Rtg Ww fWama al Mawtl MB ’* «RRW hws at Keh’ww »e llth# • i I f (Paa al ide awa Pest fowh •» tha • «♦ MW haaa p riwiursil *»v 4wtig L#i imtw-ivaMswt Is ti to mwh MM “Fswtme CasSwwsa Ml. h tieHy »d gr«derson« in to your toilet are a few gootl splendid piece ot motion picture art terr« lei I therein. The total coat o’ articles of well chosen jewelry «bowing splendid cavalry charges and •aid improvement ta estimated to be Let tu show you what we the many big eight-pounders belch- $618.07. Any objection« tn ihe said mean by "well chosen.” ing forth a hail ot lead that wreaks improvement must be filed in written Come, take a look at the terrible destruction. Pauline Cush­ form with the city recorder by the trinkets, which while not ex­ man receives a medal and the title ot owners of two-thirds in the area ol pensive in price are artistic major for her distinguished services. the property within the above as­ A fine two red military pictuse that sessments district on or before Sep­ and atylish iu design and al>- aolutely reliable in quality. will arouse the fires ot patriotism in tember 6, 1913. This notice is given in accordance Te sac them is a lesson in youi breast. with a resolution of the Common At the Grand, Wednesday, Aug. taste. To own them is an Council had upon the 30 day of July 2oth. No advance. exercise of it. 1913 and publication authorized by Sub. Div. 15 ol Sec. 102 of the Library Will Receive. Friday, August 22nd from J: p. charter of the city ol Bandon. First publication Aug. 19. 1913 m. the Bandon Public Library will MaMflMturing Jewelers Last publication Aug 26 1913 receive. The books and lurniture 7M, Bandon, Oregon have been moved to the new library E. B. K ausrud , City Recorder. building on Atwater street. A number ot ladies directed by Notice of Street Work. Mrs. Kronenberg are getting the Notice is hereby given that the library rooms in shape for tne open­ Common Council of the city of Ban­ Wanted — Agate Work—Sabro ing. The new books will be on dis don, Coos county, Oregon, deems play. Refreshments will be served SI Bras. it expedient and necessary to im­ Fresh Eastern Oysters at the and an effort to have music. prove Baltimore Aven le from the In connection with the reception 1913, and publication authorised by must be filed in written form with Wigwam. tf south line of Third Street East to there will be a book shower. Sun. Div. 15 of Sec. 102 of the the City Recorder by the owners of Shoes shined at Hotel Gallier by the north line of Thirteenth Street Fvery person coming to the re ­ charter of the city of Bandon, two-thirds in the area of the proper­ 19-41 Archie Jorgensen. East, in Bandon, Coos county, ception may bring some book which First publication Aug. ty within the above assessment dis­ 19» >9«3- Easters oysters in the shell at the Oregon, at the cost and expense of they wish to donate to the library. publication Aug. 26, Last •9«3- trict on or before September 6, 1913 tf Wigwam the owners of the lots parts of lots E. B. K ausrud , This notice is given in accordance and tracts ot land includtd in the When you want fresh Eastern The Elizabeth sails from Bandon City Recorder. with a resolution of the Common oysters, don't forget the Wigwam Wednesday night and from San improvement district to be known Council had upon the 30 day of July as Local Improvement District No. tf Francisco Saturday. Aug. 23 1913 and publication authorized by Miss Susie Hill No. 101_________ 210, <11 I II of Baltimore Avenue which dis­ Notice of Street Work. Vote for your favorite for Queen ¡Sub. Div. 15 of Sec. 102 of the Mis« Gladys Gallier, No. 25___ .209/10 Mrs. Pete Bealieu and daughter, trict embraces all of the property on Notice is hereby given that the Miss Mabel Post No. 19 ................. 154,6 70 of the carnival. Votes only cost a Frances, are up from Lakeport for a Charter of the City of Bandon. either side of said street and abutting Common Council of the city of Ban­ Miss Korean Rarrow, No. 17........... 142,t 25 cent each. First Publication Aug. 19, 1913 visit with friends and relatives. thereon, between the south line of don, Coos county, Oregon, deems Miss Faye Wolfe No 100______ IH.'tlS Last publication Aug 26, 1913 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oar­ Rufus Trueman, Clinton Conger, Third Street East and the north line it expedient and necessary to im­ M rs Rosi^Uiiijiainan No. 98__ 109,17$ E. B. K ausrud , Miss Connie Rundle No. 82 land Friday August 15th a fine and Hal Langlois of Bandon, and of Thirteenth Street East, from the prove Chicago Avenue from the ,95,2i8 City Recorder. Miss Myrtle Wheeler No. 61 .69,915 baby boy. 'ieil Barrow of Coquille, have gone marginal line of said Baltimore South line ol 2nd street East to the M iss Lillian Scott, No. 86_____ .69,125 ------ OOc> F« r S alk —On corner of Fill- in a car to Brewester Valley for a Avenue back to the center of the North line of 3rd street Elast in Ban­ Miss Ruby Tilton No. 77_________ 64,515 block or blocks abutting thereo 1. don, Coos county, Oregon, al the Mis, Esther Solve, No. 51.................. 59,250 naore and 3rd streets, groceries at ew days outing. Bandon Wants Port. Mrs. Minnie Ten brook No. 97__ 54,710 D. Hess of T ygh Valley, Oregon Said improvement is to consist sub­ cost and expense of the owners of living prices. Call and see A. H. A former article in this paper Mrs. A. D. Perdue, No. 91................ 48,«.94 arrived in Bandon last week and stantially of grading the street, the lots parts of lots and tracts of Sparks. 54^ states among other things that an­ Mrs. Charles Richard. No. 104. 41,675 bought two ten acre tracts south of building of a plank bridge, com­ land included in the improvement other election wovld be held before Mi«s Grace Gibion, No. 22............ 42,175 Boost your favorite for Queen of town through the office ot Deyoe «Nt mencing at a point 135 feet north of district to be known as Local Im­ issuing bonds or levying taxes. For Miss Margaret Gross No. 92__ . 11,110 the White Cedar Festival. Votes Pressey and will make this his future the north line of 4th street to the provement District No 12 of Chica­ fear any one might be mislead we Miss Ruth Ewin ................................. .4,1(5 on sale in the stores at one cent -------- WO---------- tome. south line of 4th Street, building go Avenue which district embraces will state that this second election For Sale. wooden sidewalks and crosswalks, all of the property on either side of will be by vote of the Port Commis­ New orders of bicycle repairs of Card of Thanks. A few fine lots in Bennett's Plat all of said improvements to be built said street and abutting thereon, be sioners alone who have authority all kinds constantly arriving. Will To our friends who so kindly upon the established grade of Balti­ tween South line of 2nd street East to issue bonds or collect taxe for B, at #35.00 to $50.00 each on terms. lake orders for bicycles of any kind. assisted us In our sorrow in the pas­ more Avenue and in accordance and the North line of 3rd street ■ port purposes. 80 A. of cedar timber two miles 9Mf S. D. B arrows . sing beyond our wife and mother with the plans and specifications East from the marginal line of said The port commissioners can refer out, a good piling and tie proposi F or S alk —Twenty-five horse we wish to express our most sincere thereof prepared by the city en­ Chicago Avenue back to the center the matter to direct vote of the tion, for $750.00 with six months to gineer, filed in the office of the city of the block or blocks abutting people however if they see fit. The remove timber. power submerged tube upright boil­ thanks. Also I have 4 ten acre tracts ch se E. N. S mith recorder and there open to the in thereon. Said improvement is to port project is so meritorious th.it er, and fifteen h. p. engine. Call at in, at $50 per acre on easy terms. L eroy S mith spection of all persons interested consist substantially ol constructing no friend of it will even by inadver­ Acme Planning Mill. 65-18 See E N. .Smith, with Deyoe & E dna S mith therein. The total cost of said im­ a plank bridge between said points, tence misrepresent it. Pressey. tf W anted , Four school teachers to —OOO—— provement is estimated to be $6, all, of said improvements to be built board and room during coming For Sale. 275.19. Any objections to the said upon the established grade of Chica­ term of school. Near school build­ improvement must be filed in w ritten go Avenue and in accordance with Boarding house, furnished. Small ing. Pleasant location. Address P. 6613 payment down. Bal. easy terms. form with the city recorder by the ihe plans and specifications thereof O. Box 343 or phone 321. Located on Iris St. in Woolen Mill owners of two-thirds in the area of prepared by the City Engineer, filed Ad. to the town of Bandon. See the property within the above as­ in the office of the City Recorder Card of Thanks. sessment district on or before Sep­ and there open to the inspection S. R. Loshbaugh. 65-t4-Fx OQTi tember 6, 1913 We wish to extend our thanks to of all persons interested therein. This notice is given in accordance the ladies of the Thimble Club for The total cost of said improvement Flying Men Fall their kindness in sending the boxes victims to stomoch, liver and kidney with a resolution of the Common is estimated to be $1,324.23. Any A Whole Week of Pleasure and Profit of dainties I w the sick. Their kind­ troubles just like other people, with Council had upon the 30 day of July I objections to the said improvement like results in loss of appetite, back­ ness will ever be remembered f ache, nervousness, headache, and G lkn W oodruff and family tired, listless, run-down feeling. But J ay W oodruff and family there’s no need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Henry, Tenn , proved. “Six bottles of Electric Bitters” he writes, “did more to Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry', Textile 6c other exhibits give me new strength and good ap­ petite than all other stomach rem­ edies I used.” So they help every­ body. Ils folly to suffer when this great remedy will help you from the first dose Try it. Only 50 cents Horse Races, Shooting Tournament, at all druggists. Last Chance É The Finishing Touches Tomorrow, August 20th, the Piano Con­ test closes. No votes will be given out after 8 p. m. of that date. One day’s hard work on the part of a contestant, assisted by a few friends, will give the contestant a big prize Such big rewards have not been offered before and may never be offered again. Make the most of your present opportunity. SABUO BROS. Local Notes Fifty=Second Annual Oregon State Fair Salem, Sept. 29th to Oct. 4, 1913 $20,000 Offered In Premiums Insure Your Insurance Fire Works, Band Concerts, Eugen­ Notice of Street Work. Are your policies kept la aa absolutely safe place outside of building, where they may be reached promptly iu case of fire? Have you in a safe place an itemized list of goods in* sored which companies re­ quire in proof of claim? Insure your insurance by keeping your policies and inventory in a safety­ deposit box in this bank. FIRST NATL BANK Notice is hereby eiven that the Common Council of the city of Ban­ don, Coos County, Oregon, deems ft expedient and necessary to im­ prove Third Street East from the east line of Chicago Auenue to the to the west line of Baltimore Avenue in Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, at the cost and expense ol the owners of the lots parts of lots and tracts of land in­ cluded in the improvement district to be known as Local Improvement District No. 10 of Third Street East which district embraces all of the property on either side of said street and abutting thereon, between East' 4< line of Chicago Avenue to the west I ics Exposition, Play Ground and Other Free Attractions including Boyd & Ogle’s One Ring Circus. Free Camping Ground. You Are Invited. Send For Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced Rates on all Railroads. For particulars address— Bunny” at the Grand Theatre Tonight [ * o o o 0 o ■* Children’s FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary Salem, Oregon »