SEZbÆI- WEEKI .Y VOLUME XXIX BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1913 NUMBER 59 A Port Commission Will Benefit Shipping, ['arming and Lumbering REFERENDUM WILLBEHELD Supreme Court Renders De­ cision in favor of Day Bill. Rich Find on Umpqua. Frank Blackerby, until recently a member of the life saving crew at the Umqua Life Saving Station, to day brought to Marshfield from Gardiner 85 pounds of what he and others believe to be ambergris This is said to be worth anywhere from $500 to $1000 per pound. He is now endeavoring to estab­ lish for certain whether or not it is ambergris. He sent some to David Stair Jordon, of California, who said he thought that it was the real thing, but that a sample would have to be sent to France to establish it for certain. Mr. Blackerby also sent some to various chemists, but has not received replies from them yet. • He found the chunk while patrol- ing the beach, it washing up in the breakers. F. F. Meyers is also in­ terested in the find. Ambergris, like the attar of roses, is most rare and valuable for perfume. It is supposed to originate in the stomach of the sperm whale and to be thrown off by that animal when it reaches cakes weighing fiom 60 200 pounds. It is usually found in the Indian Ocean. Mr. Meyers is here with Mr. Blackerby and they are guarding the valuable lump very carefully and if it proves to be the real thing they will probably get from $50,000 to $100,000 for it. Mr. Meyers says that many years ago some Japanese found a chunk of it along the Columbia river and were using it for cooking purposes and had used up most of it up be­ fore a man who recognized it came along and bought it for a song.— Coos Bay Times, $1000 in Prize Money Coos County District Will Be Unable to Collect About $70,000. The Bandon Carnival Committee ire busy completing the arrngements ior the White Cedar Festival. It is the intention of the committee that upwards of one thousand dollars will be awarded m prize money. So ; large a sum will arrouse lively and Only Three Weeks *0 the keen contests and the competitions End of the Bi" Piano pulled off during the White Cedar ' Festival promise to be of a class far Contest. supeti >r to anything before witnessed in Coos county. Miss Gladys Gallier, No. ?5 1 50,355 1 he street parade and masked Mi.» S . ie Hill No Dll 1 2 v” 5 , ball are being fostered with a care Mi .«label Post No. 89 113,745 Mi.» Korean Bur No. s' .10»,810 and thoroughness which means those Miss l ave Wolfe No 100 -.92,529 will be something to be long re­ Mrs. Rosie Bingaman No. 9s -_-92,27O membered Miss Connie Rundle No. 82. The fraternal orders of the city Miss Mirtle Wheeler No. 61 _.64,960 ate taking hold ot the fraternal day Miss Ruby Tilton No. 77 59,480 Miss Esther Solve, No. S1 -54,720 idea with a vim and there is no Mrs. Minnie Tenbrook No. 97. 54,710 doubt the live orders will all be rep­ Miss Lillian Scott, No. 86. -.53,120 resented in a creditable manner. Mrs. Charles Richards No. 1(14. .43,675 Several organizations have already Miss Grace Gibson, No. 22. - -36,255 committees and made Miss Margaret Gross No. 92. 32,260 appointed Mrs. A. 1). Perdue, No. 91 ___ 39,675 preliminary arrangements lor some­ Il is less than tour weeks to close thing novel and striking for the of p ano voting contest. Contest­ parade. ants need every vote than can be Final arrangements for the base obtained- Watch next Friday’s ball tournament between the league R ecor der for the announcetm nt teams of the county are prrctically of a new and striking feature in con- completed and purses aggregating nection with this contest. 400 dollars will be put up. “Let ‘er rip.” Outside Interest in Bandon District is Becoming Greater. Salem, Ore., July 24.—In an Word aas just been received here Secretary L. E. Brown of the opinion written by Justice Burnett, of a decision of the Oregon Supreme Bandon Commercial Club is busy the Supreme Court rendered a de­ Court in the case of the Linn & these days answering between 350 cision in the suit of A. C. Libby Lane Timber Company (a C. A. and 400 inquiries from people in all vs Secretary of State Olcott, Smith subsidiary) vs. Lane County, parts of the country, relative to this brought to restrain the Secretary of which will knock out the special section of the country. State from calling a special referen­ road taxes in several Coos County Tliere are some who are not post­ dum election this Fall under the districts. In all. it is estimated, it ed or the great work that the Com­ Day bill. The court holds the will mean that about $70,000 of the mercial club is doing for Bandon, measure to be constitutional, and it special road tax levies cannot be and some of these, even go so far as will now devolve on the Secretary collected. to say that the club is not doing of State to call the election to be In the Linn county case, the Ore­ anything but the fact remains that held on the day provided for in the gon Supreme court reversed Judge the club is doing a great work and act the first Tuesday after the first Galloway and held the 1909 special the answering of these inquiries is Monday in November. road tax unconstitutional. often the means of bringing many Attorneys for Libby instituted In some of the Coos county dis­ people into this country to settle. the suit to have the bill declared un­ tricts, where contests have been 1'his is one of the great works of constitutional in the first instance in made the special levies were made the Commercial club and one that the Circuit Court of this county, according to the 1913 road law and is being successfully and capably and the decision today is a reversal these will not be affected. The Ten handled by Mr. Brown. of Judge Galloway. Ten or 12 Mile tract, the Bandon-Curry county reasons were advanced by them in road and three or four other dis­ ——OOO------- Mrs. Goodman who has been on attacking the validity of the measure, tricts, will be knocked out of the Young Men Entertain. special taxes by it, according to re­ the sick list lor a couple of weeks is Coos County Children to but in the presentation of the case 1 larry ("lain and Karl Averill en­ ports.—Coos Bay Times, now convalescing. they were reduced to two general tertained a number of their young Exhibit at Fair. propositions: Myrtle Point, Dr., July 21.— L. friends at the Wigwam Wednesday First—That the act was unconsti­ I I’, liarrington, state industrial field night, cards and dancing occupied tutional in that it ordered a special worker, who spent the past week in tile evening, and those present pr >- election without stating what mea­ Coos county in the interest of the nounced the evening a decided sures were to be voted upon, and ■ children's fair, states that at the success. that it conflicted with article 1, sec­ Those invited were: Mesdames I). county fair, to be held lieie Sep­ tion 21 oj the state constitution, in tember 1 2, many of the boys and M Averill, N. J. Cram, Ralph that the holding of a special election girls will have exhibits of their own Elliot, Alma Jackson, Caldwell and was made to depend upon the con­ products, for which business men all Geo. Laffaw. Misses Sophia Hen­ tingency that referendum petitions Teachers Receive Certificates People in the Willamette Valley Stretching behind us are hundreds over the county have offered prizes, derson, Lena Langlois, Amy Wind­ would be filed. are already showing interest in the of square miles of fertile country. and the department pro nises to be sor, Dorothy Gibson, Zettie Gibson, The following teachers of Coos Second—That tne act was incom­ county received certificates at the “White Cedar Festival,” Several Country which for the most part in one of the most attractive and in­ Rittie McNair. Louise Clausson, plete and ineffective in that it did June examination. communications have been received | August becomes uncomfortable hot. teresting at th< tail. I’he best of Blanche Radley, list her Solve, not provide ways and means for the from people saying they intend Bandon offers to these people beauti­ exhibits will later be sent to the Gladys Strader, Erma Craine, Pearl One year certificates: payment of the election expenses of coming to Bandon during the car­ ful scenery, magnificent beach, and Salem State Fan to be entered 111 Craine, Velma Buckingham, Jose­ Lilia Irvin, Dora. the special election, and that the the industrial contest there, provi- phine Stoltz, Eilna Gallier, L. cool invigorating sea breezes. Florence M. Goodman, Prosper. nival week. county courts were not authorized In the old world it is the custom dec’ satisfactory arrangements can Wheeler, Ottilie Lewin. Helen Ste­ I he w riter has visited many of Emily Fiances Music, Bridge. to furnish supplies for the election where any place, particularly a sea the famous holiday resorts in Europe be made for transportation of ex phenson, Elsie Wolfe, Amelia Elmer M. Roberts, Bullards. in the event that it should be held. side town has possibilities as a pleas­ but none of them possess the beauty liibits. Chaney. Messrs D M, Averill, N. Rishia McDonald, Lakeside. The Day bill provides for a spe­ ure resort to exploit these possibili­ nor the remarkable interest of J. Cram, A D. Mills, Carl Bowman, J. R. Bunch, Gravel Ford. cial election to be held on the fit st ties by means of festivals. A festival Bandon's magnificent beach. Nature Ralph Weddle, Thos. Laird, Ernest Annie Wickman, Marrhfield. Tuesday after the first Monday in or cat nival, it is found draws the Sidwell, Ernest Watkins, Earl Wat­ has given us more interesting and Blanche Landrith, Marshfield. November, 1913, tor the sole pur­ army of pleasures seekers who turn ­ kins, Ray Watkins, Archie Rosa, striking beauty than millions of Mrs. Selma Thomas, Marshfield, pose of voting on all measures pass­ ing their attention this way and that Lentner Gallier, Edmund Gallier, dollars has been able to create in Joan Mary Fitzgerald, Marshfield. ed by the Legislature at its last decide in favor ol a particular place Jack Kronenberg, F.verard Boyle, these old world resorts John D. Finel, Arago, session on which the referendum has Ranson Rackleff, Geo. Laffaw, Sid because some special event is ad ­ Catherine Willoughby. Bandon. The White Cedar Festival will be been invoked. vertised as taking place there. ncy Williams, Victor Breuer, Geo. Ora A. Deyoe, Bandon. a very material factor in exploiting Bandon is the only seaside pleas ­ Laird, Ralph Elliot, Harry Pierce, Ebba C. Wyren, Bandon. Starke, Fla., July 23.—Hanged Ralph Dippie and John Windsor. ure resort from Newport to San our great possibilities. "Let ‘er Elizabeth Child, Coquille. W. P. to Build North. F rancisco. ! for 38 minutes and at the end of A. I). Mills won first prize for May Bertha Lund, Coquille. San Froncisco, July 21.—Accord­ that time pronounced legally «lead gentlemen and Pearl Craine cap Lena Belloni, Coquille. ing to tentative plans announced Along the Water Front Returns From Long Trip. I by the physicians, Henry Mitchell a tured first prize for ladies. Harry Wm. M. Coleman, Myrtle Point. here today by Traffic Manager C. i negro murderer caused wild excite- Pierce and Alma Jackson pulled Pat Hanrahan has returned from S. S. Darnell, MyrtleJ’oint. The Elizabeth sailed Wednesday L. Stone, the Western Pacific ' ment in jail here when he revived, down the boobies. Alma G. Kolstead, Marshfield. evening with 167,000 feet of lumber his trip to Toronto, Canada, where sat up in his coffin and gazed about. railroad within six months will have At midnight an < xcellent luncheon he went to be at the bedside of his Five year state Certificates: branch lines in Idaho and California 45 tons of miscellaneous, 1600 I The condemned man’s neck was was served. mother, but unfortunately he was Jennie B. Hickey, North Bend. connecting with the main line. Just bundles of veneer slices and the too late as his mother was dead and not broken and it took three hours — —TOM—— Primary certificates: ♦ hat points the new branches will 1 ttefore life fled. following passengers: O. A. Page, buried before he arrived. Hazel Irene Matthews, Arago, touch is not known vet, but it is be­ New Picture Screen at the ---- 000--- Mr. Hanrahan says he was in Mrs. Belle Whitaker, Myrtle Point Tnos Haggerty, W. T. Steele, lieved a Boise-Winnemucca line is Grand. Blanche Radley, Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. some scorching hot climate, and also Bessie G. Immel, North Bend. “ Shylock ” at the Grand. included in the plan. Wright, Miss Beyerle, Ceno M. says that financial condition-, in the The latest satin finished picture Mrs Matilda K. Sleep, North Bend This a laption from “ I’lie Mer­ “The Western Pacific has suc­ Bell, Miss Bell, Mrs. Wm. Thomp ­ curtain just installed at the Grand east and in Canada are more strin ­ Bertha F. Wilkins, Bandon. chant of Venice,” Shakespeare’s ceed in obtaining a large sum of son, Mrs. M. M. Bell, P. Thompson shows the pictures up beautifully. gent than here, lie is glad to get A number other teachers wrote famous play, will be exhibited at money,” said Stone today. “This Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Chas. 1 Al! glare and haze is eliminated, back to Coos county and declares it the Gradd Sunday night July 27th money will be spent immediately in for exemptions, and most of them Farny, Mrs. Loving A. Hildahl, H. I flicker is entirely absent and the is the best place on earth. » succeeded in obtaining good grades. | in two reefs. branch roads connecting witlr the Goggins, J. B. Silva, M. Long, Mr. picture looms up clear and distinct ---- -------------- This is a true feature film mag* main line, which runs from Salt Several teachers who made passing Mills, Chas. Farny, John B. Lili, C. bringing out the true tones of all grades in all the subjects taken re ­ Lake to San Francisco. There has Metzner, A. McClelland, E. L. New Telephone Directory niliciently produced, (fiber films colors in the film, it is soft and plea­ will be shown, a pleasing program. been a need for branch lines in quested that their certificates be Peterson, Geo. Hilvin, F. McPher­ sing to the eye and postively does Patrons of the telephone company No advance 10-5C. Idaho and California for years. issued at a later date.—Raymond E. son. The Elizabeth will probably away with eye strain. This latest ------- VOQ------- Now that we have the money, the Baker, County School Superinten­ sail from San Francisco tomorrow 1 in Bandon will be glad to learn that invention certainly shows the picture tendent. we ate to have a new Bandon direct- road building will be pushed as evening. Monday, July 28, M G. Pohl beautiful. ■- v oo---- ory. The same is being printed in Ioptometerist, will lie in Myrtle Point fast as possible. The Bandon arrived Wednesday The Giand Theatre is now equip­ Art Gilbert, Fred Fieger and this office and will Ire reidy for dis. | attending the directors meeting of ped with the (test and latest appar.i- Smith went out in the woods on with a cargo of gasoline and hay. tribution the first of next week The the Coarse Gold Salmon Mountain I tus lor projecting motion pictures Mrs. S. J. McCloskey of Norway, Crooked Creek about four miles She sails this afternoon. The Fifield will probably arrive new book «ill have all the telephone ! Mine, of which he is a stockholder. that money can buy and we are Mrs. Smith of Gravelford, Mrs southeast of town Wednesday mor­ from San Francisco tomorrow. numbers on the local switchboard up August the 1st and 2nd he will be satisfied that our patronr fully ap­ Binger Laird and children of Brews­ ning