7 y J J) bee ca SEMI-WEEKLY til y VOLUME XXIX BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1913 NUMBER 85 MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, AND THUS GIVE OTHERS A-CHANCE TO MIND THEIRS Mas jCKowr , SKEELS IS DEFEATED Anderson Elected School Di rector at Coquille by Vote of 161 to 140. Coquille, Or., Oct. 25, II. O, Anderson deleatcd C. T. .Skeels lor school director in the.clcction here last night hy a vote of i6i to 140. The election was one of the most animated that has ever been held in Coquille and it is said that if Sheriff Gage had not appeared on the scene when he did, it would have broken up in a "rough house." The election was ordered to fill the vacancy caused by the recent court decision in which Skeel's elec lion was held illegal because the tic was decided by a second ballot in stead of by lot. In the first election 579 votes were cast, and after defective ballots were thrown out, each had the same num ber. Then a second ballot was taken and Skeels won out. The special election was called simply for the election of a director, but the principal controversy which hung over the first election was over the purchase of the Barrows-Strang tract across the gulch as a s'ile for the new sohool buildinu- Anderson and the Mast forces, headed by At torneys Sherwood and Hammond, were against 'the Barrow-Skcels tract, the purchase of which is now in litigation. In making the nomination Attor ney Hammond brought in the site controversy, and Mr. Holden of the Skeels forces objected as being out of order. Chairman Mast refused to hearken to Holden' s protests and both had almost reached the fighting point when Sheriff Gage got in between thm. It was reported around today that there were thteats of shooting but this could not be confirmed. C. R. Barrows says that they have won out on their principal conten tion, and that is that the school house should be located across the gulch. Mr. Barrows also announced today that the election might be contested on the grounds of illegal voting. I le says that at the first election only 179 votes were cast, whereas 302 voted last night, one of the tickets being a blank. He claims that a lot who voted last night did so on the claim of owning stock in the defunct Coquille Mill Company. He charges that the opposing faction went around and transferred shares of this stock for t yesterday afternoon to people to vote for their candidate. The stock is worth, face value, $100 per share, and he says it will be transferred back in a day or two This was done, he alleges, to get around the restriction on voters that they must either own property or stock in a corporation. A number of votes weie contested during the election. Coquille is still at fever heal over the matter and it is doubtful, if last night's balloting ends the contro versy. Coos Bay Times. Thanksgiving Proclamation. "The Nation not only has been prosperous but has proved its capac ity to take calm counsel amidst the rapid movement of affairs and to ileal with its own life in a spirit of can tl'ir, righteousness and comity. We ,nve seen the practical completion ot i great work at the Isthmus of Panama, which not only exemplifies the Nation's abundant resources to nci'omplish what it will and the dis tinguished skill and capacity of its public servants, but also promises the beginning of a new age. of new age, of new contracts, new neighbor hoods, new sympathies, new. bonds and new achievements of co-opeia tion and peace. "'Righteousness e.xalteth a na tion' and 'peace on earth, good will toward men' furnish the only foun dations upon which can be built the listing achievements of the human spirit. The year has brought us the satisfaction of work well done and fresh visions of our duty which will make the work of the future better still. "Now. therefore I, VVoodrow Wilson, P.esident ol the United States of America, do hereby desig nate Thursday, the 27th of Novem her next, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer and invite the people thionghoiit the land to ce;'se from their wonted occupations and in their several homes and places of worship to render thanks to AI mighty God. "In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United Ssates to be affix ed. "Done at the City of Washington this 23rd day of October, in the year of our Lord 1913 and of the inde pendenee of the United States the 138th. Wood row Wilson. Opening a Success. The opening of the Peoples 5-10- 15c store Saturday was in good ex ample of the last it pays to advertise, A large display ad had been carried in both Tuesday's Recorder and at the opening time Saturday morn- in,' a large crowd had gathered ready to take advantage of the bar gains. 1 lie disli pans which had been advertised lor 15c went like , hot cakes" and other articles sold in proportion. 1 lie managers were well pleased with the opening and also with the reuslts from their ad vertising in th'is paper. - --"x, Hallowe'en, Party. Seaside Circle, Women of Wood- craft, will give a Hallowe'en party at K. of P, hall Thursday evening October 30th. All visiting Circle members and their families are cor dially invited; also Woodmen and their families. Admission 10 ceiys. All kinds of Hallowe'en amusements. Many Water Permits Let. 5 During the past quarter 510 per- mits for the appropriation of water have been issued by the State Engi neer, of which number 1 1 are for the constru tion of reservoiis .Ac cording to these permits it is pro posed to irrigate 18,590 acres, de velop 21,7 16 horsepower, as well as for municipal and domestic pur- poses. The construction of the works described in those permits would cost approximately $2,300. 000, of which amount $550,000 is estimated the cost of constructing1 reservoirs. Four permits have been issued for water in Coos county during the past quarter which are as lollows: The Bandon Water Company of Bandon, for domestic use, using the waters of Giger Creek in Sec. 5 Tp. 29 S R i. W. Jas. P. Olsen of Langlois, for the generation of 316 horsepower with the waters of Wil low Creek in Sec. 14 Tp. 31 S R 15 W. Willis T. While, Sr., of Port Orford, for domestic use, using the the waters of a spring in Sec. 5 Tp. 33 S R 15 W. F. L. Harris and C. C. Inman of San Francisco, for mining purposes in Sec 33 Tp 31 S R 14 W, with the waters of Edsonlj Creek. DEATH OE THOS. COATS Another Coos County Pio- neer Joins the Silent Majority Thomas Coats, a. pioneer of Coos county since 1878' passed away at his home in this city Saturday Oct ober 25 at 1 1 140 a. m. Mr. Coats was0 born in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, April' 17. 18.16 thus being ,,73 years 11 months and days old0at the time of his neath. Mr. Coats wl-ift to sea with iiis father when he was 1 years old and was a sailor lor atonid7 yeais tic served in the U. S. navy onjhe lr. S. Mary from rttf5 to rj!68, being engaged inlhe navy of the Civil war. 0 0 He was also a member of Bandon Post. G. A. R. having joined in 1002 ny transter. Mr. uoats was married to Sarah oMorris, near Myrtle Point, August 18, 1879 and eight children were born to this union, all of whom are living. He was stricken with paralysis 0 on Christmas day 1909 and has never been able to walk since, but was able to wheel himself "about in a chair until eleven days before his death, since which time he had been entirely tmconsci?ni. Mr. Coats was a good man, and a highly respected1 citizen and had a jovial disposition, so fliat l.e was likedaby all wlyf knew him, The sorrowing relatives will have the sincdre sympathy of a large circle of friends. Tlje funeral v?as held1 Sunday ato the Home under the auspices ofhe Bandon G. A. R. and interment was made in lhecG. A. R. cemetery. OQO- The Flower of Arizona at ihe Orpneum LastNight Tlfe best sfiow has come at last. Fred, A. Walters & Co. showed to a good house last night. at' the Oipheum. Mr. Walters doing f fie art Doc Rye, took the people their seats from start to finish, but he was veil supported "by Miss Zoe Eo Bates the widow or a lady born and bred. Mr. Arminie Lamb, .playing the leads is "the best we have seeu0 for manya moon andoMjss Lockes took her part very good. Mr. L. Lloyd Clark who took the roleZabe Hunt ed, an unwcelcome friend, is to Ire commended for his good0work forit isjseldom that you see a good villain and Mr. Clarke hassuft; made a hit 1 in tliTs lines T.aken altogether tin co npany is the best that has been lere for some time. Tonight they will present the lour" acte comedy drama, The Kentncky Gu1, admis sion 25 and isceiys. The company will be ;ft the Orphenm all this wi.lk and will have change, of program every.night. Bakery Gets New Machinery The Bandon Bakery, P;yil Steph an proprietor, has recently installed some new modern machinery A bread mixer that will successfully handle 800 pounds at one time is being installed and also a cooky machine, which is the first to be in-, tailed in the county. Both machines are run by electricity and have all the modern equipments of these makes of machines. Everything works automatically in 30 minutes Mr. Stephan can turn 800 pounds of flour into the best of dough ready for shaping fhto loaves. BRING sun' AGAINST CiTY 3 ff-m Property Owners on First? Street are Plaintiffs Against CityOfffcials A complaint has been filed" with 'A. I. Hartman. 1. B. Marshall. Thos Anderson, Josephine Brcuer, 1L A. Philpott, E, M. Gallier, and Sleplwm Gallier, and Victoa Breucr as plaintiffs and Mayor Mast, Re corder ICausrud, Treasurer Lode, and .cCouncilmen, Wade, Trow bridge, Bowman, Brown, Henry and Windsor, also" J. L. Kronenoerg, Chris Rnsmusfjcn, 'and O'Con as defendants0. , The case is concerning the open ing of First Street and at the re quest of a number of die city officials we publish a part of the complaint in which are the following allega tions: That the Common' Council ap pointed Board of Viewers, to make an assessment of damages and Fiene- ms, iiini said noaro 01 viewets as appointed was not composed of disinterested free-holders,, but was composed of persons interested in acqufring and condemning ihe pro- pejty necessary for extending said street, at the expense of these plaintiffsqind without such condeni- n.ttionpos.tflig- the - city 0 or oth.-ni anything, and that by instructions from membe.s (if the said Common Council' and agreement between said appraisers and said Common Conn cil, fraudulently, colhisively, and secrgtly made, the said appraisers Teportcd assessments ol benefits against the said property of these plaintifjs outof all prop.-ition to any equitable benefit that wroild actually ie received by the owners ol the respective parcels of property, which said assessment. as thereafter made ami levied were and are excessive1, exliorbit.mt and inequitable. Trial as a, part of the proceedings of tlve said viewers and the said I common council, in regard to the Said matter various considerations wereofTeied, paid and promised to various other property owners, af fected hy this proceedings in the nature of a subsidy m addition to the assessments of benefits .and, damages as made by the board of viewiirs, namely, to, with and be- wden the said common couccil and file following property1 holders: Ji II. Rosa, E. Ellingson. Geo. Laird, C Y Lowe and others, and that' said assessments of damages aad benefits was based up. rtiMhe agreements and understand ingshad between members of the common council, and J lie said view ers and the said properly owners, and was not an impartial appraise- ment, oased upon the iipoiased and . uninfluenced judgment1 of the fcoqrd oi appraisers, 'buf was for the reasons mentioned, frauilulentf collncive, impartial anil prejudiced to'the rights of .these plaintiffs. o 0 Tlhit thereafter since the com mencement of the suit on, or about the 4th day of September, 1913, pursuant to a fraudulent and col lusive arrangement made among th$ mayor, the common council, the treasurer, the recorder and defend ants, J. L. Kronenberg Chris Ras musscn and M. O'Con, a pretended but fraudulent and void sale of the said properly of the respective plain tiffs was had, at which time defend ant C. Y. Lowe, as treasurer of the city of Bandon, purported and pre tended to sell to the defendants J. L Kronenherg Cluis (lasmussi ano Ai. u ion tne various respec live parcels of lands mentioned, and that a record of said pretended sal has been made, although no money or other consideration passell to th said treasurer of the ciu of Bandon 111 any way,, and that although no money or other consideration, pass ed to tne saw treasurer ot the city ot Hiuuloii in any way, and that although no consideration has ever passed .10 the city of Bandon, and no money on the pretended sale has ever changed hands, that neverthe less the said partTes Kronenberg Riismussen and O'Con respectively appear as the purchasers of said lands, and that they hold same by virtue of a secret arrangement made 1 . neiween mem and tne common council of the city of Bandon, where by the said purchasers will never be out any money unless the said ille gal condemnation proceedings shal be finally acquisccd in by these plaintiffs, who have opposed and ohjected to eacli and every step in Ihe said illegal, fraudulent and void proceedings. That the time for appealing from said void assessments as provided in the said elrnrter has expired on the 1st day of March, 1913, and that no appeal was ever taken by these plainjiffs or any of them for fhe reason that the said proceedings am agreements Pet ween tne common council, vfowers and other interested property Qwnersi were secret, and was not known to these plaintiffs that additional "consideration "had been"given or promised to other propefty holders! until after the said period for appealhadexpired, That other considerations than the benefits and. damages as assessed of record by the board of viewers, and the common council, have been promised to other property holders than tliese plaintiffs by secret agree ment between the said board and council, and ihe other property hold ers all of which these plaintiffs allege constitute a fraud u, on the rights of the, said plaintiffs. That the mayor, recorder, treas urer, and common 'council of the city of Bandon, threaten to and unless restrained by order of this court, will proceed to advertise for bids and let contracts for the open ing of a street through the land so fraudulently and illegally pretended to be condemned at the expense ol tliese plaintiffs. That the plaintiffs are informed rttid verily believe and therefore al lege that the pretended condenina tion of amf, for which these plaintiffs are sought tv be charged wassimpjy an arbitrary action on. the part of the conunnn council of the city of r. .1 1 . .. Daiiuon, none wiiunui compliance with any )uS or statute authorizing tla-h-jSaid action, but'void and there- fure and to that extent rendering the said assessments for said condemna tion piffp'oscs illegal and void. .Wherefore.plaintiffs pray and de mand judgment and a decree as toiiow: bettiHg asiHe, vacating) iaiULdeclafing null anal void said assessments, sale and all proceed-o e'ngs based gm that may, hereafter he based thereon. aS-OOO Another Big" Headliner For 0 the Grand. "The Final Judgment,'' an Essa- ay two reel feature telling a thrilling story of the Alaskan gold fields and later in the metropolis, New York city. A well acted drama with enough action in it to keep up the interest throughout the entire two reels. A picture you should' nt fail to see. Grand theatre, Thursday Oct. 30. Other good ones. 10.5c Milton Gox returned? on the Speedwell from a trip to California. SAYS 2 WIVES ARE EXPENSIVE P. D. Chamberlain Can't Sup port two Families on $300 Per Bound Over! The following tronj the Portland Oregonian tells the latest develop ments in the marital troubles oi P. D. Chamberlain, the legless type writer salesman wlio is accused of making a M.trshficld waitress his second wife before he got rid of his first wife: With wife No. 2. formerly Miss Eva Sehner, of Manhfield, pleading fo his release, Municipal Judge Stevenson yesterday bound over P. D. Chamberlain, a typewriter salesman, to the grand jury and released him on $250 cash bail. The Jiail money placed for, him was the same which he had gathered Monday to secure tho release of Miss Sehner, who had been held in that amouet as a material witness. Chiefly on Chamberlain's admisv sion that he had a wjfc and a 12. year-old child "in Portland, Me., " Prosecutor Stadter asked that the case be given to the grand jury for disposal.. Chamberlain a'dnptted that-he earned about $300 a 'month. "Keeping two wives takes all the money 'I have, Judge," . broke in Chaiflberlain, before Fitgerald could interpose his objections, and Miss Selmef, or Mrs. Chamberlain, added: 0 'With me and his other wife, Mr. Chamberlain fias had a pretty hard time making both ends meet." She hesitates about prosecuting him, Racket Store Busy. The Racket store of Carpenter and Son has increased the variety of the stock carried until it now prob ably Includes, a largpr varities of articles than any other store an Ban don. At the Racket store is to1 be lound anything for the baby froura rattle to a go cart. Children run there for their toys, graveling men say the Racket sjoj-e at Bandon carries the largest line of china ol any store in Coos county. Ladies ready to vear goods, and mens un derwear, etc. are included in the hversified stock oWhe Racket store. Spruce Valjey Items. J ' "Harry Hatfield has purchase?! the lot adjourning Neat's on the east. The citizens ot the valley are Hiilding a sidcwfllk from tlje plank roid through the valley, which iji a great improvement thisseasoru of the year. . , Reese and Shields, are budding a new barn on jjieir place. A party p young folks gathered at the home ofOrlonder Smith for a good time Saturday evening. Mrs. HufTord and Mrs." Duncan visited Mrs. Neal Iuiday. Mr. Howell has fenced his place ind buiR a wood shed. Orlander Smith has (finished his new house and moved into it. ohn Miller has also completed new house.- Chicken. Card of Thanks. I the undersigned, wish through lese columns to express my sincere lanks to the many friends who so indly extended a helping hand, and lor the many beautiful flowers, dur ing the late sickness and death of my beloved husband. Mrs, Henry Clemens. (pa eooeo