Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, September 05, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Nrrflr* In F«e«fHs wf
ChiMe»n *
Mill GflíCüHT
TW •* tFVrimn nt p«»» if'i 14 9 If* > n < V 1*
,« «ehnnl m revpFvtlMMy
« <M*«I tn th» *riH
* npt»«1 by th«* dfiHncl b«Mf<l at it*
O' *»••»»< Mvpir-nh* r ltd. S» h*ml
will iwgin M«> «lay S*|»lr«nt*« i vh
F .rat, aerond. ibi rd 4 nd inert h
g'a«les «ill tx taught in the east
lniil«ling a» *am as < nmpleted. Ail
g ad«*» «ill lie taught tn the high
•* ¡tool building as heretofore Until
the eant building m complete«I the
following arrangemeols have made
ar.d perm.uient ward limits «•CSbiish-
ed .u follows.
All children liv ng north of nth
street (formerly 6th street) and east
of Baltimore avenue (formerly M in
street) who are in the first, second,
third and fourth grades are to attend
the east building as soon as corr-
ideted. In the meantime those in
fi. st and second g ades should go
to the high school building and
those in the 3rd and 4th grades
should go to the old build'ng.
As soon as the new east building
i 1 completed teachers and students
will be transferred.
Parents throughout the town
having children in first, second,
third and fourth grades should send
he street address by the children
on the first day so that they may be
assigned in the right room to avoid
shifting when the new east building
s ready.
Hearty co-o[>eration is earnestly
aske.1 to make this school year the
very best in the history oi Bandon.
The follow ng assignments of
teachers has been made n the high
school: Misses Mary Ritchie, Daryl
Belat, Elizabeth Rodgers, Helen
In the grammar school: Mr.
Nichols, Sth grade, Miss Taylor, 7th
grade; Miss Rea, 6th grade; Mrs.
Nichols, 5th; Miss McKay, 5th
giade; Miss Witcher, 4th grade;
M ss Fahey, 3rd grade; Miss Rosa.
3rd grade; Miss W Ikins, 2rfd grade;
Miss Witcher, tst grade,
Bancion people will be glad to
know that the school board has com­
pleted arrangemen < for teaching
domestic science the c< mine year.
Miss Abbott will have charge oi
this work and a successful year is
assured. With the commercial work
carried on under Miss Fahey, and
the new course in domestic science
ready and music in a” the grades,
the Bandon schools are keeping up
with the rapid changes being made
in educational matters.
School books have been changed
by tbs slate. Do not buy any books
until the new ones are here —H. L.
Hopkins, Supt.
BEGINS tts forty-fifth school year
scrrcMBCR «», «•»».
DEGREE COURSES n many phasesof
TWO-YEAR COURSES in agricul ­
ture .
home E conomic *. M echanic
art « FOREBTRT. C ommerce PHARMACT
training, agriculture, docuewtic aciruct
and art
MUSIC, including piano, »tring, band
instruments and voice culture.
A B eautiful B ooklet entitled
"T hk E nhiciimknt of R ubai . L ifk "
and a C a T alocou will be mailed fret-
on application.
Address H M. T knman T, Registrar,
(tw-T-U to w«)
Corvallis, Oregon.
S'«««. Mast "«a. Its.
Answering ths i|n«-ett<»us - f a corns
, «p-eslsnt fur lnf'>rtiMit1<Mi ntiuut organ­
ising a grangs. ths »set irsr of th*
FsnnsyIvanin stats grunge, ft t* Kes
<er. writes as follows, and we give bls
r»t>ly for the benefit uf others who
tuay not b* familiar with grange pro
At least thirteen charter members
arv tiecunaary to orgunlte a grunge,
four of whom must bo women. The
Initiation fees ns well as the dues are
merely nominal. The minimum lnltla
tion fee Is $3 fur udult males nud JI fur
females; for minon», males, fl; fe­
males. 50 cents. The minimum an­
nual dueo for both sexes and all ages
are 10 cents per month. About two-
thirds of all this money remains at
Lome tn the local treasury. The bal­
ance goes to help maintain the work
of the state und national granges. The
charter, dispensation und equipment
uro purchased from the national
grange, for which fl5 Is paid, the
money being pula out of the charter
member fees. A grange is organized
by u deputy or other authorized mem­
ber. There are thirteen officials In
every grange, and women are Eligible
to any of them.
There are four degrees tn a subordi­
nate or local grange. Not more than
two may tie conferred at one meeting.
The time and number of meetings ure
optional. Some granges bold weekly
meetings; more bold them twice a
month and some once a month. The
Pomona or county granges ure held
every three months. This grange con­
fers one degree, called the fifth de­
gree Nearly all the business of the
Pomona meeting is done tn the fourth
degree, and every fourth degree mem­
ber may attend except when It is work­
ing In the fifth degree.
Thu state grange meets annually,
und Its voting members consist of two
delegates (In Pennsylvania) from each
subordinate grunge, which ure the
master und bis w ife, unless others are
chosen. The sixth degree is conferred
at the state grange. The national
grange meets annually, and it is com­
posed of the masters of the state
granges und their wives. The seventh
and highest degree is conferred here.
In ull grunge meetings the work is
conducted in the fourth degree, and
any fourth degree member—that is,
any one who Is u member iu good
standing uf u local grange—can attend
u Pomona, state or nationul meeting.
As to returns, they begin at once and
in any way the members may choose.
We must remember that the grange Is
an Institution with high alms, possi­
bilities and accomplishments. We can­
not measure all returns In dollars and
cents any more than we can set a
money value on the work of the
church or the schosls. But we can by
co-operating save ns well as make
money from the start. The Patrons’
fire Insurance companies, the buying
from grange contract houses, co-oper­
ative selling-all these and many other
avenues are open to grangers, enabling
them to save many times the small
annunl fees. Besides this, the effect
that united effort brings on state and
nntional affairs will bring, as it has
brought, great good to all. -Do not
hesitate to organize.
About Schoolhouse».
it is propose*«! to amend the educa­
tion law tn New York so as to throw
open public school bouses and grounds
for other purposes when not in use by
the school. A new law empowers vot­
ers of a school district to vote to au­
thorize the use of school buildings and
grounds for agricultural, athletic and
social purposes, to purchase the neces­
sary equipment and supplies for these
purposes and to employ persons to give
instruction and to organize, supervise
and conduct nthleUc, playground and
social center activities. Schoolhouses
nnd grounds may be devoted to the fol­
lowing uses when not iu use for regular
school purposes: For social, civic and
recreational meetings, which must be
open to the public, nnd admission fees
cannot be charged unless for charitable
purposes or educational purposes, but
not for the benefit of any exclusive so­
ciety or organization. The building»
may tie used for instruction in any
branch of education, learning or the
arts; for public library purposes and
for polling places nnd for bolding po­
litical meetings when nuthority Is giv­
en by the voters of the district This
Is a step In the right direction.
Pennsylvania ...... a
3 Fouth Dnkota .... u
3 Washington ..
4 Wisconsin ............ 7
3 Wyoming ....... .... t
Total ............... ....1C
Colorado ............... 1 Pennsylvania ....... 1
Kansas ....»......... 1 Washington .......... «
Massachusetts ... 1
“We have a large stock of
1 1-2 x 4-6-8-10 and 12
No. 1 common lumber that
must be moved. This is
suitable for sidewalks and
will be sold at a very low
•• *• O«
Kansas ..................
and» have successfully used it and hav* | Maine .....................
been restore«! to live« of sobriety and use­ Mary In nd .............
fulness. Can be given secretly. Costs Massachusetts ...
only $1.00 per box. If you fail to get Michigan ........
results from ORRTNE after a trial, voui I Minnesota ............
money will be refunded. Ask for free
booklet telling all about ORRINE.
Sam Says
M«< hanical
Contractor end
1 Total ...
L~ ~
Insurance Ctim
yean tK-
Brown & üibson
been climbing the fire irvutance
The Leading Contractors
and Builders
!ndder until to-day it stands at
the top.
In the volume of fire
protection it gives the American
We furnish plans and speci­
fications and it you are go­
ing to build anything, no
matter how large or how
small, we can save you
money. Let us figure on
your building.
it 'stands , above ¿Very
insurance „company.
When ; you
— —
nœd fire L insurance
For Sale.
Boarding house, furnished. Small
payment down. Ba’. easy terms.
Located on Iris St. in Woolen Mill
Ad. to the town of Bandon. See
S. R. Loshbaugh.
For Exchange.
Oregon farm and town property
for Eastern or Southern property.
Tell me what you have to trade and
I will find you something here — E.
N. Smith.
30 tf
Costly Treatment.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
In Dufort Building
Columbia Ave.
Give Us a Call
Large 1 wo Berth Outside State Room» with Running Water
Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and
San Francisco
First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50
Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight
Reservation»: Fuhrman'» Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkin»', Myrtle Po t !
E. fit E. T. Kruw, owner, and n.nagrr., 24 California St., San Francisco.
J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon.
Hotel Gallic
Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per da\.
Special rates by week or month
Sample room in connection
“I was troubled with constipation Do you want pure drugs and
and indigestion and spent hundreds
of dollars for medicine and treat­ drug sundries, fine perfumes,
ment,” writes C. H. Hines, of Whit­ hair brushes and toilet arti­
low, Ark. “I went to a St. Louis
cles? If so, call on
hospital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans, but no cure was effected.
On returning home I began taking
Bandon, Oregon
Ch imberlain’s Tablets, and worked
right along. I used them for some
time and am now all right.”
by all dealers.
• ••
• ••
• • •
City Transfer
Good Reason for his En
(¿an't Afford to Have Kidney
No man with a family to support
can afford to have kidney trouble,
noj need he fear it with such a
remedy at hand as Foley Kidney
Pills. An honest medicine, safe and
reliable, costing little but doing
much good. Foley Kidney Pills
eliminate backache and rheumatism,
tone up the system and restore
normal action of kidneys and bladder.
Sold by Orange Pharmacy.
Remarkable Cure of Dys­
entery. •
“I was attacked with dysentery
about July 15th, and used I the doc­
tor’s medicine and other remedies
with no relief, only getting worse
all the lime. I was unable to do
anything and my weight dropped
from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered
for about two months when I was
advised to use Chamberlain's Golic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I
used two bottles of it and it gave
me permanent relief,” writes B. W.
Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For sale
by all dealers.
For Sale.
How the Trouble Starts.
Constipation is the cause of many
ulments and disorders that make
lite miserable. Take Chamberlain’s
Tablets, keep your bowels regular
and you will avoid these diseases.
Fo sale by all dealers.
is the only kind worth its
price. Pipes that const iu'y
leak, Hues that refuse to ii ov
are a continual expense nd
trouble. The next time ' < t
need plumbing work . y
not try the expel im .
finding out why onr w o. R i
so highly spoken of. .V
work done by us is ibsohirt
glia ran teed.
R. M. Boiler, Prop.
When a man has suffered for sev­
eral days with colic, diarrhoea or
other form of bowel complaint and
is then cured sound and well by one
or two doses of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remed/, as
is often the case, it is but natural BANDON
that he should be enthusiastic in his
praise of the remedy, and especially
is this the case of a severe attack
when life is threatened. Try it when
in need of such a remedy. It never
fails. Sold by all dealers.
A few tine lots in Bennett’s Plat
New Grange» For Past Quarter.
at ?35 °°
$50.00 each on
The number of granges organised terms.
and reorganized from Jan. 1, 1913. to
80 A. of cedar timber two miles
March 31. 1913, both Inclusive, is aa out, a govxl piling and tie proposi
lion, for $750.00 with six months to
Cntlftwnla ........ 1 Missouri ......
Colorado ............... 3 M ntnna ........ .... 18
Also I have 4 ten-acre tracts close
3 Nebraska ....... .... 10
The ORRTNK treatment for the Print Idaho ........
in, at $50 per acre on easy terms.
Habit ran b«' need with absolute eotifi. Illlnol» .................. I New York ...___ 16
................. 4 Ohio ................ .... 1«
See E. N. Smith, with Devoe &
dence. It destroys all desire for whiskey, ! Tnillnnn
Iowa ....................... 1 Oregon ............___ 6 Pressey.
beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thou* .
Orang« Pharmacy
I, If f J
R* r 4* r
Pain Pill,
Dr. Miles’
Anti-Pain Pills
will help yon, as they
have helped others.
Good for all kinds of pam.
Used to relieve Neuralgia, Head­
ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago,
Locomotor Ataxia,
Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri-
tability and for pain in any part
of the body.
"I have used Dr. Mlle»' Ant I-Pain
T’llL. when trouMod with h.-auache,
and find that one pill infallibly
effect» relief In a very short time.
I am considerably affected with neu­
ralgia in the head at time», and
find the Anti-Tain TIM» of much
benefit. The Dr. MTW Renx'dlee
an- beyond comparison and I recom­
mend them to all my friend».’’
21» Oakland St., San Antonio, Tex.
At all drugglats.
Hot el Bandon
E. G. CASSIDY, Proprietor
A First Class Cafe in
American Plan, $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Euro
pean Pian, rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00.
All kinds of heavy and light draxing. Phone order: giv . •
prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish 1’ • :
29 doeee 25c. .
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
Good Printing
Everything For
Coarteoo» Treatment
The Recorder job department is the
best equipped in the Coquille Y’all« \
and the class of printing turned 01.t
is as good as that which comes from
the best shops in the cities. The c< st
is no greater than you pay for ordin­
ary work. Bring your next order here
The Bandon Recorder
Lowest Price»
• •