W m M t ft »**« fMA* |4 |ff| hi 1 fi is** »ha» ronrmr» enHin* • ffW •hniSM *N r*m, Ita* • t»*fc l'»yeth** In* h •» lut» l»*g** er» iphtrta hern»*« «ml mh*r «e«lHi**s •n •he*« ynw ha** a em*gh «** **4»l A* (**« nt I** <•»»!♦•* th»« ■.■• 1’in'l *♦ • <1 n »fai* auHMWMi** , *«p*e*o*an* lib* ( hambet lam • |*>**t«tn r4 llw munr fe>f Nir hwMtng <4 rerlMB p»e<»* *4 Cmtgh Remedy is • hat ra need-d. In* hm >I *n**al*i»ri ihat rle*n* mH the rwbure tied* nt r W *n'»ea ; breeding place* Io* the germ* *4 In hi* own department the rdf», e 1 many impo»tant r* ad* *rr t»rn«lral- imilt nr pul in repair. One on th* I hat ia why pneumonia never re- 1 salts iorm a cold when Chamlterlain's ieg the val’ie <4 prrqie* r• timber ami opens up It contains no morphine o* other service is cariymg out hi* idea of a region ol great scenic beauty. In sedativ*. For sale by all dealers. ustionai amt stale co 4» ‘ration in northwestern Arizona, part ol the ed Home keeping Women Need road building The law require» land a ill l»e used in cuanectk>n with fóqjjire Health and Strength. that ten per cent of the grin» receipts the LeFnvre—Bright Angel road, The work ol • home-keeping Insur lâchas from the national forest* shall l»e important be a use it makes acces­ woman makes a constant call on her s «*111 in the states in which the g the‘1 sible to tourists ths Grand Canyon strength and vitality, and sickness been c forests are situated. This money is of the Colorado In one [dace, the comes through her kidneys and ladder expended for road improvement Ocean to Ocean Highway crosses bladder oftener than she knows the vq under direct control of the secretary the Apache national iorest, Arizona, Foley Kidney Pills will invigorate the iop. and restore her. nd weak back, of agi imitine. giva à and on this project the lor eat service nervousness, aching joints and ir­ Ì he amount appropriated under and the local authorities cooj«rated regular bladder acti >n will all dis­ P“f*. “ this act, base I on the receipts of the enthusiastically. On the Frorida appear when Foley Pills are used. other fire receipts <4 the national forests for national forest in western Florida The Orange Pharmacy. the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913 steel budges and gaded roads have, ^Then^you Chronic Dyspepsia. is $134, 538.98. From the 1612 under the stimulus of this fund, taken The following unsolicited testi­ receipts lor tins ten per cent road the place of corduroy, bog, and monial should certainly be sufficient E. E. OAKES item, there is an additional ¿134,- to give hope and courage to persons .-a id. afflicted will with.chronic dyspepsia: This federal road fund is now “I have been a chronic dyspeptic available in all national forest states for years, and of all the medicines 1 of the west. Just as fast as returns have taken, Chamberlain’s Tablets Woman Finally Recover* Come in, the forestry officials say, a have done me more good than any­ From Nervous Breakdown similar fund will become available in thing else,” says W. G. Mattson, No. 7 Sherman St., Hornellsville, Impoverished nerves destroy many stales in which eastern national N. Y. For sale by all dealers. people before their time. Often be­ forests are being secured. fore a sufferer realizes what the Mechanical Quick to Help Backache and trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown. It Rheumatism. Engineer is of the utmost importance to keep Forest Notes. your nervous system in good con The man or woman who wants dition, as the nerves are the source There are about 37 pines nativ e quick help from backache and of all bodily power. Mr*. Rosa Contractor ¡and rheumatism, will find it in Foley Bonner, 825 N. 18th St., Birming­ to the United States ol which 25 Kidney Pills. They act so quickly ham, Ala, says: are western species, and 12 eastern. Builder and with such good effeet that weak “I have been suffering with nerv­ Paraguay has valuable forest re­ inactive kidneys that do not keep ous prostration for nine or ten years. Have tried many of the best sources. the most impoftsnt of which the blood clean and free of impurit­ doctors in Birmingham, but they all is quebracho, particularly rich in ies, are toned up and strengthened failed to reach my case. I would to healthy vigorous action. Good feel as if 1 was smothering; finally tannin. results follow their use promptly. I went into convulsions. My little Much of the cork used through­ The Orange Pharmacy. girl saw out the world comes Irom Portugal, Dr. Miles’ Nervine A Marvelous Escape. which harvests about 50,000 tons advertised in the papers and I at “ My little boy had xa marvelous a year. once began to take It. I continued escape, ” P. F. Bastiams ol Prince to take it for some time and now I Germany is said to have an over am well." • Albert, Cape of Good Hope ” It If you are troubled with loss of sup| ly ol foresters; so that well- occurred in the middle of the night. appetite, poor digestion, weakness, educated men have hard work to He got a very severe attack of The Leading Contractors inability to sleep; if you are in a secure even infe ior positions. croup. As luck would have it, I general run down condition and and Builders unable to bear your part of the One ol the largest forest nurseries had a large bottle of Chamberlain's daily grind of life, you need some­ Cough Remedy in the house. After thing to strengthen your nerves. in the United States is conducted by following the directions for an hour You may not realize what is the mat the forest service near Haugen, and twenty minutes he was through ter with you, but that is no reason Montana. It is known as the Save- all danger.” Sold by all dealers. We furnish plans and speci­ why you should delay treatment. nac nuisery and has a capacity ol fications and it you are go­ Dr. Miles’ Nervine 4, 000,000 young trees a year. They Make Yow Feel Good. ing to build anything, no has proven its value in nervous dis­ The forests of Norway are mostly The pleasant purgative effect orders for thirty years, and merits in private or municipal ownership, matter how large or how a trial, no matter how many other the nation owning 28.5 per cent ol produced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of body remedies have failed to help you small, we can save you the total forest area. The national and mind which they create make Sold by all druggists. If first bottk fall» to benefit your money Is returned iorests of the United States occupy one feel joyful. For sale by all money. Let us figure on MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. only about twenty per cent of the dealers. your building. total forest area of the country. The changeable weather of early fall brings on coughs and colds th it r have a weakening effect on the system, and may become chronic. Use Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound. It has a very soothing and healing effect on the irritated and nflamed air passages, and will help very quickly. It is a well known family medicine that gives results. If you are aiming to build let The Orange Pharmacy. me figure with you. Plans f MPWdl The volume of business we are doing attests the excellence of G. W. M. brands and methods GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO ■W* S. S. ELIZABETH Large Two Berth Oulaide State Room» with Running Water « Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50 Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight fffll GREGORY Bandon ▼ Hotel Gallier Bandon ——— Six A. No. i dairy cows, still milking. $50 per head. One 9 hun­ dred pound, Simplex, hand or power separator, good as new, $60 One 3 year old, registered, and imported Jersey bull ft00. Apply at once. —H. P. Clausen, Fourmile, Coos Go. Ore. 77-t4 Furnished Cottage for Rent. —------------------- COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. Main Office: Marshfield, Ore. BAN DON TRANSFER UNE CATCHEU. BROS., Prop». All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St.. Eish Property PHON K 041 Oregon ■■ ■ ■" r PLUMBING BUILT TO LAST is the only kind worth its price. Pipes that constantly leak. Hues that refuse to draw are a continual expense and trouble. The next time you need plumbing work why not try the experiment of finding out why our work is so highly spoken of. All work done by us is absolutely guaranteed. BANDON HARDWARE COMPANY Strati hai & Di ppel Real Estate and Investments Choice farms, stock ranches, city property and business investments. PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drug* and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti­ cles? If *0, call on We are agents for some of the best fire insur­ ance companies in America. We also furnish abstracts of title on short notice. We can save you time and money. Give us your business and keep your money at home. C. Y. LOWE Bandon, Oregon / Before purchasing elsewhere sec us. Office Bank Building. Phone 33. City Transfer Notice. If you have none alieady let us install one for you and see how much better and safer you will feel. Rates and information supplied by our local manager • •• • •• • •• P. O. BOX »03. BANDON Five roams, hot and cold water, and bath. Inquire at Mott Millin­ ery store. 77-tf TELEPHONE î Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by weekormonth Sample room in connection Oregon and estimates furnished. For Sale. it always ready to wait on and give you service every hour of the day or night between you and your bake , butcher, fire department, doctor, grocer, police department, and hundreds of your friends; of course it is the Po nt J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon. Contractor and Builder AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES WHO? Myrtle FRED L. LEEPER School Books Big Values in Tablets at Perkin»', E. & E. T. Kruse, owner, and .»anagen, 24 California St., San FianciKO. Brown & Gibson The Most Complete Stock in the City Pharmacy, Coquille; Fuhrman'» Reservation»; The removal of any sand or gravel from the Breakwater Addition is strictly forbidden. — W. L. Green, owner. 77-18 uwu Strauhal and Dippel R. M. Boiler, Prop. Bandon, Oregon ALL KINDS OF hauling D one a With DISPATCH For Sale. E 1-2 SW 1.4, SE i-4 NW 1-4, SW 1-4 SE 1-4, Sec. 3, T. 29 S., R.13 W. 160 acres timber. Will, sell for assessed Valvation on county cruise.—Geo. B. Morgan, Bandon Ore. 64-tf New orders of bicycle repairs of all kinds constantly arriving. Will take orders for bicycles of any kind. 9otf S. D. B arrows OREGON BANDON A. D. Mills Everything For Everybody Twenty of the best terms. at lots in Azalia Park on easy I have the best available properties in the city listed. F or S ale —On corner . of Fill­ more and 3rd streets, groceries at i living prices. Call and see A. H. Sparks. in Old Come and see me. Real Estate, Fire Insurance. Notary Public 54<* «