Nft 1 * r Sam Says: I * 1. erti •« I partici» PiOSpe» Indian Killed on Track. Near Rochelle, III., an Irxlt-n went to sleep on a railroad track and was killed by the Iasi express. He paid fur his can-leanness with his life [Often its that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of 1 Dr. King s New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a d ngerous throat or lung troi ble. It com­ pletely cured me. in a short time of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of grip,” writes J. R Watts, Floydada, lex., “and I re­ gained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, leliabieand Trial guaranteed 50c and $1.00. — bottle free at all druggists. ^yeart tn» Hartford I’'ire Insurance Company J has ladder until to-day it the top. ', In the fire protection people' it Completion of the Willamette- Pacific railroad from Eugene to Coos Bay in 15 months is predicted by A' sistant Engineers Hoey and Foun- l.rne, who were in Scottsburg a five days’ inspection trip over the line. Operations over the lines are to be increased, and probably 2500 men will be kept busy all winter. The company is urging the contractors to make every effort to complete the line by the last 01 next summer At present 2000 men are employed. ‘ We are doing everything to hurry the contractors,” said Mr* Hoey. “Work has been begun on the big tunnel at Gardiner. This tunnel is 4100 feet long. We have been promised its completion in 15 months, and by that time all of the grade should be completed to the tunnel from either side. Oregon News. Portland, Ore. Aug. 12 (Special) —Buyer’ Week in Portland, Sept. I to 6, will be the occasion for enter­ taining merchants from all parts of the Pacific Northwest. An elaborate piogam has been arranged, provid­ ing for daily opportunities for mer chants to meat each other as well as their Portland hosts. The jobbers and manufacturers of Portland are behind the movement. Sjrecial en­ tertainment is to be provided for the members of families of the visiting merchants. Reduced railroad rates for the week will go into effect on August 28 and will be good, go:ng, until Sept. 3. Return tickets will be honored until Tuesday, Sept. 9. That the number “13” does not always stand for bail luck is indi­ cated by a recent statement from the Northwest Fruit Exchange that an older for thirteen carloads ol Oregon Jonathans has just been received from dealers in Johannesburg, South Africa, at a price almost three times that of the average received last year. This order completes a chain linking Europe, Asia, Africa and South America with the apple dis tricts of the Pacific Northwest. The Ex hange has also received an order f >r seven carloads, —three Jonathan and four Rome Beauty—to go to South America. Oregon lumber is also enjoying a season of great popularity in for­ eign countries, judging from the Notice of Street Work. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, deems it expedient and necessary to improve Fourth Street West from the west line of Edison Avenue to the intersection of Fourth Street West with Ocean Drive, in the city of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, at the cost and expense of the own­ ers ol the lots, parts of lots and tracts of land included in the im provement district to be known as Local Improvement District No. 8 of Fourth Street West which district embraces all of the property (land) on either side of said Fourth Street, and abutting thereon between the west line of Edison Avenue to the intersection of Fourth Street West with Ocean Drive Street, from the marginal line of said Fouith Street West back to the center of the block or blocks abutting thereon. Said improvement is to consist sub stantially of grading the roadway laying, spreading and rolling of road metal (to-wit: crushed rock) the building of board sidewalks, and re­ constructing ol sidewalk to grade where now built, the building o cross walks and building of a bridge across gulch between Edison and I Frankiln Avenues, to be built upon the established grade of said Fourth Street and in accordance with the plans and specifications for said im­ provement as prepared by the city engineer filed in the office of the city recorder and there open to the inspection of all persons interested therein. The total cost of said im provement is estimated to be $2,- 662.40. Ar.y objections to said improvement (if any exiscss) must be filed in writing with the city re corder by the owners of two-thirds in the area of the property within the above described assessment district on or before August 28, 1913 Aug 12-19 City Recorder. TWO-YEAR COURSES la aoricul turb home E conomics . M echanic arts forestry . C ommerce . P harmacy TEACHER S COURSES in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and a at. MUSIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled “T iik E nsichmknt op R ural L ifk ” and a C ataluguk will be mailed free on application. Address H. M. T knnak T, Registrar, (tw-l-MtoM) Corvallis, Oregon. Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50 Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight Reservations: Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’, Myrtle Point E. & E. T. Kruse, owners and managers, 24 California St., San Francisco. J. E. Wa!strom, Agent, Bandon. Hotel Bandon E. G. CASSIDY, Proprietor A First Class Cafe in Connection American Plan, $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Euro­ pean Plan, rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00. “I am a traveling salesman,” writes E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire, Vt„ “and was often troubled with constipation and indigestion until I began to use Dr. King s New Life Pills, which I have found an excel­ lent remedy.” For all stomach, liver or kidney troubles they areun- cqualed. Only 25 cents at all drug­ gists. PLUMBING BUILT TO LAST is the only kind worth its price. Pipes that constantly leak, Hues that refuse to draw are a continual expense and trouble. I he next time you need plumbing work why not try the experiment of finding out why our work is so highly spoken of. All work done by us is absolutely guaranteed. Mother of Eighteen Children To Save Life First and property, afterwards is the fireman’s duty. Your duty is to see that in case of fire your loved ones are not made homeless and penniless. Order a fire insurance policy from us today. Every day’s delay means the risk of see­ ing your family without a Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. home or the means of getting one. “I was taken with dkrrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, per­ suaded me to try a bottle of Cham­ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose ol it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to,” writes M. E. ebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary at­ tack of diarrhoea can almost invari­ ably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. Caught a Bad Cold. “Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful,” writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. “We thought sure he was going into consumption. We bought just one bottle of Cham­ berlain's Cough Re nedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely.” For sale by all dealers. This notice is given in accordance with a resolution of the Common For Exchange. Council had on July 30. 1913 and Oregon farm and town property publication under Sub. Div, 15 ol for Eastern or Southern property. Sec. 102 of the charter of the city Tell me what you have to trade and I will find you something here — E. of Bandon, Oregon. N Smith. 30 tf Dated this 12 day of Aug. 1913. E. B. K avsrud , S. S. ELIZABETH fire The Trials of a Traveler. “I am the mother of eighteen children and have the praise of do­ ing more work than any young woman in my town.” writes Mrs. C. J. Marlin, Boone Mill, Va. ‘‘I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamberlain’s Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I cnn eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. 1 refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say.” Chamberlain's Tablets are for sale by all dealers. LUMBER CO. Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water other OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE There are two things everlastingly at war, joy and piles. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon subdues the itching, irritation, inflammation or swelling. It gives comfort, invites joy. Great­ est healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts bruises, eczema, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25c at all druggists. moor ; at victims to stomoch, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss of appetite, back­ E. £. OAKES ache, nervousness, headache, and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there’s no need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Henry, Tenn , proved. “Six bottles of Electric Bitters” he writes, “did more to give me new strength and good ap­ petite than all other stomach rem­ edies I used.” So they help every­ BEGINS »** forty -fifth school year SKPT1MBKN <•. »•»•. body. Its follv to suffer when this COURSES n many phases < f great remedy will help you from the DEGREE AONICULTURK. * CNGINCCRINa. HOME first dose. Try it. Only 50 cents ECONOMIC*. MlNINQ. FORESTRY. COM­ at all druggists. MERCE. P harmacy Are Ever at War. GF) w. been climbing die fire insurance Flying Men Fall present brisk demand. In one day the past week five vessels were chartered to carry Oregon fir from the Columbia River, three to Aus­ tralia, one to New Zealand and one to England. “We have a large stock of 1 1-2 x 4-6-8-10 and 12 No. 1 common lumber that must be moved. This is suitable for sidewalks and will be sold at a very low price. N HARDWARE COMPANY ON TRANSFER LINE GATCHELL BROS., Prop». All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St.. Fish Property PIIONE 041 Donald Mackintosh Voting Coupon Good for 25 votes in Piano Voting Conte t One of the»« coupon, will appear ir every issue of the Bindon Record»* See Advertisement Hotel Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by weekormonth Sample room in connection Bandon • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• Oregon New Land Scrip. By Spectil Act of Congress nearly 2ooo acres of approved Land Scrip is now available for use only in Or- egoa It is the best and cheapest scrip put on the market in several years. Will go quickly to patent. Take any land subject to homestead entry. Can furnish in applications from forty acres up, as long as it i lasts. We guarantee validity. The , price will attract you. If you need some of it promp ction is necessary Write or wire us. Try the Unique for a good square T he C ollins L and C o ., meal and sweet bread. 63-tax Helena, Mont. Good Printing The Recorder job department is the best equipped in the Coquille Valley and the class of printing turned out is as good as that which comes from the best shops in the cities. The cost is no greater than you pay for ordin­ ary work, firing your next order here The Bandon Recorder s