Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 07, 1913, Image 1

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    .1 ■Weekly
About $200 Already
Pro­ Large Territory East of City
Wants $500
At the public library meeting last
Tuesday evening a number of en­
thusiastic addresse s were delivered
and the ball started rolling on a
campaign to raise $500.00 as a nu­
cleus for a Library fund. $110.00
was subscribed at the meeting and
since that time a number of sub­
scriptions have been made, so that
the fund is now near the $200.00
mark. A committee composed of
Mesdames, J. L. Kronenberg and
L. J. Cody and Miss Pearl Walker
are looking after the financial end of
the proposition and you should see
one of them and turn in your sub­
scription, The R ecorder will pub­
lish the names of those who have
subscribed in Tuesday’s issue, and
you should have your name on this
list. Bandon certainly needs a pub
lie library and there is every ap­
pearance now that we will have a
good one in the near future.
------- OOO------
Coo« and Curry Snaps.
79 acres on Coquille River 60
acres bottom, balance is bench land,
5 room house, fair barn, this place
has a water frontage on the river of
1600 feet which is one of the best
seining grounds on the river pur-
chsse price >is $12000. One third
cash balance to suit purchaser at 8
per cent.
•60 acres in Curry Co., 35 acres
fine bottom 65 or 70 acres hill land,
130 acres being cultivated, a herd
of fine cows, 29. Creamery house,
barn, dwelling, over one hundred
tons of hay, al) implements. This is
one of the best in the county $>4000.
160 acres, 55 acres bottom, bal­
ance bench and hill land 6 room
house and good barn, house fur­
nished $9000.
2 acres on River Road with 7
room house, chicken house, one of
the best garden spots in the county
A number of to acre tracts 3 to
4 miles out $35 per acre, good
14 acres with good new house and
barn nearly all cleared, close in.
30 acres one and one half miles
south of Bandon. Improved, $3750.
6 room house, wood shed, chicken
house, 6 lots all in garden and
fenced with woven wire $1800.
4 rooms and basement, modern
home with bath, toilet, hot and cold
Water, strictly modern. Close to
school. Price $1000. Terms.
5 room modern home on Pine St.
near church, Lot 50x100 $1600.
One third cash, balance in two an­
nual payments.
3 rooms nicely finished. Lot 47
xioo, close in, 850. $200 down
balance to’suit.
3 lots in Oakes Addition, 3 flocks
from school. $350,
9 lots in Smiths addition to Ban­
don, 225x100 feet lor $450.
1 block of 40 lots in Portland Ad­
dition. $ I CM KJ.
4 lots, size 30x100, each can be
bought for $to per lot down and
balance $10 per month. No inter­
est and no taxes.
2 lots close in, good location and
level $250 cash.
2 lots in Azalea Park a good buy
on easy terms.
D onald M ackintosh ,
Bandon, Oregon, phones 582-941
L ost —Holstien cow, black and
white spotted.
Bell on. Notify
Ray Rease. Phone Farmer 103. xiu
Limits Came in by Petition
of Owners,
Readers of the R ecorder will re­
member that this paper announced
in its issue of January 28th that a
petition had been signed by nearly
all the property owners in the terri-
t< ry east of Bandon, including all
land north of Eighth street to a line
about one half mile east of the old
city limits and north about one and
one-half miles, for such territory to
come into the city limits.
The petition was presented to the
city council at its session Wednes­
day evening by A. G. Thrift, and
unanimously accepted. The city
attorney was ordered to prepare the
necessary ordinance for annexing
this territory to the city, which will
be done at once and the new terri­
tory will become a part of the city
of Bandon in due form.
Commercial Club Discusses
Important Subjects.
The Bandon Commercial Club prop>>sed Pacific Highway through
met in regular session last night and Coes county. Carried. Dr. L. P.
transacted much business of impor­ Sorensen suggested that the secre-
sary should write to the other Com-
J. W. Mast introduced for dis­ , mercial clubs of towns likely to be
cussion the bill |>ending in ihe United interested to get them to take up the
States House of Representatives to matter with the association.
revive the tobacco tax. This tax
Mr. Thrift reporting as the com­
it was explained would add one mittee on the planking of road from
tenth of a cent to the cost of a cigar berry Creek to the Moore mill hand­
and would yield to the county $80 ed in a statement showing all money
000, It was moved by Mr. Mast collected and the manner in which it
and seconded by Mr. Catterlin that was expended. A vote of thanks
the secretary ol the Bandon Com­ was given Mr. Thrift and Mr. J. G.
mercial clu'» write to representative Shields for the public spiritedness in
Haw ley on behalf of the clnb and to this matter. The matter of pool
Senator Chamberlain urging the table was discussed and a com-
passage of the bill.
i mittee consisting of Dr. L. P. Sor­
It was proposed bp F. V. Cat­ ensen, F. V. Catterlin and A. D.,
terlin and seconded by Geo. P. Mills were appointed to present at
Laird that the secretaiy write to the the meeting a definite plan for the
president ol the Pacific Highways purchase of a table.
Association w+ih the view of indu­
It was decided that the club join
cing the association to build the the Oregon Development League.
Denmark Pupils Entertain.
The Boy Scouts.
Thrilling Railroad Drama at
The pupils of Denmark school Editor Bandon R ecorder .
the Grand.
presented a very interesting literary
I am puzzled at the attitude of
program to a crowded house last the socialists and some others
Sunday afternoon. Recitations, vo­ toward the Boy Scout moyement.
cal and instrumental music; and the Now, as a rule, the ministers of the
ever mirth provoking dialogue, various churches aj^irove the Boy
“The Deestrict Skule,” convulsed Scout organization, and this is well
the listeners with laughter for over ' anil proper. The Boy Scout move­
an hour. Then Mr. Frank Mc­ ment is only opposed by those who
Mullen gave a very earnest and in­ fail to understand it. General Baden
teresting talk on the socialization of Powell, of Great Britain, who
communities, the close relationship founded the Boy Scout organization,
ol the home and school, and im­ is a belieyer in the physical and
pressed upon the minds of all present moral development of the Anglo
the real need of good books in home Saxon race. The rules governing
and school, and of reading and dis this worthy movement, clearly in­
cussion in open forum.
dicate that physical, mental and
Mr. Geo. D. Chenoweth talked moral—that is, religious develop­
to the children, fieing the lather of ment are sought to be the ends of it.
four he is quite capable ot just that This being the case, how can any
task and held the attention of the sane or reasonable man place him­
Bandon Port G. A. R.
youthful listeners while he told them self against it? Of course, I am
All old Soldiers and sons of in earnest words of the real meaning aware that the socialists decry it be­
Veterans ate cordially invited to of school life. With reminiscence cause they claim it is designed to
teach militarism. What of it? Is
meet at G. A. R. Hall at 10:30 a.m and story lie taught them self de­
Sunday morning next the 9th pendence, courage and the patience it not a noble thing to defend one's
(Whether members of the Port, or that must succeed. With Luther country? Is patriotism a crime?
1 seriously regard patriotism as
Camp S of V or not) and march Burbank for example he told them
with the G. A R. and W. R C. to how much greater is the man who one of the brightest of virtues in the
the old school house in a body where leaves the world filled with rare citizen. Is it reasonable, or even
Rev. H. C. Hartranft, will preach a fruits and flowers than is he who sane, for the socialist to attempt to
Lincoln and union defenders Me­ might slay 10,000 men on a battle destroy all that makes the existence
morial sermon. All other churches field. Ihe world does not need of a nation worth while? Destroy
of Bandon will meet with us and war, but peace and progress was his patriotism from the hearts of men
make it a union of all churches, G. theme, and he had a most agretable and you had as well destroy the
home, marriage and all the other
A. R. and citizens celebration of audience of both old and young
institutions of civilized so­
And then, after the talks were
the occassion A fittingly appro­
priate, musical progam will be ren over the people were dismissed some ciety.
I contend that militarism is an
dered. All old soldiers who are not one with clever fingers sat down at
necessity in this age of the
able to march from G, A. R. Hall the school house organ and played
to church will go direct to th« all those dear, sweet, old tunes that world. Even Jesus said: “1 came
mother used to sing to us when we’d not to bring peace but a sword,’
Supposing we should convert our
bioken our doll or bumped our
------ ocwv------ J
head, and everybody sang—and guns into pruning hooks, and our
Simple Mixture Helps Ban­ sang and sang. Anil thev looked swords into plowshares, how long
at the children's work pinned up or. would America last in the galaxy of
don People.
I wall lor inspection, and at their note nations? Some little tentli class
That simple remedies are best has
books left out on desks to be seen power which was properly armed
again been proven. C. V. Lowe
for the task, would swoop down up­
reports that many Bandon people by the interested eyes of parents on your unde Samuel some fine day
and friends. The work of the girls’
are recieving quick benefit from
and thwack him in the midriff and
simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, sewing class and the boys mechan­ seize our conntry and subjugate our
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the ical ilrawings were particularly ad­ citizenry. What would the social­
German appendicitis remedy. A mired and praised After an hour ists do then? I suppose they would
single dose helps sour stomach, gas or more of friendly talk and discus have to quit agitating and go to
on the stomach and constipation sion ot the progiam the neighbors work under the lash of some foreign
instantly because this simple mixture went trailing off home in little master.
antisepticizes the digestive organs laughing chattering groups of halt
1 do not fear the military sig­
dozens. And truly is
and draws off the impurities.
of the Boy Scout move-
walking with her face to the light
for this is the fourth program of the m. nt. It is a movement that should
Don't forget the Calico Ball and season and every one is l>etter than he organized in every city, town and
box supper at the Bandon Opera the last and every Okie Is better at­ hamlet in the nation—not necessar­
House tomorrow evening.
tended than was the last and Den­ ily for military purposes, but for the
M. J. McKenna, of the Geo. W. mark has just begun to find out that benefit of its drill, its discipline and
Moore lumber Co. has been at she has some real talent and that all its teachings against disorganization
Coquille on business for a few days. we ever lacked was a get-together­ and anarchy.—Hans West, Bandon,
Ore., Jan. 25, 1913.
As was announced in Tuesday’s club to develop it.
Friends, here's <>ur grimy little
R ecorder the Pythian Sisters will
M. R. Lee went to Myrtle Point
give a b.<ll at Bank Hill, Saturday paw for the ■oclalizej community
visit over Sunday with his family;
and the joy of living every day.
evening, February 22.
In tomorrow night's program
(Saturday) we feature a railroad
drama by the Edison Co. one of
those thrillers that makes you sit up
and hold your breath. Its a win
ner. Two clever comedy films.
ABiograph farce entitled, “His Auto
Maiden Trip,” this is>a scream from
start to finish -“An Accidental
Millionaire,” a Lubin comedy that
.vill make a big hit. This is a
picked program and is sure to meet
your approval. No advance in
price. Go to the Grand, the house
where yo get better music and better
Marshfield Man Expected to Ordinance Passed and Street
Contracts Let at Meeting
Be Selected Coos County
School Supervisor.
It is expected that F. A. Golden
for years superintendent of the
Marshfield schools, will be appointed
school supervisor atjCoquille next
Tuesday when the newly appointed
Coos County Board of Education
meet and organize. The position
has been vacant since Dr. J. T. Me
Cormac resigned about a year ago.
—Coos Bay Times.
Editor Fined for Contempt.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 1.—Wil­
liam R. Nelson, editor and owner
of the Kansas City Star, this after­
noon was pronounced guilty of con­
tempt of court by Judge Joseph A.
Guthrie. The citation followed the
publication in the Star of an article
stating that the payment of attorr > s’
fees was given precedence over 1 In­
payment of alimony in a divorce
suit recently tried in the Jackson
County Circuit court.
Walsh, fcr the defefise, secured the
admission from Judge Guthrie that
his decision in the contempt case
had been prepared in advance of the
hearing, and the fact was put into
the record.
Myrtle Point Locals.
Mrs.* Joseph Laird perpetrated a
surprise on her husband on the oc­
casion Jof his thirty-fifth birthday,
which occurred Tuesday Jan. 28th.
A number of friends and relatives
were present. The guests spent the
evening playing progressive flinch
and other games after which a splen­
did luncheon was served. Mr. Laird
was the recipient of several useful
gifts, and is satisfied that things do
happen which cast no shadows be­
L. M. Wells, wife and daughter,
left Friday, Jan. 31 for Portland.
John Berry of Klamath Falls is
here visiting relatives and friends.
Percy Peel, who used to run a
restaurant here has opened a first
class bakery in the room formerly
occupied by the meat market in the
Giles block.
Mrs. Anna Dickey accompanied
bv her brother S. E. Giles, started
Monday morning for ther home in
Porters Ville, California. They went
by way of Roseburg.
S. Bi»uer is ill with la grippe.
Wednesday Night.
The City Council met in regular
session W ednesday night in the
City Hall, all Councilmen, and the
Mayor being present.
Plumbing ordinance No. 225
which has been before the Council
at every meeting within the last two
months, the Council having dis­
agreed on certain amendment offer­
ed, was finally pawed bv ;< vote of
4 to 3, ihe mayor voting in the af­
firmative and the ordinance was
passed as it was originally drafted,
and said ordinance contains an emer­
gency clause, is approved by the
mayor and becomes a law today.
A resolution authorizing the city
to proceed under the franchise ol
the Bandon Water Co in ascertain­
ing the necessary data in submitting
the water question to the people at
a special election was passed and
will in all probability be a seperate
mi-asure as the resolution provides.
Three accountants were appointed
to audit the books of the water com
pany. The accountants are A. G.
Thrift, John Nielson, of Bandon,
Ray Kaufman of Marshfield.
H. H. Dufort was a warded the
contract for Columbia Ave improve­
ment, between Iris and Second
street in the Woolen Mill addition,
he being the lowest bidder.
The Recorder informed the council
that the report of the viewers on the
extension ol Railroad street as re­
ferred back .it a previous meeting,
had been corrected and filed, the
Recorder stating that at It- 1st two
weeks would be required in which
to give notice to all property owners,
assessed for benefits or damages in
the opening of said street, and the
Council Tuesday February i8,as the
date at which time they would hear
any objections to the report. The
engineer was ordered to lay out
sewer districts for the entire city.
Roll Anderson, the only survivor
ot the Seeley & Anderson’s logging
wreck is still improving at Emergen­
cy Hospital, under the i.xcellent
direction of the attending ph v-icians.
The physicians are starting the work
of skin grafting on the burned places
a number of the leading citi -ens of
the commuity are giving pieces of
skin, and it is hoped that Mr. An­
derson may be able to pull ihrough
all right.
For Valentines see Ad of the
The Bureau of Animal Industry Bandon Drug Co.
suggest, the formation of Girls'
Poultry Clubs and has issued a
bulletin on the subject. This idea
may be of use in the Country Lite
movement in Oregon. It is the
plan of the Department to have a
poultry, expert attend meetings of
. f
the clubs and a set of rules is out­
An obligation pai 1 by
lined. It is proposed to have an
exhibition once a year, in connec­
check leaves no
tion with county fairs.
chance for a dispi.te
Attorney C. R. Barrow of Coq idle
I he check is return’d
is in Bandon on business today.
after payment and 1 e-
Mr. Barrow owned the house on
comes a receipt. Pay­
Pacific street which burned a week
ing by check is busi­
ago. and is looking after his insur­
nesslike and conven­
ance on the same.
ient, and puts sj stein
Don’t forget the St. Valentines
ball at the Wigwam, Friday evening
and safety into your
February 14th. Kausrud's orches­
tra will furuish the music. Enough
This strong bank
welcomes checking ac­
Kausrud’s orchestra will give their
counts with business
usual Saturday night ball in Bank
men and individuals.
Hall tomorrow evening.
F or R enr —Furnished rooms for
housekeeping.—Harry Hunt Ea«