Vml 4 t n tl I t I O» t ft t • I < H nf Reel Praperty for Unpaid Street A ••»••ment. Awfurt 1, ill) the .Smith fwrtiiwhry ol mi «I vw* « wm iMM horn fh* .U« »4 Mid l the < h and tfwrevd. I w>U M fWtr.4, 1 will If II, i■t the b»«« <4 2 thence WrM 40 fret to the < . V. tA)WI < ’ Iti 1, at the I m > m *•4 I o'r loch p m. id om U 1 u'rlerh p. m <4 «od dot i * th« trsmt dnsw «4 Dated thia 5tli tlak of Au î I s m ura» «I 4» < tv 4 Rmwl ■J Sire»« S o First Mr««« Fsrt I* place of the Iwgtnning, ac­ rt the humt tV •* a«««*«d • •«> the C 10 at (U». ism, 4 U.« t io ^ v . 4X«r»a, i countv. Or««.«. s«Ue> cording to the plat thereof on gti*t 1913. I* am tnsn to the its in frm't «4 L«rt I. I»o> k I, I'.iwu «4 ♦eU it aw« ikw tatke tstslsMrt oltcriag imMwr Y. Low», line iim irait Amount .4 t*-wa!ia C. Sale oi Real Property for Ml, Oregon, tn the sum .4 #4o 5< an«: the IcaMt tile and of record in the < »Hi* r ■t id peoaft» and iiifvrcM ad . ansi interest 41 -d tl»« right, title interest and rd tn A J Hartman Saul «••«•• . the right, title and «.late wlm h the wud Ifea*urer ( ity of Bandon ; estat« whn h the «onf J. H Marshall and all of the county clerk of said Unpaid Street Atsrsament. nas never been put«! nor th« !■«« drs- I A. E. t’liiipott and ail person» claiming vsa- 1 r Wa .«X k wk. Whesvm on ffie 2 3 siav 4 June |9| t thm. Coos county, Oregon, Mid i barged nor tntisned ' der or through him, mat have m the «awl i baie in thè au! Jet» nbeU ptopert» mentioaied NOW THEREFORE. Notice is herebv wns -merexl in ike Duckrt 4 4'rty tuna. 4 the j described property mentioned which i. I which is described as fodow» tu wlti sale bring made subject to Sale of Real Property for given that be virtue and in pursuance >4 i Crty «4 Bamion. Csssss < uuntv. 4^wgo«i. dr- ileu tilled as follows towit. L«>t 6, west l-2bl«H'k I, Town ot Rsmion, redemption in the manner Unpaid Street Assessment. hc.tisn 122 of the Charte <4 the City <4 Lot 5, Block 3, Woodland Amended Ad j Addition tu HaiMlon, Cuus countv, Oregon, hrnpaem asarrnmem. as a»s»«>«i bv ¿AUuian.. Rmdon, Coos countv, Oregon, dimming dition tl* fksndon, 4'oos, Countv, Ciregon, ¡accurdmg to thè piat tkerrof un file and uf I No 263 4 the Orrhntares 4 lhe City ot Rar provided by the charter of the Whereas on the 2^rd «lav me to collect the said unpaid assessment bv according to the plat thereof on hie an*, ot j reconi in thè office ot thè couutv derk of ! >k>n (oi the rxt> iuua 4 Railroad Sire»« Now <4 the said propertv to valid« said liei ‘ bin« Nur« Eau) mio F «st Slier« in said city city of Bandon. , record it. tt.e office of the County Clerk of I *aid C imi » conniv, t)reg.Mi. 'of |une 191 3 there was enter- sale $40 I as amrased wrth Iwfl :a front <4 the follow mg to with interest thereon at the rate of I Saul «ale betng tuade subject to redeuq tion said Coo« County, OregtMi. Dated this Sth day of ie«i in the docket of citv liens of 6 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of «irwrihed pi.spertv A paled 4 land begin at Said .ale being made »abject to redeuip- in thè maaner pmvidcd by thè charter ot thè ths- Soolhwert cornel J l^ot 3. Block I Com June, 2913, and penalty together with costs | tion in the manner provided by the Charter August 1913. city «4 Bandon. of the City of Bandon, Ctxis of advertising and sale thereof, I will on msxcial h.k’itKH to B iivk*., Csxsi 4 ouaty, j >4 the Citv of Bandon, Dated this 5th dav <4 August, ¡913. C. Y. I aiwf ., O mmoo itm North along West !uw 4 said lot county, Oregon, tlelintpient Wednewinv the 3rd day of September A.D. Dated this 5th dav of August, 1913. C Y. LOWE, 50 Fee«: thence East ^>araUrl with the South line Treasurer of City of Bandon. , assessments as avsrsbetl b\ <)r- 1913, at the hour i4 2 o’clock P M. <4 Treasurer i4 thè city of Bandoli. C. Y. L41WF, said dav at the front door <4 the < ity Hall 4 said kit 15 Feet: thence Si-nth paiallel with Treasurer of the City of Bandon, ¡dinance No. 263 of ordinan- in the City os Ban.ion, Co«»» 4 buntv, j Aug5-26T •lie AX e»i w oi sa d lot 50 (»m: then«-» West Oregon, sell at puMic auition to the bidder along -south line 4 amd lot 15 feet Io the place ces of the City of Bantlon for Sale of Real Property for Un« , Sale of Real Property for 4 the beginning m the sum 4 «27.( 0 and offering the least amount of penalty and in­ the extension of Railroad terest all the right, title and estate which Sale of Real Property for Unpaid Street Assessment. aasetsrd to the Wili am Gallier Estate. Said paid Street Assessment. said A. J. Hartman and all persons assessmen' has never leen j-ad nor the Imn street (now Eirst Street East) the Now therefore, notice Wlietea» cm the 23rd day of June 1913 then discharged nor satisfied. claiming under or through him, may have Unpaid Street Assessment Whereas on the 23rd day into First street in said city as in the said described propertv mentioned was enteted in the Docket oi City Lsetu of the u hereby given that by virtue and in puisrans c Whereas on the 23rd day of June, 1913, City of Bandon. Coos County, Oregon, de­ 4 sectKsn 122 of the Charter 4 the City oj of June 1913, there was en­ assessed with benefits in front which is described as follows to-wit: Lot 1, Block 1, Town of Bandon, Coos there was entered in the Docket of City linquent assessment* as a»s-ssrd by Ord nintc Bandon. Coo» County, Oregon dirrxhng me to tered in the docket of city of Lot 9 Bkx k 3 Woodland county, Oregon, according to the plat Liens of the City of Bandon, Cooa County, No. 263 of the Ordinances of the City of Elan- collect the said unpaid assessment by-sale ol the delinquent aaaeaaments as assessed doo for the extrasioa of Railroad Street i Now said property to satisfy sad lien ot $27 00 with liens of the city of Bandon, Amended Addition to Ban­ thereof on tile and of record in the office of Oregon, the County Clerk of said Coos county, bv Ordinance No. 263 of the Ordinances of First Street Elast) into First Street in said City interest thereon at the rate 4 6 per cent per Coos county, Oregon, de­ don, Oreg4>n in the sum 4>f Oregon. Said sale lieing made subject to the City of Bandon, for the extension of as assessed with benefits in boot of laX 6, Block annum from 23rd day of June 1913 and penalty Railroad Street (now First Street Fast) into 3, Woadlaad Amended Addition to Band >n, together with costs 4 advertising and sale there linquent assessments as as­ $41.06 and assessed to E. A, redemption in the manner provided by the First Street in said City as assessed with Ot egon m the sum of #166.97 and assessed to of. I will on ednesday the 3rd day of Sep- charter of the city of Bandon. benefits in front uf the following described El. A. Philpott. Said assessment has never lenifier A. D. 1913 at the hour ol 2 o'clock p. sessed by ordinance No. 263 Philpott, said assessment has Dated this Sth day of August, 191 3, property: m. 4 said day at the front door 4 the 4’ilv been pai «nor the lien disc harged nor satisfied. C. Y. LOW E, of the ordinances of the city never been paid nor the lien A parcel of land beginning at the South­ Treasurer of the city of Bandon- Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by Hall in the city of Bandon. 4'oos C ounty, Ore- Bandon for the extension of discharged nor satisfied. west corner of block 2 Water Front Ad­ virtue and in pursuant-- of Section 122 of the goo, sell at public auction to the bidder ofFriuig dition to Bandon, Oregon, run West on Charter of the City of Bandon. Coos countv, i the least amount 4 penalty and uit crest all of Railroad Street (now first Now Therfore, notice is North ljpe of First Street 200 feet; thence Oregon, directing me to collect the said unpaid the right title interest and estate which the said Street East) into first Street hereby given that by virtue Sale of Real Property For Un- North along the East line ot the U. S. Life assessment bv sale ot the saxl propetty to satis- \\ iliiam Csallier Estate a mJ all jiersons claiming Saving Station to the low water line of the ly sard lien ol $I64».97 with interest thereon at under oi through him may have in the said de- assessed and in pursuance 4>f Section in said city, as Paid Street Assessment. Coquille River; thence East along said the rate of 6 per allier. Said ol Bandon, Coos county, Oregon sell at public ol ¡aid lot I 5 fret: thence South parallel Hilh Oregon, lot I, block I, (ex­ said property to satisfy said (now First Street East) into First Street in assessment has never Iveen paid nor the lien auction to the bidder offering the least amount the West line «4 *aid lot 50 feet: thence Wrrt nor satisfied. Now therefore of penalty and interest all of the right, title in­ along South line oi aa d lot 15 leet to the place cept a parcel beginning at the lien of $41.06 with interest said citv as assessed with Irenefits in front of discharged last 4, Block 1. Town of Baiulon, in the sum notice is hereby given and in pursuance of terest and estate which the said E. A. F’hilpott oi (he bcgmn.ng, according to the plat therecd Southeast corner of said lot 1, thereon at the rate of 6 per of #4O.5t)and a**<**-ed to J. B. Marshall. Said Section 122 of the Charter of the City of and all persons claiming under or through him, on hie and oi record in the uflier ol the county Bandon, Coos county, 4)regon, directing may have in the said described property men­ clerk ol said (,'oos County, Oregon. «Said sale block 1, Breakwater Addi­ cent per annum from the 23rd assessment has never been paid nor the lien me to collect the said asecssment by sale of discharged nor satisfied. being made subject to rrtkmpion in the manner which is dew. bed as follows to-wit: tion, run North 73 degrees flav 4>f June 1913 and penalty NOW THEREFORE, Notice is heteby the said property to satisfy said lien of tioned provided by the charter ol lhe city oi Bandon. Lol 6, Blink 3, Woodland Amended Addi 45 minutes West 4.8 feet: together with costs «>f adver­ given that by virtue and in pursuance of Sec­ # I KU. Otl w ith interest thereou at the nite of lion to Bandon. Coos county. Oregon, accord­ Dated this 5th day oi August 191 3. tion 122 of the charter of the city of Bandon, 6 per cent per annum from the 23rd dav of ing to the plat thereof on file and of rec >rd in C Y. LOWE thence South 85 degrees 16 tising and sale thereof, I will 4 i mis countv, Oregon, directing me to col­ June, 1913, and penalty together with the the office of the County Clerk of said Coos Treasurer oi the City oi Bandon minutes West 48.6 feet: on Weilnesilay the 3rd day of lect the said unpaid assessment by side of said costs of advertising and sale thereof, I will County. Oregon. property lien of r-rv. #40.5« with in-| on Wednesday the 3rd day of September, n . a I propc rr y to satisfy ».msn said aniiicnoi sale being made subject to redemption thence North 16 degrees 15 t SeptemiXT A. D. 1913 at the itrr(**t thereon at the rate of 6 |xr r cent ]ier I A. D 1913, at the hour of 2 o’clock P. M. in Sairf the mannet provided by the charter ol the Sale of Real Property for Un- minutes East 27.4 feet:thence hour of 2 o’ckxk p. in. of annum from the 3rd day of June, 1913, and] of said day at the front door of the City City of Bandon. penalty together with costs of advertising and Hall in the ('ity of Bandon, Coos county, Dated this 5th day of August 1913. paid Street Assessment. South 73 degrees 45 minutes said day at the front 4kx>r of sale thereof, I will on Wednesday the 3rd Dregon, sell a: public auction to the bidder C Y. LOWE Wherrm on (hr 23rd day of June 19^3 there offering the least amount of penalty and in ­ rreasurer of the City of Bandon East 50 feet: thence South 16 the city hall in the city of day of September A. I >. 1913, at the hour of 2 o’clock I*. M. of said day at the front door of terest all of the right, title and estate which Aug. 5-26T was entered m the Dsxkrt of city lu-ns of the degrees 15 minutes West 10 Bandon, Coos county, Ore­ the citv hall in the citv of Bandon, C< mm the »aid E, M. Callier and Stephen Gallier city 4 Bandon, 4'oo« countv, f5irgon, delin­ quent dssessnients as assessed by Ordinance No. feet to place of beginning gon, sell at public auction to county, Oregon, sell at Public Auction to the and all person* claiming under or through 263 4 the Ordinance: of the city of Bandon bidder offering the least amount of penalty and them, mav have in the said described prop­ Sale of Real Property for which parcel was sold to the the bidder offering the least interest all the right, title and estate w hich the erty mentioned which is described as fol­ for the extension of Railroad Strict (Now First Street Elast) into First Street in said city as city of Bandon for street pur­ amount of penalty and inter­ said J. B. Marshall and all persons claiming lows tow-it: Unpaid Street Assessment. assessed with Fienefits m front of L-ol 5, Block A parcel of land beginning at the South­ under or through him, may have in the said poses, in the sum of $22.50 est all of the right, title inter­ descril>ed property mentioned which is de- west comer of block 2, Water Front Ad­ Whereas on the 23rd day of June 1913 there 1. town 4 Bandon. Oregon, in ti.e sum of was entered in the Docket of City Earns of the '40.50 and assessed to J, B. Marshall. Said dition to Bandon, 4)regon, run West on and assessed to Josephine est ami estate which the said scribed as follow s to-wit: City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, de­ assessment has never been paid nor th«, lien l.ot 4, Block l.Town of Bandon, Coos North line'of First Street 2()6 feet; thence Breuer. Said assessment has E. A. 1’hillpott and all per­ county, < fregon, according to the plat thereof North along the East line of the U. S. Life linquent assessments as assessed by Ordinance duchanied nor satisfied. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that on tile and of record in the office of the county Saving Station to low water line of the No. 263 of the 43rdmances of the City of Ban never lieen paid nor the lien sons claiming under or clerk don for the extension of Railroad Street (Now by virtue and in fiursuaiKe of Section 122 of of said Coos countv, Oregon. Said Coquille River; thence East along said low First Street East > into First Street in said city discharged nor satisfied. through him, may have in the sale being made subject to redemption in the water line to the Northwest corner of bliM’k as assessed with benefits in front of Lot 9, Block I lhe charter of the city 4 Bandon, Coca countv. Oregon, dire« ting me to nllect the said unpaid provided by the charter id the city of 2, Water Front Addition to Bandon, Dre Now therefore notice is said describekl property inen- manner gon; thence South along the West line of 2, Woodland Addition to Bandon, Oregon, in assessment by sale oi lhe said property to satis­ Bandon. hereby given that by virtu re tioixxi w hich is described as Dated this Sth day of August, 1913. ■aid block 2, to the place of the beginning the sum of $lX)00 and assejsed V> Victor fy said lien 4 $‘0.50 with interest thereon at Breuer. Said assessment has never been paid the rale of (i per cent per anum from the 23rd according to the plat thereof on file ami of C. Y LOWE, and in pursuance of Section follow s to-wit: nor the lien discharg'd nor satisfied. day of June 191 3 and penalty logrther with the Treasurer of the citv of Bandon. record in the office of the county clerk of Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by costs of advertising and sale there« >f I will 122 of the charter of the city Lot 9 Block 3 Wotxllaiul said Coos county, Oregon, said sale being virtue and in pursuant s of Section 122 of the on Wednesday lhe thud made subject to redemption in the manner of Bandon, C\ k > s county, Ameiuled Addition to Bandon Charter of the City ol Bandon, Cooa County, day of September A. D. 1913 al the hour of provided bv the charter of the City of Otegon. directing me to collect the said unpaid 2 o'clock p. m of said day at the front door Oregon, directing me to col­ C«x)scounty, Oregon, accord­ Sale of Real Property for Unpaid Bandon. assessment by sale of the property to satisfy said of the city hall in lhe city of Bandon, 4'oos Dated this 5th day of August 1913. lect the said unpaid assessment ing t4> the plat therof of on Street Assessment. lien of #90.00 with interest thereon at the rate county, Oregon sell al public sue lion la the C. Y. LOWE, of six per cent per anum from the third day of bidder offering lhe least amount of penalty and by sale of the said propertv tile and of reconl in the 4>flice W’herea* on the 23rd day of June 1913, Treasurer of the City of Bandon. June 1913 and penalty together with costs of interest all the right title and estate whis ii the there was entered entered in the docket of Aug5-26T to satisfy said lien of $22.50 of the county clerk of said citv advertising and sale thereof. I will on Wednes­ said J. B. Maishall and all prison» claiming liens of the city of Bandon, Coos countv, day the 3rd day of September A. EX 1913 at undei or through him. may have in the said with interest thereon at the Coos county, Oregon. 4)regon, delinquent assessments as assessed the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the dess rilied property mentioned which is descrilxd Ordinance No. 263 of the Ordinance* of rate of 6 per cent per annum Said s;de being made subject In Sale of Real Property for front doo< of the Citv I lai! in the City of Ban­ as follows to-wit: the citv of Bandon for the extension of Rai! from the 23rd day of June, to redemption in the manner road Street (now First Street East) into First Unpaid Street Assessment don, Coos County. Oregon, sell at public auction Lot 5, Block I, Town of Bandon, C'oos to the bidder ofering the least amount of jienaltv county. Oregon, accord ng to the plat tbere4 Street in said citv, as assessed with benefit* 1913, and penalty together provkled by the charter of the in and interest all the right, title and estate wh-cbl and of record in the office of the county clerk 4 Whereas on the 23rd day of June 1913, front «4 the following described propertv: with costs of advertising and City of Bandon. A parcel of land begin at the Southeast comer there was entered in the docket’of city liens, the said Victor Breuer and all persons claiming said 4'oov county. Oregon. Said sale lieing lot 2, bliM'k 1, Commercial Addition to of the City of Bandon, Coos county, Ore­ under or through him, may have in the said de­ made subject to redemption m th< manner pro sale thereof, I will on Wed­ Dated this 5th dav of Aug­ of Bandon, Coo*countv, Oregon, run West 25 gon, delinquent assessment as assessed by scribed property mentioned which is described vided by the charter of the city 4 Bandon. Dated this 5th day <>t Augu t 191 3. nesday the 3rd day of Sep­ ust. 1913. feet; thence North 50 feet; thence East 25 Ordinance No, 263 of tl^t Ordinances of as follows to-wit: Lot 9, Block 2, Woodland Addition to Ban 4 . Y LOWE the City of Bandon for the extension of leet; thence South 50 feet to the place of the tember 1913, at the hour of C.Y. Lowe. Treasurer of the City 4 Bandon. beginning, in the sum of #45.00 and assessed Railroad Street (now First Street East) into don. 4.'oos County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of 2 o’ckxk p. m. of said day at Treasurer 4»f the City 4>f to the William Gallier Estate. Said assess­ First Street in said city as assessed with the County Clerk of said Coos County. Oregon. ment has never l>een paid nor the lien dis­ benefits in front of lot 2, block 1, Town of the front door of the city Baiulon. Said sale lieing made subject to redemption Bandon, Oregon, in the sum of #40.50 and charged nor satisfied. Sale of Real Property for Un- hall in the city of Bandon, Now therefore notice is hereby given that assessed to A. J. Hartman. Said assessment in the manner provided by the 4'harter of the Ci>y of Bandon. bv virtue and in pursuance of Section 122 of has never Iveen paid nor the lien discharged paitl Street Assessment. Coos county, Oregon, sell at Sale of Real Property for the Dated this 5th day of A ugust 1913 clutter of the city of Bindon, Coos nor satisfied. Whereas on the 23rd day of June 1913 there 5=? C. Y LOWE public auction to the bidder Now therefore, notice is hereby given county, Oregon, directing me to collect the was entered in the docket 4 city liens 4 lhe city Treasurer of the City of Bandon. Unpaid Street Assessment. said unpaid assessment by sale of the said flu! by virtue and in pursuance of Section offering the least amount of Aug. 5-26-T 4 Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, delinquent property to satisfy said lien of #45.00 with 122 of the charter of the City of Bandon, assessment« as asse.srd by Ordinance No. 263 of Whereas on the 2« .lay of June, 1913, penalty and interest all of the interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per C< m » s county, 4)regon, directing me to the O.dinances 4 lhe city 4 Bandon forth« ex­ there was entered in the Docket of Citv collect the said unpaid assessment by sale annum from the 23rd day of June, 1913, and right, title interest and estate Lien* of the Citv of Bandon, 4'oos County, penalty together with the costs of advertising of the said property to satisfy sai-t lien of tension of Pailraod Street (Now F irst Street Sale of Real Property for Un­ Eart i into Fiirt S'-eel in said city as assessed Oregon, delinquent assessment* ax assessed bv which the said Josephine ordinance #40. 50 with interest thereon at the rate of and sale thereof, I will on Wednesday the withlxmefi's in front of L-ot 8. Block 1, Town No. 263 of the Ordinance« of the paid Street Assessment. 3rd dav of September A. I). 1913,at the hour 6 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of Breuer and all persons claim­ City of Bandon for the extension of Rail­ of of Bandon, (hegon m the sum of #40.50 and 2 o’clock p. m. of said day at the front door June 1913, and penalty together with cost* Whereas on the 23rd day of June 191 3 there assessed to Wm. Jenkins, Fred Gross, M. J. street (now First Street East) into ing under or through her road of the city hall in the city of Bandon, Coos of advertising and sale thereof, I will on was entered in the docket of c ty lien« of the Gross. Said assessment has never been paid nor First Street in said city as assessed with Wednesday the 3rd dav of September A. countv, Oregon, sell at public auction to the may have in the said described benefits in front of lot IP, block 3, W imk I bidder offering the least amount of prtalty D., 1913, at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. city of Bandon. Coos countv. Orison, delinquent the lien discharged nor satisfied. as assessed by Ordinance No. 263 Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by property mentioned u liich is land .Amended Addition to Bandon, Ore­ and interest all of the right, title interest and of said day at the front door of the City assessment« of the Ordinances of the c’ty of Bandon, for the virtue and in pursuance of Section 122 of the gon, in the sum of #1'6.06 and assessed to estate w hich the said William Gallier Estate Hall in the city of Bandon, C imis countv, extension of Railroad Street (Now First Street charter of the city of Bandon. Coos < ouoty, described as follows to wit: E. A. Philpott. Said assessment ha* never anil all persons claiming under or through 4)regon, sell at public auction to the bid­ b-«-) nto Hirst Street in said city, as assessed (Oregon, directing metocollect the said uet-aid been paid nor the lien discharged if or satis­ him may have in the said property mentioned, der ottering the least amount of penalty with benefits in front of the following desenbed assessment by sale < if the said pri >[>erty ti i satisfy Lot 1, block 1, Breakwater fied. which i* described a* follows: A panel of and interest all the right, title and estate Addition to the city of Ban­ Now ‘therefore, notice is hetVby given land begin at the Southeast comer of lot 2, which the said A. J. Hartman and all property: A parcel of land liegm at the South said lien of #40.50 with Interest thereon at the west corner of Lxrt 2, Block 1. (Commercial rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 23rd day by virtue and in pursuance of Section block 1, Commercial Addition to Bandon, persons claiming under or through him, Addibon to theci.y of Bandon. 4'oos county. June 1913 and penalty together with costs «(ad­ don, Coos county, Oregon, that 122 of the Charter of the 4 ity of Bandon, countv, Oregon, nin West 25 fee ; may have in the said described property Oregon, run North along the Wert line of said vertising and sale thereof, I will on Wednes­ except parcel beginning at Coos Countv, Oregon, directing me to Cooa thence North 5® feet; thence Fast 25feet; mentioned which is described as follows lot 2. 100 feet: thence East on a line parallel day the 3rd day 4 Septemlier A. D. 1913 at collect the said unpaid assessment bv sale the Southeast corner of lot 1. of the said property to satisfy said Icin of thence South 50 feet to the place of the be­ towit; with the South line of said lot 15 feet: thence lhe hour 4 2 o'clock p. m. of said day al the Lot 2, block 1, Town of Bandon, Cims according to the plat thereof on file South on a line parallel with aforesaid West iiOnt door 4 the city hall in lhe city ot Bandon, in block 1, Breakwater Ad­ #176.06 with interest thereon at tke rate of ginning, county, 4)regon, according to the plat and of record in the office of the county clerk line of said lot 100 feet: thence West 15 feet to Coos county, Oregon, sell at public aurtion to per cent pan annum from the 2frd dav of of said Coos county, 4 fregon, said sale being thereof on file and of record in the office of the place of the beginning, in the lum of #27.00 the bidder olf'-nng the least amount 4 penalty dition run North 73 degrees 4 June 1913, and penalty together with cost* made subject to redemption in the manner the County Clerk of said Coos countv, and assessed to Diomas Anderson Said assess­ and interest ail 4 the right, title interest and estate 45 minutes West 4.8 feet: of advertising and sale thereof, [ will on provided bv the charter of the city of Bandon. Oregon, said sale being made subject to re­ ment has never been paid nor the lien ducha-ged which the said Wm. Jenkins, Fred O om and Wednesday the 3rd day of September A. demption in the manner provided by the char ­ thence South 85 degrees 16 I) 1913, at the hour of 2 «»clock p m. of Dated this 5th dav of August. 1913. M. J. Ooss and ail personsclaimmg under or nor satisfied. ter of the city of Bandon. C Y I.4>WE, Now therefore notice u hereby given that by through him, may have m the said described minutes West 48.6 feet: said day at the front door of the City Hall Dated this 5th day of August, 1913. Virtue and in ptn suavee ol Section l22 of the property mentioned which u described as in the City of Bandon, Coo* Cbunfv, Ore­ Treasurer of the citv of Bandon. C. Y. LOWE, thence North 16 degrees 15 gon, charter of the city ol Bandon, Coos county, follows to-wrt: sell at public auction to the bidder Treasurer of the City of Bandon. Lot 8, Block I. Town of Bandr m, Coos Oregon, directing me to collect the said unpaid minutes East 27.4 feet: thence ottering the least amount of penalt* and sssessment by sale ol said property Io satisfy county. Oregon, according to the plat thereof interest all of the right, title interest and South 73 degrees 45 minutes estate which the said E. A. Philpott and all Sale of Real Property for said lien ol #27.00 with interest thereon at the on file and of record in lhe office of the county East 50 feet: thence South 16 perstvns claiming under or though him, Unpaid Street Assessment Sale of Real Property for Unpaid rate ol 6 per cent per annum from the 23rd day clerk ol sad 4 oos county. Oregon. ol June 1913 and penalty together with Said sale l-eing maregon, door ol the city hall in the city ol Bandon, Coos Dated this Sth day of August C. Y. I j OWE Treasurer of the Cily 'if Bandon thereof on tile and of record according to the plat thereof on file and of by Ordinance No. 263 of the O'dinances of delinquent assessments as assessed by Ordi- county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the