Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, February 25, 1913 SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER LODGE DIRECTORY Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates made known on application. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY It’s a Pleasant Reflection Loneon'c Hot Baked Potatoes. There are few colder places <>u it winter's night than the utreet* of Lon­ don. Naturally any thing warm Is wel­ comed by wayfarers. Rousted chest­ nuts anil hot pies stand high in public favor, but the cry of "Raked (xitiitoes. Lewah Tribe No. 48, Lnp. O. R. *M. all hot!” is peculiarly inviting. The EETS b its! c'id Thirl Tuesday; of e tc Entered at the PostoHice at Bandon, Oregon, a* Mail Matter of the Second lie» simplest form of a ixitnto can really *" “*■ month al 8th rui at the Ban Jon \\ ig- more like a lx>x than a can—is of plain, wam. Sojourning Chu is m good standing ar» unpninted tin. not unlike that used by cordially invited Io attend. C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor. the street plenum. In the central por­ A. J. Hartmar J. C. Shedds* C. of R. Sachem. tion the potatoes are kept hot, while in compartments on each side suit and Rebekah butter are kept. A large pepper box usually stands on the top of the can. CEAN REBEKAH I ODGE, No. 126 A small valve lets out the steam, and I. O. O.F., meets2nd and 4th Tuesday at Its whistling guides the traveler in I O. O. I’. Hall, I ranscient members cordially search of a hot potato. Street corners, invited. Alpha Wheeled, N. G. where an omnibus stops or near places i Josephine Stoltz, Secretary. of amusement, are favorite spots for « I the vendors of this delicacy. Tlie sea­ W. O. W. a son lasts from the hitter part of Sep­ THE CHILD GARDEN. tember until about the end of March. CoML. 1 HING DOING Every Minute Every I'u.-sJay Night. And surely a real “child gar­ a It is said that more than 3.000 |ieople den” should be in the open air! SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, gain their livelihood in this way in the Just to get the problem into de­ WOODMEN Ol THE WORLD, streets of Loudon. It is easy to quit drinking—in the batable form I would submit a Meet, at K. of P. Hall. Visaing Neighbors few practical suggestions: First, Welcome. penitentiary. Musical Sound and the Ear, that every schoolhouse should be C. M. Gage, C. C. The well trained ear of a musician If yon have a grouch nurse it aiul a provided with a playground, con­ can distinguish notes differing only taining at Iea3t ten square yards will grow on you. for each pupil. For every dollar one-hundredth part of a tone from one Masonic. spent on the building half a dol­ another. Most people cannot perceive A knocker never has any trouble gANDON LODGE, No. 130 A. F. & A lar ought to be spent on the a difference of one-tenth of a tone, and **” M, Stated communications first Saturday playground, and I can hardly in finding a victim. a few can scarcely tell one tone from liter the full moon of each month. Special conceive of a better investment another. The cause of this curious dis communications second Saturday Three strikes and out thereafter. for the community. Personally parity resides in slight differences in AU Master Masons cordially invited. if I had to take my choice for Gener il Huerta at the bat. the structure of the cochlea, a wonder­ my own child in one of our large W. E. Crw, W M All the business interests of, Mexi­ citios between a school without a • ful piece of apparatus in the inner Phil Pearson, Secretary e playground and a playground a most part of the ear. It is a little co are not worth tlie lite of your without a school I would choose • body shaped like a snail shell and be­ Eastern Star the playground. boy. lieved to be the part ot the hearing Second, let there be organized QCCIDENTAL CHAPTER, No. 45, O. apparatus which recognizes musical The English woman wants home as an auxiliary department of E. S., meets Sa'urdny evening before and sounds. In its structure it closely re the kindergar^n * * * for rule and Johnny Bull says she shan’t alter ‘•.fated commurdcation oi Masonic Lodge sembles the strings of a piano and even ^¡siting members cordially invited to attend. the younger v.nildren a capa­ have il. hiiH a dumper to prevent the mixture cious sand pit, where they can Alice C. Gailier, W. M grub and dig to their hearts’ of sounds quickly follow ing one anoth­ Rosa Bingaman, Secretary. You will notice that this paper content. A load of “tailings,” er. This little 'musical apparatus is set contains all the news of Ban Ion anil blocks and short boards of all going by vibrations received from the I. <>. O. F sizes from a sawmill or carpen­ middle ear or drum, and in some mys­ VANDON LODGE. No. 133, I. O. O. F. vicinity. ter's shop for building purposes, terious manner it sends these on to the meets every Wednesday evening Visiting a few cheap accessories for the If crops would grow without cul brain through the auditory nerve in brothers in good standing cordially invited. Robinson Crusoe and “Indians” tivation we should like to live in the form of musical sounds. Chris Be etcher, N. G. play, would suffice. For the lar­ I larry Armstrong, Sec. ger youngsters plain, strong the country swings, bars, rings, trapezes, The Drummer’s Secret. vaulting horses, seesaws, etc., Just our luck—eggs are 20 cents Here is an old war story. As n regi­ Knight* of PytliUiH could be constructed, and, of e ment of soldiers was on the inarch to T^ELPHI LODGE, No. 64, Knights of a dozen and the liens have started course. Ir»ge spaces kept al & Gettysburg some of tlie soldiers step ways clear, leveled and free Pythias. Meets every Monday evening to lay to beat the band. from mud or standing water, a ped out of tlie ranks and confiscated a at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to couple of geese, and one of the drum for hockey, football, baseball, attend. G. R. McNair, No use to siy those Mexicans won’t prisoner’s base and all the run­ niers unheaded liis instrument and put B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. fight Thev are too years behind ning games.—Dr. Woods Hutch­ the captured birds in the drum inson. Shortly afterward the colonel roilv the times and haven’t any better along and. noticing the boy, said sense. sharply; "Why don't you beat that drum We have a theory that no one REST ROOM IS FOR USE. "Colonel,” said the drummer myste­ addicted to smoking ever entirely riously. "I want to speak to you.” Idaho Falls Has Comfortable, Conven­ quit unless helped by some extra The colonel drew still closer and. ient Place For Use of Women. bending down his head. said. "Well, ordinary force. The city of Idaho Falls, Ida., has what have you to say?” Notwithstanding Madero implor­ equipped and maintains a rest room for The drummer whispered. "Colonel, the lii-o use >f all women. Attorney-at-Law l ie got a i-onple of geese in here." ed Taft not to intervene, lie will now It is war;.i and comfortable. Then The colonel straightened up and find fault with this government for are comfortable chairs, a table, lava gravely said. "Well, if you're sick and .‘»gent Pacific Surety Company. OÆLc Baak of Bandon Bldg. Phone 10’. not intervening in time to prevent tor j and toilet facilities. can t piny, you needn’t.” In commenting on the new idea the BANDON, OREGON The colonel bad roast goose that his downfall. Idaho Falls Times says: night. When you come to town with ypur Unless the price of hogs comes children and your shopping is done and A Winter on a Mountain Top. aristo- down bacon will soon be an you are waiting for the rest of the fam A h one climbs up to the mountain cratic dainty on the tables of the Uy to go home, just tell them they will top tin* danger from lightning increases rich. The poor will have to eat timl you at the rest room and to drive rapidly, and. as a rule, tin* oliservn around there for you. Then you and tories located on the mountain tops common chicken. the children can take it easy until tile are rather uncomfortable places of It said tliat Madero will be <*x- rest of the folks are ready to drive out residence, ns discovered by the scien­ If you want to meet your neighbors aniined for lunacy, The fact when you come to town tell them they tific gentlemen who have had the ex perlenee of n winter on a mountain be wauls to remain I President of will timl you nt the rest room. top. It is evident that ordinary light Tlx- rest room is in the old city hall, ning rods are entirely inndeqiinte to Mexico is a strong indication of on 1'iirk avenue, almost directly across curry off the enormous discharges of mutual derangment. Physician Surgeon tile sired from tile new city liall. It Is the mountain thunderstorms. There yours to use: use it; that's what it is lire several observatories on Mont Until the youth are taught that Office in Panier Building. I louts* 9 to I.' a. ni; for, and you place yourself under no Rlane. and nt one of them, that of I to 5 p. m: the real greatness is found in use- obligation to any one by using it. It Janssen, there have been a number of fulness, justice and humility there was fitted up mid is maintained liy the bombardments, during which the in­ will be victims like Madero who city, not by individuals, for the use of terior of the place was tilled with rib­ all women, especially for the use of bonlike sheets of electricity and balls bring trouble upon themselves and farmers' wives and children. of tire which moved silently from point others. The Village Improvement society is to point. — Exchange. adding a few feminine touchi's to the Dentisi Some new nickels have been rooms Drop In, if only out of curios Breakfast In Norway. ordered coined. The new nickel Uy to see what the city is doing for tlie Home brewed beer lias of late years, Office over V ienna Cafe. Tel* phene at office and residence. comfort of the women who make Idaho says Harold Simpson in his "Rambles OF to know that in time of need voujliave a source of aid. t he Bank of Bandon is al- ua\s prepared to loan money at legal rates on accej security. If you conk some ready cash just now, call at the bank and you u ill be treated \v ith «very con- sideration consistent with sound banking. O BANDON BANDON Recorder Philosophy The Sucker Everything When the b aby cries give it a dose of Eaby Syr- up which you can buy at the Bandon Drug Co. < r i : Bandon Drug Co. FULL SUPPLY OF GOOD AXLE GREASE AND FIRST CLASS NEATS FOOT OIL 1 HT EIXO D b Í I A RN ESS MA X Professional Cards. C. R. W ADE A' DR. I,. P. SORENSON will have an Indian head on one side and a buffalo on the other. We favor the new nickel on the ground that we do not get enough ot the old ones. Turkish soldieis assassinated one leader and badly wounded another. Mexican soldiers assassinated Ma­ dero's brother who was one of their leaders. One of our notions is tliat one of the great and pressing needs of the tins date is protect ion from •‘leaders.” Pitchfork Ben Tillman has been re-elected to succeed himself in the United .states Senate, This is Ins fourth term making twenty-four years in the Senate. Ben may h.ivt done something for the country be­ sides drawing ins salary but you can't think of it just now. CHEERFULNESS. Give u». O give us. the man who sings at his work I Be his or- cupation what it may. he is equal to anv ot those who follow the same pursini in silent sullenness. I Ir will do more work in the same time; lie will e umtormlv joyous. • spirit oi sunshine, graceful from very glad­ ness. beautiful because bright. — Carlyle. Fulls their trading point. TOWN PLANNING. Look After the Whole Community, Not a Part of It. In an nddress before the congress oj horticulturists In .Inmestown, O., some weeks ago n speaker Hiild, "It Is the duty of village Improvement six leths and park superintendents to direct tlielr attention to the preparation of (tow in plans rather than to expend all their efforts and money on n hiiiii II men or oilier minor Improvements nt littp- hazard or upon genernl clearing up op- orations, street llghtlng and the like that should lie executed by the town <>tll< era through their regular approprl atloiia." He added that public spirit. wisely directed by a well thought out plan, could transform a town In from tive to elrht years, but lie said there um-t Is* Io,-ally n leader In the move incut "who Is big eiioiigli to grasp ilie who.e om epl ion and persisteut enough to hold fast against criticism until it Is well under way." Tills means self sac- rill. Ing effort at first, but ultimately It is sure of general approval, and hap­ pily almost every town contains such a leader. In Norway." largely displaced spirits as tlie nationiil drink of tlie Norwegi mis. It is HO ixipular that it is usisi even at breakfust to wash down the stock dish fried |*>rk smothered in onions The first night of a Norwegian breakfast table, adds tlie author, is npt to iistound one It is covered with small dishes, prim-ipiilly tisli fresh tish. smoked tisli. tisli In tins, tisli in miniature barrels There are also cold meats and nil endless variety' of cheeses. of which the Norwegians lire very fond. Lewin. tf Hours, 8 to 5. ALL KINDS OF GRAINS AND THE Lilly and Portland Seed Co’s FERTILIZERS J Horney und Counselor at Law Office with Bandon Investment Company Notary Public Equipped with Wireless BANDON, OKI GON True Love. Tom- Hut perhaps sb< doesn't love you Jack fill, yes, she does! Tom- How do you know? -lack When I told her that I had no money to get married on she offered to borrow some 111 from tier latlier I'liiladclpliia qilirer Physician A life in continual Med U half death. —Uenuau Proverb. Office, Oakes Building. CENTRAL FEED CO., Phone 142 ( I. Physician & Surgeon Enquire ol E. Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells and General Electrical Supplies I Tears Not Idle. “My doctor tolls me a good cry is b<»n«»flcinl ” Ttie second woman, opuniiur her purse, displayed a first class return ticket to Europe "A good cry gained me this,” site said New York Puss Value of Beautiful School Ground*. "Our Bcliuol grounds well planned. pluuted mother i amt eared for lire >111 lm|x>rtiiiit educa by from tiouiil factor in extending like Improve­ •V - ments to the home surroundings. Roth boy hint children mid parents will note if not "tillt tie keenly feel the contrast with their own New s barren or ill cared for premises, a contrast that is certain to prove a It T»ke» a Long Time. stimulus to higher and better endeavor ••1 ilo not I think |HS'Plv «hniilil O't in home lite The entire community re married until i they are thoroughly ao reives a wholesome benefit when school qmiinted with «Mich other." irrounds are embellished “What w.wilrl you do abolish mat Four nicelv furnished house keep rumm.v F’ *—J mg rooms to rent. BANDON, OREGON Bandon Office in Rasmussen Building. Phone 72. BANDON, A OREGON Confirm Sailing» Through M F SHOEMAKER, Agtnl Bandon Surgeon Office over Orange Pharmacy. Otis 352. Resxb-nce phone. 353. BANDON, Sails from Portland Tuesdays Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays Phone 142 i !.. ne. oRI Where You (jet the Hardware Dentist B \NPON, OKI i.ON DR. B. K LEACH A »ratifie Dmgless Met hr d lot Hrafin*.* ihr Suk. in. luiltn O--h t'jMthv. ChifoprulK, Xltxhano- Theripy, Neuropathy. I Iv rapathy and \ rto- pathy. Chronic and Nervous Disc« es jnren special attrnth»n /Xtwatet Street near Skarn Steam Laundry. Phone If you are looking for anything in light and heavj hardware, this is the place to get it. We also do plumbing anil guarantee satisfaction Our chief aim is to please. McNair, the Hardware Man BANDON, OREGON »