Page 2 Semi Weekly Bandon Recorder, May 9, 1913 X SEMI-WEEKLY Lal i Cc mile ration»., Miscellaneous—Streets ol Avalon, R. W. Chambers Throne of David, BANDON RECORDER i Published Even Entered j A the Postoftuc it I uesdav and Friday by the Rc< >n!er I ublishing Company. Bandon, Oregon, a« Mail Matter of C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor. the Ebe««; i ’< ii Jiid Miles Up the Nile, Congratulations LODGE DIRECTORY L graham; Garth aldi, Gent!*' Life of. I heo. Dwight; Burgomaster’s Wife, Geor¿ : the minute you become a depositor of this bank. For it « ill mean that you have started on the road to inde­ pendence anil comfort which can only be h\ the savings route. You’ll congratulate \ ourself too after you have learned how quickly little savings, regularly made, mount up. Start today. Amelia B. Ed * aid— Lewah Tribe No. 48, Lnp. O. R. M. ‘■pc-tai n I Supplies: Bible, good library ••« n. I ( las* idtlion, illudr.'l d. concordance, revised version, IMrEETS First a'id Thirl 1 uesdays of month a’ 8th run at the Bandon 1 : b-n tyj.c Webster’« New International I warn. Sojourning Chiefs ,n good standing Duh >ntry. M < cco binding, with Allas. Good cordially invited to attend. et of \X orld Maps for Wall Dictionary Stand. A. J. I lartmar J. C. Sht-ilds, C. of R. Sachem. ¡Samples of book catalgoulna devices, Poole’s II , | Rebekah OFFICIAL PAPER OF TH g CITY OF I A - JON . Recorder Philosophy CEAN REBEKAH 1 ODGE, No. 126 Notice of Sheriffs’« Sale. By virtue ot an execution dely issued by the Clerk of llie Circuit Court of the Conniy of Coos ' State Oregon, doted the 2?rd day of April \. D , 1913. in a certain action in the Circuit i Court for said County and State wherein Fred Ashburn and Harry Ashburn, a partnership | ‘Ling business under the firm name and style of ’ Ashburn, Plaintiffs, recovered judgment against O I. O. O.F., meets 2nd and 4th 1 uesday al 1 O. O. F. Hall. 1 ranscient members cordially invited. Alpha Wheeled, N. G. Josephine Stollz, Secretary. OF BANDON w. o. w OMETHING DOING Every Minute S Every Tuesday Night. Hard w the place of be­ after stated communication of Masonic Lodge t hings Japanese ginning, all in Coos County, Ore. Taken and Visiting members cordially invited to altend. 1'he fool dieth for want of wisdom Alice C. Gailier, W. M I he Great Acceptance, Guy Thorne levied upon as tee property of the said defen­ Rosa Bingaman, Secretary. - and all of us are a little sick. Travelers 7ales, Bertha W. Smith dants or either of them or so much th«M*eof as Weak spots ar- no respecter^ of Two Years Before the Mast, Dana may be n< i'- ary to satisfy the said judgment in I. O. O. F The Book Princes and Princesses favor oi th< plaintiffs and against said defendants persons; they are found on all men. Boys' Napoleon, Wheeler with interest thereon, together with all costs and ■Q a NDON LODGE, No. 133, I. O. O F. The “gospel ’ is the truth and no Prodigal Judpe, Vaughan Kester meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting disbursements that have or may accrue. brothers in good standing cordially invited. man or church has a monopoly ot Uncrowned King, Wright Dated this 6th day of May^l9|3. Chris B(etcher, N. G. Calling of Dan Matthews, Wiight truth. Harry Armstrong, Sec. W W. GAGE Children’s Book, Scudder May 9, June 6 F Sheriff. The discretion of the < Glory of His Country, Landis tendency to degeneiate Knight. <»r Pytbtrt, Pilgrim's Progress, 11 lust rated by Rhead Notice of Administrators TXELPHI LODGE. N o . M, Koigfit, of pocrisy. I ir and Palm, Olive Briggs Pythias Meets every Mooday eveoing Notice. The man who lusts for .irbitr.ny Little Lame Prince and His Traveling Coat, Notice is hereby given. That bv the order of al Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to Craik. G. R. McNair, C. C. authority is the common enemy ol th.- County Court of the State of Oregon, in and allend. Channel Islands, I lolden B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. for th;- f 1 unty of Coos W. F. Disher, was mankind. Story ol Great inventions. Burns duly appointed administrator of the estate of Cunnang hyprocrisy will rule un- White Rees, 1 lenry Van Dyke Erminnia Di her, deceased, and the letters, tes- Three Hundred Things a Brigh Girl Gan D> til overthrown by the iuteHigenie ol tamenlry were duly i ued to said administrator Biography of a Bov, Josephine Bacon the masses. on the 2?nd day of July 1912, and that said Rise of Silas Lppham, W. I). Howells Professional Cards. a imini: tiatcr is now qualified and acting and, Outside ot religion and politics a Chaucer Story Book, lappan i therefore all having claims against the said es- Living Mummy, Ambrose Pratt father's advice is usually mote ot i talc arr hereby notified to present the same Oregon 1 r .il, Parknurn less valuable. j v, th proper proof and vouchers to the said ad Rise <>f the Dutch Republic, Motley minislralor at the office of Geo. P. Topping, at C. K. WADE Because you can t always cash in Conrjnest of Mexico, Prescott Bandon, Oiegon, within six (6) months from your knowledge does not prove that I ulisman, Scott the 22nd day of April, 1913 the date of the Attorney-at-Law Last Days of Pompeii, Lytton M is not valuable. ' final publication of this notice or by Octoiler Aftermath ol the Reconstruction, Clark Howell Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Bank That which the editor admires Prince and the Pauper, Mark I wain 23, 1913. of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102 U. F DISEER, most in a long contribution tor Tom Brown .'‘chool Days, I lughes BANDON, OREGON publication is its end. True .Sioruw from I listo«y a Biography, Notice for Publication. One who is always giving away Hawthorne Department of the Interior Dog ol Flanders, Ouida U. S. 1 .and Office al Roseburg, Oregon. DR. II. L. HOUSTON advice doesn’t jirize it highly ; and Romance of the Rothschilds. Balia March 17th. 1913. neither do otheis. Spit it of American Literature, Macey Notice is hereby given that Clifford C. Physician & Surgeon Play of To-day, Hunt Anderson, ol Bandon, Oregon, who on No­ “He that tilleth his land shall b< Office over L rug Stare. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m, The New Freedom, Wo°drow Wilson vember, 1907, made I lomestead Entry satisfied with bread’ that is if his 1:30 to 4 p. m: 7 to 8 in the evening. ¡Serial, No. 04373, for NI-2 NL.I-4, Section (. iovern-ments ol Europe, Ogg land is in Coos Cottnfv Man ol Galilee. Haygood BANDON, OREGON 1 13 and SI-2 SEI-4, Section 12, Township 30, I S., Rang«* 14 west, Willamette Meridian, ha« An actress wuh a lx autiful form I'air God, Wallace I rail ol the Loncboine Pine, Fox filed notice of intention to makt: hive year will never makt enough money to Silver I lordr, Bea«-a Proof, to establish claim to the in nd above DR. SMITH J. MANN cover her nakedness. described, before C. R. Wade, United States j Science of I .iv mg, Sadler The cyclone sweepeth the wicked Physician & Surgeon Commissioner at Bandon, Oregon, on the *>th Health ol the Citv, Grnlf-ev off of the face of the earth, and it 1 I almadge in the I loly Land, 1 almadge day of May. 1913. Office in Panter Building. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m; I to 5 p. m. 1 hiough the Gold Helds of Alaska, Claimant names as witnesses: R. J \ »ung. butts into the righteous also. C. M. Do>le, A. E. Had sail. W J Doyle, BANDON, OREGON The counsel ol the multitude is De Windt, all of Bandon, Oregon. ( hanging Chimes, Rose safer than the counsel of the man Philhppint Island« and Her Peopk, Worcester B. F. JONES, who enjoys special privilege I uturc in America, Wells Mar 2 I-May 2 Register DR. L. P. SORENSON Mountains, W Site There are so in >nv new autos in 1 hrwnas Alva Edison, Jones Dentist Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Bandon that we are learning to Indian and His Problems, Leuppe Bv virtue of an executim an I order of sal* Ofhce over Vienna Cafe. Telephone al office dodge when we cross the sticet Latitphghlrr, Cummins ; duly issued by the Clrik of the Circuit Court of and residence. “He that speaketh truth showeth Science ol Religion, l_x*e : the County of Coos, State of Oregon, dat d the BANDON, OREGON I j 23rd day of .April, 1913. in a certain action in forth righteousness but the wicked I leart of Midlothian, Scott Abbott, Scott the Circuit Court for said County and State wril land on him with both feit First Violin, L other gill wherein Geo. W. Moore Lumber Company G. T. TREADGOLD One who always speaks the truth I uck ol Roaring ( amp, I l ute 1 as Plaintiff recovered judgment against Bandon 1 1 ales of Argonauts, I laite in his heart is a progressive and will A ttorney and Counselor Clav Products Company foi the sum of Three j I wo Adin rals, Scott I lun bed 1 en and 15-100 dollars and cos« and be denounced as in