nereor in ing uandon Recorder, a temi-w. Aly newipaprr, once week (or Ihe eerie 1 ol six wfrli: ih.l.te nf ihe rrft publication cMIrs ii'mmons u Qctolwi tl. I. 1 REACGOLD. Aii,n,v U. lainlilf. I'ottoflice address. Uandon. Oimn. Oct Z4-Dcc 5F. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby niveni That scaled hi. will be received by the Coiiiiikmi ol the City of Uandon, Coos County, Ore kon, until half past seven o'clock n. in Wednesday the 29th day of October. 191V for the construction of a sewer alone the center Ime of Franklin Avenue from tho center line of 13th Street West, to the cvn terlinc of 4th Street West, also along the center ime oi ucean mive Irom the center line ot ackmm Avenue to 4t h Street VVesi thence along the center line of 4lh street est, to the center line of Edisea Avenue, thence along the center line of ivdison Avcoiic from the center hue of 4th Street West to the. center, line of rir.t I C,d r i , , u""' .vi, uicuL'c westerly along the center line of First Street West from the center Oine of Fdison Avenue to deep i, ... " ...v. ...iv UI sin street west lrom the center line of Harri son Avenue to the center line of Franklin Avenue also alone the center line of 1 Ith Street West, from the center line of Harri. son Avenue to the center line of Franklin Avenue, according to the nlans. nrnfilH. and specifications on file in the olhcc of the City Recorder and there onen to the in. spcctiou of all persons interested therein. All tuds must be made out on bbnk far that purpose which will be supplied upofi irmicM m me omce oi tne my Kecorder. mils win he recened for the work .n follows: Fxcayation and back fillinir tier euhip i Vitrified scwef piiir 8 inch hid per foot. vitrilictl sewer pipe 10 inch laid per fool .a I I iviamioic. Combination manhole and tlusli tank Y, brandies 8 inch by 6 inch. Y, branches 10 inch by 6 inch. Concrete per cubic yard. Wooden box per lineal foot. A certified check of five per cent of the amount bid must accompany the bid to lie forfeiteil to the said Cijy of JJjiulon in cac contractor fails to enter into a contract with the said city within five days Iroiu the date ...u 1...1 1.!... ' cr 3UIW IfHIIItlll IS .....llllltl llllllt Dated at H.1111I011, Orffcon this 2lltli of October. 1913. , E. lirKAUSRUI), City Jccordcr, 1'irst pul). Oct. 21st, IV 1 3. bccoml pill), uct. mm, 1V13. o "Third pub. Oct. 28th, 1913. 0 o Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given: That sifllcil oids will e received hy the Common Council of the City of llaiulon, Coos County, Oregon, until half past seven po'clocb p. m. Wednesday the 29th day of October, 1913, for the construction of a ewer along the center line of First Street North, from the center line of June Avenue to the cento line of Harlem Avenue them-6 south along the center line of Harlem Avenue to the center line of Caroline Street also along the center linn of Hiftt Street East from, .the center line of June Avenue to tne center Ime 01 Harlem Ay. cnue thence north along the center hue of HaHcm Avenue to the center line of Cato' line Street, according to the nkins, profiles. 'and spccflications on file in the office of the City Kecordcr ami there open to the ifl- snection of all ncrsons interested therein. Jluls will a he received tor the work as follows: Excavation and back filling, per; ctibic yard. Vanned sewer pipe 8 wen lais per fool. Manholes. Y. branches 8 inch bv o nch. 0 All bids limit l)c in accordance with the requirement accompanying said specifica tions and upon blanks for that purpose which will be supplfeiV upon office of the'Citv; Recorder. request at the A certified check of five per cent of the amount of bid mutf accompany the bid 1n 6e forfeited to the sail City of Handft?i in case the contractor fails to enter into a contract with the said city within five days fujin date contract is awarded mm. Tlie Common Council reserves the r.ght to reject any and all bids. uated at uandon, uregon, this litn day, ot October, 1913. K. H. K.AUSKUU, City Recorder. First pub. Oct. 21st 1913. -, Second pub. Oct.2-!th, 1913. Thiul pub. Oct. 28tlvl913. Resolution. It Is resolved by the city of Handon as I follows! The Common Council of the City of If.imlon deems it expedient and necessary to construct, a sewer along the center line of WrtJI Street from "a point where the east line of lot 2 in block 2 Commercial Ad dition to Uandon intersects with the center line of Wall Street, to the center line of Alabamti"' Avenue, thence along the center line of 2nd Street Fast, to the center line of Chicifvo Avenue, and thence northerly ,-ilong the center line of Chicago vAvt'iiue to low water. That the City Fnginccr of Uandon has prepared and filed m the office of the City Kccorder, maps, profiles, plans, specifica tions and estimates of the work to be done in the construction of a sewer alone the lines above mentioned and the probable cost thereof, together with a statement outlining the district which, in his opinion, will be especially benefitted by such sewer and should be assessed with the cost and ex pense of the construction thereof. I hat the Common Council finds said plans, profiles, maps, specifications autl as sessment disjrict satisfactory .and hereby approves the same. That the Common Council does hereby declare its iutcntbni to construct said sewer accoruinrr to l ie mans, tiro i es. in. ms ami I I specifications thcrefio, ami that the esti- mated ccafcof which is 2436.50. That a sewer be constructed on the streets am? between the points, hereinbefore designated according to the maps, plans, prnfiies and specifications therefore on file m the ollice of the City Recorder of the City ot lutulon That the assessment district tu be bene fitted by the construction of said sewer and to be assessed therefor shall romprice all ol Lots 3. 4. 5. X. 'J. Ill l lirk 2 ClillillHT cial Addimm to Uandon J.ot 10, block 3. Commercial Addition to, Uandon. Lots 1.2'. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.vnirift's Addition to ISaudon. t Lot S, block 4, Woodland Addition to Rmdnn. LotPrto 7 inclusive; block";. Womllaiul Addition to ILmdim Lots 10. II, 12. 13. H, block 3. Wood land Addition to Haiidou. , Lots 1, 2. 16, block 3. Woodland Ad- lition to Rmdnn. Lots 6, 7, S, 9, Mock 5, Wuodland A lition to liandon. Lots 6. 7,' 8. 9. block 2. Woodland Ad dition to minion. AIj. tommc'iicine 77 feet S 36 decrees 50 nlluiites K. from the intersection of the wcsteily line of Wall Street and the easter ly line ol isaiidoti Ave, tiicuce s, sj de crees 10 miiiiiles W S9.7S feet, thence S 31 degrees 50 minutes K 80 feet, thence N S3 degrees III minutes l:'Ji,i leet ttience N 36 degrees 50 minutes W 80 feet to place of beginning. Also, commencing at the Nr. corner o! the last pieee of land, thence S 36 degrees 50 minutes east 13.1.5 feet, thence S 16 degrees 15 minutes W 26 feet, thence N 73 degrees 45 minutes W 128.3 feet, thence N 31 degrees 50 inmates W 46.5 feet thence N 53 degrees 10 minutes h 93.25 feet tu piicc of beginning. Also, commencing at the NK corner of lot 7 Thiil's Addition to Rmdon, thence S 55.1 feet, thenec F. 30 feet, thence N 66 feet, thence N 89 degrees 41 minutes W 40 feet to place of beginning Also, commencing at the nw corner ot lot 1 Thrifts Addition to liandon, thence S 16 degrcrs 37 minutes W 1UU feet: thence N 34 degrees 10 minuff W 82.67 feet. thence N 16 degrees 15 minutes K 100 feet; thence S 34 degrees 10 minutes E 82.67 feet to place of beginning. J hat the city Kecorder te and he is hereby directed to publish this R at least once .a week for two coi esolution m.Miilii' weeAs in the city official paper. U'asseil by the common council this 24 day of eptiUJier, 1913. Attest, fc. i. IVAUOKUU, Citv Recorder. ApproveiPthis 24 day of September, 1913. J. W. JWASl , ,Mayor, o M. G. POHL BANDON ' O n TJtfc best is not too Rood for your eyes. Try me! PURE, DRUGS Db you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti cles? If so, call on C Y.LOWE ' Bandon, Oregon Mrs. Guy Dipple 0 Spifella's Corseteire i'iioniuh' MRS. W. W. WOLPE o INSTRUCTOR OF o PIANO To Save Life First and property afterwards the fireman's duty. Your duty is to see thaj: ii case o hre your loved ones are not made homeless. and penniless Order a fire insurance policy fronvus today. Every day' i''"J "-'ua un- nsR ot see ;11r vnnr 0 f.,mirV U1K yOUr 'lm,Iy ing your ramiry wttnout lonle or the means of getting one, Donald Mac Kin tosh Brown & Gibson The LcatlfiiK Contractors anil Builders Wc furnish pinna and speci fications and i! you are go inp; to build anything, no matter how larpe or hotv small, we can save yon money. Let us figure on your building. . Miss Simpson GRADUATE NURSE Phone 934 Everything For Everybody at IHE RACKET STORE Courteous Treatment Lowest Prices :lihUg ii ladder tne top. Wm the v .i i i tm me voi protection M gives idves ism people it Jstands abfavc mer lire ftowtanscorni tVJI . II i r . jynen. you need tire m$; E. E. OAKES. ABSTRACTS. Dfiiidon nrnnch Office tif Title Guarantee and . Abstract Co. (Henry Scni;stacken, Mgr.) ". . McNaire Hardware Building In charge P. H. Poole. o e o Econonly jomptne Reliability Cedar Hill , Dairy: Farm J. F. VanLeuveiii Prop. Fresh Milk and Cream de livered daily at your door in any part pf Bandon. All orders givenoprompt attention Phone tyirar29 Hotel Bandon r American Plan, $1.00 and $1.50 per day. European Plan, rooms 50c, 75c & $1 per day E. G. CASSIDY, Proprietor Benjamin Ostlind Consulting Engineer and Architect Office in Thrift Bldg. FRED L. LEEPER Contractor and Builder If you arc aiming to build let me figure with you. Plans n d estimates furnished. P. O, BOX 003. BANDON FRANK GREGORY Mechanical Engineer Contractor and " Builder r Bandon - Oregon City Transfer R. M. Boiler, Prop. All kinds of hauling done With DISPATCH BANDON OREGON tintU to-davAit :Mds at incan ViVery