® <>*■ /*7_7 * y' BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY, VOLUME XXIX JANUARY 28, 1913 NUMBER 8 I Wanted—Girl for housework. Call | Myrtle Point Locals. phone 381. Charlie Walts left Friday tor J. P. Olsen was up from Lang­ Portland and from there he expects lois on business Monday. to go to Dayton, Washington.. W. O. W. — Neighbors, don’t Anew comer by the name of J. forget the meeting Thursdry even­ H. Wilkes has opened a barber Sweeney and Walker, Ban Proposition To Be Voted On Civic Beauty and Public Li­ Sufficient Money Collected to ing« shop next door to the postoffice, Mrs. Ames S Johnston of Port don Heights and Industriai brary are Topics at Wo­ making three barbershops in Myrtle Of Interest To Every Build 16 Ft. Road From Col­ Orford was a Bandon visitor Sun­ Point. Additions to Come in. men’s Commercial Club. Taxpayer. umbia Ave to Moore Mill. day, The city jail has been moved to J. E. Norton, of Nosier «St Norton the city’s lots south of the M. E. Coquille was in Bandon on business A. G. Thrift circulated a petition Those who attended the Women’s church, Next Friday, January 31st the At the meeting of the Bandon people of Bandon and this section of Commercial Club meeting on Fri­ Commercial Club last Thursday yesterday. Elder C. E. Crumly went to Ban­ last week and this among the pro­ Mr. John P. Welbs and Miss Coos County will be privileged to day last were well repaid for their don Wednesday, from there he will perty owners of Sweeney and Walk evening a petition was presented by Letita Copper were married at the vote on the road proposition as to trouble. J. C. Shields which had for its pur­ go to New Lake to hold meetings. er Bandon Heights and Industrial addition asking them to come int< The meeting was called to order pose the building of a 10 foot plank M. E. parsonage Friday evening whether or not eight per cent of the Sixteen more men went up the road from Columbia Ave. to the January 24th, Rev. Jchn J. Mickey ten mill tax recently voted in the by the president and minutes of the South Fork Sunday where they will the city limits and the petition was freely signed. This petition al-o road district shall be spent on the previous meeting read and accepted. Moore mill. A. G. Thrift was officiating. be employed on the railroad took in a number of the property The application for charter for township line road from Bandon to It was moved and carried that the elected by the club to take the The wives of the members ot the owners along the plank road toward petition, collect the money and get local-council of Boy Scouts has been Curry County and the other two dues of the club be made one dollar a year payable quarterly. It was G. A. R. gave the veterans a pleasant the Lyons Johnson mill and in ail additional subscriptions, and he has sent to national headquarters at per cent on the Twomile road. will include a territory about one That we need a road to Curry proposed by Mrs. N. J. Crain to surprise Saturday evening Jan. succeeded in securing enough, not New York City and the Scouts will by serving a supper for them fol­ half mile east of the present city only for a 10 foot road, but a 16 be organized as soon as the charter County is a certaifity and it would meet at 3:30 instead of at 3 in order seem that this would be the proper to make it more convenient for the lowing the installation of officers. limits and from Eighth street it wi.l foot road for the entire distance, returns. About 50 persons were preselit. extend over a mile north. The and work has already commenced The board of directors of the time to get it. The R ecorder teachers. The motion carried unan­ Mr. Burr of the contracting firm petition will be up before the city imously. on the construction, A 16 foot road Bandon Public Library will meet does not intend to go into detail in of Willets «X: Burr is in town looking council at the next meeting and will discussing the subject, but it seems The committee on by laws re ­ will enable teams to pass with ease, Thursday, 4 p. m. in library rooms. after their contract on the .Smith- no doubt be acted upon favorably feasible that the new road which is a ported that they would have their and will be exceedingly convenient A big mass meeting is in process of Powers road. by that body. This is certainly a perfectly stiaight line to Curry Coun work ready to present to the next as there is much traffic on this par­ being called and the public is becom­ move in the right direction on the ty, would certainly be of great ben ­ meeting, Communications from the S. Breur has purchased the F. T. ticular piece of road. ing interested, people in the territory mentioned efit to Bandon in general, and what Grants Pass Auxiliary and from the Crew property at the corner of Walter Smith, little son of Mr. and they are certainly to be com Albany Club were read. Second and Spruce streets. benefits Bandon will benefit us all. Remembe/ Commercial Club and Mrs. Matt Smith had the mis­ mended for their enterprise and th - ---- — Some say the money should be used Mrs. Kronenberg spoke concern fortune to get his nose broken last Meeting. sire to assist in building up a great ing the conditions of the public Send Baby by Parcels Post. on the old road which is two miles Saturday. Medical attention was er Bandon. library and asked the club members longer than the new one. In this On Thursday the 30, the Com­ given and the boy’ is getting along Batavia, Ohio, Jan. 25.- A baby ------- OOO------ regard the R ecorder would sug­ to do what they could to promote mercial Club will meet in Commer­ as well as could be expected weighing to 3-4 pounds, was sent Along the Waterfront. its welfare. gest to the people that they take a cial Hall. Attend the meeting and at present. Mr. P. A. Sandberg was asked to by parcel post today by Mr. and look at a map, see where the two learn something about what is doing. The union revival services that roads run and then draw their own make a talk advising as to the ways Mrs. Jess Brajjle of near Glen Este, Lend your experience and intelli­ have been conducted in the opera The Elizabeth arrived in port last conclusions, but whichever way you and means of improving the streets to the grandmother of the child, gence to help advance the town in house, will be held in the M. E. night with 104 tons of freight and who lives a mile away. The parents of our city, and responded in an in ­ decide, be sure and vote Friday. which you live. church this week beginning last the following passenger,: E. R. paid fifteen cents postage and in ­ We want a permanent road to the teresting address enlightening us on Go to the club’s meeting and get night The interest in the meeting Panter, S, O. Panter, E. McCu< . sured the youngster for $50.00. The Curry County line, in fact we must many subjects telling us of other in touch with what is doing. Many is growing constantly and good re­ Erst Sam Johnson, H. M. Prewett, “ parcel ” was delivered safely by have it, so let's get busy and get it. towns which were in the same con­ interesting subjects will be discussed. sults are being obtained. W, O. Cooper, J. Page, G. Pag«. the mail carrier. dition as we are now, and the won­ Remember next Thursday even­ The Elizabeth will sail tomorrow J. C. Johnson catne up from Mission of the Public Library. derful improvement made through ing at 8:30 p, m. Commercial Hall. California recently and took his sis morning at 4:30 Fifield Has ’¡ rouble. the efforts of those agitating better The Brooklyn arrived last night ter Amia south on the Fifield where It is our business in this country sanitary conditions. Mr. Sanberg The FifieKl came near going on from San Fiancisco and will sail she goes in the hope that the change to get at the best methods to govern Grange Meeting. fntimated that one of the first steps of climate will benefit her health. ourselves. How many of our best was to rid the streets of the chickens the north jetty when she came in again tomorrow morning at 4:30 The Speedwell arrived in port Bandon Grange meets in I. O. O. A. C. Johnson accompanied them people have paused to reflect on and cows that we might have more the other day, but by quick work what that means, and on all it means. flowers and a cleaner and more on the part of the crew, she was last night with 12 tons of freight anil F. Hall next Saturday, Dinner at but will return to Bandon soon. gotten back into channel and came a number of passengers. noon Meeting calls to order at 1 T. M. Herman came down from It means that now we have about beautiful city. The Bandon arrived from San p. in. Members are requested to M yrtle Point Monday on business. 80,000,000 of sovereigns. It was Mrs.* H. E. Wilson read an ex in safely. The Fifiele came in on Francisco last night and is loading bring estimates of seeds they desire Mr. Herman has been in Coos was all very well when we were a tremely interesting paper, full of a strong ebb tide. at the Geo. W, Moore mill today. to order through the Grange this county for 52 years and it is very little confederation of homo-geneous suggestions. The paper introduced Mrs. C. Woodruff of Lakeport The Acme is expected in a few year. interesting to hear him relate inci­ stock stretching along the Atlantic new lines of thought which we can was a Bandon visitor Monday. days. She will carry luilib« : from dents of the early days, He is a seaboard. We had our dissensions do well to consider, and was much Wm. Sorensen of Langlois was a the Lyons-Johcson and Randolph then, but our population was per ­ brother of Ex-Gongressman Binger appreciated. Big Two Reel Feature Film Bandon business visitor Monday. mills. meated with the principles of our Herman. Eight new members enrolled at the Grand. The Fifield soiled yesterday H. E. Folsom, the Bradley candv Chas, and Will Sexton of Los government. In one hundred years which makes the total list 50. morning with 500,000 leel of lum we have swelltd from a handful to man was over from Coos Bay Mon ­ Mrs. Pape was asked to talk on Angeles arrived on the Speedwell Another splendid film will be ex­ bei and 21 passengers: A. C. John 80,000,000, and a large part of day. “The advantages of living in a small and are figuring on locating in Ban hibited at the Grand, Thursday, E. E. Foss, J. Johnson, Miss sou, them made up of additions from the town.” Mr. Mast has been re­ John F. Bane of the Sixes River don Charles is a civil engine» January 30th, entitled “Don Juan Johnson, T. F. Fox, il. i/. "ulin, nations of the earth, and not the quested to speak concerning the Mill was in Bandon on bus ¡ess and has been in the government and Charles V,” a beautiful hand and wife, Mrs. Lucas, W. 1 De­ self-governing nations. And the He reports business “City Government.” Miss Ritchie yesterday. service. He is a boyhood friead of colored production. The story deals ment and wile Wallace I ment, problem is to educate the children was asked to prepare a talk paper good down in his section. J. S. Tilton of this city, but the two with a romance in Spain during the Alice Dement. O, H. Elies, Mrs. J. of these, as well as our own children, on the "The disadvantages of living men have not seen each other for C. E. Broadbent, Gecrge Her­ middle ages when the Inquisition Sutherland, A. Pershbaker, F. in the principles of that government in a small town and how to over ­ nearly fifteen years, consequently mann, Tice Wagner and Mr. Fisher, was in power. Golken, Ed Nooman, J. Wil-.on. of which they are an essential and come some of them.” their meeting was a happy one. all of Myrtle Point came down Charles V abdicated the Spanish vital part. The next meeting of the Women’s Monday to take passage on lhe The Oregonian of Friday Jan, 24 throne in favor of his son, who be- Notice. This is the first problem, and if it Commercial Club will be held at the Elizabeth for San Francisco. came Philip II. Almost the first contains a cut of Miss Beulah Hess is not attended to, our government Commercial Club Hall at 3:30 on I Till Ward, N. Anderson, VV thing Philip did was to fall in love of this city who is a member of the will crumble away and decay from Friday the 14th of February. polls for the road election mid year graduating class in the James and C. L. Brainard, all of wilh Lucinda, a beautiful Spanish neglect. We do not want denizens A hearty vote of thanks was given will be kept open from 2:00 maid, who was practically betrothed Monmonth Normal and who has in this state and this nation, we Mrs. A. I). Morse for the present to North Bend were registeied at lhe Bandon House Monday. 1 h«se to Don Juan, a young student. Don accepted a position in the Oregon want citizens. We do not want ward the club of a handsome gavel. City schools for the remainder of gentlemen were over looking into Juan insults the new king when he politics, but we do want government the year. The many Bandcn friends a properly deal here. finds him forcing his attentions upon as our forefathers understood it. of Miss Hess will be glad to Earn W. O. W. Attention. Donald M. Charleston came over Lucinda. Don is arrested and Lu­ And it is the duty of every right- of her success. from Marshfield today on a business cinda brought to the torture cham­ minded citizen to work unfalteringly Important business is to be brought The new cooler in Geo. Erdman's trip. Mrs. Charleston and little son ber to see him sular in the hope for this end. The question is one before the camp this Thursday will come over this evening for a that in order to save him she will meat market, just completed is one of expediency. evening. K. of 1’. Hall. All mem­ visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs consent to marry the king. Charles of the finest on the coast and would We want citizens. And the pub- ■ 1 •> «II C^jllC.ÏW'4 to be present Boyd. bers are V- ■ requested V is informed of the situation, and, certainly be a credit to a city many lie school and the public library are Jjee|jng 7 30 sharp. Sam Goff has sold his second coming out of the monastery to times the size of Bandon. It is not the places w here citizens are made. hand store to a Mr Mitchell who which he has letired, he astounds only built according to th« most Therefore we must labor for and has already taken possession. Mr, Announcement. the younger men by acquainting modern methods but presents a support these institutions first and Mitchell was a resident of ( • • > I them with the fact that they are beautiful and elaborate outward ap­ foremost. To a very great extent, county but recently went to “ T exas and To the people of Bandon put remained their only nine moi.ths brothers. He makes them pledge pearance. Mr. Erdman is certainly the librarian is the custodian of pub­ vacinity. Having decided to open and then came back satisfied tlat their loyalty to one another, asks to be congratulated on his enter­ lic morals and the moulder of public my store again on Columbia Ave, Coos county was good enough You can enjoy many Lucinda to choose between the two prise in keeping up with the times. men. will be at your service Monday next Mr. Goff has not decided yet wh