Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, January 31, 1913 Boy Scout Movement. Library Extension. AYS AM Wet days cannot dampen Bandon’s ardor. The sea­ son is opening with many orders coming. Better not wait until the spring rush. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. Orders taken for delivery Phone 171. AS.1 S.S. ELIZABETH Large Two Berth Outxide State Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco First Class Passenger Fare. - $7.50 Freight Rates, - $3 on Up Freight J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. E. & E. T. Kruse, owners an« managers, 24 California St., San Francisco. Reservations: Point. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins’ Pharmacy, Myrtle on S teamer IT FIELD 1 1 J 1\ A ± Means Speed, Safety and Comfort Twin Screws, Wireless Equipment, Hot and Cold Water. When you Travel Have the Best, It costs you no more. Up Freight $3.00 per Ton. See us for Rates on Down Freight. BANDON WAREHOUSE ÇO. Freight and Passenger Agents The Bandon House E. G. CASSIDY, Proprietor Thoroughly Remodeled. American Plan. Cafe in Connection. Special Rates by Week or Month ¿a. Home Hand Laundry Fourth and Spruce Sts. Family Washing a Specialty. Make a Specialty of Rough Dry. Phone 722 EARL SCHOONOVER Gatchell Bros? Transfer Line GATCHELL BROS., Prop,. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property PIIONE «141 tra. Hotel Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by weekormonth Sample room in connection Bandon Oregon 1 1 Lodge and Professional Directory The Boy Scout movement is part good, part bad. What good there is comes from Ernest Thompson Lodges are requested to notify this office on election of officers and on change of Seton, the American writer on wild meeting night. Cards under this head nature. With real regard for the are 75c per inch per month. welfare of boys, he founded a society called Seton’s Indians. Its purpose was to teach the boys woodcraft and Leweh Tribe No. 48. Imp. O. R. M. many useful manual arts which re­ J^rEETS First and Third Tuesdays of each *-’-*■ month at 8th run at the Bandon Vr ly- quire skill of hand, strength, anej wani. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are hardihood. This society was almost cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman. J. C. Sheilds, free from the cause of militarism, C. of R. Sachem, and it did not teach that slavish sub­ Rebekah servience to wealth and power, which CEAN REBEKAH LODGE. No. 126 is inherent in the Boy Scout move­ I. O. O. F., meets Tuesday nights at ment as it no.v exists. O. O. F. Hall. Transcient member.-, cordially This society for boys aimed only invited. Ada Still, N. G. to make them familiar with nature, L. 1. Wheeler, Secretary. and inculcate good habits of mind w. o. w and body. This would have been Keep the logs rolling boys J welcomed by everyone, as it is well SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212, to correct the “stooping shoulders, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, the slouching gait, to train the boy Meets First and Third Thursdays. Visiting to walk erect, and to be ever on the Neighbors welcomed. alert.’’ Not only physically, but H. E. Boak, Secretary C. M. Gage, C. C. mentally alert, the danger that beset Masonic, his path continually and be able to DANDON LODGE. No, 130 A. F. * A protect himself. M, Stated communications first Saturday The bad part of this movement after the full moon of each month. Special second Saturday thereafter. comes from England and General communications All Master Masons cordially invited. Baden-Powell is responsible for it. W. E. Graine, W M He wanted soldiers with physical Phil Pearson, Secretary stamina, but no brains. He wanted Eastern Star a race of men which should be O ccidental chapter , N o . 45. o. E. 3., meets Saturday evening before and strong and lull of endurance while after stated communication of Masonic Lodge still satisfied with slavery. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Alice C. Gallier, W. M The result of his thinking was the Rosa Bingaman, Secretary. Boy Scout movement. Of course he must begin with the young in 1. o. o. r order to work out his scheme. It ■gANDON LODGE, No. 133, 1. O. O. F. every Wednesday evening. Visiting People Should Guard Against would never have done to openly brothers meets in good standing cordially invited. declare his purpose, to train young Appendicitis, Chris Be etcher, N. G. Harry Armstrong, Sec. Bandon people who have stomach boys in bloodshed and murder. and bowel trouble should guard Such a hideous scheme would Knight» of against appendicitis by taking simple have shocked the nation so to cover TjELPHI LODGE, N o . 64, Knight, of Pythias. Meets every Monday evening buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as up his real aim and carry out his at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to compounded in Adler-i-ka, the plan, he combined his movement attend. G. R. McNair, C. C. German appendicitis remedy. A with that of Mr. Seton. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S.* single dose relieves sour stomach, Mr. Setor.’s idea was carefully gas on the stomach and constipation, pushed to the front. The military Saturdays at Lorenz’ Store instantly because this simple mixture object was kept in the background. M. G. POHL, Optometerist antisepticizes the digestive organs People who are always easily de­ and draws off the impurities. C. Y. ceived by rich quacks, took hold Kryptocks, the Most Perfect Lenses Made Lowe. readily and swallowed the bait. The real promoters of this boy c. R. WADE Lewiston New Milling Point. scout movement are enemies of Attorney at Law progress and the friends of capitalist Lewiston, Idaho, Jan. 25(SpeciaI) tyranny. Their purpose is to break —The Northeen Pacific has made the will of the young, and prepare Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Bank Lewiston an -ntermediate milling I them for life long industrial slavery of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102, Bandon, Oregan point for grain shipped from east­ by destroying their capacity for ern points to the coast and the effect thought, that they might hold them Dr. H. IL- Houston PHYSICIAN & SURGI EUN will be the opening of new markets in slavery to their masters, the rich. I to the local industries. The new If by his method of training while Oflioe over I Irne Store. Hönrs, 9 to 12 rate will become effective on Feb. young, he could deprive them o 1:80 to 4, p.m. ; 7 to 8 in the evening. 18, and will place Lewiston mills their individual initiative as men, Night cnlle atiHwered from oflioe. upon equal footing with Spokane. ... OREGON they would of course, make good BANDON, It is explajnep that large quanti- soldiers. This movement prepares | ties of corn and corn products as the mind for slavery, by false DRSMITH J IM -ANN J well as hard wheat and hard wheat economics which is taught from the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON prodnets from the middle west , i very beginning. OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING (states and the Dakotas are shipperl i The boy is taught that all social Otiice Hours 9 to 12 1 to 5 into the local territory and to coast misery such as lack of employment, BANDON, - - OREGON points. The new rate will allow the poverty, intemperance and crime, local mills to engage in the manu- arises from the bad habits of the j factlire of corn meal and c orn pro Dr IL. F. Sorensen [ working class. yucts as well as hard wheat flour and KNTIST The real cause of these evils, (the become bidders for the trade in all Office Over Vienna Cafe I robbing of the producer) is carefully sections of the northwest. The Telephone at Office and Home. concealed. In connection with this regular 2 i-2 cents per hundre false economic teaching, bays are BANDON OREGON milling-in-transit charges will pre­ made to swear that they will be vail. I faithful to their employers, that they Dnring the past several years G. T. TltKA IIGOI.II will not take part in any politic.I tne bical mills have enjoyed a heavy agitation against existing conditions, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELCK flour trade at coast points and for AT LAW, exportatious but some of the most i and in particular are they drilled in NOTART PUBLIC 'obedience to their officers, A I desirable trade has been beyond the Bandon, Oregon. Mother. I reach of the local manufacturers Offici With Bandon Investment < o ----- go «----- , I because of the prohibitive rates on Announcement. corn and hard wheat from the mid- 1)1?. 1?. V. LKKP I die west sections. To the people of Bandon and ------- ixtix ------ Physician and Surgeon vacinity. Having decided to open Facts About Oregon’s Tim­ mv store again on Columbia Ave, Office Rasmussen Bldg Phone 72 Bandnn, Oregon ber and its Allied Industries will be at your service Monday next Feb. 3rd and solicit a share of j Standing timber.. .545,800,000,000 your patronage, will aim to carry DR. B. K. LEACH Ft. B. M. the best quality of groceries, and Advanced Scientific anti Druyir.--- Method» io- Value on stump.......... $980,000,000 will sell at the lowest possible price the treatment of all Human Ailrnentx. Chrom Nervou Disease» given .pecial altenno> Value when manufactured $5,822,- for cash, thanking you for your and Pacific z\ venue, I wo Block* South of Atwater 500,000 00 generous patronage in the past and Street. Bandon, Oregon. Phone '/)!. I Timbered area.... 25,000,000 Acres hoping Io receive a share in the I Value of output-1912....$30.000,000 future. I remain yours truly, A. E. V .B. WUSONOph. Dr (Exceed wheat, fruit, and vegalable, combined) White. St2 Defects r>f vision s< er.lfii ally << i 1 • )utput-1912 2.500,o<>o,oooFt B. M. rected. Fourteen years < xperieix > ' Number of logging camps........ 700 Absolute satisfaction guarantee'! $100 Per Plate. ! Number of workers....... .22,000 was |>ai• ’ lutndred years the ??a jriford Fire . . Insurant 'n ■ ■ nc.-e been clint: mg the i> < ladder until t d.-ij it stands at In the v.” \ five top. has c fire protection it gives the American people it stands fire other above insurance every company, When you need fire insurance •* E. E. OAKES. Brown & Gibson “I The Leading Contractors and BnUiTvs We furnish plant ala1 -p> finitions and it y >u arc go­ ing to build matter how 1. small, we ci money. Let,; your building. MILL WOOD 16 in. Wood #2.00 |>er load. Split wood #3.00. Cash on Delivery. Older from driver or phone 652. GEO. B. MORGAN PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti­ cles? If so, call on C. Y. LOWE, Bandon, Oregon Popular Mechanics* Magazine ” WRITTEN »O YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT” A GREAT Continued Story of the World’» Progre«» which you ¡nay begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. 250 PAGES EACH MONTH 300 PICTURES 200 ARTICLES OF CENERAL INTEREST The“Shop Note*” Department (20 pages) give's easy ways to do tiiirr.'s- how to make useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc. "Amah-nr Me* hanfa • make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy Ipves. S1.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS Ask your newsdealer, or WRITS FOR FREE SAMFLE COPY TODAY POPULAR MECHANICS CO. 318 W. W»«Wngtr»n •«.. r ‘ v »GO -v W AL ? RHEUMATISM .CURED AT HOME I URIC ACID rnatlHiri, Hrlatkn ! WOADSTOCK Rheum at tor * elimin tie til and give prompt relief. If thereto no ngent in to 9 1 for box of «O tab lot n t ♦ • ■■ ■ -1 » Woadttork Co., Wadiinfl