» ►5 » • NUMBER €» BANDOS, OREGON, TUESDAY. AUGUST 2«. 1913 VOLUME XXIX VOTE FOR YOUR OWN PROGRESS BY VOTING FOR THE PORT TOMORRO Along the Water Front. Sigval Johnson was last Seen in Bandon on August 4th Leaves Months Wages. FOUL PLAY FEARED. Is Brother of Captain John­ son of Bandon Tug. No Clue to Whereabouts. Sigval Johnson, brother of Cap­ tain John Johnson, and an old employee at the Lyons Johnson mill, h is disappeared since the night of Monday, August 4th, and all efforts ot his friends and relatives to locate him to date have proved futile. Mr. Johnson was in the best of health and had a good job, and the fact that he left a month and a half wages unclaimed at the mill and his clothing and other belongings at his rooming house leads to the belief that he has met with foul play. He came into town from the mill Monday, August 1, and was seen last on Monday evening following. Any one knowing of his where abouts or having seen him later than that date will confer a great favor on Captain Johnson of the tug, by notifying him. Sigval Johnson was 50 years old, 5 feet 3 inches tall, light complex ion and blue eyes. - -O One System Sufficient. Every resident of a town or com­ munity is interested in getting the very best telephone service possible because in this day and age the tel­ ephone is an absolute necessity in business as well a6 in many other way. The question then is h »w are we to get the best service? Will it be by competition in local lines or will it be otherwise? There is an old adage that competition is the lite of trade but this is not true in every particular and we are inclined to be­ lieve that the te'ephone is one place in which it is not best to have com­ petition in local communities. In the first place it practically doubles the telephone expense of e ery business house in a town, be­ cause it there are two systems it is necessary to have both phones in order to accommodate their cus­ tomers and this of course doubles the expense. Then, too it is very inconvenient in calling your frie- ds over the phone, because if you have a residence phone of one system the chances are that your friend will have the other phone anti then you are just as well off as if you had no phone at all. In fact two telephone systems in a town not only doubles the expense of telephones, but great­ ly decreases the efficiency of both systems, because of the fact that few residences will have both phones. It would be much better to have one system and if that system does not give good service, have the cause investigated, and it the com­ pany is at fault, make them come through with better service. We have never heard of a town where there were two systems, but people generally wished that it could be cut down to one. Water Sports. The water sports will be held Thursday, Aug. 28th, commencing at to a. m. Enter now for the events. The program includes men’s and boys sculling races, swimming races, exhibition by U. S. Life Saving crew, motor boat races, log rolling, etc. • • The Fifield sailed Saturday wit h I 450,000 feet of lumber ind the lo’- lowing passengers: Mr. Curtis and wife, G. Johnlat, A. W Barrow , H. R. Harvey, O. Knowlton, Ed | Sanberg, H Downly, J. H. Smith, C. A. Davis and wife, Mrs. Steary, D Steal y, F. Wilson. S. Cox, C. C. Rhodes, G. F. Dunlap, T. S. Jackson, J. C. Heney, P. R. Wil­ son, John Lawry, A. Spaton, P. M O’Neil, Chas Wessgren, Fred Hel- sten, B. R. London, Loren Rey­ nolds, Geo. Conger, Henry Smith. The Elizabeth arrived tl is morn­ ing with 175 tons of freight and the following passengers: F. S. Perry, C. E. Broadbent, O. A. Trowbridge, Spencer Trowbridge, W. Everett, S. Brownston, H. Dadvil, Mrs. Dolly McDonald and child C. A. Duke, T Carson, C. Ponderg, Lily Ponderg 9 The White Cedar Festival open­ ed last night with a rush and a roar. Let-er-rip, Let-er-saw are sure pro­ per terms, for everybody is having the time of their lives. The city is in gala attire. Busi­ ness men are viewing with each other to see who can have things the best, and there is that fun and good nature that is always preva lent at Carnival time. The crowning rf the queen will be one of the bigget t features yet The voting will close tomorrow noon so if you want to see your favorite get the honors, it is high time to get busy with your voting. So far the Carnival has been the most successful of any that has ever been pulled off in Bandon and the remainder of the week still promises to be bigger and better. Get in line for a good time and enjoy yourself the rest of the week as you have never done before, It is on Bandon, so don’t be backward. Baby Show. Port Election Tomorrow. Tomorrow, Wednesday August 27th is the Port election. Every friend of the port should see to it that he or -he cast a vote in favor of the port. It is more to Bandon and the Coquille Valley than any­ thing elze that has ever come within our grasp. It is the greatest opportunity we will ever have and un­ less we grasp it now, we will receive a backset that will take years to recover from. Fhe opposition will vote in force. A knocker is always on the ground when he has a chance to knock and the booster should be on hand when there is a chance to boost. Don’t let anyone draw you away from the point with the tax bugaboo; the tax will be exceedingly small while the benefit will be eminently large. In fact it would be impossible at this time to calculate the benefit that will come to every inhabitant of this valley if the port carries. Let every person who is in favor of the develop­ ment of the Coquille valley turn out and vote. It is important that you be on hand. The Arnold Amusement Co. which is holding forth in Bandon this week is pleasing the people at every turn. Their many attractions are the very best of their kind as the large throngs of people that are visiting them daily testify. The all Stars show on Homer St. near the Pacific house is attracting large attention. The features of this show are Geo. Edwards the crack rifle shot, who can probably do more stunts with a rifle than any other man liv ing; then also there is Roxie and Mayne in great roping stunts. The negro minstrel show featurine The Poor Middleman Has to the Alabama Minstrels and the Take All the Blame. When the world seems dark and famous Maple Leaf quartet is a big gloomy as a hoarse, and the luck is drawing yrd and one that is pleas­ daily growing worse and worse, ing everybody. The dog and por.y show is also then it makes our lives more one of merit in its line and is at­ pleasant if there is a straw man tracting many people. present, who must take the roast Creation, the show of mystery we hand him and the curse, Just and h'gh class vaudeville is also at present man is rendinc beard and worthy of special mention as it is robe, since it costs so much to live what they claim for it, upon this globe, and we’ve found a really “ Beautiful and Wonderful.” worthy victim, and we all have Capt. Butler with his famous high punched and kicked him, and the dive, in which he jumps from a lad­ Middleman must do the stunt of Job. Oh, the middleman we've der go feet in the air is one of the chosen as the goat, and we strive most daring feats ever pulled ofi to get our fingers on his throat, and anywhere. Dare Devil Campbell in his thrill as David slugged Goliath we shall slug this foul pariah if we ever get ing r de of death whirl is also a our clutches on his coat! When phenominal stunt, and Bert Addis, we take o slice of liver from tLe the great aeronaut in his balloon pan, and the butcher’s swollen bill ascension and parachute drop are we wildly scan, then we hoist the features of special merit. Not only is the Arnold Co. pu, crossbones banner, saying in a war like manner: “We must go and ting on a good show, but they are a lynch a mouldy Middleman! When tine bunch of people and their pres­ man buys a suit of clothes he wails ence is welcome in any city. There and rants: “I am paving seven is no rough house or rowdyism as is prices for my pants! On a smoking sometimes the case with traveling red hot giiddle should be placed compsnies °f this kind. Mr. Arnold the man o’ middle, wiih his sisters *s a Pr'nce °i good fellows himself, and his cousins and his aunts! And an<^ ^is various managers are gentle the middleman, he through the alley man’y an—— Queen Contest. The latest count for Queen of the Carnival contest shows Miss Ruby Tilton in the lead, MissOtelia Lewin second and Miss Ella Barkdoll third. Miss Clara McIntosh has made a good showing. A recent entry into the field, Miss Eunice Carpenter is lidely to prove a dark horse. Rough Riders Here. The Pendleton Rough Riders with 16 head of horses arrived to­ day and will give a big exhibition Saturday afternoon. Let 'er buck! A. F. Estabrook and wife came in overland from San Francisco Sunday evening and Mr. Estabrook is looking after business in connec­ tion with his company her. The Estabrook Co.s business in Bandon is increasing all the time and their pav roll reaches the enormous sum of $ 16.000 a month. The Elite restaurant under the management of Mr. Gilbert opened for business yesterday morning in the building recently vacated by the f.ouvre. Mr. Gilbert has put in everything new, including new paper on the walls and he now has one of the neatest eating houses in this section of Oregon. In the baby show thia afternoon 1 Mr. and Mr» Fred Blundell won the I prize for having the prettiest girl babj and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wend­ ling for the prettiest boy baby. The prize for the fattest boy baby went to Mr. ai.fl Mrs. D. P. Plymale, and lor the fattest girl baby to Mr. and Mrs. H. Manciet. Wrestling Match. NEAR MYRTLE POK! BIG PARADE WAS SUCCESS “Thou turnest man, Oh God, to dust, Sweet Pea exhibit will be held at The culinary exhibit is being held Sheriff W W. Gage came down the new public library tomorrow in the Hartman buildihg. Award­ From whence he first was made, Aud when Thou sayest the word, from Coquille yesterday to look af (Wednesday) afternoon and even­ ing of prizes will be made Wednes­ return, ter business affairs. ing. 'Tis instantly obeyed.” day, August 37 at it a. m. * A Culinary Exhibits. Rufus Truman and Par Have Narrow Escape From Death. I There will be a wrestling match at the Orpheura Saturday Aag. 30 between "Smiling Dutch and Jack Heavy Machine Skids Fro White, light weight champion of Bridge into Ravine. N© California. The match wili be catch One Hurt as catch can style, best two out of three falls, Polic Gazette rules to govern. Match called at 8:30 p. m. Under the date line of August J General admission 50c, reserved the Marshfield Record stys: seats 75c, ringside seats $1.00. At five o’clock last evening whi'e Tickets on sale at J. T. Mars. ‘Rufus Truman of Bandon waj com­ ing to this section from Riseb 1 „ with four passengers in his autom •- bile the party were the V'ctims < i an accident which is unique in it, semi-comic nature. Truman has the reputation » f being a speed demon and his c r was coming along at a high rate < f speed As the down grade at Kir < The big Indnstrial parade came oft at the announced time this mor­ creek which is eight miles the oth* r ning and was a success in every side of Myrtle Point was appro idl­ particular. The first prize for the ed, Truman failed to slow down. best float was won by the Bandon At the bottom of the apj ro-v t Suri, the second prize by the Ban­ King creek there is a bridge. When don Bakery. This float was deco­ this point was neared the machir '• rated by the Sperry Flour Co. and got out ot control of Chauffeur Tin­ the Bandon Bakery was done by man, skidded and went at full sp< < d Mrs. Pape in one hour and ten off the bridge into a ravine 20 L ct below. As the auto went ever the minntes. The first prize for farmer’s float side of the I ridge there was 10 was won by the Bear Creek farm and time for the occupants to save them­ selves, However, the five m n the second by C. H. Chandler. were thrown Iron» their seats in The prize for the best decorated the car and evervooe of t'j*m Im - automobile was won by the Women's ed in the branches of neat by tr < s. Commercial Club, Dr. Sorensen’s Not one of them suffered any tenui s ear being used. The decorations injury. Ths only 00* hurt in any on this car were exceptionally appreciable way w s Chauffeur Tin­ beautiful. man and his injuries were m'n