Vml CONTESTANTS Big Content is Livening up and Interest Grows Rap­ idly. It I At last weeks voting several contestants made able gains. in content consider­ At the voting toinor- low afternoon, the positions mat make some sensation il < hang's The progress of this contest wll be interesting to watch, look for the report every Friday in the Bandon Recorder and noti e positions of contestants you will obtain consider able lun from following the race. Through a transposition in figures No. 51 last week was reported as having 81.590 voles. This should have been 18,590 votes. No. 25— 67.97 o <1 89-58,105 »> >• » • V » » » > 98—47 975 87 -42,955 101—34.456 100— 32,410 97~ 3’.820 77-3«.27° 61—30.555 86—24 465 22—23,705 |0. IM1 -23. to” S 2 —20,660 51 — I8.590 10 :— I i. 305 88—7.690 91 —7,690 93-6,185 52—6.020 99—4,800 102 —2,600 Ole Lund Interviewed. While in San Francisco waiting lot further passage to Mexico F.vei 1 Wymanovcr chai’ced to meet Ol< Lund, the I oner Marshfield h trness ind 'hoe ni rchant, who is now 1« ~ rated in Hi'co, *»<> rking th re I r a I irge boot anil shoe concern. Ole Lund fvh sore over the outcome of the election list fall, He said he would never in his life come back again to Coos Bay, the way the Smith-Powers concern treated him as candidate for sheriff. "To oust Gage of the fat pasture, he rnonopo. lizes it requires a stronger man than 1 was, and less of that subtle, vicious republican politics from the saw-mill people,'’ Ole remarked. Ernest Wilkins Kat he re ne Wav Fred Reynolds Ernest Watkins Kate Chatburn Archie Ri»a » Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. BANDON CHURCHES t Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 r 4 4 ill 4 I 4 4 • . I i 4 if 4 14 p. m. A general invitation e Vended to S t . J ohn ’ s E piscopal C hurch . T. J. Ou EN, Pastor. Services 2nd 4th and 51I1 Sundays all. at 11 a. m and 7".3op. m. Sunday School on all Sundays at 10 a. m. B rethren C hurch E. Lewin has taken over the Wm. Horsfall, Archdeacon. Regular Set vice—Preaching 1 1 00 Wigwam again anti will operate the a.m Sunday school 10:00 a.m. M. E. C hurch Fvening service, 7:45. same. He will give a benefit dance I Sabbath school io a. tn. All are cordially ' ivited to attend for the Bandon Baseball team in the Sunday Preaching, it a nt each service. near future. Evening sermon. 8:oo C. H. B arklow , Elder and Pas­ Thursday evening prayer meeting tor in charge. 7:3<> Junior League, 3 p.m. Liberty Bell’s Last Peal. Epworth League 7:00 p. m. On the morning of June 8, 1835. the , Services next Sunday as usual. TJberty liell, which for a century hud ' Welcome to all. been Philadelphia's greatest Instru- I J ohn J.^M ickey , Pastor. ment for showing |oy or grief, was be- , ing tolled for Chief Justice John Mar 1 If you are not saving piano votes help one of your friends who is Ask for Piano Votes One is given for every cent paid at D. M. Aver ill’s Dry Goods, O. A Trowbridge, Boyle Jew elry Co., and the Bandon Bakery and The Agate. X T » ' 44 C hristian C hurch . Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. tn. All are invited. J. R. Mt DDF. ton . Pastor I I P resbyterian . ■hall. On that’ occasion it was badly cracked But. broken as it was. the bell was afterward ruug on great ocen ■ions, although the tones were but sorry reminders of the once powerful sound So it happened Hint on Wash Ington's birthday, 1843. the old tiell was once again tolled in Joy At that time, however, the previous crack became so wide that the tones were completely broken it was never rung again after that day.—Philadelphia Ledger ! | I : Services will be as follows: , (Jut t Hour. 9:45 : Preaching at 11 :oo. Su day school at to o'clock. Chiisttan Endeavor will convene First Lite Policy. ••• 'The first life Insurance (volley Hint at 7 00 p. m. Preaching at 7:30. was ever issued is said to have tH*««n H. C. H artranft . Pastor. Written on June 18. 1583. and to Imre lieen for £383 <>s 8d on the life of a certain William (llbbotia,' said Arch- M ethodist E piscopal church . Ibnld A Welch In a lecture •'The S outh , Cor. 4th and Spruce Preaching every second and fourth poller wnaforone year, and the premi­ um whr 8 per cent of Hie sum injured; Sundays. the age was unknown It happened Sunday School every Sunday al IO a. m. S S teels , Pastor that Gibbons died on May 29. 1584. well within the calendar year, but the Insurers contented the claim on the L atter D ay S aints . ground that twelve months of tweDty- Reorganized Church of Jesus elght days each had passed. The courts, ' Christ ot Latter Day Saints, Colum­ however, decided against the insurers bia Avenue and the money had to be paid.”—Ex­ change. Meeting every Sunday. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. □ ¡■interested Affection. I Preaching at 11 11:00 :oo a. m. Religio He—Darling, you must want me to . at 7:00 p. m. and preaching at 8:oo give you something or you wouldn’t be P- m. so sweet and gentle today Site On I All are cordially invited to attend the contrary. I don't want anything at F.J. C hatburn , President. all It*» only for the dresmnaker — Exchange • I I R.ilpli (in¡-.trugen tura Mnrgan George Molami B aptist . Cor. Sixth Street and Coquille Ave. I” nl.iche Dr. Mil»*!1 Ai»tt Piin I t' i iirv.* it. Prove It tor yui4rsel( lAdv «1 Ueement.J Donald Mackintosh Can write Fire In surance on your dwelling and its contents inside the corporate limits at a base rate of $5.00 per thousand for one year, $ 10 for three years. Outside the limits $6 and $10 in any of half a dozen Standard Old Line Companies, Just phone me and I will do the rest. Phone 582 or 941 ■