Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 21, 1913, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder
Publishing. Company.
Entered at the Pouolfice at IIjikIoii, Oregon, as Mail Matter of the Second Class
C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor.
'6ubi viption $1.-50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates
made known on application..
Coos County Coal.
" e told you so." The Rk
Coiujur has been talking of the
grcal possibilities in coal mining for
a !onj.; time: We have pointed out
that there are literally hundreds of
millions of dollars in coal nofr in
sij,ht in Coos county. ' Now comes
die report from the Government
Lind Oflice, ol Seattle, confir ning
ihe slttemenls of the Rkcordkk.
iudgc Denny, register of the gen
oral land office, states that his office
has received official information
h ,m cxpeit field agents in the em
ph y of the government, that Coos
1 01. nt contains a vastly important
coiil fuld. There is rich bituminous
co;u in seams 12 fee thick and cov
iiuj two entire Jlovvnshfps. Judge
Duiny says the coal probkm on the
Pacifu coast is largely solved by
ihc diacovery of this great coal field
in Ci.os county by agcn of the
United Slates land office. You may
look for big things in Bandon and
Coos County when this coat begins
to move in large quantities. This
with other rcsourcci, w''l make
Coos County the richest section in
Receiving Favor.
The most sanguine and enthusi
astic advocate of hrd su 'ace rural
highways could ask no more than 's
being done" in the .mpaign to bring
nbout the realization of a system of
nproved trunk lines in Coos county.
There is some opposition to 'he
bonding issue, but that is to be ex
pected. Generally .specking, the
project is receiving favorable con
sideration Irom both city an
fcountiy. Its meri's ire so self ce
dent lint no other condition could
obtain. 'I he con; ruction of tVse
p'eimpnent highways is one of the
most important and promotive steps
ever pr eiwd to our people. When
bir'r they wi'l open avenuet of trans
portitiou rnd for trade thatJwPl
rve a developing ?gency even
lo the most remote sectiors within
the bailiwick; they wi' be of mu
tual advantage to cities and inr!
communities, and their building wi'l
be a triumph for the entei prise and
proressivness ol every inhabitant of
Coos county. Coquille Sentinel.
I R corder Philosophy
Ihe iccme of the fisherman is
thi; net income, so to speak,
N l her draught or flood can de
stroy Ihe prune crop of Oregon.
Iivnti the pretty schoolma'am has
her , i ovbles; she has to be examined.
In every church conference there
ate the two elements progressives
and st md-patters.
When your boy gct-5 into t-ouble
Mand by h'm, remember your boy
:3 young and doesn't have the wis
dom ou vc supposed to posoi -s.
If conscientious coirmiHouors
would kckp a slt!ct watch on meat
roaikcs it would help p'onti the
consauiption of sausages so mewhat.
"Pe.iching" on a fellow student
a 1 j robably remain a disgrace
.v.nong school boys regardless all
rules which can Vt enacted by the
te ichors.
Tammany Ira succeeded in putting
the hobbl- on .Governor Sulzer.
As near as wet in understand it from
this distance Stt'zer i"ed some cam
paign contributors to pay his debts
instead of buyhjg vot and so he
has .been fired
When a judge sentenced a suflra
geltc to eight months in j.til m Scot
land the suidience expressed 1 licit
disaprovalby throwing, apples and
vegetables at the judge which indi-
cates that there is mote or less in-
dependance among the people of
that down trodden bailiwick of the
English king.
A 20 year old wife in Portland
tried to commit suicide because her
husbind persuaded her to meet
other men to get food to cat and
thun being jealous, by his own ar
rangemenc, left her. Well she is a
foolMi young woman, her husband
is the meanest man in Portland.
Trie wrcst'ing bout pulled off at
the Orpheum Saturday night was a
draw -ig card. Th lovers of the
spoit got the worth of their money.
Lutsey 'disposed of .six gladiators
in about 48 minutes. Lutsey hadto
throw all six in one hour to win 60
per cent of the box receipts, 40 per
cent going to the loosers.
(An Incldmt of Gettysburg.)
Cti KN'EUAI.S Barlow and Gordon,
the Illuu and thu Gray!
Mid the carnage of Gettysburg
ti. ono of them lay
J In the path of the other, life not
yet cxtlnut.
Now, with Gordon to do ever followed to
Commanding lils troops to pass on "doublo
Ho dismounted und, knecllns, asked: "Sir
cun you speak?
t am Gordon of Georgia. Lot mo knop,
who you are. . '
General Unrlow Now York If you llvo-
It's not far
"My wife Is with Meada-oh, tell her I
Doing my duty!" "Whato'er may botldo,
Your message shall touch her. Aught
more I can do?"
"Her letters I know I can truet them to
"I'leaso rend ono to mo. Blr. ,Lat that be
tho last
I shall hear till all sight and all hearing
nre piiBt.
Then ti-nr thorn to fragments, lest some,
else see.
They'ie In my left coat pockot words
written for me."
Gordon took up tho latest as told by the
nut his eyes dimmed with tears It might
bo his own futo
Then, throwing the bits o'er the bullet
strewn Bod,
Ho whispered: "Goodbyl Let your trust
bo lu God I"
l.ciivhig hJs brandy flask lying at hand,
Ho remounted his horse to rejoin his com
Out mnnaged to wrlto b he forged on
Then, calling up ono of his staff, to him
"Tlo .1 handkerchief fast to tho point of
y nir sword
And 1 Mo to Meade's quartors. I've given
my word
Mrs. Harlow nhall know whero her tills-
hind now lies.
Kho may possibly get to him yet ore he
dies "
Tlmo pnuced with Its years till they num
bered eleven
When to .Guidon, United States senator
Was ftlven a banquot, whero It happened
their host
introduced to him one who had answered
the toast
"To tho North and the outh." But Bar-
Io 3 ayes shone
As Gordon on lieurln the namo asked,
"And one
Of the family of that General Barlow who
On that llrst day near Gettysburg?"
"Nay," Barlow replied,
"But ho did not dlo there It Is ho whom
you see.
Mid you. General Gordon, the man who
saMd me
My wife got your message that same aft
ernoon Kho started at once, nnd so opportune
"Was the gift of your brandy that It kept
ma ullve
With tho liopo your words kindled that
sho might arrive
In time, as sho did. How wo treasure that
II. ink
Not ono In our circle needs over to ask."
Tho tears lay thick on tho cheeks of both.
And thry turned to their host, as men' be
ing loth
To be in the limelight when tho strained
heart chords thrill,
Lett some one should charge them with
weakness of will.
On, never before had men heard whon at
Of love as n balm for the wound or the
soar! v
Heaven's blessing bo on them, the Blue
nnd tho Gray,
Privates, otllcers, all. this Memorial day!
What if feeling ran high and soma still
In omerKcnelcs few ever showed them-t
selves foes.
How could they bo such? On north, south.
onst and west
Ingrained lies the thought that our flag is
heaven bless'd.
But again wo ar one, and with hearts full
of love
Wo can Join In a grayer to the Ruler
Kntrenting Ills care this Memorial day
For our country nnd flag, for the Bluoand
the Gray.
And thu downtrodden race onu great caus
of the fray.
Yet tho lesson was learned and Impressed
upon all
Whllo "united wo stand j" If "divided. wal
A Fixture.
'Where on earth did you get row
"Tlint'H not hair oil; it's liquid Klue."
"Great Jupiter! Then that's why I
cuii't p't my hat off!" New York
Husband Why, dear, nro you ptittlin;
ou 11II that makeup?
Wife Going to have my plcturo
taken und want to look natural. Chi
cago News.
Then They Were Not Friends.
Ad-$he's pretty ntid-Tlch.v-lf 'I 'only
know 'whether or-not be Is foollKhJ J '
Bo Why don't you propose- to 'tr?
If she aecoptg you may be'Hure he' I
not' very brjflta&rhlUdelphta'Prefct
Two and Two.
Miss Young jjid you tell your alfl-ter-lu-law
I wore four Bboes?
H. Tully Certainly; two on eacb
foot UoHton Globe.
The Family Qoat,
Tabltbit the Cat Which would you
rather live wltb, a tuarried woman -or
an old nittltl?
Unifn tho Dog A married woman for
mine every time. When tbluga go
wrong slio'll take It out on bur hus
band anil let mo out.
Appropriate Food,
Mistress (In awed voice) Nora, my
bUHbaml Is Just raving overi those chopa
yoirhent up. He says' Ibey are raw,
nnd he Is nctlug llko a wild miu Tt')
Cool: mlncidly)-Thln shure. 'munvu
he Is nctlng like a wolld taon raw met'
Is just tbo food for him. Pltllaftalphte
A Paradox.
Notice-lo Conlrai tori.
Notice is hctetiv I'iveii tlut seim Ull.
will bt .TefelveilJiy the Common Council
of thejCity of ftinilnn( Orcifou, until half
past seven o'clork. . in. Wediiemlay the-29th
day of October 1913 fur the iinproiemeiit
of. Vtrtf Street N'ortli, in ibuidiAt Heiplits
from the hast line of Harlem 'Ave lit tlic
Wist lihcof June Ac. in thcCiiv hf Km.
ilon Orcpon, according to tlic plan and
specinrauons on me in tne omce, otthe City
Recorder and there open to the insiitriimi
pfall perJonvintcresteJ ihercin. All bids
Tftust be in 'accordance with the reuuire-
inents accompanying aaid tpccilkations and
upon blanks forlhaf'psrpose which will be
supplied upon request at the office of the
City Recorder. A certified check of five
per cent of the amount of the bid must
accompany the fbid to be' forfeited to the
said City of liandan in -case the contractor
fails to enter into a contract With the said
City within five days.
The Common Council reserves, the right
tb Yejcct any and all' bids. '
Dated'at'liandoti, Oregon this 11th day
of (-October 1913.
City Recorder.
First Publ. Oct. 14th 1913
Second Publ. Oct. 17th 1913
Third Publ; Oct. 21st 1913
1 Notice tb Contractors.
' Morice Is'h'ereby given, that sealed biili
vill .be reicived liy tlic Common Council
cf, the City of ltandon, Oregon, until half
vit, seven o'clock p. in. Wednesday tlie29th
day of October 1913 for the fmprovcuifiit
of June' AVenue in bVnulon Heights from
the north line of 3rd street ICast to the
South, line of 2nd Street North, in the City
of liaudon, Oregon according to the plans
dnd 'specifications On file ill the ollice of the
City Recorder and there open to the in
spection of 'all persons interested therein.
All bids must be in accordance with the
requirements accompanying said specifica
tions and upon blanks for that purpose
which will be supplied upon request, at the
ollice of , the City Recorder. A certified
check of five j-er cent of the alnount of the
hid must accompany the bid to be forfeited
tO'the said City of ltamlon in case the coin
tractor fails to enter into a contract with
the said City within five days. '
The Common Council reserves the right
t6 reject any and all bids.
Dated at ltandon, Oregon, this Ulli day
of October 1913.
City Recorder.
First Publ; Oct. l'4th 1913
Second Publ. Oct. 17th 1913
Third Publ. Oct. 21st 1913
Notice to Gontractori.
Notice is hereby, given, that sealed bids
jwijl he received by tho Common " Council
Wjhe City of Handon, Oregon, until half
past seven o'clock p. 111. Wednesday the
Wth day "of O'ctdhcr 1913 for the Improve
ment of Third Street East from the East
line of Chicago Avenue ito. the West line
of Baltimore Aveiluc in the City ol luudon
Oregon, according to. the plans and specifi
cations ou file in the office of the City
Recorder and there open to ;tlic Inspection
f all, persons- interested 'therein. ' All bids
must, be in accordanccwitli the requirements
accompanying said specifications a'lld Upuu
blajiks fori tlutt 'purpose which- will 'be sup
plied Upon request at, the office of the City
Recorder.' A certified icheck -of five per
cent of the amount' ot the 'bid must accom
pany the bid to he-forfeited to the said City
of Bandon hi' case1 the 1 contractor' fails to
enter into a. contract withthe said City
within five days.
The CommoivCouncil reseives )he right
to reject any and alhb!dsi .
Dated at Band6ii. Oregon this 11th day
Ol October 913! V.
r , Kiji. KAUSRUD, 1
ii j s City Recorder.
hFW-Publi'Oct. Mtlr-lJl3
' Second. Publ. .Oct. l7thT4913
Third ,Publ. Oct.2Ut 19L3. '
city of Dsadoo, -OregoB,- uatil htR rMit sevea
o'clock Weilaeitfay lh29tb day of tOc
tober 1913'fot'' the improvement of Billimcue
Avenue Irom the south line oi Jrd btreet hatt
to the. north line of. I3lli Street East, in ' the city
of Bjd'JouT Oigoh, ccordio(j tu the plwii and
pecificktioas oa file ia the office of the city
rtottde:aai &tntD lonh iaioectioo -of ill
perioa laMfetted thisrek. 'All bids' Butt be in'
atcordance.arkhntht tetrarrentalr accomrxny.
iog ttud -paci6ctioo'ad upon blwkvior that
purpose wheb will be supplied upon request at
tKq'bftea of .the cihr 'recorder,
certified thetk ol'fiv per cent ol the amount
of 'tbe bid inUst ccornpV the bid to'b'e fori
UM- to the skid 'city af'BaKdo ia-eue the
coniracioT? iwis no coir cuuuaciuc pwi 10
eakxttato axoaftict with trresaid'citywbin five
fhfl cammoa council reseives thdkiht to
reject Iny. tnd all bids. ,'
Dated Jt' Bandon, Oregon this I lib day of
October, 1913. '
E. B. KAUSRUD; City Kecorder.
' First dub. Oct. 14. 1913. Oct, 17, 1913.
Third pub, Oct. 21. 1913.
j Netitv ef-Final Accouppl;
, Nlice"Wkertby'givev that the- iwdctiiiiaed,
bas tWmejCitliitrCouirof 'Caos '.Couaty,
Oregon, ;th,fial. account in "the- mallet f tae
eitata -of "Mary Yaeaer.-deceased, "ami that tbe
Honorable Join F. Hall. County judgj Jua ap-
poioted Monday, November 3, IV 13. at IU
o'clock a. ai. of said day and at the Court
Hotfie at' CoqUfHe. Gdot Caenty, Uiefonas
ibe uWand'aW for tieaiinr obieetiou to such
iBaairaceouat, ad tk final' settlement and clot
'inf ftsaid mate and has directed the under
limrrll Iraialrlrslrii t- give notice- o( such final
New theiefore, all persons ate hereby aotified
that a bearing will be had 00 such fiaal account
at hV above' Staled Ihhe and place and those
havlflVolileettoai iberrto'of the cloiinn of said
esla(e,Muit,file''attd present same on or -before
such 'data. .
Tai Maee i publitbed in the Bandon Re
corder, a' semi-weekly. -newspaper pubb'thed in
Coos Couaty, Oregon -lot -four consecutive weeks,
the first oa Ftiday, Sept. 26th, 1913, and the
last on Friday, Oct. 24, 1913, being published
five (5) tunes." .
AHmiaiitratrfa'of'the' estate of 'Maty Yaeger,
deceaiad. -
GEO.-PTOPPINO, Attorney for Estate.
Sept. 26-Oc 24F s
Miss Simpson
Phone 934-
. I
I , Notki Gontrttr.
' Notitf'e' ' hereby -4iven; Thit sfiW- bids
will be'Kttiwd by'ih cotnmoii! cnnil-of the
To Save Life First
and property afterwards is
the fireman's duty. Your
duty is to see that in case of
fire your loved ones are not
made' homeless and pennilc&s.
Order a lire insurance policy
from-us today. Every day's
delay means the -.risk of see
ms your family without a
home or the means of getting
Donald Mac Kin tosh
Bnndon Branch Office of
Title Guarantee and
Abstract Co.
Henry Sengstackeil, Mgr.)
McNaire Hardware Building
In charge P. H. Poole.
Economy Promptness Reliability
Cedar Hill
Dairy Farm
J. F. VanLeuven, Prop.
Fresh Milk and -Gream de
livered daily at your door in
any' part of Bandon. All
orders 'given prompt attention
Phone Ruf al 29
Hotel Bandon
American Plan, $1.00
and $1.50 per. day;
European Plan, rooms
50c, 75c & $ per 'day
E. &. CASSIDY, Proprietor
Benjamin Ostlind
Consulting' Engineer and
Offlca in Thrift Bld.
i -
Cdnstipationr if Neglected,
Causes- Serious Illness' "
Constipation, if neglected, leads
to almost innumerable complica
tions affrctine the general health.
Many cases ot
typhoid fever,
appendicit is 'a rt d--'
other severe dis
eases are trace-
able to prolonged -cloRgittKi
of the
bowels. ReKard
the effects of
constipation, ' C.
E. Aycrs, 6 Sabin'
St., Motttptflief,"
Vt., says:
( "I wnj altllctcd
with constipation '
and blllousneaa for
years, ami at times became so bad 1
would become unconscious. I have been
found In tlntt condition many times.
Physlclana'dld' not seem to bo nbln' to
'do mo any good. I would become '
weak and for days ftt a time could do
no worK. Not long nao I sot u box
of 'Dr. Mllea' Luxntlvo' 'Tablots, and
after" uslnr them found I had never
tried- anytlilar that acted In such a
'rrilld and effective manner. I believe v
I have at last found the remedy that
sultn my case."
Thousands of people arc sufferers
'from habitual constipation- and
while possibly realizing something
of the danger-of this condition yet
neglect too long to employ proper -curafive
measures until serious ill
ness often results. The advice of
all'fchysic'ians jSi "keep your bowels
clean, and it's good idvice.
Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets arc
sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a
.box containing' as doses. If not
found '-satisfactory, your money -is:
returned?:!' :
MIUC& MKOIOAU CO., Blkhart, Ind.
ed Ere vmmm
Engineer -
Contractor and .
Bi-6wn & Gibson
Tbe Leading Conine tors
We furnish. plans and sped--fications
and it you are go
ing, to .build 1 anything,) no
ina'tter'KbUr-largie of how
small, we can save i1 you
mority. ' Let lis figure on
your building.
Contractor and
Ifjou' arc aiming to build let
me' figure with' you. Plans'
ata'd estimates- funiishcd?
! I ...
Do you want pure-drugs and
drug1 sundriefs, fine perfutnes,
Hair brushes and toilet arti-
cles? If so, call on
Bandon, Orefost
City Transfer
R. M. Boiler, Prop.
Everything For
CauTtaoua Traatmaat 1
Lowaat Price