Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 11, 1913, Image 1

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Box Factory
Starts Soon
Recorder Representative Pays a Visit
To New Industry—Plant Modern
In Every Particular.
Meyers-Moore Nuptials.
Grace Dollar Here
On Maiden Voyage
J. H. Meyers, better known in
Bandon as “Jack Meyers, and Miss
Myrtle Moore went to Coquille
1 last Wednesdav, where they were
united in the holy bonds of wedlock,
Rev. C. H. Cleaves, of Coquille
officiating. After the ceremony the
happy couple went to Marshfield
and North Bend where they re­
mained for a few days and returned
to Bandon the first of the week.
The bride is an estimable young
ladv and has many friends in Ban­
don. She has been an efficient
clerk in the Golden Rule store for i
the past two years and was always
The Grace Dollar arri ved in port f Geo. P. Topping in a witty and the harbor.
courteous to the many customers in Saturday at 11 :oo a. m. and went thoughtful address endorsed the
Mr. Fish ex pres cd the thought
this enterprising store. Mr. Meyers directly up the river to the Ran­ opinions expressed by Mr, Tread- that in large measure 1’ < oming of
is a painter and paper hanger by dolph mill to take on a cargo of gold, Mr. Topping described the the Grace Dollar to Bandon was
trade, and as a result of excellent lumber.
early day of the Bandon harbor tne the resit of the work of a few men.
and artistic workmanship has suc­ The Grace Dollar is the largest ups and downs oi it’s development. There is no man truthfully affirm­
ceeded in working up a large and vessel that has ever crossed over He recalled the time whed the first ed Mr. Fish who has done more
lucrative business.
the Coquille River bar, she is 230 steamer the “Coquilie River" came for the development or been better
The many friends of these ex­ feet long and h >s a 40 foot beam, in and after a few trips the owner thonght of than Alfred Johnson Sr.
cellent young people will wish them with 16 foot depth of hold. She is became discouraged and took the it is to him and bis two sons that
a long and prosperous journey equipped with 1000 hflrse pojver en­ boat off the run. After a space an­ belongs the hr or of bringing the
through life.
gine and can ride the seas in any other steamer tried putting into Grace Dollar to our harbor."
After the reception many of the
kind of stormr She is a steel vessel Bandon but the owners became dis
and has every appearance of the couraged and gave up. At length officers of the Grace Dollar went to
Women’s Commercial Club massive vessel that she is.
some enterprising men put a steam­ the dance at the Wigwam as guests
The Grace Dollar can carry 1,200- er on the Bandon run and had the of the Gun Club.
I he entrance of a Dollar boat in­
ooo feet of lumber at full capacity, courage to stick and the boat is still
and will carry 800,000 feet on a piling into this port. Continuing to the shipping business of Bandon
The dinner served Saturday in
twelve foot draught. She is a fine Mr. Topping said that much praise marks an epoch in the develop,
Odd Fellows Hall by the Women’s
uessel in every sense of the word, was due our business men whose j ment of the harbor, it means enlist­
Commercial Club was well attended in fact there are none better plying energy and enterprise had caused ing the interests of a powerful cor.
and those who partook of the on the Pacific coast trade, and the capital to be interested in Bandon ! poration in the improvement of our
bounties certainly got their money's fact that such vessels as she can and to bring so splendid a ship into | harbor.
worth and then some. It seemed to come into this harbor in its present
be the universal opinion that the condition only goes to show what a
change should have been 50 cents great harbor could be made here
instead of 35 cents, but as it was the with the forming of a port commis­
net proceeds amounted to about $20 sion and the expending of a com-
or $25. After dinner a number of
paratively small amount of money,
card tables were prepared and about The tide was not yet at full flood
50 people enjoyed the afternoon at when the biu vessel came in but the
The Brooklyn »ailed yesterday {Norton Fred Mosa, M. Wagner,
San Francisco with 230,000 feet A. Morak, Theo Paprava, John
crossing in and trip up the river
Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg kindly were made with ease.
Venice, Mrs. H. A Guerin, Emma
of lumber atid the following pas-
donated a beautiful cornucopia vase
To see such vessels as the Grace sengers: E. R. Meinstadt, O. J. Guerin, L. Guerin, Mrs. St. John,
as a prize and the prize was won by Dollar coming into this port is cer­
Miss Peyperdine, Jr Felson, E.
Pfontz, L. K. Reynolds, H. H.
B, McLeod. Plie Elizibeth »ill
Mrs. Dobbins.
tainly a source of great satisfaction Bumphrey, W. R. Reed, Chas,
Beth the dinner and the card to all Bandon people and indicates
sail «gain Thursday morning.
Davis, Chas. Fischer, Victor Bl«ck
party were successes in every par­ tha this section of the country is
The Fitield arrived Saturday night
C. R. Packard, E. 11. Roach,
ticular and all are in hopes that it progressing more rapidly than ever i
with 32 tons of freight and the fol-
Mrs. Walter Roach,
lovring passengers: I). M. Gray,
will be repeated again in the near our fondest dreams had hoped for.
The Elizabeth arrived today Geo. W. Moore, J. Lands, J. P.
I with 150 tons of freight and the I.ere, A. M. Brenden, A. Caleser.
Reception Saturday Night passengers: F. S. Perry, J. E. H. C. Vogel, H. Vogel.
Big Lumber Carrier Arrived in Port Saturday Morning and
Loads at Up-river Points—Businessmen Give
Reception to Officers.
Another new enterprise for the ture. The building is 52 feet by too
lower river is the new box factory feet. The dock in front is 18 feet
near Lyons-Johnson mill and across wide, The depth of water at the
the river from Bullards. This box dock is 20 feet at high water.
factory was built by George Geisen­
An inclined dock is to be built
dorfer and he has made good prog­ and a swing drop for discharging
ress in the building. He expects to lumber from scows directly onto the
start running April 1st and will be cars thereby eliminating the extra
ready to take orders lor anything in handling usually required at other
the line of shook for butter etc. The box factories. The site of the box
snugness and oiderliress which factory occupies four acres.
plainly peimeate everything about
One of the notable features about
the factory impress the visitor with the box factory Mr. Geisendorfer is
the thought that there is a directing erecting is a flume to run the whole
force behind it all, that is looking length of the building to take the
after things and seeing to it that place of a conveyor,. '.Vater will be
they are done just so.
pumped from the river into this
The thoroughness with which the flume and run through the tactory
details of construction have been discharging into a bulk head on the
worked out are eloquent testimony mud flats, made from piling and
to the fact that Mr. Geisendorfer is 3-inch planking. In this way the
onto his job. And that he has the friction and annoyance of the or­
knowledge, energy and ability to dinary conveyor’will be done away
plan and execute, All that fore- with anti at the same time the de­
thought could do to obviate waste bris from the factory will fill up the
movements and save time labor and mud flat making a high and dry
cost, appears to have been put into yard for all time.
practise by Mr. Geisendorfer.
Mr. Geisendorfor has been in
The box factory is connected up the box factory business for 25 years.
with Lyons and Johnsons mill by a He was formerly with the MeCleod
steel tramway. The cars running Lumber Co. for ten years and he
from the sotting table at the mill, managed the box factory at North
right to the matcher in the factory. Bend.
Two men are able to handle 2,000
It is a good thing for Bandon to
feet of lumber on each car expedi­ have a box factory, and it is doubly
tiously. There is a tripping devise satisfactory to have the enterprise
at the matcher by which the lumber under the direction of a man so well
is tripped from the car, remaining fitted by experience and natural
on two skids, and the car taken ability to make good as is Mr.
back at once, obviating any switch Geisendorfer. A visit to the com
ing From the four side matcher panies box factory at Bullards will
the lumber passes to a Mershon 5 | at once bring home the conviction
inch twin band saw. The saw can that things will be well managed,
The Gun Club Ball.
be opened to a ten inch cant, and nothing will »be left to take care of
On Saturday evening a reception
it has a capacity of 80,000 feet a ».self, but the operation of every
Regard to Another Dance at Bandon
was given at Commercial club Hall Statement in
day. After leaving the machines detail will have the careful attention
Opera House.
The Grand Ball given by the
Tag Day.
the stock goes directly to the ware­ of a manager who is resourceful and Seaside Gun Club at the Wigwam Grace Dollar. The president of the
house or dock. There are no back­ practical. One of those men who Saturday night was a success in club E. H. Fish presided. With a
There will l»e another popular
ward movement. Once started a can dream and shape from their every ¡»articular and the h.ill was brief appropriate introductory speach
The directors of the Library de­
steady push forward comes naturally dreams something better than “airy filled to its capacity.
Mr. Fish called upon G. T. Tread- sire to state that on Tag day, Satur­ dance giyen in Ban Ion Opera House
from the arrangement of the ma­ nothings.’’ Our praise of Mr. Geis­
The committee left nothing un- gold to deliver an address of wel­ I day March 15th no offense will be 1 on next Saturday night, the 15th,
chinery and appliances. Re-hand­ endorfer is early in the day but we done to make the evening an en­ come Mr. Treadgold rose to the oc­ given any one by insisting that any I for the benefit of the the free library
ling is entirely eliminated.
do not consider it premature. May joyable one to all present and they casion and made a pointed speach one be tagged.
' The same music will be in attendance
The band saw is driven by two many of his kind come to Bandon to certainly succeeded admirably, for which went home. In part he said
The young w«men doing the tag­
motors a 35 and a 25 horse power. realize some of the vast possibilities everybody had r. good time. The “I don’t think there is a more in­ ging expect to exercise discretion as officiated last Saturday night.
There will be ice cream, cake,
A 25 horse power motor is used for the district offers.
music furnished by Kausrud's or­ spiring sight than a magnificent ship, and true ladylike reserve.
the matcher and a rip saw. And a
and other good thing > in wav
No person should consider that
chestra was up to its usual standaid
ten horse power motor for other Patron-Teachers Meeting. which everyone knows is the height coming over the bar today I was
be is compelled to be tagged, every of refreshments. Tickets for dm
machines. The motors installed are
moved and impressed at the sight one will be asked.
cing, 50 cents, admission to hall free
of excellency.
There will be a patron teachers'
the Fort Wayne inductive motors
The supper served in the dining of this grand ship entering the har­
The price of the tag is
220 volt 3 ¡»base 60 cycle. The meeting in the high school audi­ room was also a rare treat and in bor of Bandon
I believe it is only
and ii a tag is seen on you,
electric power plant of the Bandon
fact the entire evening was one a step to the time when we will
Supt. Parks of the Myrtle Point round of pleasure and enjoy ment. have a great harbor here, and ships you will doubtless remain ■ mnolest-
Power Company is not more than
500 feet from the box factory so the schools will be ¡»resent and deliver The receipts for the evening were at Bandon take on lumber carrying ed the rest of the day.
The great majority of our citiz ens
current will come hot oil the dy­ anaddtess on “Intensive Educa­ about $90.
it through to the ports of the At­
that the Tag method is per­
tion in the school and in the home.
lantic without transhipment.
---- ZW>----
The girls’ gl.e club will furnish
There is a diamond match push
The fact that the harbor has de fectly legitimate and pleasant way in
Keep it in Mind.
depends largely on flit*
table cut off. The equipment of music and there will be other special
veloped from comparative insignifi­ which to raise the balance of the
encouragement v.. 1
the plant includes a 4 inch centrifu­ features. The public is very urgent­
cance to its present stage of impor­ 5500 library fund.
the people jrivc ii ;
gal pump capable of discharging ly invited to attend.
So can’t we a I join in the spirit
Next Thursday is Commercial tance gives promise of greater things,
banking i n s t itutb >• s
480 gallons a minute normal speed.
club nightr It is the duty as well
To advance the opinion that a of the day and combine to mak-- it
and, in turn, on t. :
There is an auxiliary foi fire pro­ Young People’s Social Club as the privilege for members to at­ large city will grow upon the pre­ one of Bandons greatest days, then
support which it >
tect >n with standpipe giving 70 foot
tend Comm ercial club meetings. sent site of Bandon is considered by everyone will have cause for re­
banks give to the l.’i
Next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Be there. Give an hour of your many here as fanciful as a mere joicing,
enterprises of ti
With all this machinery the shaft­ at Bandon Opera House, Dr. Leach time to taking part in the delibera­ dream. The dreamer who is a
Boost Bandou Public Library.
Illis bank en­
ing has been kept down to two short will give a reception to the young tion of the club.
worker for the fulfilment of his
Boost Baudun'a merchants
counter shafts one nine feet long and people of Bandon, at which ice cream
It is bv getting together at a well . vision is the man who makes good.
in the fore. I
one ten leet long. This eliminates and other refreshments will be conducted meeting such as at the | It has been the history of the human
of it s cli­
a frequent source of overhead ex-- served free. It is Dr. Leach’s in- j meetings of the Commercial club . race that the great things have been
ents' affairs. Acct imt.
pense and annoyance. The beltings tention to organize, on that occasion ' and discussing the problems that. accomplished as a result of the Co-operative Canning Co. held their
of conservative busi­
their annual election of directors it
are all main drives and are leather a young people's social club. There confront the community, that def thoughts of dreamers.
nessmen are alua . >
endless stretched bells
will be several novel, entertaining j inite harmonious action is likely to
I believe that the id eas of dream-
The construction and planning of I and instructive features embraced in prevail and Lear fruit in worthy ac­ ers supported by practical work and the following board oi direct
the building erected as a home for j the plan of the club's work. Boys complishment.
will make of Bandon a harbor that ors was elected A. E. Fredricks
Manual Wilson, FIRST NAT’L BANK
the factory is well worthy of men and girls over ten years of age will
will be open to ships as much larger John Neilson,
tion. It has been built to last. The j be eligible for membership as regu
Rev. John J. Mickey has gone to than the Grace Dollar as she is Herman Hungle and M. Randle
Open duiinir Noon Hoar > n«f Satur­
day Evening«.
piling and floor joists are heavy and lars. There will also be a “tot” Port Orford to assist Rev. R. C. larger than the ihips which cam« iq man. The officers will be elected
by the board of directors.
numerous for the size of the struc- 1 department for tiny folks.
Voting in a ten days revival meeting. to this port tiltoea year* ago.
Along The Water Front
Develops :ci: i