MM WaoHlylsmimi RoeoHlsr, Jipbnth«» t. Ifll A gad Mhultlef WFA4LY BANDON RECORDER We» F 4 i.OOGF DIRFC TORY M t e I'» ng • u whin •»••«» «• • I’uhlMhrd Herv h»d*ldf bridge M tb* L'hnt'* «»tend’r Pi«ld»4Ì4i«g Uonipeny. ____ t •« ba *1 ah rh tn»* •••• Ahh » 4 «4« he came from tJ U*<* <>l shout 7<> nul «, by «tage He has been in tbe »unterenee Sub* option II.SO per Y«r ia Advance. Adverting rale« i«Ms for his ceeding* will .anted. Alpha Wheeksl, N. G. against Mr. Gage, whom the chief of Portland, a majority o! the ap­ jotephine Stolt?, Secretary. grievances iu »he courts. praisement committie. Car-, y Hi)- Tbe Attoruey-Ge teral d sco» -is executive evidently undertook to ter, of Da1'.«, *’ie the relegate to private life. In a nut ­ w. o. w. that ’he Iutiepcndv it Workers of U appraised the pl >.» u : * j. shell, »he afTair is ano'her West OMETHING fXMNG Every M the World had rua*ie a lot of trouble Everv leeway NigLl. When Mr. lii;i .Cc ih. t lizzie, of which he I as an unenviable in Coos county. A series of sur­ SEASIDE CAMP NO 212. I the Portland sc. . ; .. k WOODMEN OF I HL WORLD.1 prising accidenti m 'he mills, »uch number to his credit.—Coquille be put into effect sr ■ K.iv and Meets at K. of P. Hall. Visiting Neighbor» as spikes in logs lor the destruction Pankhurst to Visit 'Olcott said they saw uo rcas< n why | Welcome. of saws, .»nd cil the tracks of log­ Mrs. C. M. Gage, C. C. the present scale shculd nut te| United State*. ging roads for mischief to trains, London, Sept. 8—Mrs. Emmeline adopted, explaining that the most I and the like, were ail attributed to the ev<' machinations of the so- Pankhurst, the unconqured militant expert in«n could be paid whjt the called I. W. W. The consequent suffragette will »{»end October in board saw fit. Professional Card«.£ Mr. Harris declared he could not unr< t and excitement among the America, according to announce­ get good workmen for the Salem mill workers are not forgotten among ment made at suffragette headquart­ the mill workers of Ceos Bay or ers. Jean Wickham, a suffragette scale, and pleaded that it would be elsewhere. They were be ing made organizer, will sail for New York economy to adopt the Portland THOMAS F. HAGGERTY the victims of the celebrated I. W. September 11 on the lmer Cedric scale. The meet;ng was adjourntd Attorney-at-Law W. policy of direct action, along to complete arrangements for Mrs. while he was still talking. with the mill owners. Direct action Pankhurst'» visit. Over McNair’s Hardware Store Mrs. Pankhurst will lecture in the Phone 482 oi another kind followed. The agi Notice la tors were deported l.onn Marsh­ United States on the advantages to BANDON, OREGON I hereby give notice to the public field and later Dr. Leach was politely be gained bv the suffragette cause in th ,t 1 do not wish sand and ether but ririnly requested to ’’ave Ban­ lighting white slavery and sexual materials removed the Break- C. R. WADE diseases. She will speak at New don. water Addition, and stand ready to Attorney-at-Law Just why Dr. I.each should de­ York, Boaton, Philadelphia. Chica­ prosecute enyone so trespassing. Agent Pacific Surety Com [.any O&ce Bank sire to live in a community which go and other eastern cities. Mrs. W. L. G reen Owner. of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102 plainly does not want him is not Pankhurst is recovering at Trout­ BANDON, OREGON clear. He may say—with propriety, ville, France, from the effects of a hunger strike »he conducted in the no doabt — that bis own motives and DR. H. L. HOUSTON desires are not the question. The Holloway prison in London. —oow----- provocation to riot and disturbance Physician A Surgeon Better Apple Market. his very presence will create is, of Oflke over Eri^ Store. Hoots, 9 to 12 a. m; Because Coos county ranks third course, uot to be considered in de­ 1:30 to 4 p. m; 7 to 8 in the evening. termining whether he has a right among Oregon counties in the pro­ BANDON, OREGON to live where he wants to live. Yet duction of apples the announcement the uncomfortable consequences of that larger and belter markets lor DR. SMITH J. MANN direct action to himself were per­ the Pacific coast fruit will be possible haps not given due thought whtn by the opening of the Panama canal Physician A Surgeon the doctor hailed the I. W. W. as ■ust prove interesting to many < f Oflke in Panter Bidding. Hows, 9 to 12 a. m; men and brethern. — Portland Ore­ the Seatinel readers. This state­ I to 5 p. 01. gonian. ment is made by C. M. Simons of BANDON, OREGON London, England, who bases his Bible of 172« Exhibit ad. opinion on the fact that the canal DR. L. P. SORENSON ’ A notable event in the develop- will reduce shipping charges and and property afterwards IS Your ■not of the Bandon Public Library will allow the fruit to be landed in the fireman’s duty, Dentist was the reception and book shower tetter condition than now or ever duty is to see that in case of Oflke over Vienna Cafe, rdephonejat oflke given in the new quarters of the li- J has been possible. He states that fire your loved ones are not and residence. brary I In addition to ihe books i the large apple crop in the United BANDON, OREGON made homeless and penniless. owned by the library, there were on States last year gave his company Order a tire insurance policy exhibition some antique copies be- an opportunity to introduce box Every day’s G. T. TREADGOLD longin^to patrons: One of these apples in his country and on »he from us today. A ttorney and Counselor was a bible, belongs to Mrs. J. L. I continent at very reasonable prices. ' delay means the risk of see­ at Law Kronenberg. printed in 1728, and at and that they met with genuine ap ing your family without a Oflke with Bandon Investment Company one time the property of Trinity proval everywhere. He believes, home or the means of getting Notary Public Qherch, New York. When the be say« that the market this year BANDON, OREGON one. Britiah sacxed New York, the church will be greatly in excess of last was burned and »he Bible was thrown year’s figures a con9eque«ce. and Duaald Mackintosh DR. R. V. LEEP out the window. It was picked up that the demand for our apples will Physician A Surgeon by a Frenchman named Vincent Til- continue to grow if the prices are yoo, who took it to New Jersey and I kept within reasonable bounds. He I OSce in RaunuMen Bwkluig Phooe 72. traded it to John Tucker, of Somer­ e titrates the apple crop this year BANDON, OREGON i Contractor and set county, for a cow. In 1841 the ia Oregon and Washington as about 70 per cent of the tota’ crop of last book came into the possession of year, and says the California crop' Builder Allan Parker, who was the grandeoe will be from 35 to 40 per cent less DR. ARTHUR GALE of John Tacker, and in 1804 it was than a year ago.—Coquille Sentinel. If you are aiming to build let u*e figure with you. Plans Physician A Surgeon left to Jadah Parker, »on of A11»« and estimates furnished. Oflke over Otaage Pharmacy. Otbce phone. Parker. In 1869, when Judah JiMt Arrived. 352. Reudeoce phone, 353. P. O. BOX »03. BANDON Parker came east, the book was lost At Wtchkl's furniture store on BANDON, OREGON and was afterwards found ■<. Lenses ker, and was brought by her to Coos Dentist The healing demulcent qualities of Made couaty, Or<*gon. Upon the death Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound Oflke Phone 71; Rea. Phene 312 of Jadah Parker in 1899 the bible j are aot duplicated in any other Office n H artnaan Building becaae the property of her daugh- medicine for coughs and colds. Any RAN DON, OREGON ' ^0' I I I. J ---------------------------- tar, Mrs- J. I.. Kronenbcrg of Ban I . substitute offered you is an inferior «rtioia. Refuse to accept it for it don. Beajamin Ostlind DR. H. B. MOORE Thw old bible contain« Sternhold's can aot produce the healing and •oothiog «Beet of Foley's Honey Drugless Physician CoaauitiM Engineer and aad 9wphm . vemiwn of the Pnalqp’n. , ang Tar Cc«po«nd. Iamst qpon Architect •e kgit* Booh of Praanr aad tBe *a f«taa«e. which coataia« no Ofee Hoto 9:30 I o 12 and 2 to 5 Act* of Parliament which «arkad «M'tax an. Sold by Orange Pharmacy. Office m Thrift Bldg Oflke la r-moa. Block, BANDON. ORE O S To Save Life First Got Any Time To Spare? Use electric appliances for the household work and you will have time for other things. Let us demonstrate them to you BANDON POWER COMPANY HT E INO E 1 HIE HARNESS MAN A new supply of suit cases, trunks, shopping bags, robes, etc., etc Highest Market Price Paid FOR WOOL CENTRAL FEED COMPANY Phone 142 We want you For our cuatomer—not just today, but tomor­ row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU FRED L. LEEPER Equipped with Wieless S. S. HR EA K WATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sa»U from Coo* Bay as follows: Tuesday, Aug. 5; Sunday, Aug. 10; Friday, Aug. 15; Wed., Aug. 20; Monday, Aug. 25; Saturday, Aug. 30. Cuoflrm Sailing* Tter«u«h M F SHOEMAKER, Aaent Ban Phone 142 ÍÍ