Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, February 11, 1913 Page 2 Notice for Publication. SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roaeburg, Oregon, Bandon, Oregon, as Mail Matter of C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor. PAPER OF THE CITY OF BANDON A Greater Bandon. As has been previously announced in the R ecorder a large territory east of the old city limits is being annexed and as soon as the necessary ordinance is drawn and pass ed the new territory will be a part of our city. This is a step in the right direction and speaks for enterprise and in telligence on the part of the people who are coining in. and shows that they are willing to help bear the expense of the benefits to be derived from a greater Bandon. There is now' a plat of land on to know that in time of need you|have a source of aid. The Bank of Bandon is al­ ways prepared to Ioan money at legal rates « i acceptable security. If you could use some ready cash just now, call at the bank and you will be treated with »very con­ sideration consistent with sound banking. Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. LET S 1 irst and Third Tuesdays of each gon, who on July 9, 1908, made Homestead month at 8th run at the Bandon Wig­ Entry, Serial, No. 0134, for Lots 5 and 12 of the Second Clisa wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are Sec. 3, and Lots 8 and 9 of Sec. 4, Township cordially invited to attend. 30 S„ Ranee 14 W. Willamette Meridian, has A. J. Hartman, J. C. Sheilds, C. of R. Sachem. filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. Advertising rates made known on application. OFFICIAL It’s a Pleasant Reflection January 18, 1913. Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder I Notice is hereby given that Anna Wilcox, 1 widow of Henry G. Wilcox, of Bandon, Ore­ Publishing Company. Entered at the Portotfice at LODGE DIRECTORY to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. Wade, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Bandon, Oregon, on the 1st day of Rebekah March, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: R. P. Hunt, O. O. F. Hall. Transcient members cordially Ada Still, N. G. George DeOs, Will Snyder, H. B. Tncker all invited. L. I. Wheeler, Secretary. J ot Bandon, Oregon. B. F. JONES. Jan 24-Feb 25 Register. w. o. w. S omething THE BANK OF BANDON doing Every Minute Every T hursday Night. the south of the present citv limits SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, In the Circuit Court of the thus that should come in also and WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. State of Oregon for the make the progress of the city, s far Meets at K. of P. Hall. Visiting Neighbors Welcome. County of Coos. as new territory is concerned, < otn C. M. Gage, C. C. pleie for the present at least H. E. Boak, Clerk. Truly Bandon is going ahead, A. M. Hitchcock, and Emma 'j Mnaonlc. Hitchcock, husband and I and with the progressiveness ol her I wife; Hedwig Peterson and I g ANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. & A citizens, together with the great . Os'-ar Peterson, wife and I M, Stated communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. Special opportunities for the future, we ate husband; Ude Anderson I SUMMONS communications second Saturday thereafter. ; Partition suit and Sigma Anderson hus­ co tain to have a city here of much All Master Masons cordially invited. I in Equity, band and wife; Plair tiffs greater dimensions than our fondest W. E. Crime, W. M Phil Pearson, Secretary vs, hopes can at present realize. Mae Pearce-Burk and F. W. There is but one thing to do, and Burk, her husband, and their Eastern Star i hat is for all to pull together for a lien and judgment creditors, O ccidental chapter . N o . 45, o. greater Bandon. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and Defendants. Valentines OF ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND PRICES Our stock comprises all the latest and unique designs with prices to suit all. Do not buy your valentines until you have seen our stock. BANDON DRUG CO and F. W. Burk, her after stated communication of Masonic Lodge Visiting members cordially invited to attend. husband, their lien and judgment creditors, the Alice C. Gailier, W. M To Mae Pearce-Burk, Re-Naming Bandon Streets. above named defendants. Rosa Bingaman, Secretary. In the name of the State of Oregon: At the city council meeting Wed this neck of the woods, millions of I. O. O. F You and each of you are hereby required to feet standing as the stitely sentine ’ e nesday night the question of renam­ appear and answer the complaint filed against 12 ANDON LODGE, No. 133, I. O. O. F meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting ing tlie streets of Bandon, which the of the forest awaiting the coming you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks brothers in good standing cordially invited. Recorder has been advocating for homeseeker. from the date of the first publication of this sum- Chris B< etcher, N. G. Mr, Wade thought some name mons, to-wit: Harry Armstrong, Sec. ■ oine time, was taken up. I he Within six weeks from the 31st day of Jan- special committee, appointed by the I shcttld be selected which woul 1 be KnightH of Pythias council, on this question, repotted, c nsistant and harmonious with a uary, 1913, and if you fail to appeal and answer on or before the 14th day of March, T) elphi lodge , no . m . Knights of with the assistance of the city en­ great and hustling metropolis into 1 1913, that date being the last day of the lime Pythias. Meets every Monday evening which this little city is rapidly de ­ gineer, the committee had a map prescribed in the order of publication, the at Knights hail. Visiting knights invited to G. R. McNair, C. C. of the citv prepared, and in con­ veloping ' The city I mits have been plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief attend. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S- extended since the committee ’ map asked for in the complaint hied in this cause, a junction with the Commercial club's com nittee, had indicated the,eon was prepared taking in a large and syecipct statement of which is: An orde; appointing a referee to prove the the changes in names suggested important section on the east side title of the respective parlies hereto, and an and also < n the north, across the hy the committees. Professional Cards, order appointing referees to examine and report Sou«1 d s-alisfaction developed river. These considerations made it on the partitioning off and segregating of the with some of the new names. I'or necessary to l eft r the report ba, k to interests of the of the respective parlies hereto, example Columbia Avenue was the committee, which was d me. in certain real property, formerly known as the C. R. WADE Some one asked the mayor when I i W. S. Pearce estate, described by and contained changed to I'ir Avenue. Council­ they should report again, the m lyor ' within meets and bounds as follows: Beginning Attorney-at-Law man Wade predicted that Bandon at a point 990 feet West of the North East answered; “ as soon as God will let; Agent Pacific Surely Company. Office Bank would giow to be a city of large corner of Sec. 36, Iwp. 28 So. K. 15 West of of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102 siz • without doubt, ami that Colum­ you .'' So it now seems certain that I the Willamette Meridian in Coos county, Ore­ unless there shall be some hindrance ! BANDON, OREGON gon running thence Weil 330, fed thence South bia Avenue would probably lie one 264 feet, th* nee Easl 3 30 feet, and thence North by
  • arl, parcel or portion of the remainder of said eslate, whether land or tenements, heredita­ Scout-master lakes DR. L. P. SORENSON ments and appurtenances and for such other and lessons. so to relief as to the court seems proper and just. Manual, flic Scout master’s Manual, This summons is published by order of the especitlly prepared for him by the I lonorable J. S. C oke, Judge of the Circuit Office over Vienna Cafe. Telephone at office and residence, members ol the Executive Boar I of Court of the State of Oregon for the 2nd judi­ BANDON, OREGON the National Council ol the Boy cial district in said State, dated January 29th, 1913. Scouts C. R. WADE, Plaintiffs attorney G. I. TRKADGOLD I his Board ami Counsel are com­ Jan 31-MaiUi 14 posed of men high in standi ng, ex­ Attorney and Counselor perts in their own line, si that by at Law Notice of Final Account. I means id this organization the boy Office with Bandon Investment Company Notary Public Scouts of the country are put in Notice is hereby given, that Ella M. Rea BANDON, OREGON I touch with the country’s ideas and has filed in the County Court of the County <>l the wisdom ol men who stand for Coos and State of Oregon, her final account in For those who do not know ,n the Scouts A neighbor gave me several doses of, place and those having objections to such final 352. Residence phone, 353. account must hie and present same on r. King’s New I hscovciv which I BANDON, OREGON snch dale. This notice is published once a patriotism. Inotheiliness, sell contiM relief. The doctori wet k in Tuesday issue of lhe Bandon Recorder courtesy, kindness to animals, use sml t w as on lhe verge of pneumonia a semi-weekly newspaper published in Coos fulness, cheerfulness, cleanliness, but to tonlinu ■ with the Discoverer, County for four successive weeks, the first on thrift, purity, honor. I .i d so and two bottles completely ‘ Tuesday the 21st day of January, 1913 and the Dentist to cured me The atm ol the Bov Sc Hits IS t<» Use only this q I ck » last on I uesday the 18th day of February, |9| 3 Office Phone 71; Re*, Re*. f Phi ’h, ne JI M2 2 being published five Umes. supplement the various existing edu­ „tie, reliable medicine for coughs ELLA M REA, OKI GON BANDON cational agents, and to promote the colds, or any throat or lung trouble. Executrix of the estate of Geo. \\ Rea, deceased. ability tn boys to do things tor them Prie«’ .fio«' and >t oo Ind botlie Jan. 2 I-Feb. 18(. selves and others. f ti e Guaiantecil by all druggists. DR. B. K. LEACH It is not a military organization, Blamed a Good Worker, — ooo OOO ---- - Scientific DtuglcM Metfi. »I for Healing the Sick, rather a distinctly place organizition Do I'o vou know that mor«* real “I Mamed my heart for s«*vere iix lucfing Orfeopalhy. t hiropracUc, Mediano- but sit cultivating hardines-, readi­ danger lurks in a common cold than distress in my It'll s’ile for two Therapy, Neuropathy, Hyi n-palhy and Vito- palhy. Chronic and Nerv oui Dwnies ness, and courage in the bov as to in any other ot the minor ailments? years.” writes W. Evans, Danville, attention Atwater Street near Steam Laundry. Phone 991. tietter tit him tor war or pete--, <>i. I lhe lie sale - «le w way ay is to t.itee t.ilee Chamber- Chamber­ Va.. but I know now indi- BAN DON, OREGON indeed, any emergency ot life. Iain ’s Cough Remedy, Remeily. a th-uoughly lain's thoroughly gestion, as i)r I.ife reliable preparation, and rid unir vour- ­ Pills completely AH S'out troop- should consist relialile Best selt ol of the cold as quickly as possible lor stomach, of not less than eight boys, and all seli First Class Job Printing rhi» remedy is kr This It r sale by C. Y. V. troubles, constipation, members should be twelve years ol at the Recorder Office debility. age or over. These are directed by Lowe. 1 FULL SUPPLY OF GOOD AXLE GREASE AND FIRST CLASS NEATS FOOT OIL . S T E INO F F THE HARNESS MAN Bandon Power Co. Lamps, Batteries, Fixtures, Bells and General Electrical Supplies Office, Oakes Building. Hours, 8 to 5. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS feed STÖR E and the\ will lead you to the place’w here the finest feed can be had. We have spec­ ial feeds for all kinds of stock from chickens to horses and all the best to be had. This is the store w hose rule is “Ex­ tra quality without extra cost.” Central Feed Co V