Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, April 15, 1913 ♦+->++++++-:~++++++- m -++♦•>+♦+ : t + I Sam Says— 1 he Ruby ■ Î “She Paid the Price” “Doing It Now” is our way of handling orders. : + + Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service’*Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare. $7.50 Freight Rates. $3 on Up Freight Fuhrman** Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’, Myrtle Point E. Ac E. T. Kruse, owners and nanagers, 24 California St., San Francisco. J. E. Walstrom. Agent, Bandon. S teamer 1 ii ii ld Means Speed, Safety and Comfort Fwin Screws, W ireless Equipment, I lot and Cold Water. When you travel have the best. It costs you no more. Up Freight $3.00 per Ion. See us for Rates on Down I re ight. Bandon Warehouse Co., Freight anti Passenger Agts. Ilio Bandon House E. (». CASSIDY, Proprietor Thoroughly Remodeled. American Plan. Rates $1.00 to 52. per Day. I irst Class Cafe in Connection. Special Rates by Week or Month Home Hand Laundry Fourth and Spruce Sts. Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. Phone 722 EARL SCHOONOVER Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line CATCHELL BROS.. Prop». All kinds of heavy and light drawing. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., l isli Property eiio.xi’. on Hotel Gallier Rales $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates b) weekormoiitli Sample room in connection Bandon By CL.ARISSA MACKIE +++++❖+++++++++++++++♦++++ GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. Reservation*'. Necklace Oregon Put your ad in the Recorder—the paper of authority in Bandon. on the night of Eiiltli I’alnier'H birth ilny ball her huHbnml emne home early ami nought bln wife ill tier own rooms Ills handsome fine was aglow with Inn- ami admiration as lie took the lovely form in his arms ami kissed het eager, red lips. "Darling. jou are more beautiful ev ery time 1 see you.” lie murmured. ' And yon grow mure blind,” she -hided him playfully. ”1 have been waiting for you to come and tell me what Jewels I shall wear tonight." She I turned to the dressing table and threw back the lid of a Jewel box and remov ■d the trays liiamonds, sapphires and emeralds blazed in tin- light. "Wear your rubies, Edith,’’ said Dick Palmer, with a mysterious smile. ‘•Rubies? Don't tease. Dick. Those are the only stones I really want and do not. possess Shall it be diamonds?” "Rubles tonight." insisted Dick, and from an Inner pocket of his coat he drew forth a lint leather ease and plac­ ed it in her hands. “Dick Palmer, you darling!” cried Edith, and she showered kisses upon Idin before she opemsl the box. When she finally threw back the lid she was awed by the beauty of tile stones her husband had selected for her birthday gift. On a bed of white velvet was colled a magnilicent necklace of flawless ru hies, perfect In color and each stone the size of a very large pea. Dick lifted the necklaci- and clasped it around Ids wife's neck; then he stood back to admire I he rich red circle of tire against the whiteness of her skin. "You dear, extravagant boy!” mur mured Editli ns she turned to the mir ror to feast lu-r eyes on the Jewel. “1 suppose you paid an enormous price for It.” “I paid a pretty stiff price, but 1 guess It's worth it I didn’t buy it in Buffalo's. It isn’t a brand new neck lace; neither Is it reconstructed from nn old one It's a genuine antique said to have In-longed to an Asiatic ruler.” "Where did you find It. Dick?” "In Lenqiiitli's on Fourth avenue. I’ve had it a month now. and Buffiun Ims been cleaning it up for me. Well, I must run away mid dress.” Dick kissed Ills wife again and left the room. Edith stood long la-fore the mirror watching tin- liquid flame of the ruby Uei-klin-e as she slow ly turned Iler n*ck. At Inst she unclasped It and replaced It within its case. "i'll not wear It down to dlnimr. It will be a surprise for all of tln-ir when tin- bull begins.” she said to herself and looked around for a place in which to secret the case 'libe large Jewel box would Just lit Into the tiny steel safe sunk In the wall "near the chimney. Before the inconspicuous door there was hung a heavily framed square painting, w hich could be moved aside only by pressing a knob on the other side of the room. Now Editli »elected n diamond brace­ let a dazzling ser|x-nt with ruby eyes -and slipped it on Iler arm. Tlien she dosed and locked flit- large Jewel box. pressed the knob that moved aside the square picture ami placed tile box In the little safe. There was room after all for the new- Jewel case containing the ruby necklace, and after another glimpse of the beautiful Jewel Edith tucked that In tile safe, dosed the steel clad door, replaeisl the picture and went down to dinner Just as the gong sounded The rooms were bowers of loveli­ ness. A separate color scheme Imd lieen selected for tach one. and the whole harmonized in one glorious ar­ rangement of flowers mid palms. There were several people staying nt the I'almers', mid most of them were gathered In the drawing room when Edith entered the Maxfields, husbnnd mid wife; Eugenia Card, mi old school friend of Edith's, and Dick's father. Ilenry rainier The fifth guest, Mme Geillot Imd not yet Joined them. Just ns the last strokes of the hall dock died away there w.-is a rustle of silk that hesitated outside the door, and then Mme Geulot came swiftly In. her bright coloring enhanced by two vivid crimson polnsettias at her breast Iler rich blue black hair was coileil In a soft knot at the back of tier shapely In-mi, mid als-ve her low, i thoughtful brow was placed a coronet 1 of diamonds Mme tleulot was a very 1 ts-aiitlful woman "A thousand pardons, dierle." she cried penitently "That so stupid Ma­ rie of mine lias made what you call a muddle of my toilet.” She threw out tier hands with a graceful gesture of despair, and her long d irk eyes darted from otic smiling face to another Mrs I'almer shook her eharniing head and look»»! nt tin- vision in nmlier satin mid diamond» ' I»ear Mme Geu­ lot.’’ she said sweetly. "If you want to part with Marie I shall la- delighted to relieve you of your stupid treasure!” "No. no!" And they all laughed at m.-idmne's dismay In spite of the forthcoming ball the dinner « is as |wrf<-ct ns It always had been ainee I’terrv Caron had ruled in the I’nlmor kitchen When the meal w-is concluded Edith went upstairs to comfials- her toilet, leaving her guesta Pape 4 scattered atmut tlie flower decked Coughs and Consumption^ Real Estate, Rentals, Insur rooms Coughs ami colds, when negleted ince and Notary Public As she went up the stairway to the next floor two faces peered at her from always lead to serious trouble ofjllie a curtained alcove—two dark faces lungs. The wisest thing to do with cunning eyes but so contrasting wh -n you have a cold that troubles 1 were their conditions in life that had you coupled tln-ir names the world you is to get a bottle of Dr. King’s would have laughed at you. New Discovery. You will get re-1 After dismissing her maid Edith lock­ lief from the first dose, and finally ed tin- door of her room anil hastened O, H. to open the wall safe, where her Jew­ the cough will di»apj>ear. els were secreted. She started back Brown, of Muscadine, A’a., writes: with a little cry of dismay, for the box “My wife was down in bed with an containing the ruby necklace had dis­ obstinate cough, and I honestly be­ appeared. She ris'otered herself almost instant­ lieve had it not been for Dr. King's ly. "Of course Diek had taken it out New Discovery, she would not be to show his father, but how did he living today.” Known for forty- know It was there? He guessed it, as 1 did not wear it at dinner,” site three years as the best remedy for said as she closed the safe, picked up coughs and colds. Price 50c and tier gloves mid fan and went down to Si. 00. Recommended by all drug- i the draw Ing room, outwardly composed. Her brain was a chaos of doubt and gists. perplexity She dreaded to ask her ----- UQC-------- JTOR OVER a hundred husband about the necklace. She was Pains in the Stomach. afraid to hear his answer. years the Hat fiord Fire If you continually complain of 1 >iek met her at the door of the drawing room “Where is the neck pains in the stomace, your liver or Insurance Company has hu e?" lie asked quickly. your kidneys are out of order. Neg­ been climbing the fire instance She paled to the lips. "Then you did not take it front the safe?" she gasped. lect may lead to dropsy, kidney I ladder until to-day it stands at "No. of course not. I didn’t know it trouble, diabetes or Bright’s disease. was there.” Thousands recommend Electric Bit- I the top. In the volume of fire "Then it Ims been stolen!” And she ters as the very best stomach and ' protection it gives the American related tile circumstances. He frowned. "Where Is Jeanne?" kidney medicine made. H. T. | people it stands above every “She was in m.v room when I re­ Alston, of Raleigh, N. C., who turned to it after dinner. I dismissed suffered with pain in the stomach other fire insurance» company. lier then." “It happened nt dinner.” he said and back, writes: "My kidneys ^Vhen'you need fire insurance convincingly. “I’ll ring up a detec­ ' -ji tive He can come as a guest. Don’t were deranged and my liver did not i work right. I suffered much, but mention the matter to any one.” [. E.£E. OAKES. "No." said Edith, and went to re­ Electric Bitters was recommended ceive the .first arrivals. In spite of the loss of the ruby neck and I improved from the first dose. It lace the birthday ball was a distinct I now feel like a new man.” success. No one would have surmised will improve you, too. Only 50c Contractors and from the sweet composure of the Recommended by all hostess that she bail suffered a great and $1.00. Builders loss Many complimented her on the druggists. loveliness of her appearance, lind oth ers added that she needed no Jewels Estimates Furnished Why He Was Late. to enhance her beauty. Phone 932 Dick Palmer introduced a slim, dark “What made you so late?” haired man in correct evening attire “I met Smithson.” as the detective, Mr. Bleek, and in a “Well, that is no reason why you few crisp questions he drew from Edith all the facts surrounding the should be an hour late getting home GENERAL theft of tlie ruby necklace. to supper.’’ “Bleek suggests a guest in the BLACKSMITHING “I know, but I asked him how he house.” said Dick Inter to Ills wife as they stood alone together. Horseshoeing a Specialty was feeling, and he insisted on idl­ "Impossible!” said Edith. “The Max­ ing me about his stomach trouble.” fields are above suspicion. Eugenia “Did you tell him to take Cnam- could buy forty ruby necklaces. Your father absurd! It must have been berlin’s Tablets!” one of the extra servants.” “Sure, that is what he needs.” “Jeanne?” asked her husband quietly. “Oh. Jeanne is too much of a cow­ Sold by C. Y. Lowe. ard to attempt anything big like that She might purloin a collar—in fact, Big Surprise to Many in she has a passion for collars and hand­ Do you want pure drugs and Bandon. kerchiefs. but not Jewels.” "You have not mentioned our other drug sundries, fine perfumes, Local people are surprised at the i guest. Edith." said Dick quietly. hair brushes and toilet arti She made a gesutre of dismay and quick results received from simple cles? If so, call on searched the room with her eyes. buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. as "Mme Geulot! Oh, Dick! I know mixed in Adler-i ka. the German you have warned me against my inti­ C. Y. Lowe macy with her. when my acquaintance appendicitis remedy. Bandon, Oregon with her is so slight. But her letters states that this simple remedy an- from Baris were genuine, and she is the digestive system and so delightful! I wonder where she is. Saturdays at Lorenz’ Store draws off the impurities so thorough­ 1 have not seen her since dinner.” "I will search for her,” said Dick ly that a single dose relieves sour quietly and was gone. stomach, gas on the stomach and Kryptocks, the Most Perfect Lenses When he made his reappearance the last of the guests were taking depar­ constipation instantly. Made ture. and when they were alone he placed his arm around his wife’s slen­ Drive away Sick Headaches der form. "Dear.” he said, "be prepared for an Sick headache, sour gassy stom­ unpleasant shock. The ruby necklace ach, indigestion, biliousness disap­ has been traced to Mme. Geulot. De teethe Bleek found the jewel case on pear quickly after you take Dr. the person of our cook. Pierre Caron, King's New Life Pills. They purify I The Leading Contractors who has confessed that the robbery the bktod and put new life and vigor was one of many that he and his wife. and Builders Celeste Geulot none other, my dear- into the system. Try them and you had planned. It seems she saw yon will be well satisfied. Every pill trying ->n the necklace after 1 had left helps: eve.y box guaranteed. Price you. watched yon hide it away and Recommended by. We furnish plans and speci­ when you had left the room slipped in, 25c. sed have a cough or cold, and you are the ruby necklace. certain to be pleased with the She w as dead. Contractor and prompt cure which it will effect. Bleek step|s-d forward and unclasp­ For sale by C. Y. Lowe. ed tlie tie- klace and examined It Builder closely "That's the way with many of these Asiatic baubles,” he said "My little son had a very severe thoughtfully "I hap|H-n to have heard of this one la-fore There is a large re­ 1 cold, I was recommended to try ward out for It Th< re Is 11 legend that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and if it I» honestly tsiught or sold or pre sentisl as a gift it 1« quite harmless before a small bottle was finisheil he If It is stolen the wearer pays the was as well as ever,” writes Mr. H. price, as Mine Gemot has done. poor , Silks, 29 Dowling Street. Sydney, ■on)!” This remedy is for sale He pointed Io the throat of the dead ' Australia. woman, where a heavy black mark en­ by C. Y. Lowe. circled the whiteness of her neck. "It grew tighter sial Anally strangled her." In- explalmal as they went awaf Don’t be surprised if vou have an n n Paints listening Edith * as weeping bitterly. with Chamberlain’s Liniment and it Oil*, Colors, Wall Piper She was grieving for the friend «’ho will soon disappear. Sold by C V had proved false and «ho had paid the Cor. Coquille and Third Sts. Lowe. price. Ladder Top’o! LEEPER & CAR P. L. RANDLES In Dufort Building Columbia Ave. Give Us a Call PURE DRUGS C. Y. LOWE M. G. POHL, Optometerist r Brown & Gibson -1 FRANK GREGORY Bandon - Oregon E. B. FISH Painter. Decorator and Paper Hanger