Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, September 12, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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11 1111
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f«riH Rill
Local Notes
It Costs
Opwei daring Noon Hour and Satur­
day Evening*.
Donald MacKintosh reports the
. de of 20 acres on Crooked Creek
four miles south of Bandon to Gus
Hecken, also 20 acrc3 to a Mr. Cas­
tle of Medford, Mr. Hecklen will
move his family here and improve
his place. He formerly lived at
Monroe, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I
Brown, of
C-mas Valley arrived in Bandon
Wednesday to visit their son L. E.
Brown and family. Mr. Brown has
been here hefote. but not for six ot
»even years and says the town has
grown wonderfully in that time.
| He may decide to locate here.
»/«tat'lay hr NW"”’
H «gheo Mi on the
kw a bwetneew tup to Prwtltwl
Wawran tn Manat—3m»11
I in Of near fowr Ce at thta oWke
OME people buy
Th* rknrt al fhe Wig«
jewelry without re­
nesrtay night was a MMteM in every
gard to nr If protection.
I parttcular.
F or S ai .B—4 room house and 3
1 Iola all fenced and cleared Address
rilERS are care­
I Box 725, City.
ful to buy from a
The Prrabyterian Sunday St hool
whot»c name
' >a picnicing in the park nta. the
stands for honest mer­
I ball ground today.
chandise only.
W C. Madden and W. E Rob-
| ison were over from Marshfield on
here ■>
business yesterday.
made easy for it i. bought
Mies Blanche Radley has returned
with cantideace, and the
i> rareIv
variety fur «electiaa
Irom a visit of several weeks with
equaled in citie* ten time* the
friends in California.
•ue of BmiJoa.
F or S ai .E —One riding pony and
one serviceable driving horse, $35
each. Albert J. Turner.
Manufack.itig J y tiers
"The Power of the Cross,” *o
°hone 751, Bandon, Ore. reel Lubin feature, Grand Theatre,
S”nday night, Sept. 14.
»trading ; nd
Let us do your
keep your morey in your home
town.—S trauhal A D ipple
Wanted — Agate Work—Sabro
Chas. Richert his bought the
Young Bros. Mill on Twomile and
Fresh Eastern Oysters at the will log off the Strader ract.
A number of Bandonians are tn
H. D. Coe was over from Coos Myrtle Point today attending the
Bay yesterday.
Coos ar.d Curry County fair.
Shoes shined at Hotel Gallier by
F or S ale . Dark Jersey cow,
Archie Jorgen en.
gives five gallons milk a day. See
Try the Unique for a good square Mr3. H.M. Tucker.
meal and sweet bread.
F or sale . Good sound horse,
P. H. Poole went to Coqui’le this weight about 1300 pounds, 7 years
morning on business.
old. Inquire at this office.
When you want
>h Eastern
City Engineer P. A Sandberg
oysters, don’t forget the Wigwam went to Marshfield on business yes­
terday noon, returning today noon.
Mrs. R. F. Cope of L-ing’os
Dressmaking by the day. Terms
visited her p ren’s, Mr. and Mrs. Z. reasonable. Address Mrs. A. Cleary
Boice, this week.
Bandon, Ore. Gen. Delivery. 7it8x
F or S ale —Twenty-five horse
A special two reel feature “The
power submerged tube upright boil­ Demon of Destruction,” also good
er, and fifteen h. p. engine. Call at Solasc comedy at the Orpheum to­
Acme Planning Mill.
Attorney W H. Meredi’h of
John Sutton’s cozy little bunga
Wedderburn was in Bindon Wed­ low that is being built in east Ban­
nesday on his way to Coos Bay to don, wi” so th be ready r occu­
look after busim’».
New orders of bicycle repairs of
F or S ale —On co .ier of Fill­
all kinds constantly arriving. Will more nd 3>d stree.j, groceiies at
take orders for bicycles of any kind.
living prices. Call aud see A. H.
S. D. B arrows .
Mrs. Geo. Erdman went yester­
James O’Toole who has been
day to visit her mother, Mrs. Wald- visiting in the east for a couple of
vogel, who is critically ill at her months, returned to Bandon Wed­
home on South Twomile.
Mr. and Mrs. W L. Beach went
S. S. Little who wrs stricken with
to the Van Luven home, known as paraiysis last week seems to be im­
the Cedar Hill Dai y farm yesterday proving slowly at the Emergency
to see their new grandson.
Mrs. Gra< e E. Nance left recently
Looking for quick salt 3 list your
for her home at Clifton Wash., aiter property with us we bring buyer and
a visit of several months with her seller together.—S trauhal A D ip -
brother Geo. B. Morgan of this city.
pel .
70' f
The Bronco Co. are without an
Wanted—Hovsekee. er to *ake
equal, when producing feature films cire of children r id do general
and in their two reel feature “The
housework. Apply at Anderson’s
Sea Dog"
have surpassed all Rooming House.
previous efforts.
This splendid
J. F. Autr has sold his lease on
featnre wi" be shown tomorrow
David Prewilt ranch to D. P.
night at the Orpheum. Also a
Marshfield. Mr. Auer
Gaumont Weeklo showing cut rent Jenkins of
family will take a trip ‘ Mc-
events. No advance admission 10-5C
For Sale or Trade—A good or-
chard proposition in Douglas Co.
Ore. on the S. P. railroad, Get the
facts from the owner. Box 892,
Bandon, Ore.
Is. n Walker was in town a few
days this week. He was a cattle
' driver here about 25 years ago and
Bandon has grown more in the
to keep vour money
which has elapsed since then
in this strong, safe
than he had expected. Mr. W<-'k-
bank, subject at all
er now lives in California.
times to your checks
The person of small
means finds us as at­
tentive to his needs
as does the man
with large interests.
An important func­
tion of this bank is
to do what it can to
aid its depositors in
financial growth.
4vl a«Tv>i*s
4» 1 ffiww .4 Ht* *
• •*»»-.♦* I WHf
«•M« '4 th* »W'Wg
r«0****, fepuNWan, <
pemsWiats. *r.f wa* pi
Irtef by »*• rt-o fhwnd
H m
School Books
fh' D>'o s rata h»l nxswt'l thr< <iVht><>t J
th* hmg tar4* fight «m losing the v>>t*s <4
Senator Ran sale T and Ihoht*"'. <4 1.1 ■
■•na, Demaw rata, who stated agai 1st th* bill
to. la» he< an«* it would pi t au r on the free
The Most Complete
Stock in the City
Notice to Contractor .
Until the names <4 Senator» La Follette
Notice i* hereby given that .ealnl taut
and f\»ind*ster actually were < ailed, how.
will be received by lhe Common Council of
ever, no one knew definitely the stand they
lhe City of Hendon, Cooa County, Oregon, .
would take, and their votes were grreted uaed haff part «even o’clock I’. M Wed- !
with enthusiastic applause
newiay the 24th day of September 1913 for I
President Wilson es pressed tonight ¿teat the improvement <4 Fourth Street We»t
gratification over the end <4 the long strug­ from the West line of Edison Avenue to
gle in the Senate. Senator Simmons, chair, it» intersection with Ocean Drive in the City
mail of the Finance committee, who had pi­ of Bandon, Coos County, O-egon, accord­
loted the bill through the finance committee ing to *he plansand specifications on file in
the Democratic caucus and the Senate, pre­ the office of the City Recorder and there
dicted that its paaaage would bring imme­ open to the inspection of all persons inter-
diate stimulus to the bus nessof the countrv eeled therein.
Big Values in Tablets
All bids must be in accordance with the
requirements accompanying said specifica­
percent of the rates of "he original bill that tions
[Kissed the House and nearly 28 per cent purpose which w 4 be supplied upon request
from the rates of existing l.i.v*.
at the office of the City Recorder.
A certified check of five per cent of the
amount of bid must accompany the bid to
The Agners Orchestra came up be forfeited to the said City of Bandon, in
yesterday in Automobiles and pro-; case the contract is awarded to contractor
aud he fails to enter into a contract wi'.i
ceeded on to Coos Bay today where the said City within five days from the time
they will give concerts at Marshfield said contract is awarded The Common
and North Bend and will return Council reserve» the right to reject any and
here Monday for a concert at the all bids or to let a contract to the lowest
responsible bidder.
A» it passed the Senate, the tariff I ill rep­
resents an aver.' ;e reduction of mo.* than 4
Grand The tre Mor. lay night and a
dance in Bank Hall.
Harry Grain. Ernest Watkins and
Arch e Rosa expect to start Monday
or Tuesday for Eugene where they
w ill enter lhe University of Oregon.
Harry will continue his work of last
year, Ernest will take electrical en
gineering and Archie will probably
take commercial law.
Wanted] Wanted!
To trade or buy all kinds of house
hold goods at rhe turn ture store on
the hill
Notice to the Public.
In the United States District
Court. Northern District of'Cali-
lornia. First Division.
In the Matter of Green, Fostter &
Lehmann, Bankrupts.
To *’ie Creditors: Take notice,
that J. A. Olsen, trustee herein has
filed his Third Account, and that at
the office of the undersigned, Room
202 U. S. Court House and Post
Office Building, San Francisco,
California. on Sept. 15th, 1913, at
Io a. M., said account will be ex-
amined and pass ,d upon, and a
dividend declared. Dated: Sept.
A rmand B. K reft ,
4. 19*3
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Strauhal & Dippel
Real Estate and Investments
Choice farms, stock ranches, city property and
business investments.
We are agents for some of the best fire insur­
ance companies in America.
Dated at Bandon, Oregon this 11th day
of September 1913
City Re corder
First Publ. Sept. 12th 1911
Second Publ Sept. 16th 1913
Third Publ. Sept. 19th 191)
We also furnish abstracts of title on short notice.
We can save you time and money.
Give us
your business and keep your money at home.
Before purchasing elsewhere see us. Office m ON
Bank Building. Phone 33.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the Common Council of
City of Bandon, Oregon, until half past
seven o’clock P. M. Wednesday the 24th
day of September 1913 for the improvement
of Ocern Drive from its intersection with
4th street West to the West line of Jackson
Avenue in the City of Bandon, Coos
County, Oregon, according to the plans
and specifications on tile in the office of the
City Recorder and there open to the in­
spection of all persons interested therein.
All bids must be in accordance with the
requirements accoinpanyirg said specifica­
tions and upon blanks for that purpose
which will Ise supplied upon request at the
office of the Citv Recorder,
A certified check of five per cent of the
amount of nid must accompany 'the bid to
be forfeited to the said City of Bandon, in
case the contract is awarded the contractor
and he fails to enter into a contract with the
said City within five days from time said
contract is awarded. The Common Council
reserves the right to reject any and all bids
Strauhal and Dippel
Bandon, Oregon
Fifty Second Annual
Oregon State Fair
Salem, Sept. 29th to Oct. 4, 1913
A Whole Week of Pleasure and Profit
$20,000 Offered In Premiums
or to let a Contract to the lowest resnonsible Oil
Dated at Bandon, Oregon this 11th day of
September 1911:
City Recorder.
First Puhi. Sept. 12th, 1913
Second Puhi. Sept. 16th 19’3
Third Puhi. Sept. 19th 1913
Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry, Textile & otherexhibits
Horse Race«, Shooting Tournament,
Fire Works, Band Concerts, Eugen­
ics Exposition, Children’s
Ground and Other Free Attractions
including Boyd & Ogle’s One Ring
Free Camping Ground.
You Are Invited.
Send For Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced
Rates on all Railroads. For particulars address—
Fourteen Pieces
Salem, Oregon
Bank Hall Monday
A. D. Mills
immediately after the concert at
the Grand Theatre.
Twenty of the best lot« in Azalia Park on ea«y
I have the best available propel des in the
city lilted.
Dancing until 2:00 A. M.
Conre and «ee me.
Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Notai/ Public