Semi-W’eekly Bandon Recorder, March 4, 1913 Page 3 f GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. WHAT YOU WANT When You Want It “A T*mpset I” a T. Tlie e\p.>•*■ "a tempest iti a pot" Is one of great iilitlqility. Its '-st hist'.lie itppeai'iince is in tlie "De f.i jl".:-' of Cliero. who quotes It as a 010111011 saying. “ * Gratidlus raised a teni|4>st In n Inble e. as the saying is' Tlie French form, •'File (empete dans mie vet-re tl'eau ' (a tempest in a glass of water'. was tirst applied to the dis Iai'linia es in the Geneva republic near the end of the sevintwlilh century. Ill Eng!:iml the word "teapot" watt sub stitnied lor the sake of alliteration. It is said to time been popularized by Lord North, who employed it to elair aelerizi* the outbreak of the American colonists against tlie tax on tea. Repels Attack of Death. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. S. S. ELIZABETH Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50 Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight Reservations*. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’, Myrtle Point E. 6c E. T. Kruse, owners and managers, 24 California St., San Francisco. J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon. S teamer E ieield Means Speed, Safety and Comfort Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment, 1 lot and Cold Water. When you travel have the best. It costs you no more. Up Freight $ LOO per I on. See us for Rates on Down f reight. Bandon Warehouse Co., Freight and Passenger Agts. I lie Bandon I louse E. G. CASSIDY, Proprietor 'Thoroughly Remodeled. American Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per Day. First Class Cafe in Con nection. Special Rates by Week or Month Home Hand Laundry Fourth and Spruce Sts. Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. Phone 722 EARL SCHOONOVER Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line GATCHELL BROS., Prop«. All kinds of heavy and light (fraying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. Eirst & Spruce St., Pish Properly I’llONE «41 Hotel Galiier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by weekermonth Sample room in connection Bandon Oregon Put your ad in the Recorder—the paper of authority in Bandon. “Five veal's a c> two doctors told in • I li el only two years to live.” tins startling statement was macle I by Stillman Green, Malachite, Col., “They told me I would die with consumption. Il evas up to methen to try the best lung medicine and I began to use Dr. King’s New I Discove ry, it was well I did. for j today 1 am working and believe 1 ' owe mv life to this great throat and I lung cure that has cheated the grave of another victim ” Its folly to i suffer with coughs, colds or other throat and lung troubles now. Take the cure thats safest. Price 50 cents and $1.00 Trial bottle free at all druggists. Names of the Grapefruit. The grapefruit is simply a variety of the shaddock. IIow it got the former name is a question, but how it got the latter Is a matter of history. The tree I was named after a Captain Shaddock, who early in the eighteenth century took it to the West Indies from the Malayan and Polynesian Islands, of which it is tl native. Perhaps no other tree or fruit has so many names or so many queer spellings of a single mime. Besides its mil dress mime of Citrus auriintinm deciimana and its common name of "forbidden fruit.’’ it is called pompoleon. panqielinoes, [loinpelmoes. potnpelntoiis and pompehnoose.—Bos­ ton Transcript An Ugly Clan. in the Circuit Court of the1 The late Itr Andrew Wilson Itnd lec­ State of Oregon for the tured in Greenock, and a man ivlio luid heard him met 11 friend on his way County of Coos. home. “Where were you tonight, Sandy 1 A. M. I Inch cock, and Emma asked the friend. Hitchcock, husband and “Weel, 1 was hearing that num Wil wife; 1 ledwig Petetson and son true Edinburgh.” replied Sandy, | Oscar Peterson, wife and "mid he said that nil the mischief done husband; Ude Anderson I SUMMONS to mankind was by those Maerobhs” and Sigma /Anderson hus­ I Partition (inicrolies). "1 can well believe Hint." ' in Equity, band and wife; Blair tills naiil the friend. “They were always a vs. dirty clan!”- Dundee Advertiser. Mat Pearce-Burk anti F. W. Burk, her husband, and their Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relict afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by C. Y. Lowe. Or Is It Curiosity? Just why should a call on the tele- phone lie deemed important enough to break up tlio average personal couver- satioii? Most men will cut a talk in two on getting a telephone sunnnons and ««-ill turn at once to tlie in.tru- ment instead of telling a clerk to have the telephone caller wait or to call up later. Is there something hypnotic in the ling of a telephone, or Is it the glad certainty that the one who uses the wire will be brief, while the per­ sonal caller may talk on forever?—Den­ ver Republican. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are otten contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds hot- tin quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamber­ lain’s Gough Remedy, it can al­ ways be depended upon anil s pleasant and sate to take. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Facts About Coffee. Coffee originally came from the is- Glorious News, land of Mocha, whence in the year ltilti coffee I roes were transport«! to IIol- comes from Dr. J. T, Curtiss Dwight, Kan. He writ's: “I not Innd. This article of diet was tirst sci­ entifically cultivated at Surinam by the only have cured bad cases of ecze- Dutch in 1718 Though coffee was ma in my patients with Ehctric not known either to the Greeks or Ro­ Bitters, but also cured myself by mans. it was used as a beverage by the Celsians in early times The tirst cof­ them of the same disease. I feel fee house of which (here Is any record sure they will benefit any case of vtas opened in Constantinople In 1511, eczema.” This shows what thou­ and coffee was first brought to France in Itiii'J by Thevenet. the famous trav­ sands have proved» that Electr.c eler. Bitters is a most effective blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for eczema, letter, salt rheum, ulcers boils ane running sores. It stimu­ lates liver, kidneys and bowels, ex- pells poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Price jocts. Sat­ isfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Bandon Druggist Praise. Deserves ■ C Y. Lowe deserves praise from Bandon people for introducing here the simple buckthorn 1 ark and 1 glycerine mixture, known as Adler- ' i-ka This simple German remedy ' first became famous by curing ap- I pendiditis and it has now been dis­ covered that as ingle dose relieves i sour stomach, gas on the stomach and cons'ipation instantly. --------000------- An Irish Incident. “Driver." said .-in English tourist wlm wits lielng driven on n jaunting cur through the Donegal highlands. ”1 notice that when yon speak to your friends wlmin yon meet on the roiul you invariably do so in Irish, but when yon address your horse you do so In English IIow Is tills?” To wlil w Life Pills, No gripping, no dis­ tress just thorough work that brings | good health and fine feelings. 25c at all druggists. lien and judgment creditors, Defendants. To Mae Pearce-Burk, and F. W. Burk, her husband, their lie:, and judgment creditors, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this su:n- TopJ of dil Uulder JTOR O'/feT t hundred years the L . .iLid rnons, to-wit: Within six weeks from the 31 st day of Jan- uary, 1913, and if you fail to appear and answer on or before the 14th day of March, 1913, that dale being the last day of the time You can say goodbye to consti pation with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by heir use. For sale by C. Y. Lowe Fire; Insurance Company has been climbing the fine'insurance ladder until to day it stands at prescribed in the order of publication, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief asked for in the complaint filed in this cause, a the top. ..hi the volume of fire prutecuon it gives trie American ' succinct statement ol which s: An order appointing a referee to prove the title of the respective parties hereto, and an order appointing referees to examine and report on the partitioning off and segregating of the people other it fire stands above every insurance« company, When you need fire insurance, interests of the of the respective parties hereto, in certain real property, formerly known as the W. S. Pearce estate, described by and contained within meets and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point 990 feet West of the North East corner of Sec. 36, Twp. 28 So. K. 15 West of the Willamette Meridian in Coos county, Ore­ gon running thence Weil 330, feet thence South E. E. OAKES LEEPER & CAR 264 feet, thence East 130 feet, and thence North Contractors-¡a ml Builders 264 feet to the place of beginning, containing 2 acres, together with tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances. Plaintiffs will recommend to such referees and the conrt that the inte rests ol the defendants in said premises be partitioned off and confined to the North West quarttr thereof described by the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning 1155 feet West of Es ¡mates Hirn is lied Phone 932 P. • the N. E. corner of Sec. 36, Twp 28, So, R. 15 West of Willamette Meridian in C oos County, Oregon running thence West 165 fret, L RANDLES GENERAL BLACKSMITHING thence South 132 feet, thence East 165 feet, thence North 132 feet to place of beginning containing therein 1-2 acres, excluding each, every and all interest or claim of defendants to Horseshoeing a Specialty any part, parcel or portion of the remainder of said estate, whether land or tenements, heredita­ ments and appurtenances and for such other In Dufort Building Columbia Ave.¡ relief as to the court seems proper and just. This summons is published by order of the Give U's a Cail Í Honorable J. S. Coke, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the 2nd judi­ PURE DRUGS cial district in said State, dated 29th, 1911. C. R. WADE, Plaintiffs attorney Jan 31-March 14 Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti­ cles? If so, call on To Mothers -And Others. You can use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, r.nhes, tetter chafings, scaly and crusted humors, as well as their accidental injuries, — cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickley. For Origin ot Knives. The first kulve . according to the co: boils, ulcers, old, running or fever elusions of n scionlist who has made sores or piles it has no equal. 2501s a study of the subject, were fttMlirei at all druggists. stones that happened to have a shari cutting edge. But the vegetable king doni also furnishes very keen cutting edges in the leaves anil stalks of |aml^ peci tit nt ions and*ii you are >>o- ing to build anything, no matter how large or how mall, we chii Have Let us fyyftre* is one you don’t want to do can you Bandon Hardware Cc Better Than Spanking Spanking will not cure children of wetting the because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. 11. Rowan Drug Co.. Dept. 1+53, Chicago, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for distressing disease and to make known its merits will send a 50c package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of I lie Recorder, remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and ability to control urine during the night or day or young. I be C. II. Rowan Drug Co. is Irre Reliable I louse. Write to them today for t medic ine. Cure the afllicted members of your family then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy I Popular Mechanics Magazine “warmt »0 vou c«» undchitaho it ” AGREAT Continued Story of the World'» Progrès» which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. 2S0 PACES EACH MONTH 300 PICTURES 200 ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Not.*«“ Deportment (20 pages) given easy way : '<■ rh> (lungs howto make useful article« for home and shop, repair», etc. "Amateur Mechanic«* * t ■.*■ If. .hixvlo make Miseton tun*i ur<*. v ir* I ** .outfit.. boats, engines, magic, and ah the things a boy loves. SI .SO PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS Ask your newsdealer, or wwiTC roe mu lAum copy today i*OPULAK MECHANIC» CO, IIS W. WsaMncl.i, »» . CHICAGO